Chapter 13 - (Y/N) vs Nomu
(Y/N) pov:
Everyone stopped and watched on as we both began to walk towards each other. His eyes remained looking into mine and I couldn't see any emotions in those dead eyes, just blind loyalty. We looked at each other eager to follow through with our master's orders on killing the other.
You weren't born this way were you? The humans created you for the sole purpose of combat didn't they? Let's see which of us prevails in this fight between two creatures both made solely for battle.
As I finished that thought Nomu charged at me with some impressive speed and his fist raised. Once he got close he tried to punch me, but I merely ducked under the strike and sank my right claws deep into his side. Some blood began to come out as I twisted my hand causing the wounds to get bigger. Before I could follow up with another attack he grabbed my arm and proceeded to pull my claws out of his side.
But before he pulled my hand out I hooked my claws into his flesh causing a huge chunk to be ripped out. He roared before lifting me up by my arm and slamming me on my back onto the ground.
What are you mad at me because I made you pull out your own flesh?
Apparently he was as he began to stomp his foot on my chest sending me deeper and deeper into the ground with each stomp. Through the sound of the ground being broken with my body I heard Izuku yell.
Izuku: (Y/N)!
Izuku hasn't left the battlefield yet?! Guess I've got to get him out of here myself.
As Nomu was about to stomp me again I grabbed his leg and sliced it clean off with a powerful swipe from my claws. He toppled over as I pulled myself out of the me shaped hole slightly damaged. I quickly scanned the battlefield and saw Izuku still by the water now joined by the small human and Tsu. Aizawa was down on the ground badly wounded and surrounded by enemies. To buy myself some time I sliced Nomu's other leg off before running over to Aizawa.
???: Is he dead?
???: I don't think so.
???: Hey what is that--
Before the villain could finish his sentence I slammed my fist into his face launching him a long distance away. The other two were confused before they turned in my direction. I gave them both a small wave before grabbing their faces and slamming them both into the ground. The smarter villains backed up not wanting to fight while the naive ones stepped up to battle me. Knowing Nomu won't stay down for long I sprayed acid into the air causing them to scatter.
With little time left I wrapped my tail around Aizawa and ran towards Izuku. When I arrived Izuku immediately hugged me along with Tsu while the small human watched Nomu in fear. I wrapped my arms around them both returning the embrace. Izuku pulled away and so did Tsu but she avoided eye contact with me with a blush on her face.
Izuku: (Y/N), are you alright?!
(Y/N): Yes! I'm having so much fun! Nomu reminds me of all my other siblings that challenged me to a fight.
Izuku: Oh, like play fighting?
I tilted my head confused on those words "play fighting".
(Y/N): What's that? Our battles always ended up with one of us dead or maimed.
He just looked at me apparently shocked by my answer. I glanced behind me at Nomu only to see that his legs were almost completely done healing. I picked up and cradled both Izuku and Tsu in my arms as I used the point of my tail to lift the small human by his diaper. I jumped a fair distance away from the battle just in time too, as Nomu's legs were now fully healed. Once I landed I gently placed both of them down before handing over Aizawa and the small human.
Izuku: Be careful (Y/N), alright? And don't do anything too reckless.
I nodded and gave him a quick hug before hugging Tsu and the unconscious Aizawa.
Tsuyu: Good luck (Y/N), we'll be cheering for you.
She wrapped her arms around me tightly before pulling away and giving me one of the snacks she made. Not wanting to keep Nomu waiting I quickly ate the snack before running back to deal with him. As I was running I couldn't help but think of two extremely important things.
What will Inko make for dinner? Maybe if I finish off this creature quickly Izuku will praise me and feed me more snacks!
Now determined to win I ran faster going on all fours to increase my speed. In only a few seconds I made it back to Nomu who had another emotion in his eyes, ...anger. He buried his fists into the ground before pulling out two huge pieces of concrete. Not really caring I continued to run straight at him with the sole intent on killing him. He threw one of the pieces at me but I easily dodged to the side.
He then threw the other one and right before I could dodge it again a searing pain went through my right knee causing me to roar in pain.
The chitin on my knee broke off into pieces and some of my blood went flying out with it. I didn't have time to register what happened as the other concrete piece directly hit me causing me to stagger but I refused to fall.
Another shot pierced my other knee causing me to fall on my hands and knees.
Two loud bangs followed by something familiar penetrating my chitin plating. I didn't think they would have brought guns with them.
The mist man moved closer observing me as I waited for my knees to heal.
???: Are you surprised? Don't worry your death will--
The human with many hands cut him off as he slightly scratched his neck.
???: No, don't kill it.
???: But--
???: We could use it. It's as strong if not stronger than Nomu, all we have to do is teach it obedience. Besides a pet like this could suit us nicely. Nomu bring it to us, hurt it a little if it resists. The rest of you help Nomu in capturing it.
Obeying, Nomu and the remaining villains began to walk towards me in order to capture me.
Subjugation? I will never become someone else's prisoner! You'll have to drag my lifeless body back to your base
if you expect me to serve.
Feeling anger from the mere thought of turning into one of their mindless soldiers I shakily rose up. The gun user took another shot but I dodged to the side avoiding the bullet making it break the ground behind me. I slightly staggered as my knees haven't healed from the bullets yet.
???: Resistant until the very end, huh? You'll make a fine addition to our league.
I hissed at them in defiance as my knees finally healed allowing me to move again without any problems. Nomu went to grab me, but I ducked under his arms and slashed his side again making blood coat my claws.
Red is a nice color don't you think?
Activating my fire Quirk my claws turned bright red evaporating the blood off my claws as I began to take on the surrounding villains. My claws cut through them with ease as my Quirk filled the air with the smell of burning flesh. Many began to run away while some foolishly stayed to fight. However, my slaughter party was cut short when Nomu wrapped his arm around me trapping my arms to my sides in the process.
Nonconsensual hug! Activate escape plan C!
I bit into his arm while stabbing his stomach with my tail causing more of his blood to spill. His hold on me loosened enough for me to slither out of his arms and onto his back where I proceeded to slam his head into the ground. As I looked around I noticed the rest of the villains are either dead, wounded, or retreating.
The battle is in my favor.
Nomu pulled his head out the ground before slamming his fist into me breaking some of my chitin plates. I slightly staggered back before I hissed and charged at him. He raised his arms in defense as I began to slash at him cutting off a lot of his flesh, which had difficulty regenerating due to my still active Quirk.
He quickly threw a punch trying to go on the offensive, but I merely powered through the strikes in favor of continuing my onslaught of attacks. He soon gave up defense and instead grabbed my arms and slammed me into the ground. Before I could get up he began to punch were my elbows where breaking the chitin there while still holding my arms. But with each strike my chitin began to repair and become stronger to the point I didn't feel the pain.
I used my tail to stab him in the stomach, but this time I threw him a few feet away. As I got back up he recovered from being tossed and charged at me with his hand raised ready to stab me. I dodged his strike but he was prepared this time as at the last second he stopped himself and latched himself on me.
He then pierced my skin with his hand and delivered a bite to my shoulder while holding me in place. I grinned at him as I grabbed his arm and head and pushed them further into my wounds. My blood soon came into contact with him as he roared in pain trying to remove his hand and jaws from the acid. I let him go making him fall back as his hand was now just a stump and his jaws gone. But his hand and mouth didn't come back they just stayed gone which seemed to have shocked Nomu and the two villains. I slowly approached him as my wounds rapidly fixed themselves and became stronger.
(Y/N): This is where you and I differ Nomu while you get hurt and just regenerate. I get hurt and become even stronger.
His eyes showed fear as I stabbed my tail into his leg and slowly pulled him closer to me. He tried to crawl away but he was weakened now so he couldn't go anywhere. I proceeded to head bite his exposed brain killing him but as I did something hit me in the head.
Izuku pov:
Few minutes earlier-
We were now carrying Mr. Aizawa after (Y/N) left to go fight the Nomu and the rest of the villains. I know (Y/N) is capable of taking care of himself but I couldn't help but worry about him.
Minoru: Man (Y/N) is so cool where did you meet him, Midoriya?
Tsuyu: I would also like to know if you don't mind.
Izuku: O-Oh I met him in an alleyway.
They seemed slightly shocked at that but too interested in the story to interrupt so I continued.
Izuku: He was much smaller than what he is now, about the size of a puppy. I had a snack with me so I fed it to him and he immediately took a liking to me.
Tsuyu: Does (Y/N) attack anything?
Now that I think about it, he only really attacks anything that harms me physically or emotionally.
Izuku: He only attacks things that hurt me in any way. But to others he'll just appear threatening to protect me.
Tsuyu: So, he's like a protective guard dog?
Minoru: Will he let me ride on his back?
Izuku: I guess he kinda is I mean he likes head pats and snacks. And no, I don't think he'll even let you touch him.
A loud bang cut our conversation short that was soon followed by what sounded like (Y/N) roaring in pain.
Izuku: A gun shot?!
Tsuyu: Was that roar from (Y/N)?
Izuku: I'm afraid so--
Another shot rang out cutting me off but this time no roar followed.
Izuku: Asui.
Tsuyu: What is it Midoriya?
Izuku: Trade places with me carrying Mr. Aizawa.
Tsuyu: Ribbit? Okay... but why?
I didn't answer as I began to run back to where (Y/N) was fighting. But as i got closer fear began to consume my thoughts.
Why can't I hear him anymore? He's probably done fighting right? He's alright he probably just got tired!
(Y/N) was above the Nomu and he finish him off with a head bite, but what I saw next shattered my heart and broke mind.
Another shot and (Y/N) fell onto his back unmoving as I stopped in pure shock of what I just had to witness.
Izuku: ...(Y-Y/N)?
My best friend didn't respond and stayed motionless with his eyes closed. The blue haired villain then turned to the one who shot and placed his left hand on him.
???: You idiot I said capture not kill!
I didn't see the result of what he did as I just stayed motionless looking at (Y/N). My one true friend to the end was dead right before my eyes. I could feel my eyes water as tears began to pour out of my eyes, but this time (Y/N) wasn't here to make me feel better.
???: Dammit! *Sigh* Whatever this can still work. Kurogiri make sure to take the body with us.
Kurogiri: Of course.
That snapped me out of my shock as I finally looked away from (Y/N)'s body.
No... No, I can't let them take him!
With determination to at least protect
(Y/N)'s body from being taken I ran toward him. But the mist villain got in the way and just as I was about to touch him he was slammed to the ground.
(Y/N) pov:
I slightly opened my eye to see the villain who's name I now know as Kurogiri in front of Izuku, so I swiftly rose up and grabbed his neck before slamming him on the ground. Izuku looked at me with tears streaming out of his green eyes. I picked up the mist man and tossed him at the feet of the other human before I went over and hugged Izuku. He immediate latched onto me and began to cry his eyes out as I rubbed his head and back.
Who knew that creature held so many memories that it made me pass out.
Shigaraki: This thing just impresses me more and more, but...
Sensing danger I immediately moved Izuku behind me and raised my arm to shield us just in time as Shigaraki grabbed my forearm.
Shigaraki: ...This is revenge for Nomu!
My arm began to rot and decay as the chitin fell of and began to slowly spread up my arm. This pain was like none I ever experienced which caused me to roar loudly in extreme pain.
Izuku: (Y/N)!
To prevent my death I sliced off my arm making my blood spray everywhere. Shigaraki quickly backed up to I used this to my advantage by shaking it at them sending my acidic blood everywhere around them. The mist man got in front of him and opened a portal transporting my blood to somewhere else.
My arm grew back quickly thanks to the Quirks I took from Nomu. I also noticed my severed arm was now reduced to nothing making me glad I cut it off before it spread through the rest of me. I looked back up and noticed the human with many hands scratch his neck furiously.
Shigaraki: Damn it, All Might didn't even show up and Nomu got killed by that thing. Damn it, damn it, damn it!
He then stopped before extending his hand out towards me which made me slightly back up still holding on tight to Izuku.
Shigaraki: You'll be a nice replacement for Nomu.
He then looked at Izuku who was clutching onto my back as I stood in front of him ready to fight again.
Shigaraki: But I guess I have to kill your current master to make you obey!
He lunged forward hand outstretched to touch Izuku but before I could react a bullet pierced his hand.
Finally reinforcements I can go finish my snacks now.
(I feel the fight wasn't well written but you be the judge of that. But anyways 13k+ reads? Make sure to thank dragonspike191 cuz without 'em this story wouldn't be here.)
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