Chapter 12 - Encounter with the Unknown
(Y/N) pov:
I hissed as more villains came out of the portal. Izuku held on tighter to my leash as he leaned in and whispered in my ear.
Izuku: (Y/N), I know what I'm about to ask is a huge task, but can you protect and care for the others too?
Care and protect the other humans? That is going to be a difficult order to carry out, but if that is your command then I shall do it.
I nodded at him as he gave me a grateful smile.
Aizawa: The trespassing the other day was the work of these scumbags after all, huh?
The numerous villains began to walk towards us but I wasn't worried about them. The ones I was worried about was the one with hands, the tall dark one beside him, and the dark misty one.
Eijiro: What? Villains? No way... There's no way they could get into a hero school!
Nowhere is safe, your enemies will always find a way to break into your fortress.
Momo: Teacher, what about the trespasser sensors?
Thirteen: We have them, of course, but...
Shoto: Did they only appear here, or around the whole school?
They don't have nearly enough forces to take on an entire school full of heroes. Besides most of these villains don't seem that experienced in true combat.
Shoto: Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a Quirk that can do that. An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they're not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind.
Aizawa: Thirteen, start the evacuation. Try calling the school. These villains even had something to counteract the sensors. It's possible someone with radio-wave-type powers is interfering. Kaminari. You try contacting the school with your Quirk, too.
Denki: Yessir.
Izuku: What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself? With that many, even if you can erase their Quirks... Eraser Head's fighting style is capturing after erasing the enemy's Quirk. A frontal battle is...
(Y/N): I can fight with you if you wish.
Aizawa: You can't be a hero with just one trick. And no (Y/N), you stay here and protect everyone else. I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen.
He then jumped down into the fray as the villains stopped to deal with him. He seemed to excell in hand-to-hand combat as he was able to dodge and counterattack with ease. I then noticed everyone else running towards the exit, so I tugged on my leash but Izuku wasn't moving.
Izuku: Wow... Mr. Aizawa's actually good at fighting by himself against a lot of people, huh?
I tugged a little bit more harder as Iida noticed we weren't moving.
Tenya: This is no time for analysis! Hurry up and take shelter!
Izuku: Come on, (Y/N)!
I wrapped my tail around Izuku before running to catch up with the rest of the humans. But while I was running a thought came to me.
(Y/N): Can I kill them?
That question caused my king to tense up and hold onto me tighter.
Izuku: What?!
(Y/N): You said protect the other's, right?
Izuku: Yeah, what about it?
(Y/N): Well the only way I can protect them is by eliminating the threats. I'm made to defend by killing the enemy before they even reach the rest. Do I have your permission to kill them?
He looked deep in thought as he stared at my back as I slowed down to a jog. Not long after he let out a sigh coming to a decision.
Izuku: Alright you have my permission to k-kill them, if they try to hurt anyone.
I nodded before picking up speed since we were slightly behind the class. But a portal opened up in front of us which caused everyone to stop. Out came the dark misty one so I lowered Izuku of my back incase I have to battle him. I then began to slowly make my way to the front of the class to protect them as Izuku ordered. The dark misty one then began to address everyone as I got closer.
???: Nice to meet you. We are the League of Villains. It may be presumptuous of us, but we have invited ourselves in to the home of the heroes, U.A. High School, in order to have All Might, the Symbol of Peace, take his last breath.
As I was making my way to the front I noticed Uraraka shaking. I then remembered Izuku's order of caring for the humans as well.
How do you calm a human? Hugs seem to help Izuku while head pats and treats help me, so maybe a combination of the three should have triple the effect! Because who doesn't like a snack while being hugged and petted with affection?
I made my way over to her where I then began to gently pat her head, as I gave her one of the treats I had in my pocket. She stopped shaking and even leaned into my hand before giving me a small smile. But I could still see some fear in her eyes so I gave her a gentle hug before moving on.
???: I believe All Might should have been here. Has there been some kind of change?
The enemy has not only breached our defenses, but also gained intelligence on us. We still remain in the dark about them so this battle may not be in our favor.
???: Well that is--
By this point I was now clearly in his view as I easily stood out amongst the rest of the humans. He looked at my appearance closely as his eyes landed on my collar and leash before he spoke once more.
???: You have a class pet? It looks very unique. We have a unique pet too, and I believe he'll love to have a new friend to play with.
I growled at him as his mist began to slowly expand around us. Thirteen was about to use her Quirk until Katsuki and Kirishima launched themselves at the villain. The angry human made an explosion causing a huge smokescreen to form and blind us.
Eijiro: Did you consider that you'd get beaten by us before you do it?
The smoke slowly cleared as it revealed the villain who wasn't even fazed by the attack.
???: Oh dear, that's dangerous. That's right. Even if you are students, you are excellent golden eggs.
Thirteen: No! Move away, you two!
???: My job is to scatter you all, and torture you to death!
His mist began to spread more rapidly around us, and since I couldn't fight something I can't grab I quickly picked up two of the humans and jumped out of the mist. I landed next to Iida where I placed the two humans I grabbed safely on the ground. Turns out I grabbed Ashido and Uraraka who looked slightly frightened by the villain.
To calm them I wrapped them in a warm embrace while using my tail to pat their heads.
It seemed to have worked as I could now only sense a small amount of fear from them. I then gave them the most comforting smile I could muster, which I'm sure didn't feel comforting at all. But they seemed to have found it funny at least as they slightly chuckled at the face I was making. I turned back to where we once were to get Izuku only to see a huge dome of darkness. I couldn't see or smell Izuku anymore which caused me to slightly panic inside.
My king isn't here and his scent disappeared from the area. Wait... his scent is now in the direction of the water along with Tsu's and the small human's. I'm going to have to go get them after ensuring the humans here are safe and well.
The dome dissapeared as I turned to my right to see the human with multiple limbs grow eyes and mouths from his hands.
Tenya: Shoji, is everyone here? Can you check?
Mezo: Everyone's scattered, but they're all in this building.
This makes Izuku's order harder to follow, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Thirteen: Class Rep.
Tenya: Yes?
Thirteen: I entrust this duty to you. Run to the school and tell them about what is happening here. The alarms are not sounding, and our phones don't have signal. The alarm system is based on infrared rays. Even though Eraser Head is erasing people's Quirks left and right, they are still not working, which means they must have someone with an interference Quirk who hid right when they arrived.
The dark mist human reshaped himself back into a humanlike form. I scanned his body for any signs of weaknesses or flaws in his defense. But all I could see was a faint outline of a body and something metal wrapped around his neck.
No visible signs of any weak points. Guess I'm going to have to either strike somewhere around the metal or the metal itself.
Tenya: But it would be a disgrace as class rep to leave everyone behind--
There is no shame in getting reinforcements. It ensures you don't suffer a defeat and more casualties than you already have.
Rikido: Go, Emergency Exit! If you can get outside, there are alarms. That's why these guys are doing this inside, right?
Hanta: As long as you go outside, they won't follow you! Blow away this fog with your legs!
Thirteen: Use your Quirk in order to save others!
The human with multiple limbs walked past him to stand with the other two as I moved up as well.
Ochaco: I can totally support you like I did in the cafeteria! I will! Please, class rep!
Iida then put on a face full of determination as he got into a running position.
???: Even if you have no other choice, are there really idiots who talk about their plans in front of their enemy?!
He made the first strike as he launched his mist at us.
Thirteen: We did it because it doesn't matter if we're found out!
We did? I mean, we did!
As the mist was getting closer Thirteen raised her finger and began to suck up the mist.
Thirteen: Black hole!
I could faintly hear a loud explosion go off in the water area. And there's only one person I know capable of that, Izuku.
My king is engaged in battle, but he's more than likely just ended it with that attack. Regardless I need to either route this enemy or kill him and fast.
Mina: Teacher!
I turned back to the battle only to see Thirteen fall to the ground with her back completely destroyed.
Rikido: Iida, run!
The fast human then ran past the villain while screaming, damn it. His movement and scream caught his attention as he opened up a portal in front of Iida. But before he touched it the multiple limb human hugged it getting it out of his way.
I can't tend to the wounded just yet I must first eliminate the threat.
I got on all fours and ran after the villain who began to chase Iida himself. His mist began to loom over him just as I got close enough to see the metal around his neck clearly.
This is a good time to test if that's a weak spot.
Just as the mist was about to touch Iida I pounced on the mist man driving him to the ground. I pinned down what I believe to be his shoulders as I latched my mouth onto the metal.
???: Get off of me, mutt!
I began to maul his neck causing him to scream in pain. The metal began to bend and break under my teeth, as I began to stab randomly into his mist covered body with my tail. I missed most of the time, but the ones that landed caused him more pain as blood began to smear the end of my tail.
???: I'll just let Nomu deal with you!
He then opened a portal under us causing me to fall right through with him and one thought on my mind.
Who's Nomu?
- .. -- . / ... -.- .. .--.
I landed in some water and when I opened my eyes all I saw was the ruins of a ship. I swam to the surface to get a better look of the destruction.
Is this where my king fought? He really is becoming more powerful, and soon he won't need me. But what would I do then?! Izuku is the reason I have a purpose now after the destruction of my hive, so what do I do when he decides he doesn't want me anymore?!
As I was having a mental breakdown the scent of my king snapped me out of it. I began to follow the scent while swimming through the water quickly. In a few seconds I could see Izuku, Tsu and the small human together looking at something. Not wanting to disturb them I silently swam up behind them gazing at what they were watching.
???: Man, it's game over this time. Let's go home.
What? No attacker ever leaves without taking something. Whether it be the lives of their enemies or their pride, they always take something. Besides they already invested so many forces into this, so it will be a costly defeat.
Minoru: They're going home? Did he say they're going home?
Tsuyu: That's what I heard.
The small human began to cry as he latched onto Tsu initiating a hug.
Minoru: All right! We're safe!
His hand placement was weird as he wasn't giving Tsu a hug I was familiar too. His hand was on her chest instead of around her shoulder or on her back.
Is that a different variation of a hug? Why didn't Izuku tell me about that? I'll need to ask someone about that hug later.
Tsuyu: Yes, but...
She had a small blush on her cheeks as her eyes somehow turned white. Within a second she was drowning the small human by holding his head underwater.
Should I help him? Izuku said protect and care for the others, but Tsu isn't an enemy so it's okay?
Tsuyu: I have a bad feeling about this, Midoriya.
Izuku: Yeah. For them to simply retreat after doing all this...
I hissed in agreement getting their attention as they slightly jumped by my sudden appearance.
Izuku: (Y/N)! How did you get here?
I gestured over to the misty man as I began to speak to him.
(Y/N): I routed the enemy but he took me with him. I landed in the water where I followed your scent that led me here.
He looked at me in awe of fighting and winning against a villain by myself. I looked at Tsu since she was quiet only to see her staring at me, to be specific my chest and abs.
Is this a form of communication? Do I do the same?
Not knowing what to do I pat her head which snapped her out of her trance and caused her to blush more intensely. I reached into my pocket to give her a snack when I felt nothing but mush.
I took out the mush which turned out to be the remains of my uneaten delicious snacks. I began to slightly shake as the three of them looked at me in worry.
Izuku: What's the matter, (Y/N)?
I shakily lifted the snacks up to him and when he saw them a look of realization hit him. I began to slightly tear up as I gazed at my fallen treats.
Izuku: I'm so sorry (Y/N). But don't worry we'll get you more snacks.
Tsuyu: Here...
She took out a small bag that had frog designs all over it. She opened it up which caused a delicious smelling scent to fill my senses, as she then took out the source of the smell. It was shaped like a frog's head and didn't seem to break in the water.
Tsuyu: These are some cookies I made, their perfect if you're hungry at someplace with water.
She tossed one in my mouth and when I ate it I thought it was the best snack in the world! I swiftly hugged her as I proclaimed my lover for the snacks in my head.
Thank you, Tsu! Your snacks are the best I ever tasted! Even better than those cat treats I had! If I protect you will you make more of these heavenly treats?!
Izuku: (Y/N), get down we might get spotted if we're too loud.
Oh right, I forgot we're in the middle of a battle.
I placed Tsu back down as I took one more snack. She was very flustered but quickly composed herself enough to reduce the intensity of her blush. I looked back toward the villains now focused as my stomach was satisfied by the treats.
???: Oh, yeah. Before we leave, let's smash some of his pride as the Symbol of Peace!
He then appeared in front of Tsu with his hand extended out. Not knowing his attacks I just opted for holding Tsu close to me while extending my arm in front of us as a shield. Everyone looked at me with worry and fear as he grabbed my arm. But nothing happened as Tsu held onto the arm I was holding her with more tightly.
???: Damn it. You really are cool...
I looked a little behind him to see Aizawa staring at him with red eyes. I only then realized how badly he was hurt.
???: ...Eraser Head.
The giant dark creature slammed his head into the ground just as Izuku leaped at the human in front of us.
Izuku: Let go of him! Smash...!
My king smashed his fist not into the human but the dark creature. The cloud of smoke allowed me to move Tsu and the small human to safety before I went back to Izuku's side. I was behind him, and as the smoke cleared it showed me staring the creature in the eyes as it was looking at it's master.
???: You move well. Your "Smash"-- Are you a follower of All Might's? Oh well. I'm done with you.
The creature moved it's eyes from it's master to my king. It went to grab his arm, but I grabbed his wrist and dug my claws into his flesh. It turned it's eyes to meet mine. As our masters looked on we growled at each other.
(Y/N): Your order my king?
What he said next made me excited enough to speak.
Izuku: ...Kill it.
I had a vicious smile on my face revealing my many sharp teeth.
(Y/N): As... you... command.
I punched the creature with my right hand tearing a piece of his flesh off as he was launched back.
???: Nomu kill this thing.
So you're Nomu.
Nomu rised up and I noticed the missing piece of flesh on his arm was back.
You can break bones like sticks and repair even the most fatal of injuries, huh? This shall be only between me and you Nomu. Let's put on a good show for our masters, alright?
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