Chapter 25:Her Knight in Shining Armor
Yanushka's POV
My body was a bit weak by those antibiotics that the nurse gave me and I have to sleep.....I move from Alegría to Bumble Berry City because I want my problems disappear: from my Ex-best friend and my boyfriend......Ex-Boyfriend from betraying me.
My Ex-boyfriend and I started dating since 6th Grade and we've been dating for 5 Years and my friend who has a beauty blog and I'm the editor and I edit her videos like adding filters and sound effects.
I post the news about leaving Jenny Beauru Blog with a lie and I told everyone that I have huge projects,even I lie to Jenny and pretend that nothing happens.
I block Mariano's phone number,message and social media so he can't contact me and I found out about The Exchange Program in Bumble Berry City and I decide to transfer her when the exchange program is finished.
And I end up became a witness in a Court Case and a victima(victim)of a muchacho muy guapo(handsome man)and a cyclops lady.
Then I had a dream.....a beautiful dream and I saw the adorable guy he saved me.
He's so handsome,brave and sexy......imagine him with long orange hair and he's my knight in shining armor.
"Yanu.....wake up"
"Wake up Yanu!!"
Back to reality
I wake up and saw Elizabeth in a ninja outfit while holding a pink kitty pig?
"Are you okay?"
"You were sleep talking"
I blush of embarrassed when that pink fur ball talked and talk about my sleep talk!?Qué verguenza!!(How embarrassing!!).
"And what kind of dream you were having?"
" about Izi-Kun.He's so cute with his glasses,freckles and his orange and brown dreamy~<3"
"I have a question......where am I?"
"This is HQ"
"HQ?Like in a super hero movies?"
"Yeah and this is a HQ of Super Heroes"
"Your joking,right?"
"She's not joking"
I turn and saw Miss Monroe in a ninja outfit and I was shock.
"Welcome to The X6's HQ"
"You have a double life!?"
"Something like that"
"Do you have some news Marilia?"
"The teachers received a message that Dream Academy is about to start tomorrow"
"But don't worry......Prof.Aquatica erase the memory of the exchange program incident to everyone"
"Oh thank goodness......."
"Y tengo una noticia Eli(And I have news Eli)"
"What is it Yanu?"
"I'm going to transfer to Dream Academy!!"
"Yeah!!I'm so excited to show mi familia(my family)and show my room"
"I would love to,I'll invite Bibi to see it"
"And you too Cutiemuchi"
"How about tomorrow after school?"
I'm so happy that I made my first friend in Bumble Berry City and is Elizabeth.Looks like my new life in Bumble Berry City has begun.
To be Continue............
A/N:Sorry I haven't post some of the chapters because I was moving from another apartment and I don't have Internet to write the Chapters,but there's some surprises for the story.
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