Chapter 24:Strangers
Narrator's POV
While Yanushka is buying fabrics and Iziquiel finding a way to follow Dancelot and Noctinell,the other side of Bumble Berry City.....danger is arriving with new Bad Fortunes who tricked 2 people to gain their forms.
Cancer,he's the tough crustacean of all Zodiac and his pincers are tough than a generic crab.
And Libra,she's the most powerful zodiac of all,she can use disguises to attract known and strange people a-
"Quited B*tch!!"
"But I'm the Narrator!!"
"No Buts!!"
"And I see your a member of The X6"
"On second thought........enjoy narrating"
I leave while I have to warn Príncipe about it.
Cancer's POV
Now that the stupid narrator is gone,now Libra and I will do our dirty work and stop The X6 for good and we saw 2 kids and this is our chance to corrupt them.
"Ready Libra?"
"Of course"
We split up,I'll go with with the girl with pigtails while Libra goes with Four Eyes.
I saw the girl,she's buying fabrics,how adorable and is my plan to kidnap her.
"Hey Mademoiselle"
(Holy Cow!!El se ve guapo!!(He's so handsome!!)"
"Can you tell me,where the Tool store is?"
"Of course,is in t-MMMMPPPPHHHHHH!!!!"
I use some potion and cloth to make her unconscious and I drag her to the alley.
Libra's POV
I was spying on that 4 eyes with freckles and I know the perfect disguise.
"YES!!I beat Giovanni!!"
"Hey kid"
"Can I help y-"
"Hey kiddo,I was wondering where's the Disco Bar?"
"Is r-right o-"
I saw him faint and I decide to kidnap this kid,he's so small and light weighted, just like a feather.Cancer will handle it.
Yanushka's POV
I woke up and I noticed that I'm tied up,I was trying to struggle,but he did good job at the ropes and is itchy.
"Awwww,the little princess has awake"
I saw the same guy who ask me........maybe I shouldn't talk to stranger,but trusting everyone is my weakness and I can't control it!!
"Cancer!!I found the other kid!!And he's a weakling"
"Oh ho ho!!That's my punching bag for my pincers!!"
I saw the lady has one eye while that guy has pincers like a cangrejo(crab) and I saw him punching Izi-Kun!!
Iziquiel's POV
I feel punches,kicking, etc.It feels like my parents did to me when I was little.....they call me weak,cry baby,failure,etc.
I was going to get killed by my parents,until Fatima's father saved me by decapitated both of my parents with a katana.
Fatima's father adopted me and that makes step sister,she taught me about technology and I learn hacking,even I hack all Liberty City's Billboards and The Purple Cobras had fun.
Now......I feel like a weakling again,and I'm gonna die this time........
"Alright Missy,is your turn!!"
I saw Yanushka tries to defending herself from Cancer and he made a scar on her cheek.
"What the!?"
I start to manipulate everything with hacks and the Pokémon Blue Theme Song from my Gameboy to give my signal.
"Oh Crap!!Let's go Libra!!"
I saw those two people escape and I saw Yanu shaking in fear and I untied her free.
"Yanu,are you okay?"
" arm hurts from that bastard's pincers"
My body feels weak and faint from using to much power.........
"Ma'am,are you okay?"
"Who are you?"
"The name's Arco and I'm a member of The X6"
Cancer's POV
We were hiding in another alley while catching our breaths.
"Dammit!!That little bastard is not a weakling!!"
"What should we do?"
We turned and we saw 4 People dressed in black like us.
"I see we got 2 Zodiacs now,only 7 Zodiacs are left to find"
To be Continue.............
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