Chapter 21:Three Heroes
Genex's POV
I was looking at some pictures of my sister and my family together,I was sad.......if dad couldn't rape that girl........
"Yes Ella?"
"Gina wants to see you"
What would Gina want me?
I went to the Hospital room and I saw my sis with Bibi and Noctinell!?
"Hey Genex,are those your friends?"
"Don't tell me Genex is a hero as well!?"
Looks like Noctinell and Bibi found Elizabeth and Dancelot's secret....oh boy.....
"He is indeed"
We turned and saw Ms.Monroe and Mr.Light and I can tell it they were shock.
"Ms.Monroe!?"Bibi said.
"Hey I in trouble?"Noctinell said with a sweat drop.
" Actually,call us"
"Lady Blade"
Bibi's POV
I cannot believe that Ms.Monroe and Mr.Light are Superheroes!?
"I must be drea-OUCH!!"
That Noctinell pinched me in my arm in case I was dreaming,at least it didn't leave a mark.
"Looks like Lady Shards and Lord Chains brought some friends"
We turned and saw a guy in a fancy costume.
He has black and gold hair,gold mask and has green eyes and wears gold,black,blue and red prince like outfit and I bet he's the leader.
"Who are you?"
"The name's Príncipe and I'm the leader of The X6"
"The Leader of The X6?"
"I knew Mr.Light is a daddy type and Príncipe.....he's a cutie"
Oh wonder he likes men,even he's 22 Years old and the 2nd oldest student in Dream Academy along with DJ and Ryu.
"Why did you need us?"
"Because we need to save the world from The Bad Fortune"
Is so annoying when he's excited,and it will irritated me!!
"Looks like you two needs training to do"
We look at our training outfits and it reminds of a karate movie and why I wear a cropped top?
"Oh boy,I look so badass!!"
Oh what the heck.......I have no choice to listen to him when I train.
We trained so hard,like Noctinell punch those wooden dummies and I was shock about his strength and me....beating a punching bag until my hands glows purple and the punching bag has destroyed.
"What the!?"
"Bibi,help me!?"
I saw Noctinell and his hand become big,red and has black claws and destroying the wooden dummies and I helped him.
"Let me help you!!"
We turned and saw Genex and grabbed my waist,hope he doesn't grab my butt or I'll kick his balls,but he doesn't have a Pervy face,but a serious face,did he changed?
And we saw Arco,Lady Blade and Prof.Aquatica while holding three watches?
"Now Prof.Aquatica!!"
"Rain Shower!!"
We saw a ball of water and explode like rain and our powers got controlled.
"We arrived just in time"
"Your powers awakens by trouble or nightmares but you two didn't glow your bodies"
"What do you mean Glow our bodies?"
"Lady Shards and Lord Chains awakens their powers from nightmares or the enemy is strong,it means.....can I have a blood sample?"
"Blood Sample?"
"Yeah,in case you two have problems"
Noctinell and I agree to take a blood sample and Prof.Aquatica took Noctinell and I's blood samples.
"I'll be in my lab"
We saw Prof.Aquatica leaving.
"Looks like your training is finished"
"Yes,now you two needs Lord Chains and Lady Shards's help"
We look each other and we nodded.
"Welcome to The X6"
They gave us some weird watches and we wear it.
I saw Noctinell's face,is like he got a gift from Christmas or a Birthday party.
"And this is for you Bibi"
Lady blade gave me a book and I'm confused why?
"It helps to control your powers and reduce your nightmares"
How did she know about my nightmares!?
"Your welcome"
"I'm going too"
We turned and saw Genex with a serious face.
"Are you sure Makara?"
"Yes.....I want to fix my mistakes and I'm gonna show you guys that I'm changed,please let me help them"
They look each other and they agreed.
"Very well,your sister gave us your permission"
"Thank you so much"
"Alright......good luck"
"We will!!"
Lord Chains's POV
Lady Shards and I were so beaten by Leo and he's so strong,at least Cutiemuchi escaped since nothing has happened.
"Well X6,looks like your luck ran out and I'm going to kill you!!"
His hair grow longer,his fangs are sharp and his arms turned into lion paws.
"I'm going to turn you three into meal!!"
We turned and saw three guys who wear our super hero outfits,are they new members can't be!?
"The name's Melodía,and I'm the Hero of Music and Sounds!!"
"I'm Vampirico,and I'm the Hero of The Blood Moon!!"
"And I'm Mysteria,and I'm The Hero of Darkness!!"
Wait.....aren't those......
"Your are so lucky X6...but my time is won this time,but I'll be back" He disappear.
"We will win,I'm sure of it"
We saw our three new heroes and looks like we need an explanation.
To be Continue..........
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