Character Bio:Elizabeth aka Lady Shards
Name:Elizabeth Roxanne Makowa
Hero Name:Lady Shards
B-Day:September 27
Hair Color:Brown with teal streaks(From her father's side)
Eye Color:Hazel(From her mother's side)
Favorite Color:Teal and Salmon Pink
Favorite Food:Gelatin(if is with fruits)
Favorite Drink:Milkshake...... Strawberry Milkshake
Occupation:Hero,Dream Academy student
Dream:Become a Fashion Designer like my mom
Signature Look:New Girl from the City style
•Family and Friends
•Doing Journals
•Bullies(specially Neysha and Trish)
•Trent Tneloiv
•Stealing her work
•Pink being Dramatic
Janette Roxanne Makowa (Mother,Deceased)
Clark Makowa(Father)
Giselle Roxanne Usaki(Aunt)
Jesse Usaki(Cousin)
Viviana "Bibi" Lockster(BFF)
Yanushka Rosario Santana(BFF)
Dancelot Mikiri(BFF/Secretly in love)
Morris Colar/Pink A La Amour(Family Friend)
Marilia Monroe(Teacher/Mentor)
And the rest of The X6
Hey everyone,I'm Elizabeth Roxanne Makowa also known as Lady Shards.
Today I'm gonna tell about my life:
I was born in September 27 in Liberty City and my parents are:Clark Makowa and Janette Roxanne Makowa.
Clark Makowa-He's my father,he's the nicest dad that I ever have.He works to design buildings like hotels,restaurants,etc.He never had time for me since my mom passed away,and that's why my dad and I moved to his hometown Bumble Berry City and I was taking care by his Best Friend Morris Colar aka Pink A La Amour.
Janette Roxanne Makowa-She's my late mother,she's a fashion designer like every generations of The Roxanne Family.She met my dad at Dream Academy when they were Teenagers,they fell in love and married........but she passed away when I was 15 from illness......I miss her so much.......
Giselle Roxanne Usaki-She's my aunt from my mother's side......she takes care of me when my dad start working when my mom passed away........she taught me to learn to sew and make custom fabrics since she can make fashion just like my mom.
Jesse Usaki-He's my Transgender Cousin,I helped him for his transition as a man along with Aunt Giselle and he loves to design clothes like my mom,Aunt Giselle and I.His dream I to open his own fashion house and we talk on video chat and we give fashion advices to each other and he helped me to improve my sewing skills.
Viviana "Bibi" Lockster-Bibi was very difficult to be my friend,but we became friends when we have our battle in HQ and I helped her awaken her powers.And she's very nice and I helped her take care of her pet cat Noir and even she loves my fashion designs(even she wears black,purple,silver and gold outfits).
Yanushka Rosario Santana-I met Yanu in The Exchange Program(I don't want to remember.......but I have to do it)along with Ting,she loves my fashion designs and I help her teaching about Sewing and she wants to open her own boutique and wants to call The Be Yourself Boutique and is to help to transform Ugly Ducklings into Beautiful Swans.
Pink A La Amour-She's My Dad's best friend since highschool,she helped my dad to confess his feelings to my mom,she's a Drag Queen and she taught me about different types of fashion and she's handling the rents in The Happy Condominium and gets pissed that The Purple Cobras didn't pay the rent.
Cutiemuchi-Cutiemuchi is a mysterious creature from space,but we don't what kind of alien species she is,but I'm raising Cutiemuchi so she won't be lonely,even I send her to Ryu and DJ to babysit her.
Marilia Monroe-Ms.Monroe is my Classroom Teacher in Dream Academy,but also my mentor in The X6,she had a secret that she's actually a superhero along with Mr.Light,they look like a cute spy couple,but Mr.Light is a married man and Ms.Monroe never have time for romance,even rumors says that Mr.Anderson's Ex-Wife got fired because someone hacked her computer and reveals inoffensive comments and she thinks Ms.Monroe did it,but she got owned by Ms.Monroe(she's a black belt).
Dancelot Mikiri-Dancelot is my 1st best friend I made since arrived at Dream Academy.He's a member of The Purple Cobras,but he's not like them and we work as partners in The X6........when I'm with him......I start to have feelings to him.......he's my knight in Shining Armor when I'm in trouble in missions and in school........I'll be brave to confess my feelings to him someday.
My Life:
5 Years Old
I was born in September 27 in Liberty City,I learn fashion at a young age by my mother,she taught about designing,choosing the right fabric and sew.
15 Years Old
At the age of 15 my mom passed away from an illness(that's what my dad said) and I was depressed every day,but my friends Elliot and Adam in Liberty City came to visit me to cheer me up and they did.
My dad send me to stay with Aunt Giselle while he looks for a job,she show me some of her designs she made and she gave me a Sketchbook that my mom had when she was 15 and I look some of the designs she made and some empty pages which I'll create some of the designs.
16 Years Old
I turned 16 Years,I was celebrating my birthday with my dad since Aunt Giselle and Jesse are very busy and he told the good news that he found a Light Bridge City and he decide to move to another city which is Bumble Berry City since is a little close to Light Bridge City and I became a transfer student in Dream Academy,even I had a rocky start:from not having friends,almost bullied by Neysha and Trish and almost getting raped by Trent Tneloiv.......but my life changed when I awoken my powers and having friends.
A/N:Hey Everyone,thanks for reading Elizabeth aka Lady Shards' Bio,the character bios are post at The End of The Month,but their bios will get upgraded when the story progresses.
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