Character Bio:Dancelot aka Lord Chains
Name:Dancelot Mikiri
Hero Name:Lord Chains
Birthday:July 7
Hair Color:Dark Purple with Yellow Streaks(Originally I had blonde hair)
Eye Color:Red
Favorite Color:Yellow
Favorite Food:Hamburgers
Favorite Drink:Milk
Occupation:Hero,Dream Academy student,Purple cobra member(in the past)
Dream:To find his parents
Signature Look:Bad Boy with a good heart
•Playing Basketball
•Playing The Guitar and singing
•Pranking(specially Neysha and Trish)
•Making him angry
•Someone hurting Elizabeth
•Feeling Alone
•Pink a La Amour
•Paying the rent
I'm Orphan
Elizabeth Roxanne Makowa(Biggest Crush)
Noctinell Kingston (Childhood friend/Big Bro)
Fatima Walker Smith(Leader/BFF)
Iziquiel Nogami(BFF)
Taylon Light(Mentor)
Ryu and DJ (Neighbors)
Morris aka Pink(Neighbor)
And the rest of The X6
Sup,I'm Dancelot Mikiri,I'm 17 Years Old and I'm going to explain about my life.
I don't have a family when I was a baby,I was raised in the orphanage,to be honest......this place is Hell for me,and that's why my dream is to find my biological parents or my siblings.
Elizabeth Roxanne Makowa-I met her at Mr.Jones' History Class when I "accidentally" broke Mrs.Ventura's teeth with a baseball bat(at least I survived from getting Suspend or Expelled from Dream Academy)and the other students enter Mr.Jones' history class and she sits next to me.I having dreams about her,even I-cannot tell everyone about my dream since is very embarrassing......but I'm her Guardia angel so I can protect her from bullies,perverts,etc.
Noctinell Kingston-He's my childhood friend,we met at the orphanage when some kids are attacking me and he saved me.He's like a brother to me,until he leaves at the orphanage because he reached at a adult age,until we meet again while I was stealing food and he introduce me to Fatima,Iziquiel and The Purple Cobras.Even we don't do criminal stuff,I always help him and giving advices.
Fatima Walker Smith-She's my boss of The Purple Cobras and her father is the boss of The Purple Cobras and he was killed by a rain of bullets by a rival mafia gang and she's the former leader of The Purple Cobras and she wants to exterminate all the mafia gangs of all around the world and bring peace,but she always end up in trouble like it happened in Springalia,but she's a good friend and sometimes overprotect us,especially Iziquiel.
Iziquiel Nogami-He's the hacker of The Purple Cobras and he's like our little brother for Noctinell and I and he's Fatima's Adoptive Brother,we learned that Iziquiel's parents are very abusive to him and Fatima's Father killed his parents by decapitated*shivers*.Anyway even he has a crush on Yanushka and I hope Iziquiel gets a happy future with her.
Taylon Light-He's our mentor and the responsible of the disbanded of The Purple Cobras,but he helped us on getting to Dream Academy and he even keeping an eye on us,until Elizabeth and I found out that Miss Monroe and Mr.Light are Super Heroes and we thought they were a couple,but Mr.Light is married and Marilia is not into romance and that's we become members of The X6.
Ryu and DJ-Ryu and DJ are our neighbors in The Happy Condominium,they always interrupt our day by fixing their phones and game consoles,even they are X-Assistants and they are very helpful in our missions and we have to thank them for being our helping hands.
Morris Colar/Pink A La Amour-Oh yes.......Pink is our neighbor and she's in charge of paying the rent of Happy Condominium,The Purple Cobras hide from her for paying the rent and even tell DJ and Ryu that were not here(which we end up busted),but she always punish us when we accidentally destroys her boutique,but Mr.Light always end up paying her(even she tries to flirt him,but she fails).
My Life:
1 Month Old:
I arrived at The Orphanage when I was 1 Month old,it was a rainy day,crying while catching a cold,until one of the employees saw me and raised me,her name was Crystal and she's the kindest lady I ever met and she raised me as her own son.
4 Years Old:
Crystal show me some musical instruments to me and sheshow me the guitar,I fell in love with the guitar and that's why I have a passion with music,until she caught a rare illness and she passed away.I was sad that she died.....the other employees are treating me like a servant and the other children beating me like a punching bag and this place became like hell for me.
6 Years Old:
Now with the same tradition when Crystal passed away......beating and treating me badly......until I met a Teenage boy with long ears,red eyes,pale skin,black hair,marks in his eyes and black nails and his name was Noctinell Kingston.He defended me from the children,he was like my bodyguard,we go eat ice cream,buy toys,etc.Until The Orphanage kick him out because he kissed a boy in the bathroom and I end up in the same thing all over again.
8 Years Old:
I was visiting Crystal's grave and talking about the horrible experience in The Orphanage,they were treating me like Cinderella,even she holds her suffer while doing her chores and in the end trying the slipper and gets her happy ending with her Prince Charming.......but if I was Cinderella.....I will write a different ending and a dark one instead of cutting her stepsisters' toes or getting attack by a bird and I decide to turn 9 to give them a surprise and I read her last name......"Mikiri".
9 Years Old:
When the employees and the orphans fell asleep,I decide to pour gasoline in the whole place and I use a match to lit up the fire.Hearing them screaming while I'm walking away,it makes me happy......I'm so happy that I received my best birthday gift.......escaping from Hell*chuckle*.
12 Years Old:
I turned 12 Years,after the fall of the Orphanage,I was living in the streets as a homeless,eating leftovers or stealing food from restaurants,until I bump to someone familiar and is Noctinell.I'm so happy that I finally meet him after he got kicked out of the Orphanage and he told me that a man with his daughter and adoptive son pick him when he was 10 and he decide to show me and I met Fatima,Iziquiel and their father.
15 Years Old:
When Fatima's Father was murdered by a rival gang,she decide to exterminate other Mafia Gangs as the new boss of The Purple Cobras and she decide to tattoo us and I got the tattoo in my neck and she told us "When we find the one who killed my dad,we will remove our snakes from our bodies, our brand for justice"and we agree to her,until someone interrupt our plans.
17 Years Old:
We were in Mr.Light's house as his guests,he told that his wife and children are in another city and he heard news about us and Agent Snipes stopping The Mayor from corruption and Mr.Light ask us if we go to school and we shock our heads.He decide to put us in Dream Academy,and we don't have a choice to accept it and now.....I'm a student in Dream Academy,a member of The X6 and my dream of looking my biological parents or siblings and asking why you send me to The Orphanage aka Hell.
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