Task 5
Thanks for the patience. I've been doing homework everyday and I'm near exams again. And when I'm not busy, I just want to rest.
But here it is!:
Spring: The sun finally comes out. The floor is mushy and mud is everywhere. Maybe it rained a little? But no, you would have felt it, right? You decide it's no big deal. But by sunset. Water level is at your ankles. It is difficult to walk.
In the corner of your eye you see something silver. You notice it's a fish. Why is water so deep? It is nearly night, and you decide where to sleep. The floor is no choice. Water has raised up to your thighs. You can even swim. But don't drink from this water. Unless you are thirsty enough to drink salt water.
But that's when you notice, all the water drains quickly. It drags you to wherever it's going. The fish jump in the grass. you hear the roar of a wave. A tsunami forms above you.
We'll see what you do.
Summer: You wake up with the sun shinning brightly in your face. Sweat makes your shirt stick to your body. The wind is harder than usual. A nice breeze. That doesn't seem to stop. It gets harder and harder. You or your friend's backpack flies away. It is too much wind. A hurricane maybe.
Sand is in your eyes, you try to get rid of it, when you feel your feet leave the ground.
Spinning, flying. Sand is everywhere. When you get thrown out of the sand storm. You land of something cold. Water. Trees sunk in water, only their leaves visible under the night sky. You can't even rest from today's journey when you get pushed with the water. The water carries you to the ocean. A huge wave embraces you.
Winter: (day has not come yet, it is arriving, but it's still dark) the stars are shining beautifully. And there is a amazing show of northern lights (aurora borealis). Different lights paint the sky. All colors.
Probably the best night anyone has had in The Hunger Games.
But not the best day, when the sun shines it is warm. Warmer than usual. Icicles start to melt. You are standing above a river. Whose water has been frozen. But you hear a slight sudden crack. The ground trembles and you hear more cracks. Could the ice be breaking? You slip and fall on your back. When you see the biggest mountain fall. Crash. And avalanche. You get up. A trail of cracks in the ice are near you. Better get away than fall in the freezing water and let the avalanche run over you.
But it's to late. The mountain crashes and spreads its heavy amount of snow. You get pushed. Rocks, sticks, trees. They all carry you along. When the ground freezes. Water and snow have touched. Your in the spring section and the ground is engulfed by water. A big wave splashes.
Fall: You wake up because you, for some reason, can't breathe. You touch your neck and you feel something coiled around your neck. You fight it off. When you stand up you fall down, roots have embraced your feet too. You slice them off (if you have a knife) another root attacks as fast as a snake and ties itself in your wrist.
Cutting roots, your fight your way out. The plants leave a purple slimy substance that itches. You think quickly. Water. You decide to run to the spring section. Thank god you were close. When you arrive your body itches so much. You jump into the water. Red patches cover your body. Your too busy to realize that where there was grass, there is thigh-high level of water. You realize when you sense a sudden rush of coldness. The sky is dark. A wave is above you, about to splash.
(If you do not see the fall one, then re-fresh the page. I forgot about it, but it's there now)
You may have realized you all end up in the Spring section. Not everyone here survives the wave.
Hope you have fun writing this week's task! From now on the person who doesn't give me their entry is dead :( if you need more time, ask me before.
I'll arrange that with you :)
Also try to follow the task!
Be sure to kill some people! And use your best writing skills. REAL TRIBUTES ARE GETTING KILLED THIS ROUND!
Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your favor!
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