Chapter 3
I'm looking at my reflection and thinking that the blue lace really does look rather lovely on my copper toned hue. With a glass of red wine in hand I review my curves from different angles and whistle softly to myself. Yep, I am sexy even with the love handle protruding, or the Double D cups that barely hugs the lace. I gobbled the wine thirstily as I'm having one of those 'I'm not beautiful' nights, or more like the 'I'm not skinny enough' days.
Thoughts of an earlier encounter troubles me and I'm in my secondary school being called 'blob' and 'fatty' once again. The construction workers may be funny in their own rights, but seeking out my self-esteem with their taunting and their jokes was not the way my Friday evening should have ended. I really was not in the mood to deal with the heckling. Too much on my plate. My deadline sat there taunting me, and the words swirled in my head, unable to reach my fingers.
Guess my brain was tired hence me and wine was enjoying our moment together.
My white short robe was over the blue lace and I cared less if I was seen, as my pity party already had me in a semi-drunken state. There I was on the balcony, sitting in my chair with a glass full of a red sweet burning substance called wine feeling fat and ugly.
Michelle was with me earlier and knew about my self-conscious issues, so when I heard the doorbell ring I easily assumed it was her and answered in my blue lace.
"Hope you got on your red..........," and I stood half naked shockingly parallel to 'Luc'.
"Didn't know your undies were a set"
Again, my cheeks flush unnoticed anyway, and I harshly grind, "what are you doing here?"
"You looked quite stunning from your balcony, so I figured I'll get a closer look at the set as I already know what the bottom half looks like," he says matter-of-factly.
My eyes drop and again, pedicured feet in flip-flops caress them.
"I thought you were my girl", pulling the robe and securing it tightly I was explaining my attire. He raised his eyebrows in confusion.
"My girl-friend"
"Are you a lesbian then?"
"No, no, my friend Michelle, best friend actually", and I scolded myself for explaining to this strange man who calls himself Luc.
I was transported back to reality with my explanation and pulled my robe closer, securing it at the waist and decided to invite 'Luc' in as he was already here. It was then I noticed he had another bottle of 'red' on his hand.
"Brought you a 'topper' as I can see your choice is red from my window".
I smile thanking him and excusing myself to head into my bedroom. Making myself a little more presentable in a long jersey-dress. I did keep the blue lace underneath my attire but he did not know that. It was my secret.
This dress hugged my curves but I hated it as my curves reminded me of the 'fat' incident earlier.
"Sorry", I murmured, "I wasn't expecting company". I jiggled my way to my couch and extended a hand to the single chair for him to sit. He acquiesced for the same couch I curled up in. He seemed to have made himself at home. He held a glass with wine while my glass seemed to have been refilled.
"Thank you again, for the wine and refill", and we raised our glasses to each other without making the 'clinking' noise.
Our conversation spread through hours of different topics and ideas. Even a heated disagreement. Our first argument I thought stifling a chuckle, about music and its origins. We both seemed to have similar taste and eccentricities. I was a struggling writer and he was an acclaimed boxer. Self-proclaimed more like it as he just had his first pro match of many to come.
I was a bit intrigued as to his 'house-sitting' days but decided not to pry further and just enjoy the titillating conversation of a sexy black man who has a penchant for tattoos. I lifted an eyebrow as I notice a sexy, red, perfectly shaped, lip at the nape of his neck, just below his ear. At first it seemed real and I kept trying not to stare until I notice him wiping it and it kept looking perfect against his neck It didn't move at all. . Not even an inch.
"That lip probably gets you in a lot of trouble", I declare while licking my own inadvertently.
He eyes me in a peculiar way while emphatically stating his single life.
"Not much trouble. Currently my focus is work, so I get in trouble with my coach most days. Only person in my life."
I was jumping inside, happy to hear that until he mused aloud, "its all new, this single life", and my heart stopped in mid jump.
It was never right to get involved with a guy who was fresh out of a relationship. I frowned and said a bit too loudly, "I wish it wasn't that new".
"Its only new because I made it official a few days ago. It was over months before. My time just wasn't matching hers. Plus she was not ready to handle what I declare work. She emphatically stated it was just a hobby. Knew right then that our destiny would be brought to a halt.
He didn't have to explain anything to me, but here he was giving me 'hope'? I looked at his face and smiled again but this time with dreamy drunken eyes.
Last thing I remembered was snuggling closer to my stranger Luc and placing my lips against his tattooed lips with brazen boldness, then it was night. Darkness engulfed me as I sat with my boxer musing on my blue lacy secret
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