I walked out of the forest to see my final opponent with her chaingun pointing right at me. I walked until i was about ten feet away from her. She stared me down with her sunglasses hiding her eyes. I pointed my sword at her in a challenging jester then slowly got into my stance waiting for our duel to begin.
"good luck fighting a minigun with that sword", she said with a smirk.
"I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, 'My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.' amen", i said as i started to slowly walk towards her til i was in a sprint.
I kept running full speed with my sword in my right hand as she revved up her minigun. Suddenly her gun fired bullets that began pelleting me all over, but my armor held together. I could feel my armor begin to bend with the bullets hitting it. Right as i got right in front of her she aimed right at my head making me fall on my side sliding right past her making sparks. I slowly stood up using my sword to help me. As i turned around i was met with a boot to the face making me stumble back. I was able to gain my sense back right in time to dodge a handbag? i brought up my sword to block a punch with the flat side and countered with a kick to her chest making her stumble back giving us space.
"you are quiet strong", i commented as i loosened up my armors as i stared her down.
"thanks, your not so bad yourself. Seems that armor saved you from most of my bullets", she said.
I rushed at her going for a swing above my head with my sword but she side steps dodging. She roundhouse kicked me in the chest making me step back. I started dodging left and right trying not to get hit by her kicks and punches. She kept go attack for attack not giving me enough time for me to counterattack with my sword. She tries to go for a leg sweep but i jump back, but as i jump back i notice her handbag turn into the minigun from earlier as she comes back around and hits me in the side launching me across the arena.
"Ugh!", i said in pain as i got on one knee trying to catch my breath.
"Sorry, but i think you lost", i heard her say behind me.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up", i said as i slowly rose as i began to activate my semblance.
I turned around as my armor slowly began to steam and i was breathing heavily. She fired a quick burst from her minigun but the bullets melted just before they touched me. She pulled her sunglasses slightly down with a confused look on her face. I slowly walked forward as the steam from my armor began to show more and more.
"For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God", i said as my armor suddenly burst into flames slowly forming into a new set of armor along with my sword as a heat wave formed around me. As my transformation finished i stabbed my sword in the ground making flames surround me as i stared at the girl as she watched with a look of surprise.
"", she said panting from the immense heat i was giving off.
I slowly walked towards her as she began to fire her minigun, but every bullet melted before they hit me. I kept walking toward her with my sword, that was on fire, was held firmly in my right hand. She transformed her minigun back into it's handbag as she rushed me while i kept slowly walking towards her. She jumped up in the air doing a flying side kick, but i merely brought up my left hand stopping her kick and pushing her onto her back in front of me. I stopped walking as she looked up at me panting and sweating because of the heat. I stabbed my sword in front of me with both my hands on it making the heat intensify.
"Surrender", i calmly said as i boosted the heat. I knew if she took anymore of this she will pass out from dehydration.
"i...i cede", she said as i transformed back into my normal form. I sheathed my sword too now that the fight was over.
"good, i did not wish any more harm upon you. Are you injured in any way?", i asked as i held my hand out which she took as i pulled her up.
"I'm...fine. Just....dehydrated", she said as she tried to catch her breath.
"Yes, that form can do a number on people", i said as i watched a squad of atlas guards come into the arena.
"If you will excuse me, it seems i have some questions to answer", i said as i walked away with my hands raised as i approached the squad.
"Put your sword on the ground slowly and put your hands behind your back", the captain said as i complied.
Time Skip to interrogation room
I was sitting in a interrogation room at the vale police apartment with my hands chained to the table. I was happy they let me keep my armor on, since they saw no harm as long as i was searched for hidden weapons which i didn't have. It was quit funny watching two of the officers drag my sword since neither one could actually carry it. As i was thinking about that the door to the room opened allowing four people to enter.
"these the people you told me about?"
"yes, the one with in green is professor ozpin, my previous master. The one in white attire is general ironwood who i didn't actually meet while i was alive. The last two are qrow branwen and glynda goodwitch"
"Should i tell them about you? or keep that to myself?"
"tell them the half truth, that you knew me before i died. you heard about my death and came to pay your respects while also helping with my mission. I don't know if it would be a good idea to tell them i'm alive still, it might cause some problems"
"i'm not sure what these problems could be, but i will respect your request"
"Now, we would like to know who you are?", ironwood asked in a threatening tone.
"my name is oliver, i came from a long line of knights", i said answering the question.
"why did you come here?", asked glynda with a stern tone.
"To meet you", i said looking towards ozpin.
"why would you want to meet me?", he asked intrigued.
"I want to know where my friend Max Yamamoto, i wish to know where he is buried", i said making everyone go quiet.
"How do you know that man?", qrow asked while he clenched his right hand.
"We met when he came across my village while he was travelling, we kept in touch ever since. I also knew about your problems with a witch", i answered.
Suddenly i was grabbed by my armor and pulled forward by qrow suddenly. I let my semblance slightly activate making the cuffs around my wrists freeze. I broke the restraints and grabbed qrow by his shirt with one hand then threw him to the others side of the room. I heard the sound of a gun cocking making me turn towards the noise to see ironwood with a magnum pointed towards my head.
"Stand....down", he said sternly. I put my hand to my side as i grabbed my chair and sat down calmly as qrow picked himself up slighly wobbling.
"He grabbed me, so i defended myself", i said explaining my actions.
"by throwing him across the room?", ozpin asked with a raised eyebrow.
"yes, but can we get to the fact that i want to help you with your salem problem"
"why do you want to help us?", glynda asked.
"because i was sent here by the gods to lend aid, the gods have willed it that i would be the wielder of their blade in this mortal world. I am here to help fix a mistake they made", i said explaining.
"So, you were sent by the gods?", ironwood asked.
" don't believe in the two brothers do you?", i asked.
"No, i don't believe in any gods. Now tell us the truth", he said slamming his hands on the table.
"I did tell you the truth, you can either accept or ignore it. It is up to you", i said as i leaned back in my chair with my hand folded on the table.
"ironwood, glynda, and qrow. could you leave the room for a bit?" ozpin asked.
".....sure", ironwood said as the other followed him out of the room.
Me and ozpin sat in silence as they exited the room. As the door shut ozpin walked over to the other chair sitting right in front of me. After he sat down he leaned his cane onto the table. He then leaned onto the table with is hand folded in front of his mouth. I could see his gaze analyzing me, even with this helmet on i felt like he was reading me like a book.
"So you met the gods then", he said with a smile.
"yes, and i have to overwhelming", i said looking down as i remembered meeting them.
"I take it you've been a long lasting believer in them", he stated.
"Yes, my family have always been believers in the brothers. Their is a legend passed down in my family that our first generation were knights that served a noble king. He was murdered which caused his kingdom to taken over by raiders. The raiders wiped out all the king's followers, which included his knights. My ancestor Oliver Brown, who i was named after, was one of the last knights who stood his ground. He fought at the highest point of the castle with cuts and bruises from each raider that faced him. One raider got a lucky hit cutting him in the side which made him fall off the tower. Surprisingly he lived, he feel in the river which took him all the way to a shrine meant for the brother of light. The brother of light sensed this mortal entering his domain. He found him washed up unconscious, as he approached him he woke up throwing his helmet off throwing up water. The brother of light asked him what happened, and my ancestor told him his story. The brother asked him what he would do now? he answered with saying that he will heal and go back to his kingdom that he swore he would protect to liberate it. The brother who was astonished with his willingness to protect others to his dying breath granted him a special ability. This would be my families semblance, he would be able to control the elements. Before my ancestor left the brother told him of his dark twin and how he might also be able to help. My ancestor went to his domain and told the brother of his journey, the brother was also intrigued with this mortal's willing to die for others. He strengthened his ability over the elements by giving him forms based on these elements. The brother sent him on his way, and my ancestor was able to take the kingdom by himself freeing the people. My ancestor, now having no king to serve decided to travel as a wandering knight that would forever help those in need. That drive to protect others still lives today in me"
"That is a very interesting story mr.brown", he said leaning back in his chair.
"but tell me, when you find salem...what will you do?", he asked.
"it's simple, the gods told me what i must do and gave me the power to do it", i answered as i removed my helmet finally showing my face to him and set it on the table.
"And what's that?"
"to kill her"
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