The wound is seen
I continued with my day after combat class which included history then science. I kept getting a slight headache through the classes seeing me beaten on the ground bloody. It was like i was reliving memories. After classes were done for the day all the students left for dinner, but i headed to once place that would help calm me, which was the music room. I walked in and found a Piano. I took off my helmet setting it down on the chair in front of it before i sat down and pushed up the cover covering the keys. I place my hands in the right positions and take a deep breath...then play.
I felt every keystroke with my hand as i felt the music play. I felt the pain that was hidden come out with me tearing up to the point i'm crying quietly. I just go through the keystrokes like master taught me.
"don't force music to come out, you must let your feelings make it come out. Music isn't just something you force out, it has to come out naturally. It's similar to the way a warrior wields his sword. He uses his instincts"
I remember those lines he said to me when he taught me how to play music. He didn't just teach me how to fight, but also different types of art. Music was what really got my attention. The different sounds and lyrics. It was a way for me to calm down and express my feelings. I played the last keystroke hearing the piano go silent. I close the cover but keep my hands on it as i see my tear drops hit the cover. Then i begin to sob feeling the pain from all those years ago coming back.
"AGHHHH!!!", i screamed letting all the pain go.
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"Why can't i find peace?", i said out loud.
"I thought i left this pain, but it's come back to haunt me. I don't know what to do. I just want my peace in life, but life won't let me. Why...why....WHY!!! WHY CAN'T I FIND PEACE!!!", i yelled standing up as i walked over to a window looking outside to see it raining.
I walk outside leaving my helmet as i feel the cold rain hit my face. I untied my gauntlets letting them hit the ground and i rolled up my sleeves as i felt the cold rain hit it. I don't know why, but standing in this rain feels so nice. The cold, it doesn't make me feel cold. It almost feels welcoming. I fall to my knees as the rain began to come down hard. I didn't move, just sat there. I looked in front of me to see a small child.
"Why do you haunt me?", i asked.
"To remind you", he answered.
"Remind me of what?", i asked.
"To remind you that you can't run away from your problems", he said sitting down in front of me.
"What problem? i never ran away from any problem", i said confused.
"Are you sure?", he said as i looked at him before he vanished. I looked up in the sky watching the rain fall down.
"father, what do i do? i've found a master, but...i still feel like i'm searching for something. I need your help and guidance. Please....father...sensei", i said as i put my head on the ground.
"I JUST WANT PEACE!!!", i yelled with all my anger, pain, and sorrow as more tears fell.
" alright?"
I turn around to see Ruby holding an umbrella as she looks at me worried. I quickly get a flash of when she was younger, before they corrupted her. Me and her use to get along, we would play and hang out together when children, but one day it stopped. Then she started hurting me, and calling me names. I wish i could go back to those times.
"no ruby,....i am not", i said looking down.
"Why's that?", she said walking over as she held the umbrella over me.
"It's the abuse, i thought i've gotten over it years ago but it seems i haven't. What happened ruby?", i asked.
"What do you mean?", she asked confused.
"I mean, what happened to us? we use to be so close", i said.
"I was young, and dad told me it was alright to hit you and mentally abuse you. I didn't want to, but he threatened to hurt me too if i didn't", she answered making me feel angry for what tai yang has done. He has no honor, fi the time blade will be the last thing he sees.
"I missed my big brother", she said in a sad tone.
"Hey ruby, what was that nickname you called me when we were kids?", i asked.
"Oh, do you mean maxy?", she asked.
"Yeah, i'm still not a fan of it", i said trying to joke.
"Yeah, you would get annoyed to the point you would chase me know", she said getting sad.
"I forgive you ruby", i suddenly said.
"What?", she said surprised.
"All of your past transgressions against me have been forgiven", i said. I felt her hug me as i felt hear her sob.
" it?", she said sobbing.
"Yes, i am no liar. Lying is against my code", i answered.
"I'm so happy. We should probably get out of the rain", she commented.
'yeah, but first we need to grab my helmet from the music room", i said as i put my gauntlets back on.
"Ok", she said as we walked away as she covered me with the umbrella. As we were walking i look behind me to see the child with a smile.
"I guess i was running away"
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