The beginning
I placed the last rock to bury my sensei, i pretty much considered him a father but i never called him it and he never called me son. I knew he thought of me as one, but he always called me student. He was a great teacher and father. I grabbed his sword that was right next to me as i was kneeling. I slowly unsheathed the sword and stuck it into the pile of rocks covering his body. I placed the sheath down and bowed my head down on the ground paying my respects. I stood up after awhile and looked at his grave then the single tree by his grave and the view of the sea in front.
(Ignore the monk)
Then i turned around to see the house we trained and lived in.
I walked into the house going down a hallway to my sensei's room. I hesitate to open the door remembering all the nice memories we had together when i was only a kid after.....i can dwell on the past. If i do, i can't become a true samurai. I open the door and head over to a dresser that's meant to hold a set of armor with swords. sensei told me that when he died after teaching me all the ways of the samurai to open this cabinet. I opened the cabinet wide with both my hands to see a set of armor and a set of swords.
"thank you....father", i said out loud as a single tear ran down my face.
Timeskip 3 years (Max is currently 18 years old)
I was walking through a town about an hour outside of vale. I've been traveling ever since my sensei died seeing where fate takes me. I help people along the way on my journey living by the Bushido code or the code of the samurai. I was walking through the town gaining stares because of my armor. Three men walked in front of me, one with a gun and the others with a sword.
"So, what's a stranger like you doing in a town like this", one of thems aid to me.
"Just passing through", i said.
"Ok, so. What do you got on you?", he asked.
"Never hold on to possessions you no longer need", i said out loud giving them a confused look on their faces.
"What?", one of them says.
"I'll take that as a no, but those swords will do", he said pointing to them.
I slowly put my hand on the hilt of one of my swords. They all tense up by this, i can tell these men have no honor. The other guy pointed his gun and shot a bullet and i dodged it by moving to the side and drawing my sword with a two hand grip. I ran at them with my sword pointed to the side. One came at me with a slash, but i dodged to the side again and slashed the side of his chest with one precise strike. The guy fired another round form his handgun and i slashed the bullet into two with another strike scaring him so much he dropped the gun. The other guy panicked and ran at me with sloppy form and tried to stab me. I used my sword and misdirected his sword making it go to the side as i slide my sword down his then i slashed his throat cutting his head off. The last one fell backwards with fear on his face. I stood up and flicked my sword removing the blood and sheathed my sword. I walked up to the last thug and stared down at him through my helmet.
"If you lose, it's not over. If you stop, then it will be over. I spare your life so you may restart. I see potential in you, but it's up to you to better yourself. Now, leave", i said as he got up and ran away from me. I looked around and noticed people coming out of hiding places. A woman wearing blue jeans, a plain white shirt with a black jacket.
"Thank you sir, they've been causing harm to the shop owner and running around here like they own the place", she said.
"Don't thank me then, i was just doing my duty", i answered.
"Your duty? are you a huntsmen?", she asked.
"No, just a ronin passing through", i said.
"well, it's almost night. My father runs the local in, we could give you a room?", she asked shyly. I looked up to see the sun setting.
"That would be nice, thank you", i said bowing to her.
She turned around and she signaled me to fallow here. I followed behind her as she guided me to the inn. We entered as a older man wearing some robes of sort came up to us, most likely her father. I stood by her as they talked for a bit and she mentioned me dealing with the men who have been plaguing their town. He looks at me and he walks over.
"So, you dealt with those trouble makers? and your a ronin,huh?", he asked.
"Yes", i answered.
"hmm, well. Welcome to my inn, and you may have any room you choose", he said.
"Thank you", i said bowing again.
He handed me some keys to a room and headed to it. As i got in i locked the door and took my armor off piece by piece and set it on the desk in the room. I then untied the swords on my side and leaned them against the desk. i then heard a knock on my door, i walked over and unlocked it and opened it to see the young woman with a plate that had a steak with vegetables and a glass of water.
"I thought you would be hungry and thirsty", she said.
"Thank you, i can not begin to explain the amount of thanks for your hospitality today", i said bowing before taking the plate and water.
"If you need anything, don't be shy to call me or my father", she said before leaving. I closed the door and locked it again as i went to bed.
Timeskip to tomorrow
"Your just a waste of space, nobody loves you", she said as she punched me. I was 9 years old again.
"You were a mistake!!", another girl said as she kicked me in the face.
"I don't even no why i had you", i heard before my stomach was kicked knocking the wind out of me.
"Your no son of mine!!", then i felt someone pick me up and i felt a sharp pain in my chest making me grab the man as he pulled out the knife making me fall back as i saw all their faces, even the ones who didn't even need to do anything to harm me.
"AHHHHH!!!", i yelled as i woke up from my nightmare sweating. I look outside my window to see it's sunny. Why am i having these nightmares again?
I got up and began to put my armor on after i tied my swords to my hip. As i was doing it i was thinking about my nightmare. I haven't had that nightmare since i met sensei, why has it come back? maybe it has to do with something that is coming. I don't know what, but i must be ready. How could i be afraid of death like that? a samurai has to be ready for death, but in that dream i was afraid of it. I clenched my fist in anger, but then i stopped. Anger is not part of what sensei taught me. I finished putting on my armor while looking at my helmet before putting it on and left the inn after giving the owner and his daughter my thanks. Then i continued my journey making my way to vale. I walked through the city enjoying the view and keeping my ears open for anything. I heard people talking about a festival coming up. I wonder if i could enter, probably would find some honorable opponents but i would have to be apart of a school. Something not exactly on my radar. I continued walking through the town getting the occasional stares of course. I continued walking, not having a single place in mind of where to go. Just kept walking like i usually do until someone needs help or i find a place to sleep. I continued walking until i heard an explosion. I ran straight to the explosion to see white fang members robbing a dust store. I walked up to the group as i drew my sword slowly holding it with two hands as i waited for them to notice me. I counted five men grabbing as much dust as they could.
"Hey, who's this guy?", One of them said finally noticing me. The group stopped and stared at me not sure what to do.
"put down the dust and surrender", i said.
"Get him", one guy said as they grabbed the rest.
One of them came at me with a horizontal slash which i precisely blocked then hit him in the back of the head knocking him out. The whole group noticed how i took him down so quickly and easily. They all took out their weapons which were mainly swords and surrounded me. I put my sword up close to my head loosening my fingers on the swords handle ready for a strike from any one of them. One came from behind with a downward strike which i blocked with my sword then kneed him in the chest knocking the breath out of him as i then hit him in the head with my handle knocking him out. I got back in my stance as i heard police sirens getting closer. They decided to attack all at once. One came at me with a stab which i blocked knocking the blade out of my hands at i blocked another attack coming from my right as i side kicked him making him fall on his back. A third comes right at me with a slash that i block but he attack again with a two handed strike coming from above which i side step as i cut his leg making him going to his knee. Before he gets back up i elbow him in the head knocking him out. The other two get up recovering from my counters. Time for me to go onto offense, i slowly walked up to them keeping my sword out in front of me. I moved forward and did a fake out making it look like i was going to swing from the top which made him go for a black from the top, but i switched and cut his side in a way that wouldn't kill him, but make sure he wouldn't be able to fight. The last one takes the chance i attacked to go for a stab but i moved to the side slightly and grab his arm pulling him forward as i headbutted him knocking him out. I see the police cars pull up as i put my sword away. The police officers came out with their guns pointed at me, i raised my hands. I slowly reached toward my swords and they tensed up. I continued but didn't reach for the handle, i grabbed the side and untied them from my waist as i slowly put them down in front of me as i kneel in front of it.
Timeskip to an interrogation room
I was kneeling in front of a table as i was meditating waiting for the police officers or someone else to walk in and talk to me. The door opened and i lifted my head to see a white haired man wearing a green suit on who had a cane in one hand and a file with papers in the left. with him was a blonde haired girl holding a tablet of sorts.
"Hello, my name is professor ozpin. Would you like to take a seat?", he asked as he sat down.
"Yes", i said as i sat down across from him. He sets the file down and opens it to photos of me with a file with my name on it.
"So, your the travelling ronin. You know there's stories going around about you and the things you've done. From ridding villages of bandits and saving people who were kidnapped or even enslaved. People call you a guardian, a vengeful spirit, and most think your a ghost, but i know better. Your name is Maximus rose, son to Summer rose and taiyang xiao long", he said reading my file. I hold in my anger remembering that anger is not my way. I take off my helmet and set it on the table to show them my silver eyes and what i really look like.
(Except he has silver eyes like ruby's)
"i am not a rose mr.ozpin, my name is Maximus yamamoto. The last ronin in remnant", i said.
"hm, a ronin? i haven't met a ronin in a very long time or a samurai for that matter. Which begs the question, who is your master?", he asked.
"I've been traveling remnant looking for the right one, but all i've found are false masters. None have a goal that is meant to better those around them. I do not stain my blood with the innocent or those who are not meant to die. I believe in second chances and my code believes in mercy and honor. Which i take very seriously since my sensei has taught me it", i said answering him.
"hm, what if i said i was battling a being who could possibly destroy the whole human race? what would you say?", he asked intrigued.
"You mean salem", i said. The blonde haired girl had shock on her face.
"Not shocking that in your travels you would come upon her", he said with a smirk.
"no, i never met her. My sensei told me about her and what she had instored for humanity. I do admit i do want to stop her, but i know i can not do it myself. So i roamed looking for a master who is honorable and could possibly deal with this threat, so", i said standing up and kneeling in front of him.
"please, allow me to serve you...master", i said with a respectful tone.
"I don't see why not", he said standing up and offering me a hand. I took it and stood up as a sign of respect.
"I promise to aid you in every way i can on our mission to stop salem", i said.
"good, now let's make our way to beacon academy", he said walking out as i grabbed my helmet and put it back on.
We walked out and i retrieved my swords thanking the police officers for their help in helping me arrest the criminals. We then headed to a bullhead heading to beacon, as we were getting off we were greeted by four girls all wearing different color schemes, but two looked familiar to me but i don't know why. We walked up to them as they all had different looks of interest.
"Mr.Yamamoto, would you like to say hi to team RWBY?", he asked.
"Yes master, i apologize for my rudeness", i said as i walked forward.
"Hello, my name is Max Yamamoto", i said as i bowed. As i got up i saw the red one come up with a shy look on her face.
"Hi, i'm ruby rose...leader of team RWBY!!", she said excited. I stopped moving and everything slowed down. Ruby...rose, then the yellow yang i said as i looked at her.
"Well, Mrs. Rose i don't know if you know this but this man here is someone your family has been looking for a very long time now. Mr.Yamamoto, could you please remove your helmet?", he asked. He is my master, and i must remember my code. I slowly took off my helmet and put to my side as yang and ruby's eyes began to water.
" that you" she said as she got closer but i stepped back making her tear up more.
"yes, mrs.rose. I am the maximus you know", i said keeping a calm tone.
"Brother, where did you go....we look..."
"I left for a good reason ruby, you should know that since you and yang were the reason i left. Along with the others", i said as she began to cry.
"You asshole, we looked everywhere for you and you go and do this!?!?", yang said as her eyes turned red.
"I left that house after the things done to me and found an actual father, but he wasn't just a father to me. He was my sensei, he taught me how to fight for honor and with a reason. He taught me how to become the last samurai, and i can proudly hold that title now that i have found a master", i said looking at ozpin. He walks over obviously confused by all of this.
"I'm not sure what is entirely going on, but i would like some answers", he said getting curious.
"call mr.xiao long and mrs.rose along with mr.branwen and i will tell you my story tomorrow with them there. They should be here for this, and i am sorry i can not give you the answers now master. I need to mentally prepare myself for what i will talk about", i said bowing to him.
"I see, and mr.yamamoto and please just call ozpin", he said smiling.
"yes mas...i mean ozpin", i said.
"Here is a scroll with the code to get into your dorm along with your dorm room number", he said handing it to me.
"Thank you", i said bowing again.
"I will talk to you tomorrow about this mr.yamamoto", he said with a serious tone.
"Understood ozpin", i said as i bowed before putting my helmet back on and began to walk off. I heard footsteps come from behind me and i stopped to look behind me to see ruby and yang.
"Max, please forgive us", she said pleading.
"No, i can not forgive you but my code says i must for it is the way of the samurai to offer mercy. If i can't do that, then i am no samurai. I must look into myself and find a reason to forgive you and give you mercy. so, no i will not forgive you. Good day mrs. rose and mrs.xiao long", i said as i walked to my dorm leaving them in silence.
I walked into my dorm and noticed a stand for my armor. I took off my armor and place it onto the stand and i also noticed a place for my swords. I untied my swords and placed them on the stand. Then i sat down on my bed and took a deep breath as i felt myself calming down after seeing "them".
"What a day"
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