sending a message
So, who were the ones who killed you again?
Her name is cinder fall, and she was a very formidable opponent. I never expected her to be on of the four maidens. I could of possibly beat her if i had more practice with my silver eyes form.
She sounds like someone who would have a endgame plan that must include this tournament, she needs to be dealt with....permanently
Agreed, but we should take out their followers first. without them she won't be a problem to deal with, especially with your semblance.
Then let's get started
I stood up from my bed after talking with max. After my talk with ozpin he allowed me a room to stay in, and apparently participate in the tournament. He explained to everyone at the festival my sudden appearance to be a little show and i was a secret participant. He explained that i would be a first type of fighter, one who didn't represent a kingdom as a challenger. I walked out of the apartment into the cool night. It was cold enough for me to see my breath everytime i breathed.
"the air has a sort of tension tonight"
couldn't agree anymore
I made my way to where cinder's dorm was based off of max's directions. i sat by a tree letting my sword rest against my shoulder watching the window to the room listening in. I sat there for what felt like an hour until i heard a girl say she was going to head into vale. I waited a bit until i saw a girl with tan skin that had green hair leave the building. I stood up and picked up my sword and followed her from a distance. We soon came to the bullhead landing pad waiting for the shuttle which arrived pretty quickly. She entered the bullhead but i waited until it slowly began to fly off. I quickly ran towards the bullhead then jumped up grabbing onto it as it took off. I climbed the bullhead until i was on top. i sat down catching my breath as i waited for the bullhead to land.
"hopefully there isn't any unwanted surprises tonight", i said out loud.
I kept following her until she suddenly took a turn into an alley. I quickened my pace to catch up to her but as i turned into the alley she wasn't their. I walked down the alley with my left right hand on my sword's handle before i heard a gun cocking behind me making me jump to the side to dodge two shots. I turned around with my sword drawn to see the emerald with her guns drawn.
she must be using some kind of illusion semblance. This alley only goes one way and she couldn't have had enough time to climb the walls or anything. I'll be you second pair of eyes since i can manifest my own body that only you can see.
Suddenly she vanished from my sight again by turning into a mist. I held my sword out in front of me watching max's ghost who was across from me waiting for his signal of where she was going to strike. He suddenly yelled left making me step back then swing my sword to my left. I knew i hit something as i felt my blade hit a solid object and emerald rematerializing with wide eyes. She bumped up against the wall which gave me enough time to rush her. I raised my hand back then sent a punch at her which she luckily dodged but my hand got stuck in the wall.
"Who are you?", she asked turning her guns into two scythes. I turned my head towards her then ripped my hand out of the wall.
"my name won't matter, since you will be dead soon", i said before rushing her.
I swung my sword making her use both her scythe's to block. She stumbled back because of my strength behind my swing. She launches at me and begins to throw a fury of attacks which i was able to block most of them, but some were able to hit me. My armor took the attacks without making me lose any major amounts of aura. As she came for another slash aiming for my chest i side stepped and kneed her in the chest making her puke onto the ground. She fell onto her stomach and tried to catch her breath. She tried to stand up but i kicked her in the chest sending her into the alley wall. She sat herself up to try and catch her breath only to almost be impaled with my sword if she didn't move her head to the side. She rolled to my left while at the same time transforming her scythe's back into guns and began to fire a pon me. I rolled onto my side to get behind a dumpster for cover. My armor can take bullets but not too many before it gets damaged beyond repair and let the bullets get through.
"Guess i'll have to use it then", i said as i activated my semblance making my armor begin to morph and change. As my transformation changed i walked out from my cover to try and finish off emerald.
She had a look of surprise before firing again. Before she began firing i stuck my sword in the ground in front of me making the ground form a wall to protect me from the bullets. I left my sword in the ground then cocked my hand back and punched the rock wall right towards emerald. The wall travelled the ground toward emerald but she jumped above it, which is what i planned for. While my rock wall was heading towards her i picked up my sword and ran behind it. So just as she jumped over it i was waiting for her with a full two handed swing heading right for her chest which made contact earning me a gasp with blood leaving her mouth sending her back towards my wall which she went straight through. I walked towards my destroyed walk wall to see emerald on her stomach as her aura broke with one of her scythe's close to her. I slowly walked up to her as she reached for her but i kicked it away before she could reach it.
" this?", she said in pain. I flipped her onto her back with my foot as i held my sword above her.
"To send a message"
Next morning (3rd POV)
"AHHHH!!!", a girl screamed in horror.
The girl was on her but with her eyes wide open in horror making other students come to see what happened to find a gruesome sight. Not one person said a word as they looked at what the girl came a pon. Some just stood their staring not even moving while others threw up where they stood. Suddenly one of beacon's teachers showed up in a hurry to witness for themselves what has happened. This teacher was glynda goodwitch, and in all her years of being a huntress she has never seen anything like this. One person in this group who was shocked and at the same time enraged that one of her allies have died was Cinder Fall. Now that emerald was dead it put a huge damper in her plans.
"My...god", Glynda said with her hands over her mouth.
What stood in front of her was emerald sustrai dead, but not just dead. She had cuts all over her body and she was hung on a iron cross. Mrs.Goodwitch walked closer to see their was a note with some writing on it that read.
"Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature: sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed, which is idolatry. Because of these"
"the wrath of God is coming"
In a window nearby val was watching everything that transpired with his fists clenched in anger. He could not the believe the amount of dishonor and cowardice of killing a young girl like this. Then perch her on a cross to everyone to see, like a trophy. Whoever did this, he would find them and kill them.
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