Professor ozpin entered his office with his 13th coffee for the day in his hand. After finding out about mercury's body and having their final team member suddenly disappearing. He sat down at his table with a heavy sigh. He set his cup on the table before folding his hands together over his mouth deep in thought.
"Professor ozpin, i need to know where emerald and mercury sustari came from"
Ozpin instantly looked towards the voice to see oliver standing their with his sword on his back. Ozpin was surprised to see oliver here, but he could tell his visit wasn't going to be a good one. wait, mercury and emerald's death. Emerald was perched up on a cross that looked like it came out of the ground and her death along with emerald had weird messages. They were bible verses, no...he didn't.
"Oliver, please tell me you didn't", i said with wide eyes.
"so, you finally pieced it together. Yes, i did kill emerald and mercury because they were working with salem along with their leader cinder. I killed emerald and mercury, her two important pawns. With them out of the picture her whole plan would fall apart, but there is one more thing that must be done", oliver answered as he stood in front of ozpin.
"i...can't believe it", ozpin said surprised.
"I told you i was sent by the brothers to rid this world of salem, but to do that i need to take out each one of her allies. She is too strong to face on her own, so i must take out everyone of her allies until she's the final one left. I just started a game of chess with her, and i sent the messenger to giver her my challenge. Now, the true fight for remnant begins", oliver explained before he turned around to walk out.
"....what's the final thing you must do?", ozpin asked.
"They planned to invade vale with a army of white fang and grim. I will go take care of that army before they are a threat, and you did not answer my question. What kingdom were emerald and mercury representing? that will lead me to salem's next ally", oliver answered stopping right in front of the elevator and pressing a button.
"...haven, they were representing havan academy", ozpin answered with a sad tone.
"thank you, now to deal with the army", oliver said as he entered the elevator.
Timeskip to outside of vale (oliver's point for view)
I was standing on a cliff's edge looking at where the army will come from. Based on where their base is located along with the fact that they'll be using bullheads. So, if they want to get to vale they will need to cross this cliff i'm standing at.
We've done good work so far
True, but we have a long road ahead of us and this fight could go wrong for us
true, we are facing a whole army that has grimm, but i have a feeling someone will come to help us. Don't ask me how, but i just know
I heard a noise coming from the distance in front of me. I looked towards the distance to see a mass of bullhead too many to count, but enough to transport an army along with grim. I kneeled on the ground with my sword in front of me and prayed that the gods will keep me safe. After about a minute of praying i stood up while also picking up my sword. I activated my semblance along with my silver eye powers.
It's time
It seems so, remember you only have 10 minutes
I'll make them count
I stuck my sword in the ground then kneeled down to the ground with one hand touching it and closed my eyes. I focused on the earth feeling everything around me. i could sense the trees swaying in the wind around me and the bugs living in the trees. I could feel the animals running or walking through the forest along with grimm. I slowly took a breath then opened my eyes making spikes shoot out of the ground hitting all the bullheads damaging them enough that they had to land. As they were landing i made the trees in the area disperse leaving them no cover. i stood up grabbing my sword then jumping off the cliff while shooting ice from one of my hands making a slide leading to the bottom of the cliff. As i reached the bottom i slowly walked towards where the bullheads landed to see white fang setting up defense positions using the bullheads as cover. I slowly walked towards them gaining a couple of their attention making them point me out to the others. I stopped right when i was a good distance away from them so they could hear me.
"you will not get to vail, anyone who wishes to leave may do so now", i said loud enough for all of them to hear me, but none moved.
"So be it"
I then went into a full sprint right at the white fang army. Right before they began to open fire i made myself burst in flames to make the bullets melt before they touch me. All the bullets were melting into a liquid making the white fang decide to switch to their melee weapons. They all ran towards me as one of the biggest battles i have ever fought in will begin. I blocked a white fang soldiers blade then headbutted him knocking him out. I swung my sword cutting down four more white fang then slammed my sword into the ground creating spikes of ice around me impaling and killing many of them. I ran up one of the pillars of ice then jumped over with my sword raised while yelling my battle cry. I landed on a white fang member knocking him on his back then cutting his chest before blocking a strike that i countered with a fist to the jaw. I cut the air in front me sending a slash of air through the army that killed about 30 of their men. Suddenly i was thrown through the air by an explosion caused by a rocket launcher. I stood up with a little stumble as i saw where the missiles came from to see a white fang firing squad with rocket launchers. Before they sent another vauley i formed a dome of rock to protect me from the missiles. I felt my dome cracking form the missiles so i created two more layers to give me more time to figure out a plan.
Oliver, your down to one minute
dam it, i didn't expect them to have rocket launchers
I felt myself suddenly transform back into my normal form. I looked all over the dome to see if their were any crack but i didn't see anything, but i don't hear anymore explosions. I walk over to one side of dome to put my ear to it to see if i can hear anything.
"it seems he's protecting himself in that dome, i need a quick count of our men and are those bullheads able to be fixed?"
"yes sir, the bullheads can be fixed and they should be done soon and it's seems he took out more than half our men but we should still be able to pull off the invasion"
Those were words i was not wanting to hear. I don't know how i can send a message to them about the coming army. I can't go back into that form, we didn't train enough with it to be able to use it multiple times and if i do want to use it again i need about an hour to let my body recharge. If i use that form more than once during that recharge time i could completely wreck my body, but it seems i might need to do it.
max, do you think i should transform again?
what!?! that would be suicide, you know what it can do to your body
yeah, but if i don't a army of white fang will kill so many innocents. this is a risk i must take, but maybe i can use that form to send some kind of signal.
yes, with that form you have a stronger control over elements. you could cause a huge pillar of fire to shoot up in the air to signal them
that could work, and it might just be our ticket out too
Your not thinking?
I'll be here to make sure you don't go on the deep end
wish me luck
I stood in the middle of my dome and went into my fire form. I didn't stop though, i built up the heat in my body and pushed my blocker in my head. I have a mental block in my head that's meant to keep the side effects in check. This form builds up my rage to a point i could lose it and transform into my second form. Each of my forms has a second one that's meant to strengthen its attributes but doesn't rush the effects of the form. This one is the most dangerous though, just because of what my armor becomes. I felt the rage build up in me and instead of ignoring it and pushing it down, this time i let it flow through me. I felt the anger course through me while at the same time my armor began to change along with my sword. My sword didn't even look like a sword anymore, it only looked like a hunk of iron.
Then my mind went blank.
3rd person point of view
The white fang were working on the bullheads until suddenly a burst of fire went into the sky from the dome. The fire soon went out and the white fan picked up their rifles to fight. There was a total of 100 white fang, but what they didn't know was....they had no chance. A hand clad in black armor rose out of the hole on top of the dome. A black figure slowly rose from the hole as he carried a giant sword on his back that didn't even look a sword. It was just a giant hunk of iron that looked like no one could carry it. He jumped down from the dome still having his sword resting on his shoulder. He watched all the white fang with his menacing red eyes then let out a roar that didn't belong to no human, but a beast.
He launched at the first white fang member and cut them clean in half causing blood to fly everywhere. The white fang opened fire on the black armor but it moved around with enough seed to dodge every bullet. He rushed at three white fang members who thought by standing next to each other would be able to hit him. He cut them all down with one swing slicing them all in half. All the white fang stopped firing as they saw the figure get covered it blood making him more red than black. What came next was only described in one word, a slaughter.
"Please n...ahhhh!!"
"It's not human!!!"
"God please NOOOOO!!!"
"Why me!?!"
The black clad of armor held a white fang member who was already dead but the armor kept punching it over and over and over again. He stopped after max yelled oliver's name one more time. The armor shifted back into its normal armor as the oliver fell to his knees as he breathed with exhaustion while behind him a bullhead landed with team rwby and ozpin. As they exited the bullhead they all had different expressions to what they saw. All around them were destroyed bullheads and bodies of white fang members. Each member either was missing a limb or was straight cut in half. Ruby ended up throwing up along with the rest of her team as ozpin walked up to oliver.
"Are you ok oliver?", ozpin asked. oliver just simply removed his helmet and threw it to the side then looked at his hands.
"'m not", oliver replied with tears in his eyes. Ozpin walked over and kneeled down next to him.
"What happened?", ozpin asked as he laced his hand on oliver's back comforting him.
"i...i had....i had to use my worst form", oliver said as his hands shaked. He had to clutch them to stop.
"And it caused this", ozpin said putting the pieces together.
"yes, i needed a way to....get out alive....but....i didn't know it would do this", oliver said as he looked around.
"It's over though, you beat them", ozpin said continuing to comfort him.
"no, it's not over til she's dead. But i'm afraid of what i'll do....i killed some bad people who deserved it but they didn't deserve this", oliver said beginning to shake.
"Oliver, you did what you had to do to survive and live another day", ozpin said now standing kneeling in front of him.
"...but....i feel like i'm straying from the path i was put on", oliver said shaking.
Oliver...this wasn't your fault, we both knew the risk of using that form
"but we shouldn't have used it", oliver said out loud.
"what do you mean we oliver", ozpin asked.
"i....can't tell you.....not right now", oliver said.
"it's ok, but it's over now oliver. It's over", ozpin said hugging oliver as he began to cry and cry in his shoulder as team RWBY were behind him with worried looks.
"It's over oliver, it's over"
Salem's lair
"so, he has the guts to threaten me?"
"yes, my lady"
"and he was single handedly the one to tear apart your plan and stop it"
"then it seems we have someone that needs to be taken care of"
"And Jesus said to him, "'If you can'! All things are possible for one who believes"
To Be Continued.....
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