Old Teammate
I grabbed a syringe from my bag that was placed next to my bed, in it was a red liquid. I slowly inserted the liquid into my arm then injected the liquid. I dropped the syringe onto the ground as i felt the liquid take its effects. The liquid is a aura enhancer meant to help heal wounds quicker. I looked at my hand which had brown veins popping out suddenly disperse. Most people might think my semblance is the most powerful, but with that power comes a toll. I have a total of four forms for four elements, but each form has its drawbacks. My earth form slowly sends a virus through my body that can temporarily paralyze me once i turn back to normal, but that's only if i stay in that form for more than 10 minutes. I almost reached that limit last night because i had to use my power over the earth to make a iron cross and to heal these wounds takes a massive amount of aura which is why i carry around aura enhancers meant for healing. Makes the process a lot easier.
You ok?
yes max, i'm ok. Just still can't get use to the slight pain that i get when i use these. It feels like a bunch of needles pinching me all over my body
every semblance usually has it's own weakness or drawback. For example, when i was still alive if i used my semblance without my swords it would of used up my aura. Some semblances can be a double edged sword if not used correctly.
Lucky for us i was able to master two of my forms. My earth form still needs some improvement along with my air one.
What time is our match to be?
In about an hour, apparently we'll also be facing a solo team for the doubles matches and he's a beacon student
Hmmmm, i feel like i might know this person
Suddenly we heard a knock on our door. I stood up and walked over and opened it to see a girl with a red hood who had another girl fully clad in white. I looked at the girl in white and noticed how elegant her clothes were, like ones you would see a princess wear. As i was looking at her wear i noticed her necklace which was the schnee emblem.
"Hello, i heard that you were going to be staying here and i wanted to welcome you to beacon", she said with a smile, but i noticed there was something else behind those words.
"I can't believe you dragged me with you for this", the one in white commented.
"I did not know i was in a the presence of a schnee. It is a honor to meet you", i said with a bow.
"oh..uh, thank you. also ruby here came to....see your weapon too", she said flustered
"CAN I SEE IT!!!", she yelled like a girl in a candy shop.
"...sure", i answered letting my hearing come back. I went into my room to grab my sword then returned to ruby.
"Can i hold it?", she asked.
"uh, i don't know if you'll be able to hold it but sure", i said handing it to her as she lifted it with both her hands without any trouble.
"Wow, you don't really see any classics now a days. Usually some kind of weapon that turns into a gun or something else", she says analyzing it before she hands it back to me.
"thank you, and your name is ruby rose if i'm correct?", i commented as i attached the sword to my back.
"yes it is", she said with a smile.
"i would like to say i am sorry for your loss. I was very close with your brother, he was a good man. He still had much to contribute to this world", i said in a sad tone.
"oh...uh, thank you", she replied with a sad smile.
"if you will excuse me, i have to head to my match", i said as i reached to the table right next to me and grabbed my helmet.
"Oh, sorry for taking up your time", weiss said.
"oh no, it was actually enjoyable", i said with a smile before i put my helmet back on.
Timeskip to Arena Locker room
"please oh powerful gods, watch over me in the trials to come and guide me if i shall stray from your righteous path, amen", i said finishing my prayer.
I stood up and reattached my sword to my back as i walked to the entrance to the arena. As i walked towards the arena i heard cheering and the announcers announce my opponent whose name was Val. I waited patiently for my turn as a light was on top of me was red until it turned green. I walked through the doors as i heard a song play, and i had to say i liked it.
I walked towards the middle of the arena while the crowd cheered until they stopped as i made it to the middle. I grabbed the hilt of my sword and slowly drew it until i pointed it at my opponent in a challenging manner.
"let us fight valiantly", i said as i got into my fighting stance.
"LET THE MATCH BEGIN, IN 3....2...."
I tightened my grip on my sword as i saw my opponent draw his weapon. It was a kusarigama that looked like it could transform into a revolver. As he shited i noticed old fashioned ninja garments that looked like they had pouches that could be holding something dangerous, i'll need to be careful.
He quickly reached into his trench coat and just as fast threw two shurikens. I slashed through both of the shurikens then i was covered in smoke. I got in a defensive stance while shifting my view slowly left and right listening for footsteps. Suddenly i felt a slash at my back making me stumble back until i felt a kick to my face followed with a elbow to the chest knocking me on my back. I rolled to the side just missing a kick aimed for my chest getting back on my feet. I slowly catch my breath while trying to figure out where he'll strike next.
"most people would have been defeated by now"
I shifted towards the noise looking at where it came. I slowly walked through the smoke listening for anything that just might give me his position. I heard a shift in footing to my right making me turn towards it giving me just enough time to raise my sword up to see that i blocked the kusarigama scythe part. I held the block as i suddenly could see val in front of me, i kicked him in the chest launching him back into the smoke. This smoke is really getting annoying, it's time i get rid of it. I held my sword pointing it towards the ground as i channeled a little of my aura into it. Then i slashed the air in front of me making the smoke disperse to show val standing in front of me spinning his kusarigama then launching the scythe part. I caught the scythe just before it hit me making him look surprised.
"nice try", i said before i pulled on it.
Just as he reached me i close hanged him making him lose his breath. I tried to stomp on his chest while he was down, but he leaned to the side making me miss as he wrapped his legs around mine. He twisted his body flipping me onto the ground then got on top of me then punched me in the helmet making him hold his hand in pain. I lifted my self up then head but him making him fall on his back. As he was holding his head i stood up and walked over picking up my sword. As i turned around i was hit with small explosions making me cross my arms. As i moved my arms i was met with a kick to the face then a elbow to the chest. I stumbled back after the onslaught of attacks to be met with more. He elbowed me in the face, then tried to punch me across the face but i caught it.
"My turn"
I pulled him towards me driving him into my knee making him puke behind me. Then suddenly he vanished into smoke, making me look left and right to see where he went. Then i heard a sound as a bunch of clone's of val popped up with their arms crossed. I could only guess their was a smirk under his mask.
"so, i guess you have some kind of semblance that allows you to make clones", i said getting into a defensive stance looking at all of them.
"so, how are you going to fight an army?", he said in a confident attitude.
"Guess it's time i used my semblance now", i said as my aura flared up causing my armor to shift and change making a blinding light.
"Let us begin"
I slammed my sword into the ground into the ground making shards of ice burst out the ground killing every clone except one. The last one seemed to have jumped out of the way while throwing another shuriken. I held up my hand to catch it and just as the tipe touched my hand it froze, then i proceed to crutch it into pieces. As i ran at val he threw a set of three ninja stars from each hand. I cut down all of the shurikens in one strike while also sending a ice blast towards val. He jumped to the side but his foot got caught in the blast leaving his foot frozen in solid ice.
"i did not expect that", he said as he smashed the piece of ice off his foot. I looked at the screen showing our aura levels to see that his was at forty five percent and mine was at forty percent.
"i think it's time that we finish this", i said as i encased my sword in ice making it able to deal out more damage.
"agreed", he said while doing hand gestures as a bunch of clones suddenly appeared behind him with his weapon.
They all ran at me while throwing shurikens with different colors on them. I put my hand on the ground to form a dome of ice above me stopping the projectiles. I heard them get stuck into the ice along with some explosions. I lifted my sword then slashed the top of the dome making it explode into pieces that scattered all over the arena. I looked around to see that the attack took out most of the clones. It seems that there was a total of about six clones left, with the real one being one of them. They all rushed me deciding to go for close quarters, since their range attacks didn't work. Val went for a stab which i dodged by spinning to my left until i was behind him. I stabbed my sword into his chest, just as the clone disappeared i heard footsteps coming from behind me. I raised my sword above my head stopping the blade aiming for my back. I pushed my sword over my head making val stumble forward as i turned around while encasing my hand in ice. I then uppercutted val breaking the ice around my hand making val puff into smoke. I then quickly spinned around and cutting two more clones in one swing as i felt two objects hit my arm making me look to that arm to see two shurikens sticking in it. I focused my semblance making them freeze and break into little pieces.
"what made you think that would work?", i said out loud before i felt my arms being wrapped with a chain.
"it was a distraction"
I fell the ground after getting kicked in the head while my arms were still tied up. I sat up and froze the chains but wasn't quick enough to break the chains as he kicked me in the chest making me slide across the ground heading towards the edge. I broke the chain then stabbed my sword into the ground to slow me down, which saved me from just barely falling out of the arena. I checked my aura to see i was at twenty percent while he was still at forty five percent. It's time to use this forms trump card. I stabbed my sword into the ground right next to me as a burst of wind surrounded me.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. perfect ice defense"
I felt two punches hit me on either side of my head but i didn't budge. In this form my body is covered in a very thick layer of ice creating a strong armor that's almost impossible to break. I lifted my hands grabbing the two vals and crutched them into smoke. I looked in front of me to see two more val's with wide eyes. I grabbed my sword with my huge hand making ice slowly encase it changing its shape into a giant ice sword. They began to throw explosive shurikens hopping to destroy my armor. I slowly walked towards them taking every explosion then went into a full sprint. I held my ice sword by my side then swung it cutting through the shurikens and hitting both val's making one puff into smoke while the other was launched out of the arena into the wall knocking him unconscious. I turned back to normal dispersing my ice defense as i saw val knocked out. I fell forward but caught myself using my sword as i was taking deep breaths. Using that form of my semblance drains my stamina humensley, especially when i use ice defense. I won't regain my stamina until tomorrow, so hopefully this is the last match for me today.
You did good against my old teammate, i was not expecting that form from you
That's your teammate!!!
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