Yang's point of view
I was heading over to Max's room but stopped to look out the window to see it was raining with some thunder. I had this feeling that something bad was going to happen and this weather was the foreshadowing. I continued on my way to max's room to find his door cracked open. I looked in the room to see him kneeling in front of his dorm window with his swords out in front of him. I walked in watching this as i looked to my left to see Val also watching him.
"What's going on?", i whispered.
"I don't know, he's been like this since this morning. He hasn't moved but every once in awhile will say something in japanese", He said still staring at him.
"what did he say?", yang asked.
"I might have gotten some of this wrong because i haven't spoken japanese in awhile. He apparently said " death has come, but i will not be it's victim", he answered. Suddenly lightning struck making Max look out the window.He stood up grabbing his swords attaching them to his hip.
"Kare Wa Kita", he said.
He walked right past us not even looking at me and Val. We followed him out the door and watched him go down the hallway. As we watched we saw a kid exit his door not noticing him walking down the hallway and max quickly dodged him while keeping a hand on the handle of one of his swords.
"Something is definitely bothering him", Val said.
"You can say that again, but what is it?", she asked out loud.
Max's point of View
I can feel him, i knew today was the day he would return for our yearly rematch. I might have damned his soul to the afterlife, but he will come for his revenge once again. I make my way through the courtyard feeling every raindrop hit my armor. I headed into vale to find my old foe or should i say death. I took a bullhead heading into vale as the rain continued with lightning here and there. The bullhead landed and i walked out heading into vale following the feeling of a dark presence. I kept walking towards the courtyard of where the grim outbreak happened. Suddenly i stopped, and turned to my right to see a man in armor looking at me with a skull mask.
"Dono Gurai Kakarimasu Ka? (How long has it been?)", i asked him.
"Chodo 2-nen (exactly two years)", he answered in a demonic voice.
"Kore o Molchido tsuka suru junbi ga dekite? (Ready to go through this again?)", i asked drawing one of my swords.
"Hai", he said drawing his sword.
(what it looks like except the grasslands are a plaza from the grim outbreak)
I stood their in my stance as i watched the incarnation of death stand in front of me to begin our yearly dual. He use to be human, but i took his life and he vowed vengeance. Now he's become the embodiment of death and we agreed every year he would find me to dual me. If i was able to injure him enough to kill a normal human being i would win the dual and if i died he would win.
We stood their having the rain hit our armor as we both waited for one to make a move. Suddenly thunder struck and we launched at each other. Our blades clashed creating sparks as we back up from each other then launched at each other again. He tried to stab me in my hip but i spun my sword to block it. I countered going for a vertical strike aiming for his chest. He moved to the side but ended up getting a cut on his arm. We backed up again staring each other down through our helmets. He put his swords together as they began to glow with a black aura.
"Shi no haaku (Death's grasp", he said as his swords turned into a single scythe.
"Ken no michi", i said as my sword becomes red.
I launched at him going for a strike to his head but he blocks with the middle of his scythe. We began to struggle with each other trying to overpower the other. My sword began making the middle of his scythe red hot but it didn't break. He pushed me back and slashed at my chest chipping the front but not cutting through the armor. He jumped up in the air spinning with his body diagonally. I brought my sword up blocking his scythe which nearly cut my head. I pushed his scythe to the side and slashed at his side cutting it slightly because he jumped to the side. He came at me again with his scythe by his side ready to strike. I brought up my sword but he moved quicker than i thought. I felt something stab me in my right side. I looked towards it to see the scythe impaled in me. I looked at him in his mask to see some his breath in the rain. I grab the scythe with my left hand as i run my sword right through his chest. He looks down to see the sword then looks at me as his red eyes glow. He pulls out his scythe as i pull out my falling back to one knee using my sword to keep me up as i watch Death stare at me.
"Anata wa manta kachimasu (you win again)", he said as he turned his scythe back into swords sheathing them then walking away vanishing into the rain.
"Jikai made", i said as i hold my side.
I turned towards the voice to see yang with an umbrella with val running up to me. I stood up holding my side using my sword to keep myself up. I took my hand off my wound looking at my hand to see fresh blood. Yang runs over seeing me in my state along with val. I walk towards them but fall to the ground but am caught by val.
"What happened?", he asked. I looked past them to see death staring at me in the rain but then he vanished in a black smoke.
"Death came, but did not win"
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