A challenger arrives
The vytal festival has begun, their are vendors selling everything from ammo to food for those participating in the tournament or coming to watch the fights. A single man covered in a cloak walks through the fairgrounds looking left and right as he watches the people at different vendors buying food. He walks past a group of girls that just finished with a match and accidently knocking into one who had a yellow color scheme.
"sorry", he said as he kept walking. The girl stopped and watch the man keep walking.
"something wrong yang?"
"no, that guy just felt..familiar"
Timeskip to the end of match three
"that was a very interesting match to watch...wait, what's this? who's that?"
The mystery man walked to the middle of the field with all eyes on him. This included a certain someone with orange eyes. The man continued to walk onto the field as two atlas guards came up to restrain him. He quickly grabbed the rifle of one of the guards pulling it up knocking out the soldier then knocking the other guard in the head with the butt end knocking out the other. He walked past them dropping the rifle as he made his way to the center. He dropped his cloak revealing his full suit of armor as he drew his sword stabbing it into the ground in front of him.
"Where are you going with this?", said a voice in his head
"Haven't met huntsmen in awhile, i need to see what these soon to be huntsmen have. Also, we get to see if the person who killed you is here"
"She is, i know she is"
a group of huntsman walked into the arena. One was a girl wearing a brown outfit with a matching beret and shades while carrying a purse. The other girl was wearing a tan jacket that bares her midriff, with golden brown piping and short, puffy sleeves with black cuffs that feature two gold buttons. Underneath this, she was wearing a low cut yellow crop top. The first guy of the group was wearing a dark grey knight armor that wasn't as good as the strangers. The last male was wearing a green robe and had a pink strand of hair.
"So, you are my challengers?", the stranger said pointing his sword at them.
"Who would you like to challenge first?", said the girl with the beret.
"you are mistake, i am challenging you all", the stranger said
"Sounds fun you cocky bastard", said the wannabe knight.
Start the music
They all rushed him while the girl with the beret stayed back and changed her purse into a gatling gun. Thanks to the last round the field still had some landscape for cover. The stranger ran into the woods avoiding the gun fire as he got into a forest. He ran deeper into the woods bringing up his sword to block the blade from a gun. He pushed back on the knife part then slashed at the attacker across the chest making them fall back. The attacker stood up to receive a right hook to jaw then a backhanded fist knocking him out since the punches were reinforced with steel gauntlets.
"one down, three to go", the stranger said.
As he turned around he only had a second to bring up his sword to block a mace coming right at him then pushed the mace back to see the man in grey armor. The stranger held his sword out in front of him ready to attack or defend. The mace wielder launched at the stranger as he blocked the strike then kicked him behind his knee cap bring him down to his knee as the stranger then brought his sword back using the hilt to knock him out.
"that was quick", the stranger said out loud.
The stranger grunted as he felt some bullets hit his armor making him hide behind a tree. He peaks around the corner to instantly whip is back as more bullets get shot into the tree. The stranger slowly lifts his sword in front of him as he heard the attackers steps slowly get closer. Just as the attacker was close the stranger came around swinging his sword in a way aiming for the head, but the attacker dodged by leaning back. The attacker jumped at the stranger with his two knife/guns raised above him to stab the stranger. Then the stranger raised his sword over him stopping the guns from being able to stab him. The stranger and attacker, who the stranger remembered was the kid with a pink stand of hair, fought for dominance. Suddenly the stranger kneed his attacker in the chest making him throw up then the stranger elbowed him in the head knocking him to the ground.
"get up, i will not fight a man on the ground. I will fight him while he stands and is able to defend himself"
"i like your honor stanger, my name is lie ren"
"and mine is oliver", the stranger said doing a bow.
Oliver brought his sword in front of him the same time rin got in his stance. Rin was the first to charge oliver making him raise his sword to block a furry of slashes. On the last slash oliver pushes ren back to give him room to begin his own attacks. Oliver began with a slash going for the chest which ren blocked but pushed him back because of oliver's strength and size of his sword. Oliver then bashed his shoulder into ren's chest knocking the wind out of him then brought the guard of his sword across rin's face making him stumble back more. Ren went for a slash with both of his guns but were stopped by oliver who then proceeded to push his sword to the side disarming ren. Ren went for a punch to oliver's helmet making him turn his head slightly while also damaging ren's hand. Oliver then stabbed his sword into the ground and slowly turned his head back towards ren's showing signs of being pissed off. Suddenly oliver knocks ren in the head with his head stunning him then holding his fist back bringing straight into ren's face knocking him out.
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