Chapter 9: Broken Things
Evelyn felt Newt's steady breathing, every time he exhaled it tickled the back of her neck. Jeff had finally fallen asleep, he had cried himself to sleep. Evelyn still had a few tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.
She slowly and carefully untangled herself from the boys. She got her feet. And stepped over the other boys, she came to sit at the edge of the cave entrance. She stared out into the dark night. The wind whipped the sand around. The screamed of cranks floated through the air. Evelyn sat cross legged, Chuck's little statue in her hands. While she fidgeted with it she noticed her finger tips were still slightly white. Like the frozen death power frost bite hadn't quite left.
She slowly and cautiously pulled her jacket and shirt sleeve up. The white veins had spread higher up her arm. Not much, but there was definitely more.
"Hey Pixy."
Evelyn quietly covered the veins.
"Pix, I've seen them...and it's getting worse."
Evelyn lowered her head. Tears stung her eyes. She nodded. Minho sat down on one side and Sonny sat down on her other side.
"I'm sorry." She whispered.
"For what?" Sonny asked.
"For... snapping at you. And what I did-'
"For saving us? For saving Newt? And Jessie? And Winston? Giving us a few extra minutes?"
"I have a power that takes life!"
"A gun can take a life. Your powers do the same." Minho pointed out.
"It's true, Evy. Any weapon can be used in self defence or an act of aggression."
She just shook her head, her head down. She had a hand holding her other forearm. It was a prickling cold pain. The three were quiet for a while. Evelyn wasn't supposed to be on watch, but the guys didn't say anything.
"How are you feeling?" Minho asked.
Evelyn shrugged. She took a shuddering inhale, closing her eyes she let out the breath.
"Guys?" She whispered so quietly they almost didn't hear.
They both looked at her. They saw the tears slide down her cheeks. She had picked her head up, staring straight ahead. Her jaw clenched and her eyes narrowed.
"Those....monsters...are my eventual fate. I don't know how long that repression drug Mary gave me will work...but I have the Flare. I can feel it-"
"No. Please just listen!" She cut off Minho before he could start.
She took both their hands and held them tight. She took another shuddering breath, her chest rising and falling a few times.
"I trust you two the most. I love Newt. With all my heart. I love him, but he won't...he won't understand."
"Understand what?" Sonny asked quietly.
She closed her eyes and swallowed hard. When she opened her eyes both boys saw the resolve and hard steel in her normal gentle green eyes.
"I don't want to get to that point. I don't want to forget. I can't. I love him...I love Newt. I love Chuck. I love you Min...and you too Sonny. I don't want to forget. Please... please don't let me get to that point."
"Pixy? What are you asking?" Minho whispered.
She didn't look at either of them, but stared straight ahead, after the long shrill scream of a past gone crank, she answered.
"Kill me before I get to that point."
"What? Evelyn!"
"I'm asking you as a friend. And fellow Keepers. Do not let me get to that point. please!"
She finally looked at Sonny his dark eyes soft and gentle. He looked at her hard for a few seconds and then nodded.
"Okay Evy. Okay."
"Thank you." She gave him a small sad smile.
She looked over to Minho who was struggling.
"Min? As my best would understand. I don't want to turn and hurt the ones I love! I can't turn into one of them! Please don't let me!"
He looked at her with such broken eyes but he nodded, his jaw clamped shut. But he nodded, keeping her eye contact.
"Thank you Minho."
Tears filled her eyes, as she looked at her best friend. The tears pooled, there wasn't much she could do, they slid over her lashes and slid down her sweaty grimy face.
He broke too, and tears slid down his face. His big strong arms pulled her into a tight hug.
"I'm sorry Evy! I'm so sorry I wasn't there!" He cried into her hair.
"It's not your fault." She whispered into his chest.
"No. Stop. Minho, don't do that to yourself."
He squeezed her tight. Her arms wrapped around him.
"I'm not scared of dying. It's forgetting that scares me. Forgetting Newt's love, it's forgetting our late night hang outs and jokes, it's our gentle talks,'s forgetting Chuck's giggle... Forgetting those I love that scares me."
Minho and Sonny didn't say anything, they just held her tighter. She could feel the sharp stinging cold in her arm. Closing her eyes the few tears slid down her face. Again.
The boys stayed beside her for their watch. She tried closing her eyes, but the screams of the cranks and the ones she lost repeated in her head. The screams of the Grievers, the screams that came from her, kept replaying over and over. She sat up and stared out the cave entrance. She sat listless and empty. Mourning the death of Clint. Watching him fall, trying to come up with how she could have saved him.
It was a long night. The Gladers only woke up when Thomas woke up to a bird trying to dig for food. Evelyn didn't even notice. She was sitting cross legging, back straight, eyes wide and staring.
"You didn't sleep, did you?" Newt asked crouching in front of her.
It took a second for her eyes to adjust to Newt in front of her. She blinked her tired sore dry eyes. Her hands clutched the hatchet. Teresa had given it back during the last watch. Her and Nick had the last watch. They tried talking to her, but gave up quickly, and just sat beside her. The bloody hatchet in her lap.
"Love? Did you sleep?"
She shook her head. He sighed, his hand on her cheek, brushing her cheek bone.
"I... can't get the screams out of my head. It plays over and over. Every scream from every single Glader, from George to Clint's...and then ...then the voices whisper..." She whispered, her eyes unfocussing.
"Hey. Evelyn!" Newt said sharply.
She blinked a few times, and focused on Newt, her body sagging.
"I'm sorry." She shook her head, "I'm sorry."
Newt pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head. He held her for a while. Her muscles relaxed and her eyes fluttered closed, squishing her face into his chest, breathing in his scent.
"Come on! We need to get going."
"Are they gone?"
Evelyn pulled away, rubbing her eyes with her fists.
"Yeah. The screams stopped just before day break. They don't seem to enjoy the day." Evelyn said quietly.
"Okay, come on...Fry, Chuck..., Jessie.. Lucky....come on guys. Up ya get!" Thomas called.
Evelyn turned and crawled over to Winston.
"How ya doing?"
He groaned in answer. Frypan and Jeff helped him up. Winston waved them off.
The Gladers followed Thomas, Minho and Teresa out of the tunnel and down the sandy slope into the scorch.
The group made their way Owly up another hill and stopped at the top. Hands shading their eyes. They looked out at a broken crumbled town.
Buildings were distroyed, roofs were ripped off. Every window was smashed in, doors were missing. Barbed wire and pipes stuck out everywhere. There were no more rodes cars were abandoned and burried in sand.
"What happened here?" Frypan asked.
"Sun flares." Teresa shrugged, "then the Flare took over ... A lot of small towns and city's are like this now." She said like on autopilot. She shook her head with eyes wide and mouth open in shock.
"How the shuck...?"
Her panic filled eyes flicked around. Minho pulled her into a hug, a hand gently rubbing her back, the other one cupping the back of her head. Teresa's hands grinned his jacket like it was keeping her from drowning.
"Hey...hey, You said WICKED gave you memories, Babe, it's just the memories." Minho reassured her gently', "Shhhh. You're okay. It's okay."
"Shuck sakes." Nick muttered, shaking his head and looking around.
"Well...let's keep going." Minho said, "no point in standing around. Were killing day light." He had let go of Teresa, but still held her hand tightly.
"The further we get from here the better." Jeff muttered.
Evelyn reached out, Jeff was standing beside her, she grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. She felt him squeeze back and then let go.
Newt slid his hand into hers and intertwined their fingers. He gave her hand a squeeze of encouragement. She held onto his hand like a life line. Slowly making their way down the slope.
Everyone's head swivelled around, trying to see everything at once. It seemed like this little town was abandoned. They didn't see anyone or anything living. Lots of rubble and ruins. Evelyn had Newt on one side and Chuck on the other and they walked most of the morning in silence. A few of the Gladers who still had sheets pulled them out and shared as best they could, too keep the sun off them.
Evelyn was so miserable she didn't even notice the sun. She had sweat running down her face and neck, skidding down her back, but it didn't bug her like some of the others. The wind was still strong, it whipped around them, sometimes causing little sand tornados. Evelyn was glad when Teresa pulled out a scarf and handed an extra one to her. It helped keep the sand out of her face.
They were trudging through the middle of the city, which must have been the main road when Thomas stopped.
"Do you guys hear that?"
"No. What are we supposed to be hearing?" Nick asked rolling his eyes.
"Shhh!" Sonny growled, "listen!"
Everyone stopped and tilted their heads. Evelyn closed her eyes to concentrate. And she faintly heard it. The sound of engenis.
"Hide!" She yelled, "Everyone hide!"
The Gladers all scattered and scrambled around. Thomas was spinning in circles, his eyes wide in panic.
"Shit! Where?' he yelled.
"Shucken idiot." Evelyn grumbled. "Over there! Under there!" She yelled and ushered all the Gladers over to the side of the street. Her and Newt crouched down under a huge slab of broken building, it looked like the building collapsed onto a busy road. They hid behind a truck that was squished under a huge cement wall.
A few seconds later a long line of trucks and SUVs came speeding down the main stretch. They slammed to a stop. The doors flew open and a few people hoped out. They all had bandanas over their faces and helmets and goggles or glasses against the glare of the sun and sand flying around.
Evelyn stayed crouched next to Newt and Chuck. Her arm wrapped around him protectively.
"Vince! There's nothin' here man! We gotta get back to The Right Arm!"
"I dunno...I swear I saw a group of 'em!" The one guy said, he walked away from the front truck.
"Sure it wasn't cranks?"
"No! Definitely not!"
It wasn't a WICKED truck. These ones looked rusted and haphazardly put together with extra pieces. Very apocalyptic style trucks. The people looked about the same. Random armour or leather gear, old guns over their backs knives attached to their hips and a few had gas masks attached to their belts.
"There's nothing! Come on. We gotta get back to base!"
"Mary said they had them on trial 2! And this was the general location!" The one guy, Vince said, turning to the few guys who jumped out of the truck.
"Well I don't see nothing!" One guy pointed to the sky, "And these clouds mean a storms a'comin'! We gotta get back to base before were cooked!"
"Fine! But we come back tomorrow! First light and explore the area!"
One guy threw his hands up into the air, like he was defeated, "Fine fine. Whatever the boss says."
"Well...maybe if they make it far enough they'll meet Horhay and Bee."
"Yeah, yeah good idea. Maybe we can get a hold of 'em and get them to keep an eye out for both groups of kids."
"Fine! Good that! Let's go!"
The guys walked back to the trucks and climbed in. The trucks rumbled again and took off. Away from the Gladers hiding spots. Evelyn watched the trucks drive away. She sat back, leaning against the car, leaning her head back, eyes closed, thinking.
"Whatcha thinking, Love?" Newt asked, handing her a water.
Chuck had scurried out to talk to a few other Gladers who were now in the middle of the road.
"Water break!" Minho called.
Minho, Teresa, Nick, Sonny Thomas, Jeff, Fry and Arid came over to Newt and Evelyn. Handing water and granola bars.
"Keeper Gathering!" Minho grinned.
"Want me to leave?" Teresa asked.
"Shuck no! You stay here!" Minho rolled his eyes and pulled Teresa into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist.
Evelyn's lip twitched into a small smile watching them. Minho had whispered something into her hair and she giggled, turned her head towards him, smiling. His eyes looked so bright. Her big blue eyes had a sparkle to them when she looked at him. Evelyn's black heart felt a sort of flutter to it watching them. She had felt so awkward and uncomfortable when Minho had told her he had had a crush on her. She loved him, she did, but it wasn't romantic. Maybe, one day, like she had told Chuck back in the Glad, maybe one day. But...she was relieved that he found a happiness in Tessa. She watched them for a moment longer. The corner of her mouth lifted slightly when he nuzzled his face into her hair and she turned to hug him.
"Did you hear what those guys were saying?" Nick asked.
He took his glasses off and wiped his sweaty face. Evelyn was brought back to reality; she nodded. She scrunched her forehead trying to think.
"Did you hear the one guy say good that?" She asked.
The guys and Tes shook there heads. Evelyn looked to Newt. He also shook his head.
"I swear...the one guy ..with the short shaved dark hair said good that! That's a Glader thing! I swear it is...!"
"Well...'s not like we have a lota experience in the outside world..." Minho shrugged. "It might be a thing out here too!"
Evelyn frowned. Then placed her head into her hands and her elbows on her knees. She groaned. Newt laid a hand on her back.
" guys heard someone else might be looking for 2 groups from WICKED...?" Newt asked, looking up at the guys.
"Two?" Jeff asked.
"My group..." Aris volunteered.
Thomas was nodding, "yeah...Group A and group B. Two groups."
"Okay, makes sense." Evelyn nodded, picking her head up. "So two groups of kids, both out running around in the Scorch, WICKED has their eyes on us, and now another group does too."
"Great. Shucken wonderful." Minho muttered.
"We're pretty popular!' Teresa snorted.
"Shucken rights babe!" Minho chuckled.
"They also said ya think it's Doctor Mary?"
Newt looked at her with a shrug, "maybe? But who knows...Mary is a popular name...I think, again...we don't have a lota experience with the outside world."
Evelyn growled in frustration.
"Well whatever it is...we should keep going." Frypan said nervously.
"That dude said a storm was coming." Sonny nodded in agreement.
Minho turned around, "y'all got 5 minutes left!" He yelled.
The guys got up and slowly walked away. Minho and Teresa got up. Evelyn watched as Minho pulled Teresa with him.
Newt turned to her, worry in his eyes.
"You didn't sleep last night are you doin'?" He asked her quietly, tucking a stray strand of hair.
She shrugged, her tired sore dry eyes looked sadly up into Newt's.
He just hummed. His hand cupped her cheek and his thumb brushed her cheek bone. He leaned forwards and gently kissed her. She melted into him immediately.
He pulled her into his lap and held her tight, kissing her. His hands held her jaw, pulling her closer. Evelyn slowly felt a small warmth in her stomach, a small spark of life in her black dead soul.
"Eww! Mom!" Chuck yelped. "Gross!"
Newt pulled away and growled in frustration. He flipped his head down onto her shoulder.
"When this is shucken over, were gettin' a house with a shucken lock!" He muttered.
Evelyn's lungs restricted and a knife pierced her already broken and black heart. There would be no end of this...there would be no house and a door with a lock.
Evelyn would be a crank. Long gone and forgetting everyone she ever loved.
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