Chapter 6: The Scorch
Evelyn sat in front of the Gladers confused and exhausted. Her head was sore from trying to figure out what happened and what Janson was up to.
"So...none of you...Newt? Nick? You weren't trapped in a room with past Gonners on chains snapping at you? Minho? Sonny? You weren't tied to a chair with a Griever trying to slice your face off? Tess and Tommy...let me guess you weren't being electrocuted?"
Everyone shook their heads.
"I swear, Love we didn'teave that room!"
Her chin trembled, hot shameful tears slid down her cheeks. "Then I killed those men for nothing! They were innocent and...and I killed them!"
"Innocent? They worked for WICKED! And you said the one killed your mom!" Minho scoffed.
Anger flashed in Evelyn's eyes, her jaw clenched and her hands formed fists.
"We just learnt they shucken lied about everything else! I'm sure Janson can make up another shucken one!" She yelled.
Minho leaned back slightly at her outburst, confusion on his face. Evelyn shook her head grabbing her head with her hands and clamping her eyes shut.
"I'm sorry Min. I'm sorry!" She whispered.
"Nah, it's fine Pix. You got a point."
"But...Minho's also right! They weren't innocent! They work for WICKED and RatMan!" Thomas insisted.
Evelyn groaned, squeezing her head in-between her hands. Newt pulled her hands away and kissed her temple. Despite the heat, Newt pulled her into his chest. The proximity to him helped ease the frustrated tension in her body and the confusion in her mind. His hand went to her hair running his hand through it.
" guys were in the dorm? Found the guys Evy brought back from the dead...and Aris. Then what?" Teresa asked, taking the granola bar from Minho he was passing out.
"Yeah...well that was a right bloody shock, seeing ol' Chucky back from the dead sittin' up all healthy and clean." Newt chuckled.
"I nearly died." Evelyn said quietly.
Newt stopped chuckling and kissed the top of her head. "I didn't mean to poke fun, Love, but we all nearly had a buggen' heart attack seeing him. Same with Jeff."
Evelyn just hummed.
"Yeah..well apparently we weren't the only maze. Aris is from a maze of all girls!" Thomas explained.
"What?" Evelyn asked sitting up.
"Right? Some guys have all the luck!" Minho muttered. "Ouch!" He yelped rubbing his chest, where Teresa just punched him.
"Deserved it, ya slint head!" Teresa snapped.
He chuckled and pulled her closer, and whispered something into her hair and she rolled her eyes but the corners of her lips tugged into a smile.
"Yeah...anyways..." Thomas went on, "Aris was like the Teresa in the group. Except his group didn't have an Evy. Uhh then what?"
"We found out we all have some weird shucked tattoos on our necks!" Nick added.
"Do the girls have?" Frypan asked.
Newt brushed Evelyn's hair away, "yeah, Eve's got one."
"What? A tattoo?"
"Yeah. We all have Property of WICKED, Subject A somethin', and some have a bloody title." Newt explained, "yours Love, says Property of WICKED Subject -
"X. Ya RatMan wouldn't call me by my name it was always A-x."
"Yeah, Subject X, The Healer."
She felt odd being labeled something. In the Glade she liked being the Healer; she even called herself that, The Healer. She felt needed, accepted like she had a purpose and a place...valued. Now...? Now, she felt used and abused and like a freak. She couldn't control her powers, she felt lost and broken.
"What about Tessa?" Nick asked.
Minho had moved her hair and was just staring, his jaw muscle twitched.
"Min? What does it say?" She asked quietly, turning to look at her apprehensively.
"It says...the same, Property of WICKED, Subject A1... says The Betrayer."
"Betrayer?" She repeated.
Minho nodded slowly. Teresa's mouth dropped open and her big blue eyes went wide. Then she shook her head.
"No! No! No no no! I wouldn't! I would never! Not willing! No, guys! Believe me! Please! I wouldn't -"
"-we know!" Minho cut in. He finally shook out of his shock. And pulled her back into a tight hug.
"Yeah, after the shucked up klunk we've seen! And the lies and manipulation...." Thomas added.
"Yeah, we believe you Tessa!" Nick added solumly.
"I've reversed enough mind control attempts to know you would never do it willing Tes." Evelyn said quietly, reaching for her friends hand hesitantly, still unsure about her powers, but she knew her friend needed reasurance. Teresa seemed to relax at Evelyn's words.
"What do the rest of you guys have?" Evelyn asked, looking around.
"Well, Newt's The Glue, Minho is The Leader, Jeff is The Helper, Chuck is The Innocent...Nick is the Support, Fry's The Cook, Sonny is The Protector and Aris is B-1, The Partner." Thomas summed up, "they all have different numbers after the A...but I can't remember."
"Thomas's says To Be Killed."
"Well that's encouraging." Teresa muttered.
"I thought so." Thomas rolled his eyes.
"Good thing we have a Healer! And she can bring ya back from the dead! worries!" Chimed in Chuck, he had been laying on his back, Evelyn thought he had fallen asleep. But his input made her shiver. She didn't want to be the healer anymore. It was more like a curse than anything right now.
"Well...then after that...we just kinda waited around for three days...with no food-" Nick went on with the story.
"-then RanMan appeared in his shuck white suit and folder. Told us we'd all catch the flair, we had to make it to some Safehaven in two weeks and we'd get the cure. But now I don't shucken believe him!" Minho interupted.
"Yeah...I don't know know what to believe." Sonny nodded, "Evy clearly has the Flair...those veins are hard to fake. The rest of us? I doubt we do...but I guess for safety sake, we assume we either all have it or can catch it."
"Janson said only 2 others in the group aren't immune. He didn't say who." Evelyn shrugged.
Sonny nodded.
"Then how do we know there is a buggen' cure?" Newt asked.
"There isn't one. And there won't ever be one!" Evelyn spat. "I can bring back a kid from the dead, I can reverse shucken mind control, and heal injuries so bad they should have died, but I can't help cranks with the Flair."
Newt hummed with a frown. There was a quiet slightly awkward moment.
"Yeah...well...RatMan explained some klunk, behind some fancy invisible Shield. Said we either do trail two or we stay and die." Minho continued with their story.
"Yeah, we went through a flat trans-"
"What the shuck is that?" Evelyn asked.
"It's like a transporter. It can take you from one place to another." Teresa answered automatically.
"How the shuck did you know that?" Minho asked her.
Teresa's mouth stayed open and her eyes widened.
"I..I don't's like I always knew...shuck! Min! Those weird dreams...they were memories! They gave me memories!"
"Not exactly helpful right now. I know the shuck definition of the word flat trans." She said sarcastically with a roll of her eyes.
"Anyways!" Thomas interupted, we went through it into a pitch black tunnel. Had to follow it...some kinda voice whispered weird klunk trying to get us to turn around. A saw came outta no where chopped off a kids head, clean off!"
"Then death blobs of silver metal fell from the ceiling." Sonny added.
"Almost got me!" Winston shuddered. "It got Henry, he was right beside me!"
"Then we got to some kinda weird trap door and into the shucken scorch." Nick continued, "have been walking towards that city for a day and a half."
"Heard screaming and then saw Teresa outside the shack building thing. Someone screamed Thomas's name, he was a shuck face idiot and went alone."
"These two were in the shack, Eve was passed out, Tessa was like a turned off robot. I got Eve to wake up, you...she screamed about Janson, tackled Tessa over the table, they fought...her power exploded, but it was cold and white."
Every head turned towards her. She shrunk into Newt, avoiding eyes.
"Whatever it was it helped." Teresa shrugged, "I'm greatful."
"Then you guys came out, and Pixy ran and now we're here and all caught up. Great, wonderful. It's time to sleep. We got a miserable day of walking in the heat." Minho grumbled.
The Gladers spread out, and lay down, pulling bedsheets and towels from backpacks.
"Come here Love." Newt said quietly, pulling his backpack closer and pulling a sheet out. "Oh, also, I brought your bag. I couldn't leave it behind."
"Thank you Newt." She hugged her bag close to her chest.
"Come on, you need to sleep, you look exhausted."
He gently pulled her down and into his arms. Her body was exhausted but her mind wouldn't stop. The anxiety and fear, worry and tightly controlled panic felt tight and heavy in her chest. She rolled onto her side, her back to Newt. She didn't want him to see the tears that continued to fall. She could feel the cold freezing tingle in her arm. It was a constant reminder that she had very limited time.
She felt Newt sweep her hair away from her neck. His chapped lips left gentle kisses on the back of her neck. It took a few times before her brain registered what he was doing. And once she did, her mind stiled and focused on the warm tingle that ran down her spine, from where his lips met her skin. She involuntary hummed, and scootched closer to him, silently begging for more.
"I missed you so bloody much. I was so scared. RatMan wouldn't answer any of our questions about you...or Tes."
She was quiet for a while. She could feel Newt's breath fluttering her hair.
"Newt...I'm scared."
"We all are."
She rolled the other way to face him. She tangled their legs together. He held her hands tightly to his chest, their faces only inches from each other.
"I'm gonna turn into a wild slobbering, feral animal." She whispered.
His gentle brown eyes were sad as he looked into her green ones.
"I'll be right beside you the whole time. I won't leave you alone."
"I'm going to forget you. And Minho...and Chuck and Sonny and Nick...and everyone. That scares me the most. Forgetting who you are."
Her voice was stuck, she couldn't swallow around the lump in her throat, tears sting her eyes again.
"I'm here now, you still remember me now." He whispered tenderly, he untangled a hand and placed it on her cheek. His thumb gently sweeping back and forth on her cheekbone. His hand slid to the back of her head, tangled in her hair. He pulled her face closer, and softly kissed her cheeks and nose.
"I'm here. I love you Lee. I love you so much."
"Did you was just a recording of your voice from the Glad that brought me out of the consuming death power episode?"
"Really?" He asked pulling away just enough to look at her fully.
She nodded, "yeah it was theory Janson had...the guards who pulled me away couldn't stop it, but your cut through. I heard it...I heard you."
"Well...I could buggen' give a theory about his theory..."
"Tell me." She whispered.
"Love." He said simple.
She was quiet, waiting for him to continue. When he didn't she asked, "what about it?"
"True love. It's its own power. I can kiss you out of a coma, my touch boosts your power...why not my voice? Like I said, won't hurt me. I trust you."
She hummed, her heart feeling a little more put together.
"You really are the glue."
"You can't give up, Love. I won't let you. I'll do everything I can to help you."
She just nodded sadly. Newt pulled her tightly into him, wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"Sleep my Angel."
She didn't need to be told again. Her eyes slid shut and she was asleep.
Evelyn was woken up by something smacking her in the head.
"WHAT THE SHUCK!" She yelled sitting up.
As soon as she did her hair whipped around her her, sand stung her face. It was a piece of garbage that had smacked her. The sheet her and Newt were sharing tried to fly away. A few of the other Gladers were waking up. She saw a sheet fly away.
"Oh for shuck sakes!"
Evelyn looked around, trying to keep her long hair out of her face. She saw Thomas struggling to his feet.
"We gotta go!" He yelled over the wild wind.
Evelyn quickly woke up Newt. Then turned and scrambled over to Minho and Teresa. Teresa had her face snuggled into Minho's chest and he had his arms wrapped protectively around her. They both looked so peaceful and so much younger. She hated to wake them up, but shook them awake anyways.
"Come on guys! Storms coming."
The Gladers were all scrambling to their feet, grabbing bags and sheets. Evelyn grabbed her bag, slung it on her shoulder, grabbed Newt's hand and took off after Thomas who was leading the way in the same direction as the town.
They ran, well tried to run against the wind. It pushed them right and left. Everyone was leaning into the wind, Evelyn had her arm up trying to block out the sand that kept blowing into her eyes.
"We need shelter!" Someone yelled.
Evelyn went to answer, but got a mouth full of sand. She followed Thomas as best she could. She saw the outline of him. Newt gripped her hand tight, keeping each other from falling over. They pulled each other up a sand hill.
"We gotta keep going!" Thomas yelled.
"Where are we going?" Nick yelled.
"Teresa! Come back!" Minho yelled.
Evelyn spun around trying to find her. She saw dark hair flying through the sand storm. And then she suddenly disappeared.
"Tessa!" She shouted.
Evelyn took off after her, fear filling her, she just disappeared. Evelyn ignored the muffled yelling behind her. She chased after where Teresa disappeared.
Before she realized it, Evelyn was falling with a wild scream.
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