Chapter 35: Up the Mountain
It took a long time for Newt to wake Evelyn up. Her body was exhausted and her stomach was growling like she didn't eat last night. She rolled over and pushed her self to sit with a groan. Evelyn felt awful. The tightness in her chest hadn't gone away.
"Come on Love, eat some food." Newt offered her some food, she ate like she was starving. The food was gone too soon.
Evelyn struggled to her feet and the group set out again. It was slightly easier now that they were passed the big rocks and rubble. Jorge and Jaz lead them up an invisible path. Evelyn kept to herself at the back of the group; keeping her arm tight to her chest and wheezing lungs.
When she would stumble Newt was there to help and throw an arm out to catch her.
She knew she shouldn't be sweating this much, her body was working overtime right now. She just wanted to lay down and sleep. She understood why The Bliss was so popular, if she could have her mind float away, away from the pain, she would take it.
Jorge and Jaz didn't let them sleep too long, a few hours. By her rough calculation it was mid afternoon now.
"Just up here we'll get to the highway! Easier to walk up!" Jorge called down the line of Gladers and Group B.
"We can rest in a few minutes, come Lee." Newt encouraged.
Evelyn didn't say anything, just still struggled up the steep incline. After sliding and throwing her infected arm out to catch herself again she crumpled. Curling into a tight ball, her arm cradled to her chest, trying to keep her tears and gasping quiet. The pure torture of the freezing cold shooting pain through her arm into her chest.
Someone bent down and picked her up. Carrying her the rest of the way up the steep incline. They sat her down on the ground, leaning against one of the big evergreen trees that grew by the side of the road.
The short wheezing in her chest turned into a cough. Yesterday it was dry, and hard to breath. Now it was wet and felt like there was stuff in her lungs.
She caught sight of a huge broad frame. Sonny had carried her.
"Thanks man." Newt clapped Sonny on the shoulder.
Sonny nodded, he looked over his shoulder at Evelyn. She was gasping, and coughing so hard she threw up. She sat up and rested her head rested onto the trunk of the tree, her eyes closed.
"She's getting worse. I thought WICKED gave her a suppressive drug?"
Newt shrugged. They both looked at Jorge who had brought her some water. Newt and Sonny turned and crouched down.
"Jorge...I thought she had been given the suppressive drug again..."
"I don't know Hermanos." Jorge sighed.
He was holding the water bottle trying to help Evelyn drink some water.
"We need to get her to Mary! She'll have a serum that will help."
"You have a strong hope, ma hijo."
"It's that or I bloody crumble."
Jorge hummed, helping her drink some more water. Her chest was rising and falling in shallow gasps.
"Just...leave me." Evelyn panted, between her coughing, trying to wave her hand.
"No. I'm not leaving you Evy. End of bloody discussion." Newt said firmly.
"Now come on, onto your feet Love." Newt pulled her up, and threw her arm over his shoulder. The rest of the group got up, grabbing their bags. They walked for a while. It was easier now that they were walking along the high way. The road had a steady slop up, winding around the mountain. But the effort or walking uphill was still difficult for Evelyn to catch her breath. After stumbling and sinking to her knees again, making Newt stumble as well with his limp; someone came on Evelyn's other side and helped take Evelyn's weight. Evelyn gasped in pain when he tried to grab her arm.
"Oh shuck! I'm sorry Pix!"
She coughed a few times, she just pulled her arm close. Minho snacked an arm around her back, still trying to help. Teresa and Sonya walked close, same with Sonny. Nick and Brenda were chatting, but he kept glancing over his shoulder to Evelyn.
"Come on Pixy, stop standing around, we have places to be."
"I could still...kick your...pony loving butt Min." Evelyn gasped.
Minho snorted.
"I'd like to see you try, teeny tiny Pixy."
A round of wild coughing made her try bend over to breath. That's when the dark black infected phlegm appeared. Evelyn coughed again, it splattered onto the cracked and cratered road. It dribbled down her chin, having no energy to wipe it away. Her eyes were fluttering now. The group gasped. Evelyn sunk to her knees, the pain in her chest was too much. Her legs were exhausted. Newt pulled her back to lean into his chest. He brushed her sweaty hair away from her forehead.
Her pounding head felt heavy; the creepy crawling was a constant now, she could push it to the back, but it was always there now, ever since her last crank out. The crank voice was quiet, but she knew the voice was there, waiting in the shadows of her mind. Evelyn could feel the wet thick phlegm in her lungs. It felt like she was drowning. Coughing again the black goo splattered down her chin and onto her t shirt.
"Jorge! Jaz!" Thomas cried panicked. They came pushing through.
"Dammit!" Jorge cursed, "She's turning faster!"
"Leave me...please..." Evelyn gasped.
"Come on Lee. You can't give up! I won't let you!" Newt whispered, his voice
His voice was tight with emotion. Evelyn lifted her pounding head and saw his big beautiful brown eyes full of tears. They were a wild tempest of fear and desperation. She could see how pale he had become. His jaw was clamped shut, trying to keep it from quivering. Evelyn had no strength left, she just wanted to lay down. She gave him a small smile.
"It's okay...Newt...just leave me..."
"No! Evelyn I'm not leaving you!" The tears finally slid over his lashes and down his dirty cheeks.
Evelyn knew she wasn't going to make it much longer. The Flare was spreading faster in her body. She wouldn't be able to keep the Crank voice quiet much longer, it was harder and hard to keep her own mind. She fumbled for the letter in her pocket. Pulling it out she held it for Newt to take.
"Take it...please..Newt, take it."
"Evelyn...Lee, please." He whispered, more tears sliding down his face, "Don't give up on me!"
"Take it Newt..." Her voice was rough and strained.
Newt kept trying to keep her head up, not really listening to what she was asking, "Okay Evy, Okay. Come on...we gotta get up, keep going."
" gotta take it!" Evelyn tried again, trying to push it into his hands.
"Come on, we gotta keep going."
"No no no..Newt..." Her voice was failing, she was having a more difficult time breathing now, the pain from her arm and shoulder were combining with the sharp pain in her chest. Her head was pounding so bad it felt like hammers were slamming her skull from the inside.
"NEWT!" She screamed, anger flashed in her body. He stilled, his eyes wide in surprise. His panicked eyes finally locked onto hers. He was finally listening, "Take it! Take it Newt! Please Newt...please."
With shaking hands he finally took the letter, and put it into his jacket.
"Okay Love, Okay. I have it now." He stammered. Newt didn't know what to do with himself, he was starting to panic, his hands kept sweeping her hair, holding her face, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Newt...We need to keep going. If we hustle...Mary may still be able to help before she turns." Jorge called.
"Okay, come on Evy, up ya bloody get. You gotta give me everything you got." He stood up, and pulled her up.
Without asking, Jorge picked her up, carrying her. They were able to walk a little faster, for a middle aged man he was strong, and carried Evelyn with no issues. They made it around another bend in the road. The group had to slow down, there were abandoned cars all over the road. There was a tunnel up a head, but the cars became closer together the closer to the tunnel they came. Jorge was having a harder time carrying Evelyn through the tight spaces.
"Hey Jorge!" Thomas called, squeezing through a few of the guys to catch up.
Jorge turned his head.
"What's with the cars?"
"Seems...too bloody convenient." Sonya added, looking around, her eyebrows pulled together. She was peering into the back seat of one of the abandoned cars.
"Yeah...if I was gonna ambush someone, I would definitely do it here!" Harriet agreed.
Before anyone could say anything, there was a ding that rang out and echoed around the rocky cliffs. There were a few cries of surprise, and then a few more dings, loud sharp metal on metal.
"DOWN!" Captain Jaz cried.
"Everyone get down!"
"Take cover!"
Jorge dropped to the ground behind a car. Thomas and Newt right beside him. Hey set Evelyn down, who was hardly conscious at this point, the loud noise of the shots made her head throb in pain with every hit. It was hard to understand what was going on. There was lots of shuffling and moving, people were yelling.
"Hey, is everyone okay out there?" Someone beside her yelled.
"We're fine." Came a voice a few cars over.
"Anyone know where those bloody shots came from?"
"The last set of instructions from Vince was he was going to be up the mountain road!" Jorge grumbled. Evelyn moved her head, well it was more of a flop, she looked over at Jorge who was digging in his bag.
"What do we do?" Thomas cried, trying to peek over the car.
A shot rang out and it hit the hood of the car a few inches from Thomas's face. Newt grabbed the back of his jacket and yanked him down. Jorge pulled out a hand made explosive and a detonator. He handed the explosive to Thomas with an evil grin.
"Here. Hold this."
Newt and Thomas looked at the explosive and then to Jorge with a mixture of amusement and surprise. Newt looked at Evelyn. She probably looked as awful as she felt, every time she coughed more black goo and phlegm ran down her chin. Even in her half conscious state she could see the heartbreak, sadness, fear, worry and anger all mixing in his usually gentle brown eyes.
"I love you so much Evelyn." He whispered, holding a hand to her cheek. Her head sank into his touch. Her neck too sore to keep holding her head up.
She was struggling to breath. Her once bright green eyes had a permanent frosty white over them. The bright white veins were now creeping up her neck, sticking out from her shirt collar.
"We need a diversion!" Jorge cried, he pointed at Thomas, "You get ready to chuck it." He pointed at Newt, "grab your girl, we gotta leave."
"Everybody!" Jorge cried, "Get set to run back!"
"And hold your ears!" Captain Jaz cried.
Evelyn felt Newt slide his arms under her, pulling her to his chest.
"Ready? One...Two..."
"Drop it."
A deep voice barked behind them.
"Now!" Another deep voice demanded. A gun was pushed into the back of Thomas's head, making it move forward. Both if them had bandanas covering their bottom half of their faces along with masks covering their faces. Gloves over their hands, and jackets zipped up tight over their huge broad frames.
"I said drop it! On your feet. Let's go. Let's go! Move!" The voice barked again."
"Back up! Easy."
"You two, over here now!" The one guy yelled at Sonya and Harriet. A few of the other girls stood up.
"Come on, let's go, old man! On your feet!" The gun was now shoved into Jorge's face.
"Don't be stupid! Move."
Everyone had their hands up, moving slowly. Evelyn's head was pounding, and her vision was in and out, but she recognized there was danger. The crank in her head cackled.
"Time for the Murderous little Witch to come out and play!"
With a snarl, Evelyn wrenched herself free of Newt's arms, staggering slightly. Breathing hard, black goo dropping down her chin, she screamed. Turning towards the guys with guns pointed in her loved ones faces.
"Evelyn!" Newt cried, not carrying about the guys with guns pointed at them.
Evelyn didn't register anything other than the threat. She had to stop it. Pulling her axe and dagger free, she screamed again, it was a wild animalistic scream. Her hands turning white and eyes glazing over with frost.
"Come out come out little murderous Witch! Come and play!"
With a wild snarl she lunged forwards swinging her deadly weapons.
"NO!" Newt screamed, jumping towards Evelyn.
"Evelyn?" A deep voice questioned.
A few things happened all at once. More arms wrapped around her from the back. Newt caught her arm with the axe, her infected arm, making her scream in pain. She dropped it screaming in anger pain and frustration. The arms around her held her tight to their chest. Another set of hands grabbed her other arm.
"Lee, stop! Stop! Don't listen to it! Make your list! Remember your list!"
Evelyn just screamed, thrashing wildly nashing her teeth at anything that came close. Newt started to recite her letter. Evelyn's screaming and struggling slowed, she hesitated.
My name is Evelyn. WICKED calls me a Healing Witch. I have powers to heal the broken. I am wounded. My power is destructive now. My home was the Glade. There is no more Glade. I am an infected Crank. And I'm dying. I'm not scared of dying. It's forgetting that scares me.
"No! Murderous little witch is what you are! Your name is Subject X. Your a list little Kitten and you belong to a Crank gang leader. You killed more people than anyone in the Glade. No one loves you! Not even Newt. As soon as your dead and gone, he's going right back to Tommy."
Newt kept reading, in the same calm quiet steady voice.
Newt. Minho. Chuck. Nick. Sonny. Jeff. Tommy. Frypan. Tessa. Sonya. Jorge. Jaz. George. Jack. Gally. Alby. Clint. Winston. Noah.
These people are my happy thoughts when the crank becomes too much. My friends. My family. My love. My home. I say them over and over; like a prayer. Trying to keep me sane; trying to hold on
Newt repeated the letter. The crank in her mind finally released her and she slumped. Every limb shot pain into her body. The tears came.
"Please Newt...please ..just let me go...!" She whispered between sobbs.
The guys with guns had let them drop. Jorge, Jaz, Fry, Harriet, Sonny and Teresa were holding weapons pointed at the other guys now. She recognized Minho behind her holding her tight. Sonya was beside her holding her other arm so she could slash anyone with the dagger. She dropped it and it clanged to the street.
The guys had their hands held up.
"Hey hey relax! Everyone relax. We're all on the same side here!"
"The same side?" Thomas scoffed.
"Who the bloody hell are you then?" Newt asked.
Sonny lowered his weapon slightly, pushing Jorge's arm down. Every eye was on the two guys in front of them. The only sound was Evelyn's gasping and coughing.
Both guys turned slightly and pulled their masks off, and tugged their bandanas down. Evelyn gasped and then whimpered.
"Hey little Bird."
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