Chapter 20: Group B Girls
Captain Jaz spread her arms open. Evelyn only now looked around the room. Sitting around the walls, Evelyn counted the girls. Each was sitting on a sleeping bag, a backpack stuffed full beside them. There were weapons scattered, food wrappers and water discarded around the room,
"The shuck? How'd you guys get food and water and weapons?" Teresa wondered out loud, her bright blue eyes sweeping the room.
"Janson sent us here with them. They didn't for you?" The blond girl said, pulling her scarf down.
Evelyn laughed bitterly, "No. He sent us with absolutely nothing into the scorch. I woke up with nothing but the pajamas I wore to bed the first day in their shucked way station."
Teresa nodded in agreement.
"Well the guys had a few granola bars, water bottles and bed sheets."
"Where'd that hatchet and stuff come from?"
"Found it in a building crawling with cranks."
"What the actual bloody hell?" The blond girl gasped.
Evelyn felt the floor beneath her shift. Her heart beat had picked up. She narrowed her eyes at the blond in front of her. Tilting her head this way and that.
"Uh, can I buggen' help you, ya stick?" The blond asked, the corner of her mouth pulled down into a frown and her eyebrows pulled together.
Evelyn frowned deepened, " just remind me of someone." Her voice felt thick and stuck in her throat.
Trying to swallow around the lump in her throat, her eyes flicked to Teresa. Asking the silent question. There was the slightest movement of Teresa's head. Evelyn sucked in a sharp breath. Her eyes were wide open and tears filled her eyes. Teresa shook her head sharply in a warning. Evelyn clamped her jaw and had to bite her lip to keep from screaming.
Newt's sister.
Newt's sister...she was standing right in front of Evelyn; she wanted to throw her arms around her. Her hands twitched. She squeezed her hands into fists.
Evelyn's heart was slamming so hard in her chest it hurt. Her breathing was coming in short gasps. She stumbled back into the wall and slid down. Teresa stepped over and crouched down in front of Evelyn. Evelyn's breathing was coming in short gasps.
"What's her problem?" The dark skinned girl asked gruffly.
Teresa turned and looked up at the girl. "We had to fight a mob of cranks, and then run for who knows how shucken long. We had Minor heart attacks when you two grabbed us and held us at knife point. And right before that we were in a lightning storm, and she had a bunch of shanks to fix up. You'll excuse us if we're not exactly fit as a fiddle." Teresa snapped.
"It was just a question!" The girl grumbled and held her hands up, "jeeze Stick. Slim it, nice and calm."
Evelyn's eyes were as big as saucers now and flicked to the girl and then to Teresa again. Again Teresa indicated her head.
Evelyn's world was spinning. Her lungs squeezed.
Alby's sister.
Wholly shuck. Evelyn's eyes flicked back and forth between the two group B girls. No wonder she thought it was Newt at first for a second. She had the same calm, gentle steady brown eyes as him. She also had the same calm, quiet confident presence. And the other girl had the same quiet demanding assertiveness as Alby. Same gruff exterior.
Captain Jaz came over, concern written on her face and knelt down.
"You guys have no injuries? Well...nothing recent?" She asked, giving Evelyn a pointed look.
Both girls shook their heads. She nodded, relief on her face made it sag for a second.
"Okay, come on, we have food and water. And a place to sleep for the night. You're lucky we found you when we did. The Gonners are starting to come out."
"You mean the mob we just came from wasn't..."
Jaz shook her head.
"The Cranks from the mall were fully gone, these have a slightest sliver of their humanness left." Evelyn said quietly.
Jaz just nodded sadly, giving Evelyn a look of pity.
"Shuck. I hope Brenda and Tommy got out." Teresa muttered, running a hand through her hair. Evelyn saw the worry and fear swirling in her eyes.
"I saw them, a quick glimpse. At least I hope it was them." Jaz said.
Teresa face a tight lipped smile and nodded. Evelyn gave her hand a small squeeze.
"Okay. We need to sit down and figure out what the bloody hell is goin' on. You three are chit chatin' like your old friends!" The blond said.
"Sorry. My name is Evelyn and this is Tessa."
"Ya, we blood well know who you are!"
"Okay...and you are?" Evelyn asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Sonya. And this is Harriet. We're in charge. And this is, Hannah, Meagen, Jill, Olivia, Kennedy, Avery, Rossa, Amy."
Each girl raised a hand as their names were said. Evelyn nodded at each one. She would have smiled, but everything hurt and smiling took too much energy.
Harriet handed Evelyn and Teresa water and sat down. Sonya sat down beside her and the other girls crawled closer and sat in a circle.
"Okay. Spill." Sonya said.
"Well ..first off, Aris is now with our group."
There was an instant uproar.
"Slim it!" Evelyn snapped. The angry chatter died out.
"Look we had no control over that! We went to sleep with our group and woke up away from them in separate rooms. We weren't even there when the guys found Aris! It's Janson and WICKED! We both woke up in the scorch in some shack and the guys found us."
"Okay okay... slow down Love and start from the bloody beginnin'!" Sonya soothed holding up a hand. "Just start from the beginnin' and just tell us your bloody story."
Evelyn had to suppress a smile. She was a copy and paste of her brother. Evelyn just kept her eyes on Sonya and watched for all the same mannerisms.
Teresa explained for the two of them, from the escape all the way up to being slammed into the wall by Sonya and Harriet.
"Woah. Similar to us. Except we only had Beth being controlled, she shot Rachel." Harriet frowned.
"So how come your group had two girls when we only were sent Aris?" One of the other girls asked.
"I was sent at the very beginning. Three years in there with all boys." Evelyn answered.
All the girls heads turned to her and her eyes went wide.
"Well that's different."
"Seems like a bloody good story. Go on."
Evelyn closed her eyes and leaned her head back. Trying to figure out how to explain everything.
"Just tell them the truth." Jaz said, "no point in skippin' things."
Evelyn groaned.
"I have some kinda shucked up magic healing powers. I was taken as a small child, locked in a stone dungeon tower until I was 16. I saw no one other than Ava Paige and RatMan a few other teachers and a doctor or two. At 16 I was taken from the only place I'd ever known and sent to the Maze. I woke up with 20 other guys. Lived there for 3 years. Once we escaped, Ratman-"
"Who's RatMan?" Someone asked.
"I'm gonna guess it's Janson, Love. Now shush! This is one buggen' crazy story!" Sonya shushed the girl. She looked younger then all the rest. Big blue eyes and curly blond hair.
Evelyn nodded.
"Yeah, we call him RatMan, 'cause he looks like a rat." Teresa explained with a grin.
Harriet snorted, and then cleared her throat like she was trying to cover up she was laughing.
"Yeah, RatMan still wanted to test my powers... so he made me do..horrible stuff-"
"Though I heard from Mary, your brought Chuck back." Captain Jaz interupted.
Evelyn looked down into her lap, fidgiting with the leather tie that held the cloth over her infection. The room was dead silent, she knew all the girls eyes were glued to her. Evelyn slowly nodded. There was general deep intake of breath.
"How in the hell did you do that?"
Evelyn shrugged.
"She thought Janson had us all in different tourcher rooms, when she didn't comply the sounds of us screaming filled the room." Teresa explained.
"Those bloody evil lying..." Sonya then went on to curse so bad Minho would be impressed. Evelyn caught Teresa's eye and then both had to look away and smirk, and bit their lips to keep from laughing. If Newt heard his sister cursing this bad his ears would bleed. Evelyn liked Sonya already.
"All right keep going." Harriet waved a hand for her to continue.
"Yeah..well after RatMan saw what I did to that WICKED lady in the room, he wanted to test out some theories, as he said. Then brought in a guard no idea if he was who Ratman said he was...but again kill him or hear their tortured screams. Then had to try and cure a fully gone crank."
"What? No way?! Can you? Can you cure the Flare?" The young girl asked.
"No. I can't." Evelyn snapped.
"Well that's lame."
"Don't be rude, Kennedy!"
"Trust me it is lame."
"Okay...then after that?" Harriet had glared at the young girl for a moment and then turned her dark eyes back to Evelyn.
"Well Tessa told you the rest. We were let free in the scorch with nothing to survive. And you guys were sent to the Underneath with supplies."
Sonya nodded, "we've been down here about a buggen' week. Captain Jaz found us two days ago."
"Now. The question is. We gotta meet up with your guys and Jorge and get you to Vince and the Right Arm. All without WICKED noticing." Captain Jaz said with a frown.
"Jorge said he was going to get us to Marcus. So that's our destination." Evelyn stated, folding her arms like the matter was settled.
"Okay...but we don't move until the Gonners have disappeared back into their corners." Captain Jaz nodded, looking back at Harriet and Sonya, like she was looking for their approval of the plan.
"Well, we either listen to you three or we listen to Janson, who said we had two weeks to get to Save Haven on the other side of the mountain." Harriet said slowly, looking at Teresa's and Evelyn.
"You think we're lying about this?" Teresa asked, her voice rising.
"Well...Janson said we would get the cure if we got there!" She defended.
"Yeah? You got the Flare, do you?" Evelyn challenged, sitting up straight, her muscles tense, her chest was starting to rise and fall rapidly. Her nails were cutting into her palms.
"Janson said we did." Another girl said.
"Oh yeah? And you believe that rat?" Evelyn spat.
She shrugged.
"Let's see the infected veins." Evelyn snarled, ripping her jacket and sleeve up, ripping the cloth and gauze away as she continued to talk. "You hearing the voices in your head? The itch in the back of your head? The creepy crawling, like bugs crawling around in your skull? Ya? You're infected with the Flare? Sure believe Janson."
There was silence in the room. There wasn't even the sound of breathing. The tension in the room rose. Every eye was glued to her infected arm. The veins where white and stretching higher up her forearm now, and slowly reaching down her wrist into her palm. The three little claw marks still hadn't healed.
"You're not infected. Janson is a lying son of a bitch and there is no damn cure. I can bring back a kid from the shucken dead. But I can't cure this. And if I can't, there is no cure." Evelyn said, her voice dangerously low.
"Were letting cranks in here now?" One of the girls gasped.
"Meagan, did you not buggen' hear any of the conversation? We established Janson has been bloody lyin' to all of us. Captain Jaz's story lines up. And so does ours!"
"Yeah but how do we know she's telling the truth about her powers?" She challenged, and looked with a glare at Evelyn.
Anger bubbled to the surface. Why were these girls not listening? Why was it so hard to believe? After all the klunk Evelyn went through, all these girls went through? Evelyn's anger surged in her veins, and her jaw clamped, and she got to her feet, glaring at the girl.
"You doubt me? Think I'm a lyer?"
"Evy...." Teresa warned, "carful."
"Oh, no, they don't believe any of it. I can feel their doubt and suspicion. So might as well give them a show!" Evelyn snapped.
She lifted both her hands, holding her hands flat, palms up. The freezing cold tingle started in her finger tips, and spread down her fingers and into her wrists, travelled down her arms. She hissed in pain as the freezing power traveled passed her infection. She felt the cold travel and freeze her black empty heart. Her exhales were frosty. The temperature in the room dropped.
"Evelyn!" Teresa cried.
"Hey! Evelyn, Love?"
That cut through her foggy mind. She stumbled, blinking. Her white frosty eyes flicked around. She landed on chocolate brown eyes.
"Newt.." Evelyn whispered.
"We get it! We believe you!" Sonya whispered.
Evelyn pulled her icy blue and white frosted hands tight to her chest and pressed herself into the wall, breathing hard. Her eyes were glued to Sonya. She had stood up with Teresa and Captain Jaz. Sonya held her hands out in a passive gesture.
"Hey, it's okay, Love. It's okay. Breath. Just breath." Sonya said softly. Her and Teresa slowly inched closer.
Tears filled Evelyn's eyes.
"I'm sorry, Newt! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!" Evelyn whispered
Sonya shot Teresa a confused look. Then back to Evelyn who had shuffled to the corner of the room, and sunk down, trying to make herself smaller, her hands still pulled to her chest. Sonya and Teresa had slowly and cautiously walked over and crouched down around Evelyn.
Captain Jaz turned to the other girls, raising a challenging eyebrow, and crossed her arms. Group B sat or stood with eyes wide and mouth wide open in fear and shock.
"Janson wants her back for more experiments, she was born with a power, at first it was a gift. She was a healer. WICKED wounded her too much. Wounded her so much her gift reversed. If we get back to their group, you'll see. You'll understand."
"Yeah, okay WICKED is shucked up!" Harriet nodded, crossing her arms. She rounded on the Captain. "Were not infected?"
Teresa stood up, "No. WICKED forced my memories back on me. I remember everything. Everyone here in immune to the Flare."
"Wait! You KNOW?" Harriet gasped.
"You have your buggen' memories?" Sonya asked.
Teresa sighed and then nodded, looking hard at the girls, her usually soft featured face was hard and cold. She ignored Captain Jaz who looked angry that Teresa reveaked that information.
"Well that just buggen' settles it. We find this bloody Marcus, this Group A of guys and get her as far away from WICKED as we can." Sonya confirmed standing up as well, looking at Harriet, she also nodded her face set.
"Eat some food, rest and we leave as soon as we can!" Harriet announced to the room.
The girls slowly got up and went to their sleeping bags. Sonya and Harriet gave Teresa and Evelyn some extra stuff and sat down on the floor near them. Evelyn tried to keep her distance from everyone, but they wouldn't let her be alone, she had squished herself into the corner, wrapping the spare blanket around herself, and was eating a can of cold beans.
"So...Eve. You've buggen' called me Newt more than once. Who is this Newt?"
Her tired and scared green eyes flicked up to Sonya's. Her big brown eyes were so much like Newt's; tears stung her eyes. A tear slid down her cheek and with a small sad smile.
"Your brother."
**Whoa that was a bomb to drop!**
Also here's a little Board for Captain Jaz
(For those who have read Defender/Defier/Destroyer think... female Captain Marshmallow's little sister. Total badass)
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