Chapter 13: Lightning & Frost
Evelyn came too as her body hit the ground. Her head smacked the hard earth. She coughed, trying to take a breath, but her lungs weren't working. A hand grabbed her from behind and lifted her.
"Evy?" Thomas yelled over the wind and explosions of lighting.
Still gasping for air, she nodded. He threw her arm over his neck and pulled her along. She tried to look for Minho.
"Minho?" She managed to gasp.
"Sonny." He yelled back. She nodded in understanding.
All around them, the lightning continued to fall like arrows of white fire. Evelyn could feel the silent impact of the explosions, each one rattling her sore skull, shaking her bones. Flashes of light all around. Past the building toward which they stumbled and struggled, even more fires had sprung up; two or three times she saw lightning make direct contact with the upper reaches of a structure, sending a rain of bricks and glass falling to the streets below.
The darkness began to take on a different tone, more gray than brown, and Evelyn realized that the storm clouds must've really thickened and sunk toward the ground, pushing the dust and fog out of their way. The wind had lessened slightly, but the lightning seemed stronger than ever.
Gladers were to the left and right, all heading in the same direction. They seemed fewer in number, but Evelyn still couldn't see well enough to know for sure. He did spot Jeff, then Frypan. And Aris. And then Chuck. All of them looking as terrified as she felt, running, all eyes riveted to their goal, now just a short distance away.
Evelyn lost her footing and fell, slipped from Thomas's grip. Thomas stopped, turned around, pulled the exhausted half unconscious girl back to her feet, reset Evelyn's arm around his shoulder. Gripping her around the torso with both arms now, he half carried, half pulled her along.
A blinding arc of lightning went right over their heads, pummeling the earth behind them; Thomas didn't look, kept moving. A Glader fell to their left; she couldn't tell who it was, didn't hear the scream she knew must've come. Another boy fell to their right, got back up. A blast of lightning, just ahead and to the right. Another to the left. One straight ahead. Thomas had to pause, both of them having to blink viciously until her sight came back. Thomas started up again, yanking Evelyn along with him.
And then they were there. The first building of the city.
In the gripping darkness of the storm, the structure was all gray. Massive blocks of stone, an arch of smaller bricks, half-broken windows. Aris reached the door first, ducking through the smashed out door swallowed by the interior.
Thomas made it with Evelyn. She felt hands reaching for her, they grabbed her and carefully pulled her through the door. The moment she was inside the building the rain started. The rain fell in torrents, like God had sucked up the ocean and spit it out over their heads in fury.
The hands that had carefully pulled her pulled her roughly into a hug. Her face was pressed against someone's chest. She smelt earthy sunshine, laundry soap and herbs and spices.
"Newt!" She cried softly.
She wrapped her exhausted arms around his neck. Newt held her tightly, burying his face into her neck and was sobbing.
"Evelyn! Oh shuck! I thought I lost you! Shuck!"
"I'm okay, Newt! I'm okay!" She said, her voice was exhausted and strained. She ran a hand into his hair. He kissed her desperately, his hands holding her face and neck, her back, up to her face again. She kissed him right back, that half an hour of panic and chaos made her thankful Newt was still there beside her. He kissed almost every inch of her face. Like he was making sure she was real and she was actually in his arms. He finally pulled back, placing his forehead on hers, holding her face.
"Newt...Newt? Where's Minho?"
Newt pulled away, and pulled her over to the corner when Sonny had laid Minho down. He was curled into a ball. Evelyn's legs gave out and she dropped down beside him.
"Minho?" She whispered, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.
His eyes snapped open, the look of pure relief on his face, sent a wave of reassurance through her.
"Oh thank shuck!" He cried. He rolled onto his back with a groan and pulled her into a hug.
"Pixy! Your okay! You saved my shucken life twice and then I lost you in the storm! Shuck!" He was cursing and laughing and crying all at once.
"Minho...get a grip on yourself!" She tried pulling away, but his arms were too strong for her exhausted overexcited body.
She gave up and just lay there, while he held her. Finally someone pried his arms off her. She slowly sat up, her head spinning.
"Someone might get the wrong impression babe." Said a scratchy tired voice.
"Tessa!" Evelyn and Minho both cried. Evelyn pulled her friend into a hug. "Oh Tessa!" Tears formed in her eyes.
"I'm alright guys. Me and Chuck got here together." She said quietly, patting her back.
Evelyn pulled away, "thank you!"
Teresa smiled. "Go get some sleep, I'll look after the big baby here."
"Hey! I was struck by lightning." He pouted.
"Evelyn saved your shanky ass. I saw her ice power hit the lightning and deflect it. Though yes Babe, I'm sure you're gonna hurt for a bit." Teresa rolled her eyes.
But Evelyn could see the look of worry mixed with relief.
"I can't help anymore, maybe if I sleep. I'm sorry." Evelyn coughed, her body was so sore and tired she still hadn't been able to hear much, she was lip reading still and her body was still shaking.
"I'm fine Pixy." Minho waved a dismissive hand. But she saw his wince.
Newt pulled her gently between his knees. She didn't fight it, she curled into him. They sat in the exact same place for at least two hours as they watched the wild grey rain. They huddled against the wall, exhausted and sore, holding onto each other desperately. Evelyn had no desire to let go of him anytime soon.
She was willing her hearing to come back. It seemed to be working, sort of; what had been a complete throb of silence had decreased its pressure, and the ringing had gone away. When she coughed, she thought it was more than just a vibration he felt. He heard a trace of it. And in the distance, as if from the other side of a dream, came the steady drumming sound of the rain. Maybe she wouldn't be deaf after all.
The dull gray light coming from the windows did little to fight off the cold darkness inside the building. The other Gladers sat hunched up or lying on their sides around the room. Minho had curled up with his head in Teresa's lap. She was leaning against the wall beside Newt. After a while het eyes closed and her head fell onto Newt's shoulder. He lay his head on top of Teresa's head while Evelyn was curled up between his legs, her head on his chest, Newt's arms wrapped around her protectively.
Thomas was there, also, holding a crying Chuck. As was Frypan, Sonny, she had glimpsed Jeff and Nick and Aris. But no one tried to talk or get things organized. No one counted off the Gladers or tried to figure out who was missing. They all sat or lay as lifeless as Evelyn felt. The pounding of the harsh rain against the building helped her drift off to sleep.
By the time Evelyn woke up, her body was so stiff it felt like glue had dried in her veins and muscles, all the machinery in her ears and head was back to fully functional. She heard the heavy breaths of sleeping Gladers, Newt had fallen asleep against the wall.
Teresa had shifted at some point and was laying in her side beside Minho, holding his hand. Evelyn could heard the whimpering moans from Minho. Newt's arms had fallen to his side at some point as well. She slowly holding in the moans and her own whimpers and got to her knees. She gently slid Newt down so he was laying flat, using his bag as a pillow. She got up and limped over a few Gladers and unzipped her jacket; layed it over Chuck's shivering form.
Sitting back down beside Minho she pulled her bag closer. Pulling the flashlight out, turning it on. Holding it in between her teeth she pulled the rest of her stuff out. At the bottom of her bag she found what she was looking for. Placing the little tin jar down and pulling the gauze roll and tape from the medical kit out she quickly set to work. Her hands almost working without her brain telling them what to do. She applied the burn past to the worst burns and wrapped them in fresh gauze. Smoothing his hair from his cold sweaty face. She frowned. She could feel the fever.
Closing her eyes, she thought of their last full conversation, his version of the 'Theres still good in this world and it's work fighting for' and she smiled. Her hands tingled and she forced the healing into Minho. She felt the fever break, and his ragged breathing evened out.
She pulled away. Slowly getting up, with a whimper and groan a hand gently grabbed her hand. She knelt back down.
"Thanks Pix. Now sleep." His voice was quite and raspy. He didn't open his eyes.
"On it. Night Soilder." She kissed his forehead.
He was asleep already. Evelyn crawled over to Newt turned the flashlight off and stiffly lay down facing Newt. He pulled her close. Wrapping an arm around him under his jacket. She wouldn't stop shivering. Newt pulled her closer, trying to wrap his body around her.
"Sleep my Angel. Everyone is looked after. Now it's time for you to sleep." He whispered sleepily.
It was dark. Completely. At some point, night had fallen, with the storm still raging outside the sounds of Gladers breathing and Newt's heartbeat, she pushed away her discomfort, letting the exhaustion take over, she closed her eyes face buried into Newt, his warmth helping ease her shivers and then she was asleep again.
Two things woke Evelyn up for good: the glow of sunrise and a sudden rush of silence. The storm was over, and she'd slept through the night.
The light came through the broken windows and dappled the floor around her. She turned her head to see a ruin of a building, massive holes ripped in each floor all the way to the roof dozens of stories toward the sky; it seemed that only the steel infrastructure was keeping the whole thing from coming down. She couldn't imagine what had caused it all to happen. But jags of bright blue seemed to hover above, a sight that seemed impossible last time he'd been outside.
Sharp pains stabbed at her stomach, which groaned, aching for food. She glanced around to see most of the other Gladers still asleep, but Newt sat with his back against the wall, staring sadly at a blank spot in the middle of the room. Thomas was also awake, sitting up, and leaning in the wall. Chuck's head in his lap.
"You okay, there?" Thomas asked quietly.
Evelyn didn't moved. Turning her head hurt. Everything hurt. Even blinking hurt. She could just see Newt slowly turn to him; his eyes were distant until he seemed to snap out of his thoughts and focus on Thomas.
"Okay? Yeah, I guess I'm okay. We're alive, guess that's all that bloody matters anymore." The bitterness in his voice couldn't have been stronger, and it hit Evelyn hard in the chest.
"Sometimes I wonder," Thomas murmured.
"Wonder what?"
"If being alive matters. If being dead might be a lot easier."
"Please. I don't believe for one second you really think that." Newt scoffed.
Thomas's gaze had lowered while he'd delivered the depressing sentiment and he looked up sharply at Newt's retort.
Thomas smiled cheekily, "You're right. Just trying to sound as miserable as you."
Evelyn tried not to react to these statements. But Thomas had no idea what Newt had gone through, he had no real understanding of Newt's situation. He had no idea what she went through to help keep Newt alive. She could feel the anger bubbling to the surface. Groaning and panting she pushed herself up, making both boys heads turn in her direction. Newt blinked a few times, and frowned taking in her appearance.
Evelyn's hands were already icy blue and her green eyes had a white frost to them. She turned her angry white frosty eyes onto Thomas. Pointing a threatening finger at him.
"Don't you dare Thomas." She hissed. "Don't you dare talk about things when you have no idea-" she yelled.
"Evelyn, Love."
With some effort and groans, Newt had got up, and blocked Evelyn's line of sight. He was crouched right in front of her. Her vision was consumed now if Newt's face and his big concerned brown eyes.
"Lee, Darling. Hey, hey, it's okay." He soothed.
He reached a hand out and cupped her cheek. His big brown eyes searched her face. Her cheek was ice cold, her eyes were angry and stormy.
"Shhhh. Lee. It's alright."
He cupped her other cheek. He held her face between his hands. His thumbs rubbing her cheek bones. Evelyn's tightly closed fisted hands slowly loosened. Her angry cold eyes slowly thawed. Newt's steady warm brown eyes never left hers.
"You're okay, Love. Everyone is okay."
"But...but he...he said..." She stuttered.
"I'm okay, Love. Tommy was just being a buggen' twat. Thank you for being protective, it's all right."
She took a few more shallow breaths.
"Shhh Love, it's alright."
He leaned closed, placing his forehead on hers, gently rubbing his nose on hers. His thumbs still stocking her cheeks, he pulled her gently and kissed her softly. Evelyn melted. She felt the anger dissolve and shame and guilt took its place. Her body sagged. He pulled away just enough to see her.
"I'm sorry." She whispered, "I'm sorry Newt!" Tears sprung to her eyes.
"It's alright Love."
He pulled her close, cupping the back of her head. He shifted so he was leaning against the wall again and she was being held like a small child in his lap. She kept her eyes closed, afraid to see the horrified look on Thomas's face.
This came from Minho, a long, drawn-out groan. Evelyn opened her eyes and saw Minho's eyes flutter open, then squinted as he caught the guys gaze. She looked up, and saw Sonny, Nick and Tessa were also awake. Great. How many saw that Cranky little episode. I probably woke them up...
"Oh, man. I'm shucked. I'm shucked for good." Minho groaned.
"How bad is it?" Newt asked him.
Instead of answering, Minho very slowly pushed himself up to a sitting position, grunting and wincing with every small move. But he finally did it, legs crossed beneath him.
"Can't be too bad if you can do that," Teresa said with a sly smile. She scootched closer to Minho, taking his hand gently.
"I saw Evy fix ya up last night and use her powers on ya, ya Shank." Thomas rolled his eyes at the Keeper of the Runners.
"Shuck it," Minho responded. "I'm tougher than nails. I could still kick your pony-lovin' butt with twice this pain."
Thomas shrugged. "I do love ponies. Wish I could eat one right now." His stomach grumbled and gurgled so loud it almost echoed around the room, making Evelyn's stomach growl.
"Was that a joke?" Nick asked, taking his glasses off and cleaning them in his shirt.
"Did Thomas the boring slinthead actually make a joke?" Minho asked, raising an eyebrow. With a groan he laid his head back onto the wall with a small groan.
"I think he did!" Newt responded dryly, his fingers still running through Evelyn's hair.
"I'm a funny guy," Thomas said with a shrug.
"Yeah, you are."
There was a silence between everyone. Everyone was obviously had already lost interest in the small talk. Evelyn slowly twisted her head around to take in the rest of the Gladers, most of them asleep or lying still with blank looks on their faces. She looked back and caught Minho's eye. In a split second they had a silent conversation.
"How many?" Minho asked for her, "how many Gladers are left?"
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