Chapter 1: What's Going On?
Evelyn screamed.
She was stuck in a dark cold room. The walls were made of old rough stone, they were slightly damp, not helping with the chilly air. Evelyn was little, she slammed her little fists against the thick wood and iron door.
"Let me out! Let me out! Please!"
Something came scuttling down the wall and stopped right in front of her, making her crying stop as she frowned and tilted her head.
"Hephaestus?" She whispered, the lizard made a humming noise, "What are you doing her buddy?"
Without an answer the lizard jump at her, he hit her in the chest making her hit the back stone wall, the Griever stalked towards her, the long sharp legs slamming into the floor making the stone crack. It screamed at her. It went to stab her with its leg, she couldn't move. Alby was holding her, keeping her stuck. She wiggled and fought with Alby, the Griever was getting closer. Evelyn had her hands pushing on his chest, her hands were becoming cold and icy blue. Alby flopped on top of her dead. She had killed Alby with her powers. Gally came bursting through the door, sliding under the Griever. He grabbed her wrist and yanked her away, just as the Griever stabbed down.
"EVELYN! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Gally screamed, the life was leaving his eyes, he sunk to his knees, his face paled. She tried to pull her wrist free, but Gally's hand was clamped over her wrist, rigor mortis had set in. Gally's body was cold and stiff, his eyes dull and empty.
"MOM!" Chuck came running and slammed into her hugging her tight around the waist. He gasped in pain.
"Stop hurting me Mom!" He cried, he sunk to his knees crying, he was dying. Evelyn tried pushing him away, but her hands and now her arms were freezing, like frost bite, icy blue white shimmering like ice up her arms. When she tried pushing Chuck away he cried harder .
"Stop! You're killing me! You killed me!" Chuck's cry came out strangled. He was blue and covered in blood. So was Evelyn, covered in hot sticky blood, but her arms and now into her chest were freezing, it was going to freeze everything inside her.
"How could you?" Jeff yelled. He was standing in the doorway of the stone room now, pointing an accusing finger at her. "You couldn't save any of them! And you call yourself a healer! You're a WITCH! Look at what you did! Killing them all with some shucked up death magic!"
"Jeff! Watch out!" She reached out and lunged for him, but the Griever bit him, spraying Evelyn in blood.
She fell to her knees, a scream from deep within ripped through her-
Evelyn woke with a gasp and a wild scream.
"You're okay Love. Your okay." Newt, reached out to sooth her, but she smacked his hand away and scrambled away. She bumped into Sonny who was sleeping, she flinched and scrambled away, huddling on the other side of the helicopter in the corner away from everyone, her arms wrapped around herself. Her wild eyes searching for a way out.
"Evelyn..." Newt had crawled over, carful of the others still sleeping.
"NO!" She yelped, "Don't touch me!" She whimpered, big tears spilt over her eyelashes and down her grimy blood splattered cheeks, making big tracks.
"Lee..." he whispered, inching closer. "You aren't going to buggen' hurt me."
"How do you know?"
"'Cause I love you. And you love me. Remember? Fully and completely."
"I'm scared Newt." She whimpered again, her green eyes full of fear and a broken grief.
Newt slowly reached a hand out, she flinched, terrified she was going to hurt the young man in front of her. He held his hand steady, still slowly reaching out. His big brown eyes were steady and held hers firmly in place. She was terrified, but his unwavering steadiness help easer her anxiety slightly. His hand gently brushed her cheek. Every muscle tensed up, she forgot to breath, terrified she was going to suck his life.
"See? Nothin' happened." He whispered, with a small lopsided smile.
His hand slowly cupped her cheek until he was holding the side of her face. She let out a broken sob, and leaned into his warm touch. He pulled her into a tight hug, holding her while she cried. He held her for a long time, they both ended up falling asleep again. The day had been exhausting, emotionally and physically.
Newt shook her awake gently, still concerned about her head. The helicopter was touching down, it was rocking and shaking.
"We got a sand storm and coming into a swarm!" The pilot yelled.
The woman and the leader were jamming their helmets on, and swinging their guns around to the front. The Gladers were all awake and standing, tired and confused.
"What's going on?" Thomas asked.
"We got ourselves a swarm. When we land, you gotta run!"
"What's a swarm?"
"A swarm of what?"
"Where are we?"
"Shut up and follow Sargent Jaz. She'll lead you to the facility where it'll be safe!"
Something thudded against the widow, leaving a crack. The helicopter teetered, making Evelyn's head feel like it twisted upside down. With a groan she clamped her hands over her head. The Helicopter blew to the side, knocking most of the Gladers into each other. There was wild cries as they slammed into the wall or each other. Nick was helping Teressa to her feet, and Sonny was hulling Winston to his feet.
Sargent Jaz ripped the side door open and jumped out.
A few other of their rescuers reached into the helicopter and started pulling Gladers out. Some one yanked Evelyn out the door, she landed hard on her back in sand. It whipped into her face, stinging her eyes and skin. The wind combined with the helicopter blades made her hair fly everywhere. Someone grabbed the front of her shirt and lifted her onto her feet.
"Wait!" She cried. turning back towards the helicopter she yanked her arm out of the guys arm and lunged for the door.
Evelyn didn't listen. Climbing up, she crawled as fast as she could to the back corner of the helicopter, and grabbed her bag and Newt's backpack. Her journals were in there along with Chucks little carved statue. She jumped back out of the door, the guard was yelling something at her, but she couldn't hear what he was saying because there was a wild scream that made her blood run cold.
Her lungs froze. The scream made her instantly feel panicky.
"Dammit!" Their lead rescuer screamed, "They got through the barricades!"
"What did?" Evelyn screamed over the wind, helicopter blades and screaming that was getting louder.
"PAST GONE CRANKS! RUN KID!" He pushed her forwards, making her still dizzy sore head spin again.
Over the sand hill came lurching forms of humans. But they didn't look human. Some ran, some stumbled, some ran on all fours like some kind of wild animal. They were all screaming, like they were going into battle. Gun shots rang out. These animalistic humans dropped in a spray of blood. A few got back up and ran as best they could towards them.
He grabbed her arm and pulled her. These Cranks were getting closer. Running and falling down the sand hill. The sheer number of them seemed to overwhelm the few guards that were running with the Gladers towards big wide open doors. Evelyn tried to look around for everyone, she saw a few Gladers, but most were already safely inside the building. More guards in black uniforms and helmets were running out into the storm. Bullets started raining down on the pack of wild Cranks, Guards were now using the big guns on top of the roof.
Something slammed into her side making her fall into the sand. Something screeched in her ear. Evelyn twisted around and came face to face with a Crank. Evelyn cried out and tried to push it away, but it grabbed onto her wrist, the long nails digging into her skin. This crank had long stringy matted hair; large chunks were missing leaving patches or bloody skin. The Crank snarled at Evelyn, revealing a large bloody mouth, slobber, black goo and blood dribbled down it's chin. But what made Evelyn cry out was the bloody hole where it's eye was supposed to be. The crank cackled in glee.
"Pretty little Witch is gonna save us all! Pretty little witch!"
The crank was ripped off Evelyn's chest, with a snarl, it's long nails ripped across her wrist. Teressa pulled Evelyn up, as their guard pulled the trigger. The bullet his the crank in the chest, sending it backwards in a spray of blood. Teressa grabbed her hand and together they ran as best they could through the sand. Another crank tried to jump at them, but there was a bullet from above that made the crank fly sideways with the impact. It rolled a few times stanning the sand a dark brown.
Evelyn did her best to keep her eyes open, the sand storm was making it hard to see. The big doors were starting to slid shut, the guys were all screaming for them to run. A few more feet, one last shove from behind, the guards and the girls and Thomas made it into the building and the doors slammed shut behind them.
There was a strained quiet that settled over the Gladers. Newt and Minho appeared and pulled the girls into a tight hug.
"Don't do that again!" Minho scolded.
Teresa pulled away slightly, "Don't tell me you wouldn't have turned around and helped if you had seen that...that...thing, jump on Evy!"
"Touché Smarty...Just..don't do it again!" He pulled her back into a hug.
Newt had Evelyn wrapped so tightly in his arms it almost hurt. She just hugged him tighter, burying her face into his chest.
"Welcome!" A voice carried across the big open area.
Evelyn picked her throbbing head up and looked towards the voice. There was something about it. A tall skinny man with greying hair came striding towards them.
"Please follow me! And we will get you situated with food, medical care and a shower! Please follow me."
"Who are you?"
"Where are we?"
"What's going on?"
"How did you find us?"
The man held up his hand to stem the flow of questions thrown at him.
"All in good time, Children. But right now, please follow me." His voice was kind of naisley, his eyes were sharp and beady, with a long thin nose that twitched. He beckoned them to follow. Evelyn hands Newt the backpack she went after, her own bag slung over her shoulder. The Gladers slowly followed; the promise of food and a shower lured them forwards.
"So my name," he called over the noise of construction, "is Director Janson. I run this place, it's a way station, a safe place for children like you. A home between homes, if you would."
"That mean you're taking us home?" Minho called from the back of the pack, his eyes were slightly narrowed.
Director Janson looked over his shoulder, his eyes flashed, but he gave them a sad smile.
"Unfortunately, there won't be much left of where you came from."
Evelyn felt her heart squeeze, "yeah... that's 'cause WICKED killed my mother." She whispered bitterly.
Newt gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
Minho glanced at her too and frowned, but hummed in agreement.
"Ya know what?" Teresa leaned across Minho, but whispered loud enough for the four of them to hear.
"Doesn't he kinda look like a rat? Watch his nose twitch when he talks!"
Director Janson kept talking about the Way station, waving his hands around, like he was giving a tour. Minho snorted, which turned into a belly laugh. Newt also let out a laugh. Evelyn's lip twitched into a sort of smile.
"That's a fancy white suit. I need to get me one of them!" Minho grinned.
"The bloody sad part is... You absolutely would!" Newt shook his head.
"Well here we are! This section is all yours. The main hall has hit food, boys room with showers and the girls room across the hall." Janson nodded, opening a large and heavy looking door. He stepped back and swept the Gladers inside.
"No way!" Frypan yelled.
"Pizza?!" Nick gasped.
Everyone surged forwards, surrounding the table. Evelyn wasn't actually all that hungry. Her head was pounding making her stomach feel sick. And hurt heart hurt. She wanted to curl up in a quiet place. She tried to get up, but Newt grabbed her hand and pulled her back.
"You need to eat, Love."
"I feel sick."
"At least a few bits?"
She forced herself to eat, just to appease Newt. She gave up and just folded her arms and lay her head down closing her sore exhausted eyes. She listened to the talk of the guys around her. They seemed to have forgotten about what they just went through because there was greasy hot pizza in front of them. She picked her head up, at least Thomas and Teresa looked slightly uncomfortable with the situation.
She caught Evelyn's eye, and made a feature with her head towards the door that was labeled GIRLS. Evelyn nodded.
"I'm going to shower."
"You'll be safe?" Newt asked, his voice strained all of a sudden , "I promised I wouldn't let you out ify sight!"
"I'm going into that room," she pointed, "with Tessa, to shower."
"I could come with you?" He suggested. His eyes were flicking back and forth between hers, his eyebrows pulled together and he frowned. Evelyn didn't see any kind of sexual innuendo or suggestion, he genuinely was scared to loose sight of her.
"Newt, Sweetie, I'll come find you after my shower. Okay? I'd rather sleep here on the floor beside you then in a bed alone."
Teresa was waiting for her by the door. Together they stepped into the room. There were two sets of bunk beds and a dresser. There was clean clothes set out along with pajamas and toiletries. The windows were framed in bright coloured curtains, the walls were painted with wild bright colours. The bright cheery room seemed to mock her heartache.
"Someone really needs to call a decorator. Cuz...shuck this is awful!" Teresa wrinkled her nose, looking around the room.
"Yeah...kinda hurts the eyeballs."
"Well that's probably the concussion...but come on, let's get showered! I have no idea who's blood this is..." She trailed off, her face fell and her eyes welled with tears.
Evelyn looked down at the floor, tears in her own eyes again.
"I was hardly there...well awake anyways...but it still hurts. All those boys...if I was faster at typing or we figured out the stupid word PUSH was actually an instruction to push the damn button at the base of the wall! Maybe...if I was faster I coulda saved more boys."
Evelyn turned towards her, "No. No more what ifs and maybes. That nearly killed me the first year. You did your best and that's all we could ask for. You did a great job Tessa!"
Her big blue eyes looked up. She sniffed and wiped her cheeks, she nodded with a shaky inhale.
"Come on." Evelyn said gently, "let's shower."
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