Chapter 4. Failing the Bell Test
So since Ao had no where to sleep or live, Naruto had offered her to stay at his place, to which she accepted. The two were walking to the training grounds where their sensei had said.
"Thanks again for letting me stay at your place." NoName said to the blonde who just gave her a closed eye smile.
"Of course! I wouldn't let my new friend sleep out in the cold!" He replied.
Just telling everyone now, cause I can, I almost wrote the mission chapter and forgot about the bell test.
"So professional..." Ao started silently so only the author could hear. "Anyway hey- Naruto?"
"Yea NoName?" Naruto turned his head blue eyes shining.
"After this training exercise or whatever, do you wanna get some ramen?" She asked, to which Naruto gasped with excitement.
"Why wouldn't I?" He accepted gratefully. Ao grinned in victory, she had to thank him some how.
The duo made it to the training area where Sasuke and Sakura were already standing.
"Great job being late Naruto, NoName." Sakura taunted, NoName shrugged looking around.
"I don't see Kakashi-sensei anywhere. Why should it matter?"Ao looked around. "In fact my senses of being a main character says he won't be here for another couple hours. I'm going to take a nap by this tree." She continued laying by the tree near by.
"Wha?" Sakura looked at the blue haired girl as she closed her eyes drifting to sleep. She stomped her foot and crossed her arms. "Yeah right! I'm not getting in trouble for not being awake when he comes."
A few hours had passed and Ao sat up from her nap yawning and stretching. "Ahh I feel well rested now!" She smiled as she looked to the other three who seemed completely tired. As if on queue, the silver headed sensei had come walking towards his team.
Naruto notices this and hops up immediately, followed by Sakura who both were pointing fingers accusingly at their sensei.
"Kakashi-sensei! Why are you so late!" They yelled as Kakashi stayed calm looking at the two.
"Sorry, I got lost on the path of life," he said mysteriously, as he glanced towards Ao, who just was leaning next to a tree.
"Lies!" They called again as the blue haired child rolled her eyes at them.
"Anyway, let's get started." Kakashi pulled out three bells showing his students. "You each must get one of these bells as a team."
"But Kakashi-Sensei, there is only three bells an there is four of us." Sakura pointed out as Naruto crossed his arms as he noticed as well.
"Good eye Sakura, you see, the one who does not get a bell will be tied to the log and I will eat my lunch in front of them. Also not getting a bell means you will be sent back to the academy to start the next year." Kakashi pointed out, silently hoping this team knew the true point of the test.
Ao hummed, thinking on what reason he had to pit the team against each other. She obviously knew he was trying to make them fight for them, but she knew that she could not take on the jonin by herself, despite her Mary Sue powers. Teamwork! She thought, because she just heard the author whisper the solution to her.
Again, since the author hadn't rewatched the episode she just wishes to go in blind. Kakashi looked to his students as he hooked his bells by his hip.
"You're allowed to utilize any weapon against me, if you're not prepared to kill me, you'll never get a bell." Kakashi continued, explaining the rules. Naruto laughed at this.
"You couldn't even see that eraser prank coming earlier!" He pointed out to the sensei. The silver haired jonin turned to Naruto.
"Class clowns are usually the weakest. Losers." He informed him, Naruto gained an annoyed look. "You may begin when I say start."
HEY KAKASHI DON'T CALL NARUTO-SAMA A LOSER! I mean uh...... nothing you saw nothing.
Naruto didn't wait, he immediately pulled out a Shuriken and dashed forward. Before Ao could stop him, Kakashi had grabbed him with ease, pointing the hand with the shuriken toward his head.
"You do know, slowing down give a better opportunity? I didn't even say start." The Jonin started looking down at Naruto who is growling as he glared back up at him.
NoName hopped up and dove forward to kick Kakashi in the face. He released Naruto to grab the diving student, slamming her into the ground.
"Author.... I though I was going to kick him in the face to release Naruto...." The blue haired girl groaned as giggles were heard in the background.
"I thought it was funnier this way." The reply came as Kakashi brushed his hands off. He silently thanked the Author for not damaging his face even further, as he continued.
"Well at least you came at me like you were trying to kill me." Kakashi-sensei glanced over at Ao as she stood up groaning. "Get ready.... Start!" The team dispersed as Kakashi waited in the same spot.
Everyone waited in the trees or bushes, Ao was maneuvering around looking for Naruto. She planned to ask him to join in a plan she had made in the team attacking together. Naruto, being as dense as always just stood in the open taunting the jonin.
"You and me right now!" He called crossing his arms. Well at least the Mary Sue knew where to find him. Kakashi looked at him confused before shrugging and pulled out a book to read. His pervy little book. Naruto shouted nonsense as he read, angry he was completely ignored. In the background you could hear a slight sound of a meme.
(Dang it feels good to be a gangster...) Thug glasses totally fell onto Kakashi's face then. Before the knuckle headed ninja could attack, Ao came down and grabbed him, running into the trees.
"N-NoName! What was that for!" Naruto complained as Kakashi curiously watched them escape.
"Huh. Interesting that kid." He hummed.
"Naruto listen. You can't go fighting a jonin like that, here, I have a plan where we can fight together to get those-"
"No can do! Sorry NoName, but I want to do this myself!" He grunted as he ran back out to fight Kakashi. It ultimately failed and he was thrown into the lake, but that's all NoName saw as she sighed and moved to the next person.
When she finally found Sakura, she seemed to be screaming and freaking out. "Wha?" NoName cluelessly looked at her, confused on what happened.
She's in a genjutsu you dumbass.
"Oh.... well I think I heard somewhere that she was adept at these. Why hasn't she broken free already?" Ao scratched her head confused. She sighed and placed her hand on Sakuras shoulder, helping break the Genjutsu.
The pinkette fell over passed out, and the blue haired one just shook her head. "I guess I better find that Uchiha..."
Magically she totally found the unemotional ravenette preparing his attack.
"Hey Sasuke right... I was wondering if..."
"No." He said as he vanished to do his attack.
"What an ass hole...." NoName muttered, crossing her arms. "Fine I'll guess I can at least try." She hopped out of hiding as she saw Sasuke get stuck in the earth.
Kakashi turned to see the pupil he had named. "Your turn is it?" He asked as the blue haired ninja-to-be sighed.
"You know, I tried asking nicely, even with my tactics I can't take you down by myself. Everyone is just a fool it seems.... I'm only a Mary Sue-to-be..." she groaned as she glared towards the sky, again looking towards the author. "But Author-Sama (ew did you just make me call you sama?) is making me at least try.... but since my team doesn't want to be a team, I got to at least try."
Kakashi eyed the student curiously. What was her plan? Quickly he notice that NoName was creating hand symbols.
"Water style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" She called as dragons in the form of water rose from the river and went for Kakashi. A B-rank jutsu? What just is this kid....
Kakashi quickly did hand signs as well, seeing the jutsu diving towards him, "Earth Style: Rock Shield!" A large chunk of the earth rose and held most of the water dragons back. To NoName, it was only a distraction as she sprinted forward with shuriken in hand.
Kakashi started to turn but it was to late, NoName only ran by Kakashi, and the sensei was confused on why. Sasuke had managed to get free, but it didn't last long until he was taken down.
Naruto still hung from the tree before NoName cut him down. The timer had gone off, it was noon. A few moments had passed and Naruto was tied to a log. Ao was sitting above him and the other two were on each side, on the ground.
Stomachs growled as they looked to their senses gloomy. Ao sat there mysteriously eyeballing the senses.
"Well stomachs are growling sorry 'bout that. Oh. And about this exercise, there is no need to go back to academy," A small paused as the students cheered, well Naruto and Sakura... "because your being dropped from the program immediately." Kakashi finished, making the ninjas freeze.
Something sparked from Sasuke and he dashed to attack the silver haired jonin. With ease the sensei took him down, earning an angry look from Sakura. Talk about squishing and bugs... or whatever.
Kakashi placed a knife to Sasuke's face. "None of you truely understand the purpose of this exercise, Ao at least had an idea of part of it."
"Part of it..." NoName muttered thinking that she knew it all.
"You were supposed to work as a team! If one of you went off solo you could put the whole squad in danger, for example. Sakura kill Naruto or Sasuke dies!" From this statement Sakura and Naruto had a slight panic moment.
I'm literally just doing this my way now idec... it's a fanfic and I have the basic idea on what he is meaning to say.
"If you all had work as a team you would had gotten the bells. And none of you have even taken one-" Kakashi was interrupted with a small kick to the chest.
"That's where you wrong..." NoName helped Sasuke up and freed Naruto from the log. Little spot were tossed to each of them, and as the held out their hands, bells fell into them.
NoName went back to sitting on the log while her teammates held the bells, confused. Kakashi noticed this and checked his belt, the bells were gone. When did sh.... when she ran passed me? He realized what happened. He smiled under his mask.
"Well thanks to your teammate you got your bells, but you still didn't understand the point of this survival test. NoName may had known on what to do, but the rest of you just push her away. Naruto looked guiltily at his new friend who he already let down.
Naruto gained an idea. "Can we try the test again?" He gave a smile to Kakashi as he held his bell to him. The sensei thought for a moment and obviously said yes for he had evil plans in the future.
"Fine," he started as Naruto was tied up again. "Here are some lunches, As a punishment for cheating Naruto will not eat. NoName, since you already passed you can follow me. We'll start again soon, and remember I'll be watching." He mentioned as he led the blue haired ninja away.
"I really hope they are smarter then that." NoName muttered silently earning a grin from Kakashi. Ao's dreams come true when her teammates offered Naruto a bite.
Kakashi passed them (that sound like "walking pass him" but I mean "pass a test") and gave his small motivational speech. Team 7 was now an official Genin team. (Finally~) Prepared to take on missions that are thrown their way.... boring missions anyway., but they don't know that.... yet....
Anyway that is it for NoName this chapter as she thinks about the next one. The author go on and thinks how the story like this would go if we were in the Road to Ninja movie... heheheh plans for the future.
Thank you all for waiting I know I know this is like forever ago. But if you're still out there reading I thank you for it. <3
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