The Worst Hyung.
Requested by Sope-MEE
"Ugh! Putting us together for this dance break was a mistake, Hobi!" Jin shouted at the dance leader.
"Please, Hobi," Yoongi added, "Let us switch! I don't want to work with him anymore either!"
Hobi gripped his hair in frustration. The dance teams were already set and every other group had already learned their parts. "Switching you now would delay us too much. What the hell is going on with you two? There's usually not a problem with you two having a dance break together. What's wrong with your teamwork lately?"
"I just think I could have a better team! Let me dance with Jungkook or Jimin!" Jin demanded.
"No, I'm keeping Jimin!" Taehyung yelled from across the dance studio.
"And I'm keeping Jungkook!" Namjoon added.
"Just..just...figure it out!" Hobi screamed at his two hyungs. "We don't have time for this nonsense!"
Jin and Yoongi glared at each other with annoyance. They weren't showing good teamwork, which was quite unlike them. Whether the steps were too difficult or they were simply both in bad moods that day, nobody was quite sure. The members fought all the time over trivial things so the others didn't pay too much mind to it.
The two eldest hyungs couldn't figure it out. While every other group was getting through their steps perfectly, Jin and Yoongi were struggling. They kept bumping into each other or tripping over each other. The two got so annoyed with one another that eventually they started sabotaging each other on purpose. Jin would put his foot out to trip Yoongi and Yoongi would make himself fall into his hyung so he'd knock him over. They started spewing insults to one another for the rest of practice, even after the other members were asking them to stop it. Jungkook was getting increasingly frustrated with their attitudes because he hated it when any of his hyungs fought or had a hard time, it broke his heart, but even his bambi eye filled pleads didn't seem to phase the two.
Dance practice was finally over and it was time to go home, yet this didn't stop the two from arguing the entire ride back.
Jin screamed at Yoongi about how he was a shitty partner and didn't listen, which escalated into telling him he's a terrible dongsaeng as well. The rapper pretended to ignore his hyung the whole ride home, looking out the window and not acknowledging anything he was saying because he knew it was only making Jin even more angry.
The others didn't know what to do anymore. All of them were begging for Jin to knock it off but he fought back saying they had no place in telling him what to do. "I'm the oldest!" he yelled in defense.
"Then act like it and grow up!" Jimin cried. The members eyes went wide at Jimin's disrespect, but all Jin did was tell him to shut his mouth, and then he turned right back to yell at Yoongi more.
"Are you even listening to a word I'm saying?!" Jin screamed as they all walked in the door to their dorm. Yoongi was in front of him trying his hardest to briskly walk away from his hyung before he had the chance to keep going.
"Hey! Stop ignoring your hyung!" Jin grabbed Yoongi's shirt sleeve to stop him, but the younger pulled out of it.
"Don't fucking touch me!" Yoongi spat.
Hobi interjected. "Seriously, just stop it. It's been a long day and everyone is tired. Settle your differences tomorrow."
"Tell him to stop it! I haven't spoken a word to him the entire ride home! He just keeps running his damn mouth and won't leave me the hell alone!" Yoongi argued.
"Well maybe if you showed me some damn respect I-" Jin's ears and cheeks were red and hot with anger.
"Respect?! Why the hell should I respect you?! You've been an asshole all day over some stupid fucking dance moves!"
"Hey, the moves aren't stupid..." Hobi frowned at the insult. He had come up with those moves and he thought they were great.
"Hyungies please stop." Taehyung pouted while staring at Jin and Yoongi but he failed to realize that if it didn't work when Jungkook had tried pleading earlier it wasn't going to work for him either.
Suddenly Jin stepped forward and got in Yoongi's face. He glared right into his dongsaengs eyes. "You're walking on thin ice, Yoongi. If I have to remind you one more time about how you need to act-"
Yoongi didn't back up. He leaned in close to Jin. He wasn't intimidated by him at all. His voice got low and was laced with frustration and anger. "Why should I listen to you, huh? Oldest or not. I don't care. I do not give a shit if you're my hyung because you know what, Kim Seokjin? You're the worst hyung in the entire world, and you are the worst dancer on this team."
This triggered something in Jin.
"Yaaah!" He grabbed Yoongi by the shirt collar with both hands. The members quickly got between them and pulled them apart from each other, realizing that the two were about to get in to some kind of physical altercation if they didn't break it up right now. Yoongi started running for his room and turned to say it one more time.
"You're the worst hyung anyone could ever have! Not only do I feel bad for myself, but I feel bad for all of us!" With that, the rapper ran into his room and slammed his door closed behind him, locking it.
"He's dead! He's a dead dongsaeng!" Jin was still screaming as the others continued to hold on to him so he wouldn't try to chase after the rapper.
Jungkook burst into tears. As if the fighting in the studio didn't hurt his heart enough, this had gotten way too out of hand for him to handle.
Jimin grabbed Jungkook and pulled him into a hug. "Hey, shh, it's okay."
Jungkook was looking at Jin. "P-please don't hurt Yoongi h-hyung." He sniffled as Jimin was helping him wipe his tears away.
Jin felt like Jungkook was overreacting. He threw his arms up in frustration. "I wasn't going to do anything! Why is everyone being so- ugh!" He didn't feel like finishing his sentence. Everything and everyone was pissing him off. He decided to call it a night and storm off to his own room. The rest of the members watched silently as Jin departed.
Taehyung let out a deep sigh. "What do we do?" Whenever there was fighting in the group he always got very worried, fearing that someone would leave if it got bad enough.
Namjoon rubbed Taehyung's back. "Right now there's nothing any of us can do. Maybe a good night's sleep will do them both well and things will settle down tomorrow."
Hobi was still offended. He looked to the others. "Are the dance moves stupid?"
This got quite a laugh out of Jimin. "No, hyung. Don't listen to what they say. They're mad at each other and are bound to say things they don't mean." He patted Hobi on the shoulder. "The moves are great."
Hobi smiled and appreciated the reassurance. "Thanks, Jimin-ah."
While the rest of the members tucked in for the night, Jin and Yoongi were both awake in their own rooms. Their minds were reeling.
Now that he had time to calm down, Yoongi lay there actually feeling really bad about what he'd said to Jin. He didn't think he was a bad dancer at all, and aside from todays dispute, he thought Jin was the best hyung ever. He regretted saying hurtful things in the moment and planned to apologize in the morning. He hoped Jin would be in better spirits tomorrow too. He also felt bad for upsetting everyone else. He was aware that the others had been affected by their fight, and he felt terrible about it. That wasn't fair to them. He was hurt about some of the things Jin had yelled at him in the car, but figured they had both said things they didn't actually mean.
Jin wasn't feeling quite the same. He lay in his bed absolutely livid. His anger wasn't letting up. The worst hyung?! The worst dancer!? Oh, if that boy wants to call me the worst hyung then I'll gladly live up to that statement for him!
The next morning, Yoongi and Jin were the first two awake. They had bumped into each other in the kitchen and Yoongi took a deep breath, he had been practicing his apology for half the night. He was nervous to speak up first and could only hope that Jin felt as remorseful as himself.
"Hyung?" Yoongi started.
"Get the hell out of my sight," Jin spat back as he turned to face away from him.
Yoongi's heart dropped.
He stood there not quite knowing how to continue. He bit his bottom lip as it quivered and his chin crumpled up, a clear indication that he was trying to hold back tears. He's still this angry at me?
Yoongi gulped. "Hyung...I wanted to apolo-"
Jin cut him off. "I don't give a shit what you have to say. You've said enough. Why don't you go write it down somewhere? Turn it into another one of your stupid little shitty raps. You could use the practice, Yoongs, since you're the worst rapper on the team." The oldest was trying to get back at his dongsaeng for the comment he had previously made about him being the worst dancer, so he figured he'd give a blow to where it'd hurt Yoongi the most. He fully expected the boy to start arguing and putting up a fight, but to his surprise the younger quickly turned and went back to his room without saying anything.
Good riddance.
Yoongi curled up in his bed and buried his face into his pillow, releasing the tears he had been holding back. Jin's words hurt a hell of a lot. How could he not feel the least bit bad about yesterday? And he decides to be an even bigger asshole today?! He let his tears soak his pillow. If Jin didn't even want to hear an apology he wasn't sure what else he could possibly do, but after the way his hyung had just acted he felt like Jin didn't even deserve to hear a sorry at this point.
The others woke up and got ready to head to the studio. They were surprised that Yoongi wasn't awake and getting ready yet. Namjoon tapped on his door and his hyung yelled that he'd be right out. He wiped his tears and got dressed, dreading the day ahead. Dreading having to deal with Jin.
Jin was relentless during practice. He insulted Yoongi in every way shape and form that he could. Not only did he insult his dancing, but even random things such as what he was wearing down to telling him he was breathing too loudly.
The others were annoyed and in bad moods as they kept coming to Yoongi's defense. It became clear that all of them were starting to hate being around Jin. He was acting ridiculously and they hated to see the way he was treating Yoongi. Namjoon told them to step out of the room and go have a talk somewhere but both of them refused.
This went on for days. The fighting. It couldn't even be called fighting anymore because Yoongi had very clearly given up. He either completely ignored Jin's insults or would shrug. He never retaliated or said hurtful things back. It had really turned into Jin just constantly belittling him every chance he got. It was as if his entire goal in life had turned into making sure he completely destroyed the younger.
What Jin didn't know was that it was working. Yoongi didn't fight back because Jin had completely broken his heart already and he didn't have any fighting left in him. He absorbed everything Jin kept saying. How he was a terrible little brother, how he was a terrible rapper, and more that he didn't even want to remember hearing. Even though when the fighting first started he figured these things were being said out of anger, he was now feeling like Jin really meant everything he was saying. He didn't know how to handle it. The other members had come to him a handful of times asking if he was okay and if he wanted to talk about it, but he always denied their help. They would remind him to not listen to Jin. The others also had countless talks with Jin about how he was being an asshole for no reason and that they could see it was affecting Yoongi a lot, but Jin brushed off their concerns and told them to not get involved.
It took about two weeks for Jin to actually start noticing Yoongi's shift in behavior. He had let up on the insults because it was clear the boy wasn't going to fight back anymore, and Jin felt proud of the fact that he got his dongsaeng to shut his mouth. He felt like he had won. He got the point across to him to respect his elder.
As proud as Jin was, the younger's constant silence was starting to bother him. The others had pointed it out days ago and Jin didn't care at first, but now that the initial anger was gone he couldn't help but notice that Yoongi was exceptionally more anti-social than he usually was. He saw that the rapper would barely even talk to the other members, and he may as well have been invisible to the boy at this point. He was wondering what was going through Yoongi's head. Maybe self reflection?
Jin had tapped on Yoongi's bedroom door one night and let himself in to find that he wasn't in his room. He forgot that his dongsaeng had went to take a shower. He decided to wait for him while curiously browsing through his stuff, as older brothers do. He found a notebook on Yoongi's desk that he opened and saw the younger had worked on some lyrics recently.
However, Jin was caught off guard when he started reading and realized it wasn't lyrics for songs. It seemed more like notes that Yoongi wrote to himself. A diary, maybe? Curiosity got the best of him and he began reading the little notes.
The first ones were full of anger towards the oldest.
"Jin hyung sucks! I hate him! He's the worst hyung and I'm glad I told him that he was!"
It had scribbles all over it, showing that Yoongi had changed his mind at some point about that statement. As Jin kept reading, his heart started to ache.
"I didn't mean to call Jin the worst hyung or the worst dancer. I was just angry. He's great at both. I tried to apologize but he didn't care to listen so I don't know what to do. Am I really the worst rapper on the team? I try to work really hard but maybe I need to try harder."
"Today was hard. Hyung kept screaming at me about everything. He didn't even like my outfit. I'm not sure why. I've worn this same one a million times and he's never said anything before."
"It's been days and Jin is still angry. I've given up fighting. I don't know what to say to him at this point. I think he hates me."
There was only one more after that, and when Jin read it he burst into tears as his heart completely broke. It was only a few words but it felt like a knife right to his chest.
"I don't have a big brother anymore... and I don't know what to do."
What made it worse was that Jin could tell Yoongi had been crying when he wrote that. There were dried up tear stains all over the sentence.
Oh, still have a big brother. I'm still here.
He heard Yoongi coming down the hall so he frantically closed the notebook and put it back in its place. He didn't know how private of a book it was supposed to be so he didn't want his dongsaeng to know he had read it.
Yoongi stopped in his doorway when he saw Jin in his room. Every time he saw his hyung his heart sank a little more as he expected to hear more hateful speech leave his mouth. Jin was sitting on his dongsaengs bed.
Yoongi spoke up before Jin could. He made his way to his bed. "If you don't mind, I'd like to go to sleep." Completely ignoring the fact Jin was sitting in it, he crawled into his bed and got under the covers. He covered his face and turned the other way.
Jin's heart was racing. He knew he needed to apologize but he'd never treated anyone this badly before and he simply didn't even know where to start because he knew he owed Yoongi way more than just an apology. Hell, I owe him the entire damn universe after how I acted. He figured he'd start the simplest way possible.
"Yoongs? I'm sorry." He put his hand on Yoongi's back and felt him tense up under the covers, which only broke his heart more. He thought back to the first night they'd fought where he grabbed Yoongi's shirt making it seem like he was going to physically hurt him. That was never his intention. He was never going to hurt Yoongi, the farthest he was planning to go at that moment in time was to just continuously grab his shirt and it sucked realizing that nobody else was aware of that. "I'm seriously so, so sorry."
Yoongi didn't reply, but Jin could hear him start sniffling.
"Please say something. I don't expect you to forgive me, I know I don't deserve that, but please at least tell me you know that I'm sorry."
"P-please let me go to sleep." Yoongi was trying to hide the fact he was crying but he couldn't fool Jin. His hyung leaned over him in the bed so he was in his dongsaengs line of sight. "Your hyung can't let you go to bed crying."
Yoongi instantly covered his face with his blanket and didn't bother hiding it anymore. He started sobbing into the blanket. He said something but it was too muffled for Jin to hear him so he had to pry the covers off Yoongi's face.
"What?" Jin asked softly.
"I-I said I-I don't have a hyung anymore." Yoongi quickly covered his face back up to drown out the sound of his crying. His entire body convulsed as he let the tears pour into his bedding.
Jin was in tears too. "That's not true. You do still have a hyung and he's right here. You're right. I'm the worst hyung, but still your hyung." He grabbed Yoongi and tried turning his body to face him, but the younger fought against it.
"N-no," Yoongi whimpered as he nudged out of Jin's grip.
Jin dropped his head onto Yoongi's side and cried into it as he spilled out more of his apology. He rambled on about how sorry he was, how he didn't mean to call him the worst rapper, how he didn't mean any of the mean things he'd been saying lately.
Yoongi finally turned to him. "Then why did you say it?" He truly didn't understand why Jin had tried so incredibly hard to break him down every chance he got.
"B-because....because of my own insecurities. I've struggled with the thought of being the worst dancer on this team since we started and once you said that I completely snapped. I was hurt by that and figured the only way for me to feel better, was to make you feel worse. So every day I tried and tried to make you feel worse. That was wrong of me. I'm sorry."
"I tried to apologize for saying that and you didn't even let me finish." Yoongi was sniffling and wiping his wet and puffy cheeks with his blanket.
"I know. I should have listened to you."
"You're not the worst dancer. Everyone is good. I only said that because I was angry. I didn't mean to call you the worst hyung either. I never meant any of it."
"Please know I did the exact same thing. I never meant any of what I said to you either, Yoongs. I'm sorry for all of that."
Yoongi's heart was still hurting quite a bit. An apology wasn't really helping. He didn't know how to make Jin understand just how insanely deep his hyung had cut him. "I don't know what to say to you. It wasn't fair. You''re the only hyung I have and I thought you hated me. I didn't know what to do. I never wanted to lose my big brother."
Jin tried pulling Yoongi into a hug but the younger pulled back. Jin didn't know what else to do either. "Yoongi please," he begged. "Please know that I'm sorry."
"I know that you're sorry." Yoongi stared at his hyung. He could tell that Jin didn't know what else to say. They'd never fought like this so never had to apologize like this before. As much as he resisted at first, and as angry and upset as he still was, he couldn't deny the fact that he'd truly been craving a hug from Jin for what felt like forever. He missed his big brothers hugs. He slowly leaned into Jin, and finally let himself be squeezed in his arms as they both cried together. After a while of crying, both of their hearts had lightened up. Yoongi pulled back and wanted to lighten the mood. He smiled. "Don't think this means I completely forgive you."
Jin smiled back. "Noted. Now move over."
Yoongi made room in his bed and was happy to sleep cuddled up in Jin's arms for the night. The others couldn't find Jin anywhere in the house and when they found him cuddled up with Yoongi, they silently started cheering. War is over!
Everyone was happy to see that the next morning, Jin and Yoongi were getting along quite well. More like Jin was being overly nice to his dongsaeng, but that was much better than the previous situation. Jin knew that Yoongi wasn't full of forgiveness right away. He knew it would take time and effort to gain that forgiveness, and he fully accepted that it was his own fault. He owned up to his mistakes and even apologized to everyone else for how he'd acted. Taehyung and Jungkook were the most ecstatic. Jin also apologized to Jungkook for scaring him the night he grabbed Yoongi and reassured the youngest that he'd never hurt anyone no matter how angry he got.
To make life even better, the two were getting along great at dance practice and were finally getting the steps right. Hobi ran around the room cheering when they'd gotten it down perfectly, multiple times. Yoongi had already apologized to him for calling the moves stupid. He actually thought it was incredible choreography.
The members had to perform the dance number that night on stage, and it went perfectly. Once the performance was over, Yoongi couldn't control himself. His first instinct was to run to Jin and hug him.
Jin broke down crying. He knew Yoongi didn't realize just what that hug meant to him. He knew that the forgiveness would take time, but he also knew that Yoongi was full of more of that forgiveness than he truly deserved.
He also knew that no matter what, that boy would always have a big brother to run to.
[The End]
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