The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes
The Jacobite Rebellion was not merely limited to Muggle Scotland, and a fair few wizarding folk joined in on their own battles as well. Bloodshed ruled the day, and there were many casualties, with England proclaiming itself victorious, and Bonnie Prince Charlie eventually abandoning his troops and fleeing elsewhere. The casualties littered the lands of Scotland, and those who did live, were branded traitors, and were subsequently shot. The wizards, however, were subjected to execution by the Killing Curse or the veil; if, however, mercy was shown, they were locked away in Azkaban for life.
Although the head of the wizarding army, Albus Dumbledore, who was a king in his own right, had managed to keep his title and his head, and had defeated the opposing leader, his true love, Gellert Grindelwald. Grindelwald was imprisoned in England, with the best Aurors on round-the-clock guard, as Albus Dumbledore could not bring himself to cut down his own soulmate. It was then that a new threat emerged, that of the former Tom Riddle, who had proclaimed himself Lord Voldemort, and Albus knew he did not have the strength to kill another man, this one much younger than his beloved Gellert.
As Lord Voldemort gathered followers left and right, Albus opened his home of Hogwarts Castle to the children whose parents had fallen in battle, as had been the tradition before the wars had begun. Among them were Half-Bloods Lord Harry Potter, Earl of Godric's Hollow, Sir Seamus Finnigan, and Lord Dean Thomas; Purebloods Master Ron and Miss Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Lord Malfoy, Countess Luna Lovegood, and Marquess Neville Longbottom; and Muggleborn Viscountess Hermione Granger. Many other young people were living in the castles' walls, and most of them were aged between thirteen and fifteen, although they were permitted to stay on until they reached the age of majority, while young Harry Potter, whom Albus was positive was the key to defeating Lord Voldemort, was fourteen.
In their spare time, the young people were tasked with learning all they could in order to get a makeshift education. The vast library was open to their disposal, and the Sovereign Princes and Princesses of the Wizarding Realm provided classes. Sovereign Princess Minerva McGonagall of Caithness, a widow and an Animagus, taught the young pupils Transfiguration, in the hopes that she could turn out more Animagi for the Wizarding World. Sovereign Prince Filius Flitwick of Glandore, was an expert in Charms, and dedicated his time ensuring that every young person would ultimately master the Patronus Charm, to aide them in warding off Dementors, who were dangerous cloaked beings who sucked out anyone's soul they could feast from. Then there was Sovereign Princess Pomona Sprout of Burren, who knew all there was to know about magical plants, so she instructed the children about Herbology. Finally, there was Sovereign Prince Severus Snape of Spinner's End, who was a potions master, and dedicated his time to research and brewing, who had reluctantly agreed to teach the young minds presented to him the ancient art of potions.
They also learned History of Magic from the ghost of Professor Binns, who had been a mere squire in life; Remus Lupin, a minor baronet, came to the castle, still a fair bit traumatized from the battle, and agreed to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts; and Lady Aurora Sinistra was the provider for Astronomy. In addition, all the children would learn to Apparate once they turned seventeen and were also encouraged to read about any other subject they chose to do during their time in the library. Albus Dumbledore also promised them then, if they presented a good reason for learning the subject, then he would scour the lands for a suitable teacher. It was Lady Hermione Granger who presented a good reason, the subject in question being Ancient Runes, and Albus Dumbledore found Bathsheba Babbling to teach her. Joining Hermione in the lessons were Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, and Luna Lovegood.
Ron himself only took the classes that were deemed necessary by Albus Dumbledore and preferred to spend his down time flying. There were many brooms available at the school, and Madam Hooch, a flying instructor, ensured that Ron was safe in his pursuits. Harry was quite good at flying as well, but much preferred learning about Defense than flying around on a broom for hours on end. Harry was quite close to Remus, given the fact that he was one of his godfathers, and they would spend hours on end simply speaking over cups of tea from the chipped China set he had brought with him.
"How are your lessons going, Harry?" Remus asked him one afternoon.
"I believe they're going fine," Harry responded. "But I can't understand just one thing about them, really..."
Remus looked perplexed as he poured them their tea. "What don't you understand, Harry? I know you know my best subject, like yours, is Defense. However, I, too had my own lessons in magic growing up. Perhaps I can be of assistance."
Harry hesitated; he had heard that Remus was considering courtship with Squire Tonks' only child, who went by Dora. He did not want to prevent his godfather's happiness by taking up an inordinate amount of time, however, he also knew that Remus would drag it out of him, one way or the other. "It's Snape..."
"Ah," Remus said with a nod. "Sirius, your parents, and I knew him as children," he explained as he added lemon and honey to his own cup. "What seems to be troubling you?"
"He is much harder on me than he is the rest of us..."
Remus nodded sagely. "He did not get along well with your father, or Sirius, as we were growing up," he said a little sadly. "I didn't even attempt to stop their harsh words or hexes, and I condemn myself for it to this very day."
Harry swallowed. "He is plenty nice to Draco..."
"Draco is his godson, and so Severus is his official guardian, now that Draco's parents have passed on in the war," Remus explained. "Anyhow, Severus isn't being violent, is he?"
"No," Harry said, shaking his head. "But I do find him staring at me quite a bit."
"Does it make you uncomfortable, Harry?"
"No," Harry said quickly. "I mean, not exactly, or in that way. What it does is confound me. I don't understand why, but it does."
Remus's eyes flashed with mirth, but it was gone in a moment. "I will speak to him on the matter at length, see what I can glean from it," he assured him. "Not to worry, Harry. All will be resolved eventually, of that, I assure you."
It was when Christmas was fast approaching that Albus Dumbledore decided that a reward should be in order for the industrious young witches and wizards. He organized a week of dancing, and all the young people paired up and had the time of their lives. By the morning, however, their specially ordered shoes were ruined, but Albus Dumbledore thought nothing of it, and decreed that each Christmas would be celebrated in such a way. For the next two years this went on, but Albus became increasingly perplexed that, by weeks' end, all the shoes were danced to ribbons. Finally, after the third year, Albus put his foot down, and informed the young people that no more dancing balls would take place within the castles' walls.
Hermione was the eldest of the group at seventeen when the announcement was made; Harry, Ron, Draco, Neville, Dean, and Seamus were sixteen; and Ginny and Luna were fifteen. As they mourned the loss of their Christmastime festivities, they forced themselves to return to their arduous work to be eligible to venture into the Wizarding World fully and safely. In the meantime, several of the group had paired up, with Neville and Luna becoming betrothed, and the same happening from Draco and Ginny. Dean and Seamus also realized their feelings for one another, and they, too entered into a betrothal.
When the next Christmas finally came about, and everyone was a year older, Ron finally plucked up his courage to announce his intentions about Hermione, who was simply over the moon. With his two closest friends finally realizing their feelings for one another, Harry took the time during the Christmas holidays to explore various parts of the castle that he had never been to before. It was when he was wandering around the left corridor on the seventh floor that he came across a tapestry with Barnabus the Barmy upon it. Perplexed, he gently touched the intricate stitches of the piece, and wished that he and his friends would be able to dance once more.
There was a rumbling from behind the tapestry then and, peering behind it, Harry noticed that a door had carved itself into being from the stone wall. Eyes widening, he tried opening the door, and it gave quite easily. Stepping inside the space, he saw a beautiful ballroom before him, which was complete with tables upon its edges, filled with delicious foods. A chandelier with enchanted candles took up the ceiling, and all the walls were made from mirrors. The marble floor was done up in beautifully polished black and white tiles, and beautiful poinsettias dotted sporadically around the space within beautiful, tall vases.
Finally, Harry spotted several pairs of glass shelves along one wall, and noticed that dancing shoes, to match the style of himself and all his friends, were placed there. Then, several pegs appeared beside that, each one boasting robes in an assortment of colors and styles, one for him, and several others for his dearest friends, who would want to be a part of the evening in question, when it did arrive. Heart in his throat, Harry silently begged the room to stay the same, until he could gather his friends quickly and quietly. Scurrying from the room, Harry went to do just that, while formulating a plan to get them to and from their common rooms safely.
"Ah, my lord earl," came the scintillating voice of Prince Severus.
Harry stopped dead in his tracks; Remus, for all he tried, could not glean much from the man, despite years of trying, so they were all at a hopeless standstill. "Your Sovereign Highness," he replied, bowing respectfully. "How are you, sir?"
"As well as one can be, with this abysmal weather the Scottish Highlands are forced to suffer through," the man replied, sneering openly in the direction of one of the massive windows, which boasted a view of the grounds, flooded with snow.
"You don't enjoy the snow, sir?"
"I believe that is what I just said," replied the prince in a clipped tone.
Harry took a step backwards; he did not want to offend the man, but he also did not appreciate being spoken to in such a way. "Well, I am sorry for that, sir," he replied, the ever-present lump which entered his throat whenever he spoke to the man deciding to show up now. "However, I cannot control the weather. Now, if you would excuse me," he said and, stumbling backwards, hightailed it for the common room he stayed within.
Sharing the common room was Ron, Draco, Seamus, Dean, Neville, and Blaise Zabini, one of the other boys there. Blaise was a Pureblood, a nice enough person, and heir to the Count of Zabini, his father; he had been betrothed to Daphne Greengrass, a fellow Pureblood, who roomed with Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and three other girls—Lady Lavender Brown, and Parvati and Padma Patil, daughters of Sultan Patil. As Harry stepped into the common room, he noticed that his snowy owl, Hedwig, was perched upon one of the window embrasures, a small parcel sitting just beside her.
"Hedwig?" Harry asked, stepping forward, and the owl cooed when she saw him, lowering her head to be petted. Harry did so, and summoned some owl tidbits for her, before he lowered his eyes down to the package. After checking it for dark magic and finding none, he untied the string and opened it, familiar script dotting the letter inside.
Dear Harry,
We hope this letter finds you well. We just had the feeling you might need this, and we can only hope we were correct.
Alicia and Angelina send their love, alongside little Georgiana, and Frederica. Bill and Fleur send greetings as well, along with Victoire, Dominique, and Louis. Charlie hopes that your Christmas is as wonderful as can be, but he doesn't talk of much else other than dragon taming in Romania. As for Percy, he is much preoccupied with Audrey, Molly, and Lucy, so forgive him if he doesn't say much.
Please send our own love to Ron and Ginny.
Looking forward to seeing you in the summer, once you're all free.
Fred and George
Harry lowered the letter, knowing that he would have to send one back to this pair of surrogate brothers, as he palmed the smaller box within. Finally, his impatience getting the better of him, he opened it, and saw a scroll lying there. This was perplexing as well, and so he carefully unrolled the thing, seeing a small note Spellotaped to it, with the words, To begin with, inform it "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good". To finish, say, "Mischief managed."
Harry blinked, recognizing Fred and George's handwriting again, before he took out his wand and tapped the thick parchment before him. "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," he said, being sure to speak clearly, especially after a Floo Network incident when he was twelve. The parchment before him darkened in the center, and Harry's eyes widened as he read the words before him aloud. "Messers. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs, Purveyors of Aids to Magical Mischief-Makers, are proud to present the Marauder's Map."
"What is that, Harry?" asked Ron, stepping forward, and peering over Harry's shoulder. "Fred and George send that to you?"
Harry nodded, peering through the entirety of the piece of thick parchment, noticing that it was the entirety of Hogwarts Castle. He could see Dumbledore in his study, as well as Snape walking away down the opposite corridor, not to mention Hermione, Ginny, Luna, and the rest of the girls sequestered in their own dormitory. He then saw Draco coming up behind them and to peer over his opposite shoulder, and the blond's eyes quickly widened.
"That must be ancient magic," Draco breathed, clearly impressed. "Why would Fred and George send that to you, do you think?"
"I've no idea what gave them the inspiration to do so," Harry admitted, "but I think it could be the answer to make Christmas wonderful."
"What do you mean?" Ron asked.
Harry turned around, quickly whispering, "Mischief managed," and the map went blank. "Listen, I found a room on the opposite side of our corridor."
"A room?" Draco queried. "What kind of room?"
"It was hidden behind one of the most beautiful tapestries I've ever seen in my entire life," Harry explained, practically breathless as he told two of his closest friends about the room. "I was thinking about how Dumbledore said we couldn't have another ball, and a door just appeared from behind the tapestry, all from the stone itself."
"Blimey," Ron whispered. "What was inside?"
"Well, everything we would need to have our own Christmas celebration," Harry replied. "It was a ballroom, a beautiful one, with mirrors for walls, and many tables filled with delicious-looking things to eat. There was also a shelf beside the door itself, and it was filled with dancing shoes for each of us. Not to mention the beautiful robes on pegs just beside that."
Draco's eyes went huge. "So, with this map, we can easily get over there, without running into any trouble?"
"Yes," Harry replied. "I also have my father's invisibility cloak, so I could easily stand in the corridor and keep an eye on the map to ensure our safety, while you and Draco could get everyone inside the room."
"Who is everyone, then?" Ron asked.
"Well, Hermione and Ginny, of course," Harry told them, and Ron and Draco visibly relaxed at that. "Not to mention Neville and Luna... You know, we're friends with everyone here, we should let them all come."
"Surely not the professors?" Draco wanted to know, looking worried.
Harry sighed, wanting to know how he could get Snape there, but also knew Snape's loyalty to Dumbledore, so perhaps it was not a promising idea. "No, of course not," Harry assured him. "I don't think that would be wise."
Draco nodded. "Shall we begin on the seventeenth, and end on Christmas Eve?" he wanted to know. "It is tradition, after all."
"That's right," Ron put in.
Harry smiled. "You're correct, it is indeed tradition. Well," he said, mulling it over, "it is the fifteenth of December now. I should think that is plenty of time to prepare ourselves."
Ron nodded. "Hermione can utilize that spell she found, so as we can't discuss it with anyone who could potentially ruin our plans," he said.
Draco looked impressed. "That was a rather useful spell," he said, nodding, before turning to regard Harry. "And who will you be dancing with, then?"
Ron flashed Harry a grin. "Are you finally going to tell Snape how you feel?"
Harry flushed crimson at that. He had confided in Ron, Draco, Hermione, and Ginny about his feelings for the resident potion's master, and Luna had been quick to figure it out herself, along with Neville harboring his own suspicions. It was a relief to know that his nearest and dearest supported him in his love for the man, but Harry had kept his mouth shut to the man, and especially Remus, about it. He didn't want such information getting out, given that Lord Voldemort was officially after him, and anyone who was reported to be a romantic interest could have been taken as a hostage.
"Of course I haven't informed him of my feelings," Harry said softly. "Besides, for one matter, the man hates me."
Draco immediately shook his head. "Of course he doesn't hate you." He deliberately lowered his voice then. "When I still had to stay in my adjacent bedroom, when I was under his guardianship before I reached my majority, he would take some Firewhiskey before bed."
Ron blinked. "Firewhiskey? What does that have to do with—?"
"I am getting to that, thank you," Draco said, his tone clipped with impatience. "He would speak whilst drinking, and do you know what I heard him say?"
"Considering that you didn't inform me of your godfather's nightly habit until this very moment, I could not even wager a guess as to what he said," Harry told him.
Draco pinked at that. "Oh. Right," he said, shaking his head. "He always spoke of you, about how beautiful you are, and that he wanted you, but believed himself to be unworthy, despite an arrangement made some time ago."
"Arrangement?" Ron asked, looking back and forth between them. "What sort of arrangement are we discussing here?"
Draco shook his head. "That is the only tricky part involved," he admitted. "Severus never went into detail about the specifics of said arrangement. He would just bemoan it for hours on end before going to bed himself."
"Well," Ron said, turning back to look at Harry, "you have reached your majority now. Perhaps that was the only think he was worried about."
"I am not about to hold my breath for something that will never happen," Harry proclaimed decidedly. "Now, let's inform the others. We've several balls to prepare for."
Once Hermione had cast the appropriate spell to conceal their plans from their professors and Dumbledore, the plans for the clandestine Christmas ball were officially in full swing. Harry informed the room that they would need robes, shoes, and food for seven nights, and hoped that the space would plan accordingly. The first three nights of the balls passed without a hitch, but more than one of their professors noticed that they were quite exhausted during mealtimes.
"My lord earl," called Snape one afternoon after luncheon, about seven hours before the fourth ball was due to begin, "walk with me."
Harry flushed crimson, which went deeper when Ron and Draco pushed him forward, and Ginny and Hermione whispered words of encouragement. He walked away with Snape, feeling the two couples' eyes upon them both. They ventured into the courtyard, which was filled ankle deep with snow, and Harry pulled his winter cloak more closely about his shoulders. The castle had indeed proved drafty in some areas during wintertime.
"Your other tutors and I are concerned about your ever-present state of exhaustion these past several days," Snape commented as they walked along. "We cannot even begin to guess as to why you are so weary. The only activities that you partake in are journeys down to Hogsmeade now and again, but that is only in the mornings and the afternoons. Not to mention the fact that Madam Pince has not reported any late-night readings in her library..."
Harry nibbled on his lower lip. "It is not something I care to discuss, Your Sovereign Highness," he managed to get out.
"Oh, I do dislike that, for it isn't even a proper way to address a Sovereign Prince," Snape said, and the man sounded a fair bit impatient.
"Well," Harry said softly, trudging through the snow, "how would you like to be addressed then, sir?"
"'Sir' is far too formal an address as well," he responded, and turned to regard Harry. "Why can you not simply call me 'Severus'?"
"Well, for one thing, sir, you outrank me," Harry explained. "Not to mention the fact that you are my potions tutor. And, further, I've not been given leave to do so until this very moment."
"Sounds reasons all," Severus responded. "However, I would appreciate it if I was addressed as 'Severus' by you from now on."
Harry continued walking along, making sure not to slip on the varying patches of ice dotting around the cobblestones of the courtyard. "I must confess that I am unaware of a deeper meaning for why you wish to present yourself so informally, Severus." Peering upwards, he asked, "Does it have something to do with the arrangement Draco spoke of?"
Severus's cheeks pinked. "Arrangement?"
"Yes. He mentioned that you would say a thing or two whenever you had your nightly Firewhiskey, while he was still in your care," Harry informed him.
"Lucius, Draco's father, always had a flair for gossip, and I deeply hoped that young Draco had not inherited such a trait from his own father," Severus said softly. "Perhaps I misplaced such hopes within the next Lord Malfoy."
"Please, don't be angry with him," Harry said, and, greatly daring, took ahold of Severus's hand, hidden within his fur-trimmed, dragonhide glove. "He only mentioned it to me in the first place because he said you would speak of me."
Severus slowed in his steps. "Speak of you?"
Harry nodded emphatically. "Yes, and an arrangement, although, from Draco's words, you seemed most unhappy about such a thing, which I cannot understand, for Draco also informed me you thought me beautiful," he said, all in a rush.
"Of course you are beautiful," Severus said softly, deliberately not looking at Harry. "Anyone with eyes could see that."
Harry felt himself warming with happiness then. "But you yourself believe it?"
Severus looked down at him. "Of course I do," he snapped. "Why should I not?"
"Because I want you to find me beautiful," Harry told him.
Severus scoffed. "Oh, yes, I'd forgotten. You always have a need of a lengthy line of admirers, do you not?" he asked, and pulled his hand away from Harry's.
"No," Harry said firmly, and reached out, pulling Severus so that he was facing him again. "I only want one admirer. I want you to admire me, Severus."
Severus's coal-black eyes widened. "That is impossible."
"No," Harry said, shaking his head, "it's not. I've wanted you to admire me from the moment I saw your face for the first time—I thought you beautiful. No, let me finish," he went on, when Severus began to shake his head. "Not just your looks, but the way you spoke—the passion in which you went on about potions. The way you caressed the recipes, the words of the ingredients..." He stood up on his toes then, his lips at the mans' ear. "Do you know, that after nearly every potions lesson, how aroused I would become, all because of you?"
Severus stiffened at Harry's words. "You...wanted me?"
"I still want you, and have done since we arrived here, when I was fourteen," he said simply. "I think I shall always want you, Severus Snape."
Severus pulled back slightly then, regarding Harry with wide eyes. "Harry..."
"Yes?" he whispered.
Severus checked himself for a moment then, and cupped his cheek. "Is this real?"
"Oh, Merlin, I hope so, for I've dreamed about this long enough," Harry proclaimed, standing on his toes again, fire and ice flowing through the entirety of his body once their lips met, and Severus yanked him fully into his arms. "Please," Harry moaned, and Severus slipped his tongue between his lips, and Harry mewled, toes curling, and pressed himself closer, his arousal evident upon Severus's leg. "Please... I want you," he begged.
Severus sighed, shutting his eyes, and pressing his forehead to Harry's. "No matter how much I may want you, Harry, I cannot."
"Do you not want me?" Harry breathed.
"It is not that, Harry," Severus assured him, and, taking Harry's arm, gently pressed his hand between his own legs. "My body does not betray me, even now. However, for the sake of your soul, I will not bend to either of our wills."
Harry clenched his teeth to prevent his eyes from filling with tears. "Please, Severus," he said, ever so quietly. "I just want to be with you."
"It cannot be so, Harry, no matter how much we may want such a thing," Severus replied, and, letting Harry go, left him alone in the courtyard.
Much to Harry's devastation, Severus did not continue to seek him out over the rest of the holiday season. He tried the man's study, but found it to be inaccessible. He also tried the apothecary down in Hogsmeade, as well as The Hogs Head and The Three Broomsticks, all to no avail. The only time he did see Severus was at mealtimes, but no words were spoken, and he deliberately left out the tutors' door to avoid Harry.
The fifth night was different when it came to the balls, because Hermione found out the other nobles of the Wizarding World were wanting to have balls as well. Seeking out Madam Rosmerta of The Three Broomsticks, her Floo was utilized, and one was connected to the room, so several masked noblemen and women were permitted entrance. Hermione had decided that masks were definitely the order of the day, so as no one would discover their true identities when the night was over.
"You're quite positive about the masks, 'Mione?" Harry asked, checking over the silver and gold decorations for that nights' ball.
"Oh, absolutely," Hermione gushed. "Draco says they're all the rage in Paris."
Harry rolled his eyes. "We're in Scotland, not Paris."
Hermione tsked impatiently at that. "So? These noblemen and women could be from anywhere throughout the Wizarding World, you know. Perhaps you'll even meet someone, and then Professor Snape will be forgotten."
Harry grimaced at the direct mention of the man he loved; Severus was the last person he wanted to think about, especially now, given that he had been utterly rejected by him. "Let's discuss something else, all right?"
Once their robes were put on, their shoes laced, and their masks put in place, the newly acquired Floo opened, and many witches and wizards streamed into the ballroom. Harry recognized one masked couple immediately—Cho Chang and Cedric Diggory, who had been married for around six months, who had also studied with them at Hogwarts. Upon recognizing them, Harry ran over to greet them with enthusiasm, but each were quick to promise they wouldn't let on his identity to anyone else. Bill and Fleur also arrived, whispering to Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Draco that Charlie was visiting from Romania, and watching the children for the evening; then came Fred and Alicia, plus George and Angelina, who also mentioned that Charlie was watching their little ones as well.
As Harry continued greeting the other guests, relieved at Hermione's quick thinking and putting charms upon their vocal cords to ensure that no one could identify them by their voices, a man with silver eyes caught his attention. He had silky, thick deep brown hair, tied with a black silk ribbon at the back of his neck, and he seemed equally intrigued by Harry, for he quickly excused himself from his conversation and made his way through the crowd, his expensively-cut, midnight blue robes swishing slightly. Harry felt his cheeks flush immediately then, but forced a smile onto his lips as the man stepped forward completely.
"I don't believe we've met," the man said, a rich London accent rippling from his sensual-looking lips. "Sebastian Prince, Duke of the House of Prince."
"Lord Hardwin Peverell," Harry replied, taking the hand on offer and shaking it. "Pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine," the man responded, turning Harry's hand over and kissing it gently. "I do hope you haven't promised anyone to be their partner this evening, for I believe your feet, and your mind, will be otherwise engaged."
Harry's cheeks bloomed at the man's confidence, but appreciated the politeness at the back of his tone as well. "No, I haven't," he assured him. "The man I would want most to be here... Well, I am afeared that I have been subsequently rejected."
"The night is still young," Sebastian replied. "Perhaps I can lure your thoughts away from the blaggard who dared refuse you."
Harry spent the rest of the evening in Sebastian's company; the man talked about how he traveled for work, and enjoyed harvesting his own ingredients for the potions he made. He did not get too terribly personal with him, as they'd only just met, but he did make it quite clear that he was interested. The interest became altogether more apparent when Harry let it slip that he was indeed over seventeen, which opened up the conversation on his end.
"My mother and father unfortunately died when I was a baby," Harry told him. "I was raised by a friends' family from that time onward. My mother's family are Muggles, but they didn't want me, and, according to my surrogate family, hated my mother, so it was best for all involved, I think, that I got an entirely new family."
"My father was a terrible man, and drank himself to death—a Muggle," Sebastian explained to Harry, who listened attentively. "My mother was a Pureblood, who, try as she might, could not bring herself to love me completely. I inherited the family fortune, ultimately, as she was cut out of the will for marrying my father."
"I am so sorry," Harry said softly.
"I try not to let bitterness overtake me completely," Sebastian told him. "Nothing that a good book, fire, and some rich, dark chocolate cannot fix."
Harry was quite sorry to see Sebastian go at midnight, for that was the time the festivities were due to come to an end. They bade one another farewell, and promised to meet again the following evening at the sixth night of the ball. Inevitably, as always, everyone's dancing shoes were discarded, as their magic had worn off, and they were filled with holes once more. Back in his dormitory, Harry went to bed happy, and, for the first time in quite a long time, dreamed of another man other than Severus Snape.
The following day, Harry didn't even look at Severus, and just ignored him as the man had been doing with him. He ate breakfast and luncheon as usual, and spent several hours in the library, reading ahead on various assignments that he would be presented with once their lessons began again in January. Just after dinner, Harry and the rest of them went upstairs to wash and dress for their big night ahead, and Harry's heart thundered in his breast at the notion of seeing the mysterious Sebastian Prince once more.
Harry went to the room as scheduled, and everyone put on their new robes, dancing shoes, and masks for the evening ahead. At eight o'clock, the guests streamed in via Floo, and Harry caught Sebastian's eye once again. That night, Sebastian wore deep burgundy robes trimmed with silver, and he seemed to glide through the crowd towards Harry. Harry felt his heart hammering in his breast at the man's arrival, and offered his hand again, which Sebastian kissed.
"Good evening, Lord Hardwin," Sebastian said scintillatingly.
"Good evening, my lord duke," Harry responded.
"Sebastian, please," Sebastian told him.
"Then, you must call me 'Hardwin'," Harry told him.
Sebastian put his arm upon the small of Harry's back, and guided him towards the refreshment table, getting them each a glass of mulled wine. "Have you been to London before?"
"To Diagon Alley," Harry responded. "Other than that, no." Slowly, he sipped his wine. "Do you live there?"
"I have a house in London, but it is not my primary residence," Sebastian replied. "My main home is in the West Midlands. I also have an apartment in Paris, and a small house located in Poland, due to its close proximity to the Białowieża Forest."
"I inherited a substantial sum from my mother and father, and also numerous properties," Harry said with a small smile. "There is an estate in the West Country, a villa in Italy, a farm in Belgium, and a chalet located in the Swiss Alps."
"Perhaps we may discuss your dowry next," Sebastian joked, and Harry very nearly spilled mulled wine over himself.
Harry spent every moment of the sixth ball with Sebastian, and found that he never grew tired of speaking with the man. He gleaned from their discussions that he was in his thirties, although he was unaware of early, middling, or late in those years. They mentioned their favorite flowers, lilies for Sebastian and red roses for Harry; favorite composers, Bach for Sebastian and Handel for Harry; and colors, green for Sebastian and black for Harry.
It was quite difficult to part again that night, but Sebastian promised to be by Harry's side for the final evening of the Christmas ball, but was rewarded with a kiss at the end of the night, which made him altogether more confused, as it had been wonderful. Harry went to bed that evening torn, but did his best to fall asleep accordingly. The next morning, however, he was a wreck, and barely even glancing down at his porridge, merely dragging his spoon through it during breakfast.
"Oh, Ginny!" came Hermione's squeal, which sufficiently worked in waking Harry up. "That's simply gorgeous!"
Harry turned his bleary eyes across the table towards where Hermione and Ginny were sitting, with Luna on her other side. Harry saw Hermione clutching at Ginny's hand, which now boasted a gold band, with a sizable emerald, surrounded by smaller diamonds. Harry felt his heart clenching then, out of not being able to see Sebastian until that evening, plus out of disloyalty towards Severus.
"When did Draco ask you, then?" Luna asked.
"Last night, after midnight, so I suppose early on this morning," Ginny said, blushing attractively at the memory. "He wrote to Bill and received his blessing, and went to London yesterday to get into the Malfoy family vault at Gringotts. Apparently, this ring once belonged to Ursula Black, his great-great-great aunt," she explained.
"How did Draco ask?" Hermione asked, eyes wide.
"He proclaimed his love, and that he had gotten Bill's blessing, before he took my hand and went down on one knee," Ginny said, her eyes getting a faraway look in them. "I couldn't help but say yes to him. I love him, and have done for years."
Harry turned towards the table raised upon the dais at the back of the Great Hall, and caught Severus's eye quickly. Giving the man a withering look, he turned away, and returned to his porridge, although he barely tasted it. Severus didn't want him, and, whether he liked it or not, he really didn't know who Sebastian Prince truly was.
Harry flew his broom for several hours after breakfast, and only made it back to the Great Hall in time for luncheon with barely a handful of moments to spare. He sat down at the table and barely touched the stew on offer, knowing it would turn to lead in his throat. Taking a few bites of the fresh bread, even managing to drag it through the thick stew, he didn't feel any better. Seeing his friends wasn't helping matters either, and so he left the Great Hall to venture out into the courtyard, and the snow.
"Harry, wait," called a voice, and Harry automatically stopped in his tracks.
"What is it, Severus?" he asked, without even turning around.
Severus reached out and touched Harry's shoulder, directly causing the younger man to stiffen at his touch. "I do not want you to be in distress on my account..."
"Do attempt to forget about me and my feelings, Severus, for they clearly don't matter to you at all," Harry replied cuttingly, dragging his arm out from beneath Severus's hand. "You've made it abundantly clear where it is we stand."
"I did not want you in distress..."
"Do not speak to me about distress," Harry countered, turning around to face the man. "You do not want me, now leave me be."
"I never said I did not want you, Harry," Severus informed him. "It is just that I could not have you."
"Either way, it is done," Harry told him, setting his jaw, before leaving the man to stand there in the snow.
Harry didn't understand how he managed to get through the remainder of the day, but, when eight o'clock arrived, an uneasy feeling trickled from within him. Forcing it from his mind, he went to the room with the others, and changed into the new robes and dancing shoes it once again provided. The matching mask fit like a glove, and the Floo was already open, the guests moving about the room and chattering amongst themselves and the Hogwarts students.
It wasn't difficult to find Sebastian, and both he and Harry gravitated towards one another as they were wont to do. They merely joined hands and danced, having no needs for words initially, and all seemed well. When it was after eleven, Sebastian took Harry's hand, and led him into the hall of mirrors the room had created, so that the pair of them were quite alone.
"Something is going to transpire this night," Sebastian whispered to Harry.
"What kind of something?" Harry asked.
"Are you familiar with Lord Voldemort?"
Harry automatically drew back at the name. "Of course I am."
"He means to attack a place called Hogwarts Castle tonight, and to murder Harry Potter, for he believes that, with the Earl of Godric's Hollow gone, he can take over the Wizarding World for himself," came Sebastian's quiet reply. "Do you know the castle, or Harry Potter?"
"Yes, I know the place, and Harry," Harry responded, shaking his head. "How do you know all this information?"
"I had an arrangement with Harry Potter's mother, who was a dear friend of mine, once upon a time," Sebastian told him. "I was sworn to protect him and, if the stars aligned, to marry him when he reached the age of majority."
"What?" Harry whispered. "Marry Harry Potter? But you're—"
"Sebastian Prince is an alias, one I used to attend these soirees," Sebastian whispered. "I never expected to meet you, Hardwin, nor expected the feelings which came with it."
"Feelings?" Harry asked, shaking his head.
Sebastian nodded, his eyes saddened. "Yes, and although I hurt young Harry Potter greatly, you have to know, that although I so dearly wish to break my arrangement with him, I so long to have a similar arrangement, with you."
"An arrangement?" Harry whispered, voice shaking. "I do not understand."
"A betrothal, a courtship, and engagement, in whichever fashion you, Hardwin Peverell, chose, for I would take all, any, if it meant I could make you mine."
"But, Sebastian, we have only known one another for..."
"How many days, weeks, months, years must we wait, when we know that we are sure of our feelings for one another?"
Harry blinked. "You assume I have feelings for you."
"You did kiss me the evening before, did you not?" Sebastian queried. "Am I to assume you kiss every interesting gentleman who crosses your path?"
"No, of course not," Harry said quickly. "I just believed it a bit presumptuous of you, is all." He shook his head at himself, before raising his eyes to Sebastian's. "You are correct. I do have feelings for you. It is only..."
"What, Hardwin?"
"It is only that I fear I have feelings for another gentleman, and all of this is making me quite confused," Harry said quickly.
"Another gentleman?" Sebastian asked. "Might I know his name?"
"I..." Harry swallowed, before shaking his head. "No. He is unimportant." Then, stepping forward, he said, "Tonight, you are mine. Tonight, we may be together..."
"I must know this other gentleman's name, Hardwin," Sebastian said firmly.
"I told you he does not matter!" Harry said firmly, wrapping himself around Sebastian. "Now, do you want me, or don't you?"
"Merlin help me, I want you, Hardwin," Sebastian replied, dipping his head to claim Harry's lips, and wrapped up the younger man in his arms. "You should know," Sebastian went on, as he casted Concealment Charms and Silencing Spells, "that, in addition to my alias, I have used Polyjuice Potion upon myself."
"As I informed you earlier, Sebastian, it does not matter," Harry assured him, pushing himself upwards so as his legs were wrapped around the mans' waist. "Take me, for in this moment, you are mine, and I am yours."
Sebastian stared down into the green eyes at the young gentleman in his arms, before he spelled them both out of their robes and dancing shoes, leaving their masks upon their faces as he ran his hands up and down Harry's body. Then, conjuring some lubricant, he felt in between the space of Harry's swelled arse cheeks, and Harry squealed ever so slightly in his arms. Pressing his lips firmly upon Harry's, he gently prepared the younger man and managed to get his arsehole loose enough to accommodate his own wide girth. Slicking himself up, he gently put himself inside the younger man, and Harry gripped onto his shoulders tightly.
"Don't be afeared," Sebastian whispered, clutching at Harry tightly. "Look at yourself in the mirror opposite—see how beautiful you look."
"Beautiful," Harry breathed, bearing down, hard, onto Sebastian's member. "That is what he called me..."
Something flashed from within Sebastian's silver eyes, but he nevertheless proceeded to pound into Harry unmercilessly, driven on by Harry's mewls of pleasure, and demands for him to go faster and harder. Harry himself knew he was doing something right, especially when he clenched himself around the man, for he stiffened, swearing under his breath and driving into Harry even harder than before. Then, all too soon, Sebastian spent himself inside Harry, gripping tightly onto Harry's erect member so as he spilled himself over them both.
"You're wonderful," Sebastian whispered, casting a spell to clean them both up, as well as to redress them.
Harry slowly eased himself downwards, his legs smarting from remaining in one position for too long. "I'll never forget you, Sebastian," Harry said softly.
The clock chimed midnight, and Sebastian and Harry heard some crackling from far away, and Sebastian's eyes locked with Harry's. "Where are we?" he breathed.
Harry blinked. "You mean, you don't know?"
"Obviously not," Sebastian replied. "It sounds as if wards are being torn about..."
"Well, you said that Lord Voldemort would be attacking Hogwarts Castle," he responded. "I suppose he's right on schedule."
"We are in Hogwarts? Now?" Sebastian demanded, looking around, apparently afeared. "I must go, then."
"All right," Harry said quietly, watching as the man slipped away, before his mind suddenly caught up to him, and he dashed to find Ron, Hermione, Draco, Ginny, Neville, and Luna, and found them all clustered together, speaking furiously to one another. "He's ripping down the wards as we speak," he told them, and all eyes were firmly glued upon him. "He's coming inside right now to kill me."
"Well, we cannot allow that to happen!" Hermione yelled, her brown eyes frantic. "We won't permit him to take you, Harry!"
"We won't," Draco assured him, as they all slowly lowered their masks. "We'd better get down to the gates, that's where all the wards are." He turned towards Ginny, who was giving him her blazing look. "Am I wrong in assuming that you will remain behind, my love?"
"Harry has been a brother to me since we were small," Ginny said firmly. "I'm going."
Draco sighed, but nevertheless pulled Ginny towards him. "If this ends tonight, with our side victorious, I want you to be my wife as soon as possible."
"I will," Ginny assured him.
"Luna," Neville said, his voice shaking. "I..."
"Neville, would you do me the honor of becoming my husband?" Luna asked, flashing the man she loved a grin.
"I... Yes!" cried Neville, catching Luna up in his arms.
"'Mione, you know I..."
"Yes, Ronald, I love you, too," Hermione said, kissing him firmly. "Perhaps we can be bonded this summer?"
"I would love nothing more," Ron replied.
"All right, that's enough," Harry said, and all their wands flew into their hands. "Let's try to get as many people as possible to help. We need to kill him."
"Right," Ron said, nodding.
They dashed from the room, Harry leading them, and ran towards the staircase, hoping that it would take them directly into the Entrance Hall. They could smell spent magic halfway down the staircase, and caught sight of their tutors, plus Dumbledore, already dueling Voldemort's followers, known as Death Eaters. Harry felt his heart entering his throat then, as he watched Severus himself battling Voldemort, and hurried forward.
"Call off your debts to his filthy Mudblood mother!" screamed Voldemort. "Come join us once more, Severus!"
"Never!" Severus yelled. "You'll not touch Harry!"
"Oh, Harry, is it?" Voldemort sneered, before he turned to see Harry himself charging forward, mad fury flowing through him. "Ah, look. The Boy Who Lived, come to die."
"Harry, no!" Severus yelled.
"I have to do this," Harry hissed at him. "You don't owe me a damn thing, Snape."
"Harry?" Severus whispered.
"Enough!" Harry screamed.
"Crucio!" Voldemort screamed, his red eyes completely wild, and Severus ran forward, throwing himself in front of the Unforgivable Curse effortlessly, and collapsing on the floor of the Entrance Hall in pain.
"Severus, no!" Harry shouted, turning his full attention onto Voldemort. Raising his own wand, knowing full well it had come to this, he took his chance. "Avada Kedavra!" he shouted, the bolt of green light flashing forward from his wand, and cutting through Voldemort, to the point where he fell backwards, and all was silent.
"No!" came a scream, as a mad-looking woman with black, curly hair rushed forward. "Not you, my lord, not you!" Her hateful expression turned onto Harry, and she raised her own gnarled stick of a wand. "Crucio Maxima!"
Harry himself wasn't prepared for the onslaught of pain which surged through him, and he fell to his knees, screaming at the unknown woman to stop. His vision swam, and it wasn't long before the entire world went black.
The white walls of the hospital wing were the first thing Harry saw, although the smell of cleaning potions hit his nose the moment he became conscious again. Hermione was the first one to throw her arms around him, and had to be pried off by Ron so as he could be checked over. He was pleased to see them holding hands, and Draco and Ginny were there as well, quietly informing Harry that they were going to be married in February, and they wanted very much for Harry to stand up for Draco, alongside Ron, and Harry accepted.
It took Harry several weeks to fully recover, and even when his recovery period was over, he was not allowed to take practical potions anymore. It had been quite a shock when Hogwarts' personal matron, Madam Poppy Pomfrey, had informed Harry that he was pregnant. He was relieved that Madam Pomfrey kept it between them, and it was quite a shock when he was told that Dumbledore had left the castle for good, and Minerva would be taking over for him as its official caretaker and keeper.
As Harry's pregnancy became more prevalent, he called Ron, Hermione, Draco, and Ginny to his estate when the time came. It was the end of August, and they all had their own lives now. Draco and Ginny were living in Wiltshire, where Malfoy Manor still stood, and had had a honeymoon at long last. Ginny had hurried her studies along, to ensure she wouldn't have to return to the castle again, and she and Draco had planned to get on with the rest of their lives. As for Ron and Hermione, they were living in London to begin work for the Ministry of Magic, and had been married the week before in a small ceremony on the grounds of the castle.
Harry went to Devon, where his estate had been built, and had been living a quiet life in the interim of summer. With his studies completed, and his pregnancy progressing, he wanted to devote his time to being a father to his unborn baby. While he himself had lost his parents as a mere baby himself, he knew what kind of life he wanted for any children he had, and was confident that he could provide it.
"Have you decided what you're going to do now, Harry?" Ron asked, after the tour of the impressive estate had been given, lounging on one of the chaise lounges the expansive parlor had on offer.
"Well, I've been living here, but I haven't been alone."
Ron leaned forward. "Severus finally came around, then?"
"No, I've not spoken to him at all, and you know that Remus handed in my assignments from Severus on my behalf, before we left the castle," Harry explained, and his friends nodded. "No, I've been preparing for my child."
"Child?" Hermione asked. "Harry, you're—"
"Yes," Harry told them all. "It's children, actually. Twins. A son and a daughter."
"Harry, who is the father of these children?" Ginny asked, concerned.
"Sebastian Prince is what he called himself, but he informed me on the night I vanquished Voldemort that it was an alias," Harry replied, wrapping his arms around himself. "It doesn't matter, in the end. I've plenty of money, and enough love for both these children."
"Harry, 'Prince' is Severus's mother's maiden name," Draco said, speaking very slowly, his eyes never leaving Harry's.
Harry's heart stuttered for a moment. "What?" he asked.
"Eileen Prince," Hermione said patiently. "She taught Severus all about potions. She was even President of the Gobstones Club when she was tutored at Hogwarts Castle."
"He said it was an 'arrangement'," Harry whispered, his eyes filling with tears. "He... He wanted Hardwin," he went on, lowering himself on a chaise that the room had provided. "He never wanted me..."
"Harry, you're Hardwin," Ron said, rolling his eyes. "Of course he wanted you."
"He lied to me," Harry went on, shaking his head.
"He did throw himself in front of Voldemort's Cruciatus Curse for you," Ginny put in.
"Until my bitch of an aunt had to get in the way and ruin things," Draco spat.
"And all this came about because of some worn-out dancing shoes," Hermione said, a small smile upon her face. "How romantic."
"If he wants me so badly, as all of you claim, then why hasn't he attempted to get me fully, as himself?" Harry demanded, getting to his feet and pacing about the parlor. "I told him as much the first time he kissed me that I wanted him. Yes, he stated that he himself was unworthy of me, but that he didn't want to permit himself to be with me." Harry put his hands on his hips, anger filling him completely. "I just don't understand..."
"Harry, listen to me," Draco said softly. "Severus, in his youth, served Voldemort, because he so desperately wanted acceptance."
Harry stopped his pacing and turned to regard Draco. "What are you saying?"
"I'm saying that, while Severus was tutored at Hogwarts himself, so too were your parents, plus your two godfathers," Draco went on patiently. "None of them got along... Remus mentioned knowing him, did he not?"
"Once, over tea," Harry replied, shaking his head. "But what does Severus's past have to do with—?"
"Everything," Draco said firmly. "Severus and your mother were the best of friends, and your father didn't like that, because he was afeared that Severus would take any chance of being with your mother away from him."
"But I'm here," Harry protested.
"You are," Draco confirmed with a nod. "But not without a price."
"Price?" Harry whispered, staring at Draco. "What price was this?"
"Your father took great delight in torturing Severus, mocking his second-hand clothing and penchant for the Dark Arts, as well as potions," Draco continued. "When they were fifteen, your father exposed Severus halfway, leaving Severus humiliated."
"Oh, dear Merlin," Ginny whispered.
"How cruel," Hermione breathed.
"I agree," Harry said, practically growling.
Ron's face was flushed red. "I know what it's like to have things second-hand. To actually torment someone about something which isn't even their fault..."
Draco nodded. "Exactly. Anyhow, Severus was so humiliated by the circumstances that he got out of there as quickly as he could. Your mother followed him, and, while persisting, Severus called her... Well, the unforgivable word," Draco said, and Hermione gave him a small smile, pleased that he hadn't said it himself. "Severus felt awful, but no matter how many times he apologized, your mother wouldn't hear it. It was because of this that he sought out the student Death Eaters, who introduced him to Voldemort, and, thus, he found acceptance."
Harry swallowed. "Why did he leave?"
"When he realized that Voldemort intended on hunting down your mother and father, to kill them both, and you," Draco responded. "You were with the Weasley family on the night in question, and so Voldemort never found you, but murdered your mother and father anyhow, for they refused to let him know where you were."
Harry slowly lowered himself back onto the chaise. "Merlin."
"He wants you," Draco assured him.
Harry sighed, leaning back and opening his summer robe, his large, pregnant belly on display for all to see. "I cannot imagine he would find this remotely appealing..."
"You're carrying his child, Harry," Ron said, flashing a grin. "Of course he would."
Harry grumbled to himself. "He wouldn't. Trust me."
"I knew you were still pining for him, Harry," Draco said, "so I sent an owl of my own before Ginny and I arrived."
Ginny turned and looked at her husband, eyes wide. "Draco, love, please tell me you didn't... I thought we'd discussed this..."
"Draco?" Hermione asked.
There was a shudder within the wards then, followed by a knock upon the main door.
"Dear Merlin, Draco, what have you done?" Ron asked.
Harry, meanwhile, heaved himself to his feet, ignoring the arguing emitting from his parlor, and waved off Dobby, his house-elf, who wanted to open the door himself. He had a much better temperament than Kreacher did, whom Harry had given over to Draco and Ginny as a wedding present, and he had gleefully served them both in the past several months. Harry ventured down the corridor and towards the front entrance, and, slowly, grabbed ahold of the doorknob and turned it, opening it fully, and staring upwards at Severus Snape.
"Severus," he whispered, eyes wide.
"Harry... This is your estate?" Severus asked, taking a moment to look around him. "It's absolutely breathtaking," he said, although his eyes were riveted onto Harry.
Harry flushed at the blatant scrutiny. "I am the Earl of Godric's Hollow," he said softly. "I had to be sure my primary estate was a grand one, especially when your former master decided to demolish it in the aftermath of my parents' deaths."
Severus's mouth thinned. "Yes, well, he was known for destroying things."
"He was," Harry replied, crossing his arms. "Come. Let's not do this here." He stepped outside and shut the door behind him, and gestured for Severus to follow, leading him into the old courtyard and rose garden just around the bend of the house. "And what brings you here to my little corner of the Wizarding World, then?" he called over his shoulder. "At your godson's beck and call as always, then?"
"Draco was under the impression that someone near and dear to him was in distress," Severus said levelly, "and thought that I could be of assistance."
"I think you've done quite enough for one lifetime, thank you very much," Harry said, still smarting from the many months of silence between the two of them, as he sat down upon the stone bench on offer within the arbor. "As this is my estate, I can order you off my property if I wish, all at a moments' notice. I would hate to call the Aurors. Wouldn't want things to be too messy, now would we?"
"Harry, please..."
"No, Severus, you please," Harry said, his voice tinged with anger and pain. "You go silent on me for months, after openly deceiving me, under the guise of Polyjuice Potion, not to mention where your loyalties lay, and furthermore..."
"Polyjuice Potion?" Severus asked, visibly shocked. "Harry, do you mean to tell me that you are...?"
"Hardwin Peverell?" Harry snapped, launching himself to his feet. "Yes. They're ancient names from my family line. I knew I had to produce an alias when Hermione suggested broadening who we invited to our clandestine Christmas balls. She became Leto Hardwick, and Ron was Odin Marlowe, both aliases, because they knew that Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley would be a dead giveaway."
Severus shook his head. "I am so sorry that I deceived you, Harry. It was never my intention to commit such a disgraceful act."
Harry shook his head, and proceeded to pace for the second time that day. "I am afeared that you are merely apologizing because you were caught in your act of deception towards me, which has brought about devastating results towards your target," Harry said, visibly trembling from head to toe. "How am I supposed to trust your words, especially now?"
"Please, trust me, Harry," Severus said. "I will bring you no falsehoods, if you will promise to trust in me. I will spend my life winning back your trust."
Harry gasped, scoffing at the end of it, and peered over his shoulder at the man. "What? Now you want me? You told me that it was impossible, and a mere arrangement, that you didn't want Harry Potter..."
"Harry, for the last time, I never claimed not to want you," Severus said firmly.
Harry dragged a hand through his hair. "No, you merely stated that you couldn't have me. I want to know what changed your mind."
"I stated that I wouldn't permit myself to have you," Severus said patiently, "and these were my thoughts on the matter. I couldn't permit it, Harry, because not only did I want the entirety of it to be truly real, but because Voldemort was still out there, and I didn't wish for us to be constantly looking over our shoulders for the rest of our lives."
Harry turned around fully then, eyes wide. "The rest of our lives?"
Severus gave a nod, and went down on bended knee before Harry. "Harry James Potter, I would love, more than anything, if you accepted my proposal to bond with me, as my husband. I want us to join ourselves, by magic, body, soul...everything." Severus reached into his pocket then, and drew out a ring, a band of polished platinum, and held it out to Harry. "I cannot even begin to apologize for my deception towards you, but, if you permit me, I will spend the rest of my days apologizing and doing whatever it is you wish. Please, Harry, marry me, for I love you more than life itself."
Harry's jaw, which had dropped at the display, remained so throughout Severus's heartfelt proposal, and he found that he just couldn't speak. Then, just as he was about to do so, he heard an almighty splash on the cobblestones between his feet and beneath his robes, and, after lowering his eyes, looked up at the man kneeling before him.
"Severus..." He whispered, and then slicing pains tore through him, and he doubled over, a scream escaping from his lips as he clutched at his abdomen.
"Harry? Merlin what...?" Severus asked, looking Harry over, for, now that Harry had doubled over in pain, his summer robes had flown open, revealing his swollen belly. "Harry, tell me, how far along are you?"
"Eight months and a fortnight," Harry said, gasping through the pain.
"Merlin, it's mine?" Severus asked, looking delighted.
"Yes, they're yours!" Harry shouted, peering around Severus just in time to see Hermione and Ginny hurrying around the corner.
"Harry, we heard your scream!" Hermione cried out.
"Merlin, Severus, you're actually here?" Ginny demanded.
"Yes, and not a moment too soon," Severus said, immediately taking charge by lifting Harry effortlessly, and turning to Hermione. "Keep your husband and my godson in the parlor, and then make some cold compresses. As for you, Ginevra," he continued efficiently, turning to his godson's wife, "Firecall Madam Pomfrey at once. Do give her the coordinates if she doesn't know them, and tell her about Harry and that he needs her here at once."
Harry's eyes widened as both Hermione and Ginny hurried off into the house, and kept his arms tightly wound around Severus. "I suppose now is the time where you inform me that you're quite distressed that you weren't told about your children's imminent arrival?"
"Time can come for that later," Severus replied, letting himself in through the courtyard door and up the first staircase he saw. "Forgive me, you will have to direct me to your bedchamber."
Harry showed Severus the way to the master bedroom suite, and was quite soon deposited carefully onto the curtained, four-poster bed. Harry clung to Severus's arm, as it appeared that the man was about to leave the room. "Don't go," he begged, and Severus looked shocked at the openness of Harry's stare. "Never go. Stay."
"Harry, I..."
Harry clung to Severus's arm as another wave of pain pushed through him. With a snap of his fingers, he changed himself into a light cotton nightshirt, and pulled Severus down into the bed with him, so as he was positioned behind him. "Give me the ring," he breathed.
"I mean it," Harry said breathlessly, angling his head around to stare at Severus. "I love you, too, and I want more than anything to put all manner of deception aside and to become your husband, and to keep our family together."
Severus leaned down and pressed a kiss to Harry's lips, before he reached into his pocket again and removed the ring. "Perhaps we can make this a bit more permanent."
"Yes?" Harry asked, gripping tightly onto Severus's hands to distract from the pain. "What did you have in mind?"
Severus gently turned Harry so as he was facing him. "I, Severus Snape, take thee, Harry Potter, to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part: according to Merlin's holy ordinance, and thereto I plight thee my troth," he said softly, and pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead. "With this ring, I thee wed; with my body, I three worship; and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. In the name of Merlin, and of Circe, and of the Founders. Amen," Severus said, holding Harry close, and slipping the band of platinum onto his correct finger.
"I, Harry Potter, take thee, Severus Snape, to be my lawfully wedded husband," Harry said, and found that he loved being held so closely by the man. "To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until death do us part: according to Merlin's holy ordinance, and thereto I plight thee my troth." Harry was amazed when an exact copy of the ring on his own finger sprang into being on Severus's proper hand, and continued, "With this ring, I thee wed; with my body, I thee worship; and with all my worldly goods, I thee endow. In the name of Merlin, and of Circe, and of the Founders. Amen."
Harry's temporary wave of calm didn't last long, and he was soon feeling the extreme need to push something out of him. He was relieved when Madam Pomfrey arrived shortly thereafter, as well as Hermione, who had the promised cold compresses. Madam Pomfrey was very efficient as she shooed Hermione out of the room, and immediately informed Harry that he was coming through the birth beautifully. It was altogether quite painful, but, in the end, as the two squalling infants entered the world, you couldn't find anyone happier than Harry or Severus.
"And what shall we call our firstborn?" Severus asked, gazing down at his daughter, who would one day become the Sovereign Princess of Spinner's End.
"Lily," Harry said softly, and Severus looked down at him. "Lily Eileen Potter-Snape, if you're all right with that."
"Perhaps not Eileen," Severus said softly. "What do you think of Lily Molly Potter-Snape? For both your mothers?"
Harry's eyes filled with tears. "I'd love it," he replied, and looked down at their second-born, a son, who would one day become the next Earl of Godric's Hollow. "I would like to call him Sebastian Potter-Snape," he said softly. "Do you have a mind for a middle name?"
Severus chuckled, causing Harry to look up at him, and said, "I think we should call him Sebastian Hardwin Potter-Snape."
Harry grinned. "Perfect," he responded, tilting his chin up, and permitting Severus to press a wanting kiss upon his lips.
Harry and Severus's sudden wedding, and subsequent birth of twins, was the talk of the Wizarding World for months. It all died down once they agreed to host a Christmas gathering at Hollow Hall, which they'd agreed was a suitable name for the Godric's Hollow estate. The entirety of the Weasley family arrived at the celebration, alongside Minerva, Pomona, Filius, and many other friends that everyone had made along the way. It was a beautiful night, with the twins staring up in awe at the Christmas tree, a tradition that the Muggles still, unfortunately, had yet to catch onto.
And when the festivities were at and end, and all the dancing shoes had holes in them, did Harry and Severus decide it was time for they themselves to go to bed as well. As they stepped up the staircase and ventured into the master bedroom suite, Severus turned his husband around and pressed a hungry kiss upon his lips.
Harry grinned up at him, snapping his fingers, which stripped them both down, and pulled Severus on top of him onto the bed. Harry let out a small gasp as Severus stretched and prepared him, which altered into a moan once he entered him. "Oh, Merlin..."
"Another?" Severus asked.
Harry slowly opened his eyes, his face only illuminated by a bedside candle. "And many, many more," he replied.
Severus grinned, and slowly proceeded pumping his hips. "Happy Christmas, my Harry."
"Happy Christmas, my Severus. And my we always be of good cheer, and worn-out dancing shoes."
Severus grinned, leaning down and kissing his husband. "Always."
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