Chapter 1
Requested by Robcartree.
Many Years Ago
(Y/N walks back home with his father carrying a bucket filled with water and fish.)
(Y/N): Is mom gonna be happy with what we got?
(Y/N)'s Dad: Most definitely.
(Y/N smiles hearing his father say this to you. Soon, your walk would be over when you two got home.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: We're back
(Y/N)'s Mother:What did you catch?
(Y/N): Check it!
(Y/N hands his mother the bucket.)
(Y/N)'s Mother: Great job, (Y/N)!
(Y/N smiles hearing his mother say this to him. He loves it when his parents congratulate him. Y/N's mother takes the two buckets)
(Y/N)'s Mother: I'll get started on making dinner.
(Y/N): While you do that, can I go to Chun-Li's place?
(Y/N)'s Mother: You mean your girlfriend?
(Being an eight-year-old at the time, you replied...)
(Y/N): MOM!! She's not my girlfriend!
(Y/N)'s Mother: Calm down (Y/N). I'm just joking.
(Y/N): *small blush* So, can I go?
(Y/N)'s Mother & Father: Yes.
(Y/N)'s Mother: Your father will take you and he'll bring you back when dinner is ready.
(Y/N): Gotcha!
(Y/N)'s Father: Now go and put on some clean clothes.
(Y/N): Got it!
(You run into your room while your parents talk.)
(Y/N)'s Mother: What are we going to do with that kid?
(Y/N)'s Father: I don't know. But with his fire powers; he could find many ways to use them.
(Y/N)'s Mother: He does seem to enjoy martial arts. With his fire powers; he could join martial arts tournaments and win a lot of money.
(Y/N)'s Father: True, but it's his decision on whether he does or not.
(Y/N)'s Mother: I know. But it would be nice if he would.
(Next thing your parents knew, you came up running toward your father.)
(Y/N): I'm ready!
(Y/N)'s Father: Alright, let's go.
(Y/N & his father leave their house and begin to walk to Chun-Li's place. On the way there, Y/N throws some punches and kicks while releasing your fire out of them.)
(Y/N): Wha wo own aaaaw!!!
(Y/N screamed after each one of your punches and kicks. Your father smiles at you doing this.)
(Y/N)'s Father: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah, dad?
(Y/N)'s Father: What do you plan on being when you grow up?
(Y/N): A martial artist!! I love martial arts and since Chun-Li does as well, we'll be able to stay together as partners!!
(Your father places a hand on your head.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Being a martial artist, you could enter in tournaments and bring money back for your family.
(Y/N looks up at your father and stares him in the eyes.)
(Y/N): I would love that. I'll be there for you two until both of you die.
(Your father proceeds to pick you up and put you on his shoulders.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Super speed!!
(Y/N): Yeah!!
(You screamed as your father ran to Chun-Li's place.)
(Y/N) & his Dad: Finally.
(Both of you got to Chun-Li's place. Dorai is standing outside of the house.)
Dorai: (L/N). You're here again.
(Y/N)'s Dad: (Y/N) wanted to see Chun-Li.
Dorai: She's in the backyard.
(Y/N): Thanks!
(Y/N said before jumping off your father's shoulders. Running to the backyard, Dorai watches you with a sad look on his face.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: What's wrong?
Dorai: It's nothing. Go home, I'll look after (Y/N).
(Y/N)'s Dad: Alright, I'll be back to pick him up for dinner.
(Y/N's dad leaves. Y/N ran into the backyard and saw Chun-Li training her kicks.)
(Y/N): Hey! Chun-Li!!
(Chun-Li turns around.)
Chun-Li: Y/N!!
(The two young children run-up to each other and hug.)
Chun-Li: (letting go) How've you been?
(Y/N): Great! Practicing your kicks?
Chun-Li: You know it!
(Chun-Li says while lifting one of her legs in the air.)
(Y/N): Show me what you got!
(Y/N tells her while getting into his fighting stance.)
Chun-Li: *smirk* Alright.
(The two of you back away from each other and get ready. Chun-Li comes running at you and throws a kick with her right leg. Y/N blocks it and pushes her away. Keeping your guard up, Chun-Li throws multiple kicks at Y/N. Y/N blocks some and dodges some. Y/N backs up a bit and gets ready to attack Chun-Li. Chun-Li comes at Y/N and in response, Y/N jumps up, and with both of your legs; kicks her in the chest. She lands flat on the ground while you stand up. Running at her, Y/N throws a punch. Chun-Li manages to dodge it by doing a backflip. Chun-Li proceeds to kick you in the face and push you back. Y/N stands up and faces her again. Brushing off the damage you took, Y/N goes in after her. Y/N throws a punch, and Chun-LI dodges it. Taking her chance, Chun-Li kicks Y/N in the face once again. Y/N spins around and throws a fireball at her. Chun-Li barely dodges it and ends up falling onto the ground. Y/N lights his fist on fire and goes after her. Chun-Li looks at Y/N in the eyes as your fist comes down at her face. But you stop right before you hit her. You put the fire out and hold out your hand to her.)
(Y/N): Looks like I win.
Chun-Li: Only because you got that stupid awesome firepower.
(Chun-Li replies while grabbing your hand.Y/N lifts her up while Dorai comes walking in.)
Dorai: Well done you two.
(Y/N) & Chun-Li: Thank you.
(Y/N & Chun-Li bow.)
Dorai: Still, you two need more training.
Chun-Li: We understand father.
(Dorai looks at the two of you.)
Dorai: I need some rice. However, which of you gets me a bucket full of rice from the rice farm; will get extra special training.
(Y/N) & Chun-LI: On it!" Both of you replied.
Chun-Li & Y/N turn towards the rice field.)
Chun-Li: I'll race ya!
(Y/N): You're on!
(Both of them get into racing positions.)
Chun-Li: On the count of three... Three!!
(Chun-Li bolts off.)
(Y/N): Hey! That's not fair!!
(Y/N runs after her.)
Chun-Li: Don't care! I'm not losing to you twice!
(Dorai watches as you and your best friend race to the rice farm.)
A Few Hours Later...
(Y/N and Chun-Li train together as Dorai watches. Y/N and Chun-Li wiped the sweat off your forehead as Y/N's father walks in.)
Dorai: You're back.
(Y/N)'s Dad: Yup. Just came to pick up my kid.
(Y/N's dad turns to you and shouts...)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Y/N!!!
(Y/N turns to his dad.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Time to head home.
(Y/N): Okay!
(Y/N turns to Chun-Li.)
(Y/N): I'll see you later.
Chun-Li: See ya!
(Y/N runs to his dad. He picks Y/N up and puts him on his shoulders and walks away. Dorai looks at you two with a sorrowful look on his face.)
Chun-Li: Is everything okay, dad?
Dorai: Everything is fine. Let's continue your training.
Chun-Li: *smiles* Okay!
(Chun-Li goes back to her training as her father watches her. He was gonna savor every second of this moment.)
A Few Days Later...
(Thunder strikes the ground as Y/N practices his martial arts in his house.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Man, t's really coming down out there.
(Y/N)'s Mom: I hope that Dorai and his daughter are okay.
(Y/N looks out the window and watches as the rain comes down hard.)
(Y/N's thoughts): Please Chun-Li. Please be okay.
(The next thing Y/N and his family knew, there was a knock at the door. Y/N's father looks through the window and sees Chun-Li.)
(Y/N)'s Mom: Who is it?
(Y/N's Dad: It's Chun-Li!
(Y/N runs to the door and opens it to see Chun-Li soaking wet.)
Chun-Li: H-hey (Y/N).
(Y/N pull her inside.)
(Y/N): What are you doing out there?!
(Y/N)'s Mom: (Y/N), don't yell at her!
(Y/N's mom places a towel around Chun Li.)
(Y/N)'s Mom: It's okay, Chun-Li.
(Y/N's mother walks Chun-Li to the couch.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: What were you doing out there?
Chun-Li: I came... out here... to look... for you guys.
(Y/N)'s Mom: Why?
Chun-Li: Because...My dad is missing.
(Y/N): What?!
Chun-Li: He's been gone for several days. I didn't know where to go, so I came here.
(Y/N's mom hugs Chun-Li.)
(Y/N)'s Mom: You can stay here as long as you like.
(Y/N): Where did you think your father went?
Chun-Li: I don't know.
(Y/N's dad thinks about it for a minute.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Your father is a detective, it may have to do something with that.
Chun-Li: So, you're saying that the police might know?!
(Chun-Li asked while getting up.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: They might.
Chun-Li: Thanks.
(Chun-Li begins walking toward the door but Y/N grabs her arm.)
(Y/N): Where are you going?
Chun-Li: To find out where my father went!
(Y/N)'s Dad: I don't think the police are going to tell you about his whereabouts just because you're his kid.
Chun-Li: Then how am I going to find out where he went?
(Y/N): You could become a cop yourself.
Chun-Li: That's a great idea! Will you become one with me?
(Y/N): Huh?
Chun-Li: Will you become a cop with me to help find my father?
(Y/N thinks about it for a minute. Becoming a cop isn't something you really want to be. But on the other side, you could help find the man who's a second father to you.)
(Y/N): I will!
Chun-LI: Thank you!
(Y/N)'s Dad: But you said that you want to become a martial artist.
(Y/N): Don't worry dad. After we find Chun-Li's dad, I'll go on to join tournaments and perfect my fighting.
(Y/N)'s Dad: Alright then.
(For the next few years, Y/N and Chun-Li would train and help each other prepare to become cops.)
Seven Years Later...
(Y/N and Chun-Li are now fifteen. The two of you have been working hard together. With the amount of time you two have sent together, Y/N started to have these feelings form up. Y/N was confused by these feelings. They only really flared up when you were around Chun-Li. But when she wasn't around, you had a completely different set of feelings from out of nowhere. These "feelings" confused the hell out of Y/N. Did you like Chun-Li more than a friend? Y/N came to the conclusion that you probably did. But Chun-Li was blinded by her rage. She wanted nothing more than to find her father and takedown whoever took her father away from her. She needed to become stronger and wasn't going to stop until she felt that she was ready enough. One day, you found out how serious she was about becoming the strongest that there is.)
(You two were in the backyard of your house training together. Both of your skills have widely improved since you two were kids.)
(Y/N throws a fireball at her, to which she dodges. Chun-Li proceeds to use her Kikoken. Y/N dodges it as she comes in after you. Firing off her multiple kids, Y/N manages to block some, but gets hit by a few. With her last kick, Chun-Li pushes you back. Y/N slides across the ground and stops blocking. Chun-Li comes in after you and throws a kick aimed at Y/N's face. You quickly duck below, come back up and push her back. Next thing she knew, you jumped into the air and screamed "YOGOLBOLGOLBODOGODO!!!!" While kicking her in the air. Chun-Li falls onto the ground and Y/N announces "I win again.")
Chun-Li: Let's go again!
(Chun-Li gets up from the ground.)
(Y/N): Don't you think we've done enough for today? Shouldn't we head inside and relax?
Chun-Li: I said; LET'S GO AGAIN!!!
(Chun-Li tells Y/N while getting into her fighting stance.)
(Y/N): Chun-Li-
(Immediately Chun-Li throws a kick and hits Y/N's left arm. Chun-Li put so much force into it, that the kick broke Y/N's arm.)
(Y/N falls to the ground while holding his arm. Instantly, Chun-Li realized what she just did.)
Chun-Li: (Y/N), I'm so sorry!!!
(Y/N): Get away from me!!
Chun-Li: I'm sorry!!
(Both of Y/N's parents come out & ask what happened.)
(Y/N)'s Mom & Dad: What happened?!
(Y/N): Chun-Li broke my arm!!
(Y/N tells them while running into his house with his mom following him while his dad asks Chun-Li what happened.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Chun-Li, what happened?
Chun-Li: I lost myself in my rage and broke (Y/N)'s arm. I didn't mean to!
(Chun-Li begins to cry.)
(Y/N)'s Dad: Alright, listen to me. Everything will be alright, just give him some time to himself.
Chun-Li: Okay.
(Chun-Li walks into the house and hears Y/N scream "I'm not forgiving her!!!" More tears fall down Chun-Li's face as she hears Y/N scream "I don't care what excuse she gives! I'm not forgiving her!!" Chun-Li runs into her room with tears flowing out of her eyes like a waterfall. Jumping onto her bed, she would cry her day away.)
Tomorrow Morning...
(Y/N walks out of his room wearing a homemade cast your mom made you. With your rage towards Chun-Li now extinct, you walk to her room & knock on her door.)
(Y/N): Chun-Li, it's me.
(Y/N gets no response.)
(Y/N): Look, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to say that.
(Y/N still gets no response.)
(Y/N): Chun-Li
(Y/N's mother comes by.)
(Y/N)'s Mom: Is she in there?
(Y/N): I don't know.
Y/N opens the door and doesn't see her. Walking in and looking around, Y/N sees a note on her bed. Y/N picks it up and reads it.)
"Y/N, I'm sorry for breaking your arm. I didn't mean to do that, but I understand your anger towards me. I'm leaving to continue on with my journey, and please go on to become a martial artist. It's what you're meant to become. Thank you for taking me in and being such a good friend. Goodbye old friend."
(Y/N)'s Mom: She left didn't she?
(Y/N): Yeah.
(Y/N drops the note. Immediately after that, you slam your fist onto the bed.)
(Y/N): Why did I say that?!
(Y/N)'s Mom: (Y/N), please calm down.
(Y/N): I'm sorry. I'm just upset at myself.
(Y/N picks up the note.)
(Y/N):But, I can help grant her request.
A Few Years Later...
(With Y/N's arm now healed, you stand on top of a mountain in your black gi with your red belt. While doing so, someone approaches you.)
???: Who are you?
(Y/N): I'm (Y/N). You?
???: Ryu.
(Y/N look at Ryu.)
(Y/N): You look strong.
Ryu: So do you.
(Y/N): Care for a match?
Ryu: I was hoping that you'd say that.
(Ryu gets into his fighting stance. Y/N cracks his neck and gets into his fighting stance.
(Y/N): I hope that you don't disappoint!!!
(Y/N runs at Ryu.)
Ryu: I could say the same to you!!!
(Ryu runs at Y/N.)
Immediately, (Y/N) and Ryu clash fists...
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