chapter 7
~ once again, please, please, please don't play the video until I say so. Also the bolded lyrics are what you sing but what's underneath it is the English translation. The song is pretty important to your past so please listen/read the lyrics. Thanks!
- author-chan ~
L's P.O.V.
After the tapes were sent to be analyzed, everyone went to go sleep, except for me.
Alone in the darkness, I started theories about this new problem. I believe there is a second KIRA, but just in case I'll ask (y/n).
Roaming in the darkness, my foot got caught on something and I fell, hitting my nose to the ground.
Somewhere in the pitch black, I heard a gasp and slight shuffling followed by a hand on my shoulder. I flinched at the touch, and turned to see who it was. It was my angel, (y/n). Even in pure daekness, she is beautiful.
"Oh my gosh, Ryuzaki, are you okay?"
Aww, she was worried. <3
I must have had a weird look on my face, because (y/n) kept repeating her question. After answering,'I'm fine.' I asked what she was doing up.
"Oh... that well, I was....."
(Y/n) P.O.V.
Well I was working on a new song, but I can't tell him that....
"I was thinking about the... new problem with the case!"
Close one...
"And I perfer to stay up until everyone else has fallen asleep, that way I can make sure no one is overworking themselves...I know, it sounds silly, but sleep is important to function...." I say returning to my comfy couch.
"There is one problem with your 'hobby'," L said, flicking the lights on before whispering in my ear," If everyone else is asleep, how will we know you had a good night's rest, hm?"
"Y-you can rest assured that will go to bed after everyone has fallen a-asleep..." My face was tomato red at that point. Has L ever heard of personal space?!
"In the mean time, why don't you sit up here, near me, and we can discuss the case a bit more?" He gestured to the empty swivel chair, that faced the wall of T.V.s, some showing the news and others, what the rest of the task force was doing.
I picked up my computer and headphones and made my way to the 'hunchback of notre dam', placing my computer on the table, plugging it in.
L turned to me, curiosity written across his features," so Ukine, what do you think of newest events?"
I cringed when he used my alias. I hated it, it doesn't fit me and it doesn't sound as pleasing as when he says my real name." What we are dealing with is another KIRA."
He nodded, as if confirming something," I believe the same. But do you have any evidence of this?"
"I do, but it's not concrete, mainly slight details that vary from our 'favorite' person." I say, putting finger-quotes around favorite. "So I'm working to find some ties between this new KIRA and ours."
L just hummed in agreement as I got to work (not singing work, but actual work.). I placed in my headphones, listening to music.
After looking through police files and listening to a couple songs, one of mine came on, 'rolling girl'. I was so wrapped up in research, that I forgot L was here. So when the music played, I started to sing.
~ play music now!~
RONRII GAARU wa itsu made mo todokanai yumemite
Sawagu atama no naka wo kakimawashite, kakimawashite.
The lonely girl is forever dreaming of something she can't reach and
Churning, churning the insides of her flustered mind.
"Mondai nai." to tsubuyaite, kotoba wa ushinawareta?
"There's no problem." she mutters; has she lost her words?
Mou shippai, mou shippai.
Machigai sagashi ni owareba, mata, mawaru no!
Another failure, another failure.
If it ends in search of the mistakes, once again, she'll spin!
Mou ikkai, mou ikkai.
"Watashi wa kyou mo korogarimasu." to,
Shoujo wa iu shoujo wa iu
Kotoba ni imi wo kanade nagara!
One more time, one more time.
"I'll roll today too."
The girl says, the girl says
While playing with the meanings in her words!
"Mou ii kai?"
"Mada desu yo, madamada saki wa mienai no de. Iki wo tomeru no, ima."
"Are you all right now?"
"Not just yet, because there's still a long ways to go and I can't see the end. Stop breathing, right now."
ROORINGAARU no nare no hate todokanai, mukou no iro
Kasanaru koe to koe wo mazeawasete, mazeawasete.
The rollingirl is but a mere shadow of who she once was, unable to reach the colour on the other side
The overlapping voices mixing, mixing with each other.
"Mondai nai." to tsubuyaita kotoba wa ushinawareta.
Dou nattatte ii n datte sa,
Machigai datte okoshichaou to sasou, sakamichi.
"There's no problem." the words she muttered were lost.
How can she possibly turn out fine when
The hilly roads entice her and cause her to make mistakes.
Mou ikkai, mou ikkai.
Watashi wo douka korogashite to
Shoujo wa iu shoujo wa iu
Mukuchi ni imi wo kasane nagara!
One more time, one more time.
Please let me roll
The girl says, the girl says
While silently repeating her meanings!
"Mou ii kai?"
"Mou sukoshi, mou sugu nanika mieru darou to. Iki wo tomeru no, ima."
"Are you all right now?"
"In just a little longer, we might be able to see something very soon. I'll stop breathing right now."
Mou ikkai, mou ikkai.
"Watashi wa kyou mo korogarimasu." to,
Shoujo wa iu shoujo wa iu
Kotoba ni emi wo kanade nagara!
One more time, one more time.
"I'll roll today too."
The girl says, the girl says
While playing on words with a smile!
"Mou ii kai? Mou ii yo. Sorosoro kimi mo tsukaretarou, ne."
Iki wo yameru no, ima.
"Are you all right now? It's okay. You gradually became tired of it too, right?"
We'll hold our breath, right now.
I poured my heart out with every word. Since I write my own songs, each and every one of them are based of memories or feelings. This one was influenced by the death of my only friend.
"Hey Amelia! Do you wanna play today? We can go on the swings!" I was running over to my best friend. I stopped and looked at her. Blood slowly trickled down from her head and she was shaking, as if she was crying.
"Amelia are you oka-"
"Yes. I'm fine!" She snapped.
Something was up. And even though I was only seven, I could tell she had been bullied.
"It's okay don't worry, we'll see something beautiful soon. We will leave this orphanage soon."I calmed her, knowing full well that Mr. Wammy wouldn't let any of us leave. Especially me. But Amelia didn't know that.
-end of flashback-
For several months the bullying continued, I was even targeted a couple times. But one day, on my eighth birthday, the last thing that I could ever wish happened.
"Amelia?" I whispered poking around the orphanage. "Amelia..."
I ran down the halls, looking for my friend.
Maybe she's in her room!
I approached the soon to be ten year old's room, gently opening the door.
On her bed was a little box with a note attached. On the note was her signature messy handwritting:
Dear (y/n),
Happy Birthday! I can't believe you're turning eight! Sorry I couldn't surprise you... but you know how you said we'll see something beautiful some day? Today I had the chance and I found it. I am so happy!
"Wait no, Amelia!" Even though I was eight, I had figured it out. I'm not the best detective for nothing.
Suddenly, I heard a gasp from the balcony that overlooked the playground. I quickly rushed to the source of the plea of help and saw Amelia, with a rather large size cut across her throat. Despite the blood rushing from her, she looked quite happy. I knew she was going to leave me.
"It's okay. You gradually became tired of it too, right? We'll hold our breath, right now." I gently soothed her, feeling as her breath left her body for the last time.
-end of flashback-
I was pulled out of thoughts by L. His black pools looked with mine. My hand was gripping the necklace she gave me: a ying yang pendent. He gently brought his hand up to my cheek and wiped away tears that I didn't know I had shed.
"Shh.. it's okay, it's okay, I'm here." L cooed, the words he used made me cry into his shoulder, soaking his sweater. He just sat there holding me telling me 'it's okay' and 'I'm here'.
L's P.O.V.
After (y/n) crying incident, I noticed I was hugging her the whole time.
Oops... but she is still in my arms....
I blush just as (y/n) looked away.
"S-sorry I cried like that in front of you." She said blushing bright red.
"It's fine, I just never thought my crush would- I mean crusher of opponents would open up like that. By the way, you voice sounds better in person than over the security cameras..."
Phew... I almost said crush..... don't slip like that L!
"T-thanks..." The blushing (y/n) said.
Wait I never got around to asking her about the Akari Nakanishi episode from this morning....
" (y/n), about singing, are you Akari Nakanishi?" I pryed.
"Y-yes." she said, closing her puffy, red eyes, her voice barely above a whisper.
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