Chapter 4
~ Hi!!!! Author-chan here! I know i am NOT following Death Note's story line exactly... but I feel it makes the story flow better so yeah... without further ado, the newest part of THE GREATEST DETECTIVE!!
-author-chan ~
Your P.O.V.
"Hello, Light, I am Ukine." I smile and wave, try to be polite, while noticing L giving him a dirty look, (well not really, L never shows emotion so it's more like L having a look of disgust in his eyes...) most likely meaning either:
1. he ate some of L's sweets
2. he is suspected of KIRA
Let's go with the second option because someone who has touched L's "children" usually don't live.
"H-hi I'm Light, oh wait Ryuzaki already said that...." he chuckled a light blush covering his checks.
"Let's get back to work, Mr.....?"
"Yagami, I AM Soichiro's son..." he awkwardly replies.
"Okay Imagay, let's get back to work." I say stepping into the complex and taking my seat next to L, facing the computer screen. Light coincidentally sits next to me. Right...
"So Mrs. Ukine tell me about yourself." he says obviously trying to hit on me. I look towards L to see if I should be talking to the subject. Apparently, everyone was looking at me most likely because they know nothing about me.
"Um.... I like music, solving cases(duh), and umm...baking."
"Oh, really I bet your cookies taste like heaven, I mean an angel did make them." Woah. I did not expect a gay guy to flirt so openly...
"They do." L butts in, "she brought over some she made yesterday and I ate them all they were soo tasty."
Wow that guy can keep a monotone voice trough anything.....
"Okay... but I bet you have a voice sent from heaven~" Light says, turning his attention to me.
"Sorry but I don't want to be hit on someone whose last name is 'imagay' backwards. It just isn't the best thing." I remark, making sure Light knows his boundries. I am too good for him.
Light just scoffs and goes back to his computer screen while the rest of the task force says comments such as 'ohhh Light she's too good for you!!!' and 'I want to try some of her cookies....'
Light's P.O.V.
So when Ryuzaki first opened the door I expect yet another middle aged man, but instead I was greated by an amazingly gorgeous lady whom I wanted to make mine. Her curves, (h/c) (h/l) hair, and her face. God, I could get lost in her (e/c) eyes. She would be perfect to stand beside me as I worked. So I tried doing my classic, never fails, super hot Light that gets all the girls, but for some reason, I didn't work on her. But that only made me want her more.
Playing hard to get are we...
L's P.O.V.
I stared at the computer screen, pretending to be looking at the files because today I'm supposed to tell the task force about the new place. That doesn't bother me. They work for me. Those peasants(j.k. L wouldn't say that!!) My main concern is Miss. (y/n) i am 90% sure- no 93% sure she would be happy to move in due to the fact that I have a soundproof room and that she hugged me over the fact, but it is a building with only men inside and I hope she doesn't get lonely. Judging by the fact that her store is pretty popular, she must be very social so I should not be that worried, but yet I am.... it must be the fact that she will now be with me 24/7 and how weird she must think I am... I mean she already knows most of my weird habits, except for the fact that sleep is new for me and my thumb in my mouth, so it can't be that bad... Oh well here I go.
"Ehmm, may I have your attention for a moment." I say standing up," Today is our last day in this building, the construction of the new headquarters is finished so we will be moving there." I say looking at (y/n) to see her reaction. She gives me a reassuring smile, so I was worried about nothing. "Each one of you will have your own personal floor, so please bring anything you might want to feel more at home, for some of you may be staying there for most of the investigation."
Your P.O.V.
Mumbles were heard around the room as members wondered what they were going to do and bring to the new HQ. I for one knew that I would need ALL of my instruments, recording devices, mics, and voice adjusters to turn my room into a studio, I don't sleep so I don't need a bed.
~ time skip to after the meeting, brought to your by Ciel's addiction to video games!~
Still Your P.O.V.
As soon as we were done, I rushed to my (f/c) car and headed home, making a mental checklist along the way.
Okay (y/n) your need to bring your keyboard, guitar, drums, amps, microphones, recording equipment, ect.
My list was so long that if I wrote i down I could drown in the paper, or the world would have run out of trees, which ever one happens first.
After realizing how many things I had, I rented a U-haul and loaded my entire apartment inside. The while truck was filled with junk!
L is sure going to be happy about that.
By the time I had finished, it was almost time for my part- time job, so I quickly changed from my outfit from two days ago into (fav anime besides Death Note) t-shirt, and some black skinny jeans, and started walking towards work. Today I would have to resign in order to work on the KIRA case full time.
"Hi (y/n)!!" Cat Milk calls from the counter.
"Hey Camille, I need to say something, you know that KIRA case I've been talking about? Well now they want me to work on it and it's a full time job. I can come back to work once this whole KIRA thing blows over. But until then,... can you cover for me?" I plead, knowing this is asking a lot from my friend.
"(y/n) you go do what makes you happy. Once this blows over, come back to work, but until then I don't want to see your face in this café again!" she shouts, "Now, GO!"
I raise my hands up and walk backwards towards the door, but it felt wrong just leaving her so I ran and hugged her. At this point I could hear her sobs as I was trying to keep back mine. "Goodbye Cat Milk."
"Goodbye (y/n)"
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