Chapter 22
Your P.O.V.
Seven minutes in heaven? Who does she think she is, the Queen? I'm glad L is so loyal that he wouldn't...
Suddenly, I am lifted of L's lap and dropped on the floor like last months laundry. I turn to look behind me for my boyfriend, when I hear the clicking of a door closing. A few seconds later and loud erotic noises are coming from the closet. I recognized more than half those sounds. Those sounds used to belong to my ears only. His lips, the constantly sugar coated lips which would lift me out of depression, or steal a strawberry were now being pressed up against some other girl.
As noises which resembled a river in the Sahara during mating season continued, everyone in the party was boring their eyes into my weak, pathetic, broken body. They are looking for mistakes in me. Trying to find out what went wrong.
"Ukine! I'm so so sorry." Light spoke, resting is hand on my shoulder. He kept saying words of comfort, but I couldn't really hear them. I couldn't even see my shoes which were now sorrowfully soaked with the stream of tears sliding down the surface of my face. When I left the party and returned to my room, I couldn't feel the crooked knife that was creating cracks of blood along my cream skin that was craving pain. I could taste the hatred on my tongue and the betrayal echoing through my ears. The moans of passion shared between them. The laughs I shared with Cat Milk. The sound of the gunshot from my childhood friend at Wammy's.
They all echo inside me.
The voices of my past.
They haunt me in my future.
I sprawled out on the hardwood floor of my room, not caring about the blood pouring out from my arm. It stained the floor. I want it to stay there forever. Some part of me L could never get rid of. I had hoped it would have been my heart. But blood will do. It will have to do.
I was not looking to die tonight. Although now, as I am staring at the roof of this apartment that I have come to love, my love for life running along the grains of wood; I am ready.
I am a waiting for my shinigami.
The one in my dream.
I close my eye and wait.
The slow creek of my rusty door hinges greet my reaper. The shadow towers over me, his twisted fave pulled into a grin. His black book is poised in his grasp, his weapon of destruction uncapped. He is ready to make a closing agreement. One for death.
"(Y/n) (L/n). It has quite the ring to it. You must be wondering how I got your name. A little Cat told me. It wasn't hard, I only had to kill her. It was difficult, planning her murder so it wouldn't trace back to me. But you made this so easy. I mean look at you! Thank you! I don't even need to be here for you to die, you are already losing too much blood. Ah, such a shame. I didn't want you to die so fast. I never did get to taste your angelic cookies. But oh well. People die, it's what they do. Shall I count down? 40... 39...?"
Light blinded my vision, I couldn't see anything else. And among the noises I heard, I could barely hear L. Very faint, very quiet. Delicate, like a rose in a hurricane. A hurricane of emotions.
Die Stühle liegen sehr eng
Wir reden die ganze Nacht lang
Dieser niedrige Raum ist nicht schlecht
Wir können uns gut verstehen
So ist es immer, unser Licht ist nur das
Trinken und singen wir, begrüßen morgen
So ist es immer, unterm riesigen Himmel
Leben wir zusammen, die Nacht ist lang
Da die Sterne nicht leuchten
Kann der Mond auf diese Stadt nicht scheinen
Schauten wir das Licht selbst an
Singen wir unter dem Sternenmeer
Chairs so close and room so small
You and I talk all the night long
Meagre this space but serves us so well
We comrades have stories to tell
And it's always like that in the evening time
We drink and we sing when our fighting is done
And it's always so we live under the burnt clouds
Ease our burden, long is the night
Just as no stars can be seen
We are stars and we'll beam on our town
We must all gather as one
Sing with hope and the fear will be gone
Die Stühle liegen sehr eng
You and I talk all the night long
Dieser niedrige Raum ist nicht schlecht
We comrades have stories to tell
So ist es immer, denn immer im Ertrag
We drink and we sing when our fighting is done
So ist es immer, we live under the burnt clouds
Ease our burden, long is the night
Da die Sterne nicht leuchten
We are stars and we'll beam on our town
I don't know what to think of this life.
But I want another hug. From my stranger in the coffee shop.
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