Chapter 12
Your P.O.V.
I cover my mouth, hoping to stop the gag reflex. I pull out my phone and call L.
"L-L c-ame you come h-h-here?" I stutter trembling.
" Miss (Y/n)?" L voice came through, "Miss (y/n)? Where are you?"
"I'm d-down the block f-from the cafe. I'll be waiting o-outside the door." I said, now crying.
"I will be there shortly." L said and hung up. I put away my phone and walked out the house, waiting by her mailbox.
In a few moments, L's sleek black car pulled up and he rushed out. The next thing I knew, L had his hands wrapped around my waist and he was holding me close while I cried into his chest, ruining his shirt and my make up. "Shh... shh.. it's okay, I'm here, nothing can hurt you. Nothing will hurt you."
And that's when I knew that I loved this handsome genius. He was always there when I needed him most, not to mention him being incredibly cute. I lifted my head off his chest, reached my hand behind his head, and leaned his head into mine. He gently brought his head down and the moment our lips touched, it felt like heaven. I poured in all the passion I felt for him into the kiss, as he did the same. We pulled apart and he leaned his forehead on him, staring into my eyes with his beautiful black ones.
"I love you" he purred.
"I love you too." I said, "and I wouldn't have it any other way."
We kissed again, this time it full of love and happiness with our lips moving in perfect sync. He was the first to pull away.
"So what did you need my assistance for, miss (y/n)?" L asked.
"Please L, drop the miss. And, you need to see for yourself." I led him into the house, pointing out everything that was out of place or not Cat Milk-like. Finally we reached her room, and I broke down. There was no way who ever did this is going to get away with it. I will rip them to shreds, I will tear the limb from-
"(Y/n), I'm terribly sorry." L said pulling me away from my thoughts and into another swift hug.
"L? Who did this? Why? We are gonna make them pay right?" I ask. Even though I am smarter than him, I can't think right now.
"Yes, we will don't worry. We will bring the criminal to justice." L whispered rubbing circles into my back.
"Thank you." I breathed, if my voice went any higher, I would have burst into tears.
"I will have someone investigate into the matter and we'll take it from there." He stated, leading me to his car. He sat down, normally for once, and pulled me onto his lap as I hung onto him for the rest of the ride.
When we finally got back to the headquarters, it was pitch black outside. I checked my watch: 7:45. It makes sence it was dark out, it was towards the end of September. L laced his fingers in mine as Watari followed behind us. Oops, I forgot he was there the whole time.... that means he saw us kissing... akward...
When we finally got to the surveillance room, L turned to me and led me to the couch.
"(Y/n), as you're well aware, tomorrow is the 22nd, when we'll be sending off Light. If the second KIRA does find KIRA that day, then Light is a prime suspect." L said, still holding my hand.
"I already said that, Ryuzaki." I pointed out.
Where is this going?
"If that does happen, then there is a 78% chance that I will die." He stated, placing his thumb against his lips, and refused to meet my eyes.
I lift his chin so that his eyes are forced to look into mine. "I won't let that happen."
"What I didn't say was that your death rate is even higher." L said turning away from me.
"H-how high?"
I gulped.
At least he's honest...
"Okay... I'm okay with that."
"But I'm not." L pouted, giving me The. Cutest. Face. Ever.
"Fine, how about we go sing a song?" I suggest, getting up.
"Together?" L asked.
"Yes, together!" I exclaimed, grabbing his hand and going downstairs.
When we got downstairs, I gave him the rundown: how to use the mics, the new songs lyrics, and what it's supposed to sound like (I had to sing it for him).
"Ready?" I asked.
"Ready." He said, pecking me on the cheek.
-play the music now!-
nakibeso bakka kaiten no wa dochirasama warawareta bundake yarikase
Who's the one making a crying face all the time? Fight back as much as you were laughed at
ima ni mitero to te ni totta mono wa bakudan ya naifu nante mon janai kedo
Before long, you'll find the thing you've picked up is neither a bomb nor knife nor a weapon at all.
issaigassai kongo dou natta tte yakusokushiyou senaka no nefuda wo hikihagase
Let's promise no matter what from now on, that we'll tear off the price tags on our backs.
haizai mitai na mainichi dakedo suteru no wa mada hayai daro
This everyday may be rotten and decayed, (like scrap wood)
But it's still too early to throw it away
kyou mo uchifurue nagara shuuten eki no hoomu de
Today too, on the platform of the station's last stop
ashita no boku ga mada matteiru wagamama de noroma na aruji no omukae wo
Tomorrow's me is still waiting, trembling to welcome a dense, selfish master
douse ikunen tatte kuruma ga soratobedo kitto nannen tatte kikai ga shaberedomo
No matter whether years pass and cars can fly in the sky, even if years pass and machines can talk,
nandatte iitainda benri tte iu mae ni kokoro no kizuguchi wo naoshitekure
Whatever you want to say, before you call it convenient, please heal my wounded heart
yasashii hito ni naranakucha
Then I have to become a kind person,
boku wa boku wo kouteishiteikeru kana
I wonder if I can affirm myself...
atama wo agete mae muke to iwaretemo kurayami ja mae mo kuso mo nai na
Even if I say I'll raise my head and face forwards, in the dark, there's no "forward" or shit to find.
hitori de iredo futari de iredo kodoku ha kodoku ni kawaryashinee
Being alone, being with another person, loneliness won't stop being loneliness
shinitai toka sonna uta wo utatte mata sore ka to kui wo butareta
Singing a song about wanting to die. That again simply drove the stakes in further.
dakeredomo sorehodo no koto shika kuchi kara koboreru kotoba ga doushitemo mitsukaranai ya
But even doing something like that wasn't enough for you to see the words peaking out from behind my lips. No matter what I do, they can't be found
kyou no boku wa mata koushite geesen ni suikomareru
This present me will again, just go lose himself at the arcade.
ashita ga konakereba ii noni na saishuu ressha no kiteki ga urusaku narihibiku
It would be good if tomorrow didn't come. The final train's whistle annoyingly resounds.
douse ai nante tte hakkou butte tsuyogattemo kitto honshin ja yamashisa ni osowarete
Even if I pretend to be cold, calling things like love misfortune. My true feelings attack at my guilty conscience
doudai, genjou no boku wa soukai, doushiyou mo nai na
"How are you?" I ask the current me. "Really, there's nothing I can do." He says.
urusai na omae nante dai kirai da
I really hate that annoying part of me
anna sora de misairu ga tobu no nara sonna mono de inochi ga tobu no nara
If a missile flies in that sort of sky and if such a thing were to make me feel alive
yasashii hito ni naranakucha
Then I have to become a kind person,
boku wa boku wo kouteishiteitai
I want to reaffirm myself
yasashii hito ni naranakucha
Then I have to become a kind person,
kokoro ga kajikamu mae ni
before my heart grows numb from the cold
I end the recording and send it off to Hyperion.
Dear Akari,
Thank you for the new song! You are becoming quite popular! Congratulations! This will be posted tomorrow morning, so check it out then!
Hyperion studios
L kissed my forehead. "You have a beautiful voice, regardless of the adjustments."
I smiled,"You do too. Maybe, after this case is over, you can help me with my songs?"
"I'd love too, sweetheart." L hummed, making me blush. "(Y/n), I have a question."
"If every one of your songs reflects your life, what does this one represent?" L asked, pulling me on his lap AGAIN. It's not like I'm complaining though.
"It's alot. I believe it to be me right now, looking back at my life, and telling my old self what to do." I say, shifting on his lap.
"Oh. What was your childhood like?" L asked, putting his chin on my head.
"Hm... well I was at Wammy's just like you, but I was never in any of the same classes as everyone else because I was smarter. I was isolated because I was the smartest or whatever. They didn't let me have any friends except for one, but she committed suicide when I was eight. After that, I stopped doing my tests properly, so I got beaten. When I finally got over her death, I was ten and had the equivalent of a PHD. They kept me at Wammy's until I was eighteen, which I when I keft, got a job, made a friend, and lived happily with my side persona. That is, until now." I sighed. Talking about my past isn't that fun.
"Thank you for sharing that with me." L said as he kissed my head. "I'm going to bed. Will you join me?"
I blushed,"C-can I? I mean, are you sure?"
"Yes. It would make me very happy." L smiled and gently took my hand in his. He led me up to his room, before I pointed out that I needed to change into my pj's.
I quickly ran back to my room as I changed into a loose t-shirt and pijama bottoms. I went back to his room, and cuddled with him all night.
Thanks for reading!! Isn't L the cutest thing ever? Kya~
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