Chapter 1
~ Hey guys author-chan here with another x Reader story! You might have read my other story: The Frozen Maiden a Gray Fullbuster x Reader fanfic, so I'm back with a new story from the anime/manga I've been hooked on for the past couple weeks, Death Note! Well here's the first chapter, I hope you enjoy. -author-chan~
Your P.O.V.
I was just sitting in my apartment, writing some new song for my other persona when I got a call from a blocked number.
"Blocked hmm...? That's odd..." I mumbled but picked up anyway, I mean could be something important, why would a fan have my personal number? ( in case you didn't read the description of the story, you are the top Pop Idol, Akari Nakanishi :)
"Hello, A," a synthetic voice answered, catching me by surprise. I mean to be fair, I haven't been called for a lot of cases so this was definitely a first. "I called to inform you about the criminal that has been rising into power recently, they go by the name KIRA. We believe in the near future, we will need your assistance in order to catch this monster. That is all." The mysterious voice ended the call short. What the hell was that?! First they call me on my personal number, knowing my alias then, they go about saying they MIGHT need my help later, not even now! With only this information i determined that the call was from someone who has high respect for themselves, has access to governmental information; the only place where you can find my alias, and has great detective skills; due to the fact that they could make the message short and precise. This means that I'm working with a fellow detective.
"Whatever..." I say to no one in particular and go back to writing my song.
I usually write Japanese and English songs. So this song was no exception. Written in Japanese the only English part of the song was the title: 'Electric Angel' (the video). I was rather fond of this song for the melody was so catchy and without realizing it, I began to hum the tune. I sigh. This song is going to be a lot of work.
I quickly check the time, it read 3:14.
"Damn it!" I curse under my breath and run out the door only having 15 mins to reach my part-time job at a coffee shop.
The bell rings as I enter."(y/n)!! You're just in time!" my best friend Camille calls from the counter, pulling me out of my panting state.
Camille or Cat Milk as I call her has straight blond hair that reaches below her shoulders and a pale complexion. Cat Milk usually wears stuff from Hot Topic and you will NEVER see her without having her signature Jack the Skeleton jacket on.
"Duh," I remark, "how could I be late to my own shop?"
"It's not your shop, (y/n), we co-own it." She pouts.
"Yeah, yeah" I put on an apron and got to work.
The shop is open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. so getting odd customers was normal but today it was just a freak show. No, more like a freak person? Okay, let me explain.
~magical flashback~
Even though Cat Milk's shift ends when I come to work she usually stays fifteen minutes afterword just to clean up and reorganize the counters, displays, ect. But today was different I mean, after greeting me, she said she had to be somewhere and left. So I had to tend to the shop longer than expected. The entire day ran smoothly as I fulfilled my customers' orders and baked new pastries to fill the display cases.
Finally it was 9:30. I was just cleaning up my station so Cat Milk could have it easy when she comes in the next day, but when I turn around I see someone staring at me. 'I'm so stupid' I mentally curse.
Even though it's against Cat Milk's orders, I leave the doors open until I'm ready to leave which is after: I've cleaned up, baked enough cakes, cookies, and breads for tomorrow, and finally, hang up my apron. So seeing how I'm still cleaning the floor, the door was open. But back to the weird dude.
Although his posture was off, his appearance was... very bold and striking as if he had all the confidence in the world. The large bags under his eyes ment that he did spend long hours at work so, him getting a coffee late at night seemed normal.
Snapping out of my daze and noticing him still staring at me I akwardly coughed. "How may I help you today, sir?" I quickly rushed to the counter to start writting down his orders.
"Umm... I would like to have the glazed strawberry heaven cake, 20 chocolate chip cookies, 2 slices of marble bread, and a caramel latte with 7 sugar cubes in it." his monotone voice not breaking once.
"O-okay is that all?" I sarcastically add.
I begin packing his cookies, carefully counting and making sure there were 20 of them. Then the bread slices. And finally the cake.
"Excuse me sir, how many pieces of cake did you want? I didn't quite catch the number." I called to the stranger.
"Oh, all of it." He replies with a small smile.
"Okay..." I smile back not wanting to make the situation worse.
I pack his cake and make his coffee with exactly 7 sugar cubes. This man clearly enjoys his sweets. But as I noticed before he is a hard-worker so these sweets must be keeping him awake so he could function during late hours like these. I'm 98- no, 97% sure of it. I rung up his order.
"How much do I owe you?" He asks running his fingers through his messy, black hair.
"Oh, nothing it's on me sir!" I chirped.
Then the weird thing happened. He smiled as if he had won the lottery and hugged me, more like strangled. A RANDOM STRANGER HUGGED ME!! Well now I can cross that off the bucket list.
He pulled away, clearly blushing.
"You've never hugged a stranger, have you?" I taunt.
"No I've actually never hugged anyone before."
"Well then let me show you how's it's done." I stepped over the counter.
"You don't mind do you?" I add.
"N-no not at all" he blushed madly and cursed something about stuttering.
I gently wrapped my arms around his back, pulling him closer to me and he did the same. We stayed like that for sometime, just being in each other's silence. It was so peaceful. After some time we broke apart, both of us redder that a strawberry.
"Uuh.. thank you, miss...?"
"Ukine. And have a nice day mr. ...?"
"Ryuzaki." He smiled. He sure does that alot but I don't complain he looks so cute when he smiles like that.
"Well mr. Ryuzaki, don't stay up too late working and have a nice day!" I said.
Ryuzaki looked frozen in shock for about a minute "Same to you." He muttered in his monotone voice before turning around smiling and left.
I smirked on the inside and get back to cleaning. I'm never wrong when it comes to my deductive skills.
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