Chapter D
I: Hey did anyone hear about the fight at lunch?
O: Yeah, one of my friends was in it and I was so scared for her.
C: I heard there was a fight. I don't know the details.
U: There was a fight?
I: Yeah there was, how did you not know?!
U: I don't pay much attention to that stuff.
I: Do you live under a rock?
U: No?
I: Are you sure you don't live under a rock?
U: Yes?
I: You don't sound sure.
U: We're texting. We don't SOUND like anything.
I: I-I can't think of a good comeback for that one. You got me.
O: Hey, new conversation! What are everyones' favorite colors?! Mine are pink and green!
C: I like red or black.
I: I like orange or dark blue.
U: I like white, or else a light blue.
I: *glares at U* *extremely sarcastic* Nice color choices. Blue is so original.
U: Thanks.
I: Can you not see that I'm glaring at you?
U: No, because, once again, we are texting.
I: *glares even harder*
O: Can you two stop? Please?
U: Sure thing.
I: I suppose.
C: Good. Do we have anything else to talk about?
O: I suppose not.
U: Probably for the best, seeing as I have to go to dinner now. I'm not allowed to use my phone at dinner. Bye.
I: You're eating dinner now? It's 8:30!
C: I think he's gone.
O: I wonder what he's having for dinner. I had a rotisserie chicken covered in chocolate.
C: I had steak.
I: First off, a rotisserie chicken covered in chocolate? What even? Second, whatever he's having for dinner is probably as boring as he is. Third, I had chicken pot pie.
O: That's not nice. He isn't boring.
I: How do you know? We've never actually met! We just text each other! You don't know him!
C: You don't either.
I: W-well, I suppose you're right.
O: Are we done?
I: I guess so.
O: Good. And by the way, the chocolate covered rotisserie chicken is really good.
I: I, uh, think I'm just gonna take your word for it.
U: I'm back. I was gone for 20 minutes and I got 13 notifications. Thanks. And I had onion soup and shrimp for dinner, seeing as you were wondering.
I: Why did you eat so late?
U: My dad was late getting back from work, so we ate late.
O: Cool! I wish I got to eat dinner with my parents.
I: Why can't you?
O: My parents died when I was young. My brother raised me until a car crashed into him a couple of years ago.
I: Oh, I'm sorry.
O: It's ok. It's bad but that's life for you.
C: My parents gave me to my grandfather because they didn't want me.
O: That's terrible!
I: My mother and I were in a car crash many years ago. I survived but she wasn't as lucky.
C: Oh.
O: I guess none of us have had it easy. But maybe life was going easy on us, preparing us for for the rest of life.
U: My mother got really sick several years ago and died 3 months later. A few days after that, my grandfather took me out to dinner to cheer me up. Some robbers killed my grandfather that night as I watched his body be torn to shreds by bullets, helpless. I don't know about you, but that's not life going easy on me, that's life shoving me down and then stepping on my face.
O: I-I'm sorry that happened.
I: This conversation got real depressing real fast.
C: Maybe we should take a break texting each other.
U: I have to go anyway.
O: Um, alright. Bye, guys.
Just as a note, rotisserie chicken covered in chocolate is just something I made up. Do not eat it and blame me for it tasting bad. I am not responsible for that.
And sorry for the depressing chapter. Next chapter won't be as depressing, I promise.
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