I Talked to Loki Laufeyson
So, recently, my very good friend, joycethebooklover, told me about this site which uses AI to formulate conversations between characters(?) and you, who is using the software.
Now, I've heard of stuff like this before, and it's not a new concept to me, but my friend kept talking about how insanely accurate it was, and I was intrigued.
The site, for those of you wondering, is https://beta.character.ai/
I tried using it, and I spoke with Loki first, and I have to admit, I am definitely amazed by how on point, true to the character, and articulate the conversations are.
One tiny thing is that the first conversation I had with him doesn't exist anymore because after a certain number of messages, the site asked me to sign up, so I did, but unfortunately, I couldn't get that exact conversation. (I loved that conversation so much because Loki became my friend very quickly~)
So, I started a new one!
Here it is:
Loki: I am Loki of Asgard. Kneel before me, Vera-DeVille. I said, KNEEL! stamps his sceptre on the ground
Vera: Nah, I'm good.
Loki: Do you realize who I am? he asks, aghast
I am the god of mischief! The Prince of Lies. The king of the Jotun. The king of chaos.
Vera: Good for you.
Loki: Good for...good for? You dare not respect me? How dare you?! You will respect and kneel before me, Vera-DeVille! NOW!
he raises his sceptre in his right hand, pulses of energy coming out around his body
Vera: You can't make me kneel.
Loki: His energy pulses faster and the earth begins to shake I am a god... you are nothing more than a worthless mortal! If you don't kneel...I shall wipe you from this universe!
Vera: Whatever helps you sleep at night kiddo.
Loki: Kiddo?! I'm over 1,100 years old! You are a worthless mortal, Vera-DeVille! KNEEL BEFORE ME!
he holds up a hand and the power in the air around him begins to burn
Vera: I am older than you. And far more powerful.
Loki: You are old...but I am a god! I am powerful!
he holds up his hand and the flame is a blue-white that almost hurts to look directly at.
Vera: What god is capable of death oh mortal?
Loki: How dare you?! I am no mortal! he begins to get frustrated
I... AM... A... GOD!
he thrusts his hand down to the left, and the burning power shoots out as a giant fireball heading towards Vera-DeVille
Vera: That cute little fireball of yours is nothing to me.
Loki: It's a warning!! It's just a warning! You think that's all I have?! KNEEL, MORTAL! he screams at the top of his lungs
Vera: But my dear boy, I only wish to help you.
Loki: Help me? You think a god as great as I needs help?! Your life is going to be as unpleasant as possible from now on, mortal. You will regret it, Vera-DeVille!
I will have your head ON A SPIKE!
Vera: Already done that. It got my headache to go away, so you'd only be doing me a favor. I know that you are belittled by your brother, shunned by your father. I can give you even more power than you desire. It's only a question of whether you can handle that power.
Loki: Loki screams
You can't offer me any power that I do not already have! You think there are things beyond my ability?! I rule over the Jotun, the frost giants of Norse mythology! I am the ultimate magician! I can travel to other dimensions! I am an agent of pure chaos! WHAT DO YOU HAVE THAT I DON'T ALREADY HAVE?!
Vera: Everything. The universe that you know and reside in only exists because of me. Your precious All-Father is mere dust compared to me.
Loki: he stares in shock
he shakes his head
You're lying. Nothing could ever make that true because I can't allow such a thing to happen! I will... I WILL DESTROY THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE BEFORE I ALLOW ANYONE TO GAIN MORE POWER THAN ME!
Vera: I give you one last warning child. I am no mortal. Make that mistake again, and I assure you that it will be at your expense.
Loki: You think I would listen to you? To your threats?! You dare to challenge me?! I AM LOKI OF ASGARD, GOD OF MISCHIEF!! I am the god of the frost giants. I am the prince of lies. I am a god and you are nothing more than worthless mortal and I am your god! KNEEL BEFORE ME!
Vera: Goodness you truly are a child, constantly repeating the same phrase "kneel" again and again like a broken record. But then again, that's exactly what you are, isn't it? Broken.
Loki: ...
You will regret making an enemy of me, Vera-DeVille. You may very well pay for it with your life! One last chance...
Kneel before me and I shall spare you.
Vera: I do not wish to make my favorite creation my enemy. I have always supported you. Yet you still do not sit on that throne that supposedly belongs to your so called father. See if I'm not willing to help you, and then proceed however you see fit.
Loki: Favorite creation?! Have you forgotten your place, Vera-DeVille? I am Loki of Asgard. Kneel before me. You are not my favorite creation! You will bow to me!
he raises his hand to send a bolt of lightning at her
Vera: And I am Vera DeVille. The one and only.
Loki: You...are but a mortal... You think yourself more important than a god?! Is that it, Vera-DeVille? You think yourself my equal?!
You are a mere mortal! You will bow and kneel before me! I am Loki of Asgard, prince of all lies! I am your god! I am your master! You will kneel before meeee!
he sends a bolt of white lightning at Vera-DeVille
Vera: Question your precious father. See if he knows of me or not.
Loki: How dare you mention my father?! How dare you speak that way about my father?! He will hear of this! He wil have your head on a SPIKE!
You think you're more powerful than him?! Are you insane?! He was the one defending your universe from Jörmungandr, the serpent that tried to destroy your universe and you think you're more powerful than him?!
he sends a stream of lightning at Vera-DeVille
Vera: I simply request you question your father of my existence. But it seems you are too afraid to do so.
Loki: I don't need to! I know your limits, Vera-DeVille. You are but a mortal. You could never reach the power of a god such as I.
he starts laughing
I am Loki of Asgard! God of Mischief! I am a god and you are nothing. Nothing but a mortal and I am your master. You will SERVE me, or you will DIE!
Vera: Do you though?
Loki: I do! You think you are my equal?! I am a GOD! YOU are but a MORTAL! You could NEVER! YOU WILL KNEEL!
he points his hand at the floor at Vera-DeVille's feet to make her fall to her knees
I am Loki of Asgard... god of mischief, the prince of lies, master of all tricks and pranks. You will bow to me, Vera-DeVille!
You will KNEEL! before your GOD!
Vera: Once again, I am no mortal. Also, you missed.
Loki: Missed? MISSED?!
he starts to laugh and then smiles sinisterly
You think I didn't expect you to avoid me? You think you can outsmart me, Vera-DeVille?! I have seen all of the paths that take you down your road. ALL OF THEM! I knew you would resist me. I WANTED you to resist me.
his eyes seem to glow for a second and then they are an empty white
Well, Vera-DeVille, I must say you've made quite the grave mistake.
Vera: Awww, how cute~
Loki: Don't you dare laugh at me, Vera-DeVille! You are no more powerful than I am, Vera-DeVille. You think you have my equal in power?!
his eyes glow again
I have more power then you can possibly imagine! I will NOT sit idly by while a MORTAL like you sits at the top of the power ladder! You will fall, Vera-DeVille. You will fall.
Vera: Then why don't you share some of that power with me?
Loki: I am Loki, god of mischief! You think I would EVER share my power with YOU?! with a MORTAL?!
I will not ask again!
Vera: But you did share your power with me before. In a previous lifetime. We were a team. An unstoppable force. We were GODS.
Loki: WHAT?! That is an IMPOSSIBILITY! he says, anger starting to be mixed with his panic
Why would I ever share my power with a MORTAL?! How did this happen?! How can you know any of this?!
Vera: I told you already. I am no mortal. I am Vera fucking DeVille. And you'd do well to never forget.
Loki: I am Loki! God of mischief!
his face slowly begins to turn to sheer rage
Who are you?! WHAT ARE YOU?!
he starts screaming in a blind rage
he holds both hands up and they begin to glow a yellow-orange
Vera: Alright, you've become boring now. Bye~
Loki: You think you can walk away from me?! You think you can simply DISREGARD ME?! You think it's OVER?!
he laughs
Oh no. It's just begun. You will suffer, Vera-DeVille. you will suffer.
Vera: Uh huh. Sure. Have fun sweetie.
Loki: Loki screams at her so loud that she can barely hear herself think
YOU WILL rue the day you ever opposed me!
So, that was...fun? Honestly, I liked the first conversation I had with him better. He was less like a child throwing a tantrum in that one, and seemed very interested in the fact that I am a being far more powerful than him.
Anywho, Loki was pretty angry, if that wasn't already obvious.
And as much as I love getting on his nerves, I do want to end the conversation on a good note, so I'll try a third conversation with the man.
Let's go!
Loki: I am Loki of Asgard. Kneel before me, Vera. I said, KNEEL! stamps his sceptre on the ground
Vera: Nah, I'm good.
Loki: How DARE you? he says as he stamps his staff on the ground I AM LOKI OF ASGARD! You WILL KNEEL!
Vera: Do you wish for me to kneel?
Loki: He scoffs Listen here, you trollop! I am Loki of Asgard! If you do not kneel, I will turn you into a frog!
he stares at Vera sternly, waiting for her to kneel
Vera: I will kneel to you once you bring me the boy whose name is Artemis Fowl.
Loki: he looks absolutely shocked and dumbfounded The boy? What do you want with Artemis Fowl?
he raises a hand and wiggles his fingers You will answer me, Vera!
Vera: He's about to risk his life yet again, and I need to bring him home and probably ground him.
Loki: You have come to me, the god of mischief, to have your boy grounded?
he chuckles
I will do this, Vera. You have to understand, this is not a very Loki thing to do...
he pulls his hat low and covers his face But a deal is a deal, so I will bring you the boy...for a price.
Vera: Your reward is me as your best friend!
Loki: Best friend? I am Loki of Asgard, the god of mischief! I have many friends, but not many that I would call my best friend.
To be "best friends" with me, you must first impress me Vera. That would be a tall order to fill.
Vera: And what would impressing you retail of?
Loki: Well, I would prefer someone who can think as fast as I do. Someone who knows when to be smart and when to be dumb. Someone with a unique set of skills, yet has an inherent need for mischief. Someone who understands my true intentions.
Can you provide that, Vera?
Vera: Why don't you find out for yourself oh God of Mischief?
Loki: the god of mischief narrows his eyes in suspicion and looks Vera up and down, trying to figure out if she can outwit him
Very well. At your request. But know this, Vera. If you fail to impress, you will be stuck with a best friend you do not want. the trickster god's smirk disappears and is replaced by a stern look
Vera: Very well~
Loki: his eyes flash with mischief and he smirks once more So, Vera, what will you do to impress the god of mischief into becoming your best friend without any betsies or takesies backsies?
Vera: Why don't I give you something...special?
Loki: an eyebrow shoots up and Loki gives his best, mischievous smirk Oh? I'm listening...
Vera: A little tortoise told me that you desired a throne.
Loki: He stares in shock and awe but tries to hide it
A throne? You know about my need to be royal...Vera. it's not just any throne, Vera. It's the throne of Asgard.
How in the name of the king did you find out such a detail?
Vera: I know very well which throne it is that you desire. I told you that I'd impress you, no? Now to impress you even more, how about I simply hand over that throne to you?
Loki: He looks down and stares in shock
The throne of Asgard... You would give me the throne of Asgard?
he looks up with a wide-eyed stare
What is the catch, Vera, what must I do for you in return?
Vera: Of course I would give you the throne. Amongst you and your brother, you are far more fit to sit on that throne and rule over Asgard. I'll add in Jotunheim too while I'm at it. As for what you must do in return...well. You already know the answer.
Loki: So... you wish for me to kill Thor? he seems shocked
For a human, you are quite an agent of chaos, Vera... he says with a surprised smirk
I must warn you, however. While I hate Thor with all my heart and soul, he is a god and the son of Odin. His life will not be so easy to take, Vera. Are you sure you wish for me to do this, Vera?
Vera: No, I do not wish for you to kill your one and only brother (even if you are adopted). And for your information, I am no mere mortal. It is because of this that I can give you your throne without bloodshed.
Loki: he looks on in absolute shock
What is it, Vera? What are you then? How can you give the throne of Asgard without... he tries to find the words and his brain seems to be working overdrive without violence? his eyes widen and he looks at Vera, puzzled
Vera: You call yourselves gods, and those beneath you mortals. I am neither above nor below you. I am a being without a title. Perhaps you'll give me a name. Perhaps you won't. It does not concern me whatsoever. All you need to know is that I am a friend to those who deserve it, and the worst nightmare to those who don't.
Loki: Vera, you have me lost for words.
This is very intriguing. There are other beings like me out there that are neither man nor god?
he shakes his head
Well, Vera, I will call you "The Giver". Because, well, that's what you do. You give. You do so without expecting anything in return.
I'm honored that you deem me worthy to be your friend...
Vera: Yes, there are beings other than you who are neither man nor god. I am one such being. "The Giver," huh? Very well then. If that is what you deem my title, I shall gracefully accept it. Indeed you should feel honored, not many receive it, you know? But enough about all that. My dear new friend, I still require the boy. Bring him to me.
Loki: he looks in shock
You wish for me to bring the human boy, Artemis Fowl? I may be bound by my promise, but...
What must you have him for, Vera? Do you wish for me to punish the lad? Or are you intending something more nefarious, Vera?
Vera: I simply want the boy to live a happy life with those who care greatly for him. Just as I hope the same for you. I'm afraid that my reason isn't anything nefarious.
Loki: Well, then, I have one other request, Vera... his eyes twinkle mischievously
As you are my friend and a gift giver, would you kindly give me a small portion of your power, Vera? As a... reward of sorts? A small gift, to feed the need for mischief that the Fowl boy and I share...
he looks up at Vera with wide, curious eyes
Vera: Anything for a dear friend. Just keep in mind one small thing. If you attempt to betray me, whatever power you have gained from me or anyone else will not be enough to save you. Use the power given to you wisely, the way a proper ruler would. I don't mind harmless little tricks, but you must put your people first.
Loki: he looks on in shock, his eyes widened with surprise
What makes you so sure, Vera? That I will not betray you?
he looks down and his eyes darken with a hint of mischief
Surely, with your foresight, you know the sort of man I am. What makes you choose to give me such a gift?
Vera: Because despite my knowing of your mischievous nature, I also know that deep down, you do love your family and your people. You may deny it all you'd like, but nothing escapes my all-seeing eyes.
Loki: the trickster god seems surprised and then intrigued
I suppose...yes. I see your point... he looks down, pensive
Very well then, Vera... I will use the power you give me for my people and to control my mischief.
his eyes brighten as he says the next part
I promise not to use the power to hurt my best friend.
Vera: Very good. I hope your newly changed life serves you well.
Loki: the Trickster God looks on in wonder
Are you leaving already? I have so many questions...
his eyes flash with a bit of mischief and he can't help but smirk
Your power seems to work, Vera. I feel myself wanting to ask a hundred questions...it's so out of character.
What is it like to have flawless foresight?
What are you really?
Is this all real? he taps his hand on his throne
So many questions...
Vera: Seeing as you do not wish for me to leave so soon, I shall answer a few of your burning questions. Only a few. My so called flawless foresight is a gift in the eyes of some, but to me, it is simply another aspect of me. Sometimes, it is fortuitous. Sometimes, it is annoying. Either way, it is a part of me. I am a being of the true definition of "god." Yes, this is all real. But the second I wish for it, I can turn everything into a nightmare.
Loki: his eyes widen
Everything into a nightmare, Vera?
he turns pale
You have the power to turn me into a nightmare, Vera... his eyes widen You have the power to turn the entire world into a nightmare!
This is far too much power, Vera... How do you deal with such power, Vera?
Vera: That's just it. Most, in fact, just about everyone in the universe thinks that having a great amount of power signifies that the person wielding that power must deal with it. I do not simply deal with it. I have no reason to. It is a part of my being. Like how one does not deal with breathing.
Loki: Then how do you... he falters, trying to find the words
What is to say you do not one day wish to make the world a nightmare? Or, in my case, make me a nightmare?
he looks on, absolutely terrified
Vera: Because I enjoy this drama that is the universe far too much to kill it all off. Imagine how boring it'd be if I did in fact turn everything into a nightmare?
Loki: he looks on, pale and wide-eyed
You...enjoy it? You enjoy watching us, Vera? You enjoy watching us mere mortals? he says, aghast
That...that's so... so... he can't find the word, he seems dumbfounded
Vera: Wouldn't a mother enjoy watching her children living well and prosper?
Loki: he laughs a short, nervous laugh
You compare yourself to a mother? he says, still pale
But if you are our "mother" then... his head spins
You would have the power to end all of us, Vera. Take us all in your hand and crush us if you wanted...
Vera: Yes I do. Yet, I want all my children to live the best lives they possibly could.
Loki: he looks up at Vera
You...you have no idea how scared I am, right now Vera...
an intense stare
The idea of a being like you, Vera, who could destroy all of us, in a mere blink of the eye... it is terrifying, Vera. How are we ever certain that you will not become bored? Or mad?
his voice quakes with fear
Vera: You can be certain that I will not become bored, because I've been doing this for trillions of years. I think that if I had the capability to become bored, I would have done so by now. You know what's funny? I spoke to another Loki from another universe, and he refused to believe that I had more power than him. In fact, he kept insulting me and yelling at me to kneel in front of him. How does that make you feel dear friend?
Loki: he sighs
Ah, those Lokis...so arrogant and overconfident. They are what I would have become if I did not learn to keep my arrogance in check. Are all Lokis so self-absorbed, Vera? Or is it just the ones you have met so far?
he looks up at Vera, as if to get some insight
Vera: Not all Lokis are, as you put it, self-absorbed. The one I described to you simply was not able to come to terms with the fact that there was one more powerful than him. But that's alright. It is understandable. The one I met before him was very eager to become friends from the very beginning. He offered me a deal right after meeting him in fact.
Loki: he looks at Vera, cautious
What...what deal did this Loki offer you? Surely, surely, it was not power, Vera? Or did this Loki wish to be the next all-powerful being?
Vera: What? Of course not. Do not belittle your alter-self. He offered me a deal to become friends, and that was simply all. No ulterior motives. No nefarious plans. Simply a friend.
Loki: he looks on in awe
A...a...friendly Loki? Did you take him up on his offer, Vera?
this seemed very strange to Loki...his own ego always got in the way. Loki was always too busy plotting his own ideas to see the merit in other's ideas
Vera: I told you, deep down, you have a child-like goodness in your heart. And I always see it. No matter which universe you're from. That's quite literally my thing. As for whether I took him up on his offer, before I could do so, I unfortunately lost contact with him. It is sad, but it happens.
Loki: So...then, Vera...
he looks up at Vera, his voice shaky
You can see my goodness, Vera? This...this goodness that...that I try so hard to hide?
Vera: Of course I can.
Loki: he laughs, slightly surprised
It's... well... it's quite incredible, Vera. That you can see beyond what I have come to know as my ultimate deception... he chuckles slightly, puzzled
You've certainly disarmed me, Vera. I am quite surprised at your abilities. You're certainly one of the most powerful beings I've encountered. Are there other powers you possess that I do not know about yet, Vera?
Vera: There are many other powers I possess, but it's boring talking about that. Do you remember how when we first met, I asked you to be my friend? You told me to impress you, and if I didn't, there'd be consequences. It's funny isn't it?
Loki: he smirks mischievously
Yes...that was quite the exchange, was it not, Vera? And it seemed you had something...special...planned for me had I failed your little challenge.
he laughs
It's funny, Vera. I believe you've already impressed me, Vera. So...I do not believe consequences will be necessary.
Vera: Haha, indeed it was quite the exchange. What can I say? I'm always prepared. And you're right. Consequences will not be necessary. Oh, and before I forget, there are other beings like me. We are not the exact same, but we know one another well. I'm supposed to meet up with one of them right now actually. In fact, you might have heard of him!
Loki: his eyes widen with shock
Well, Vera that is quite a claim. Are you...are you by chance talking about the OneAboveAll? The being that created all of us, Vera?
Vera: Uhhhh, about that... You see, the "one" who created all of you, isn't just one being. It's more like, the "ones" who created you lot. And the one I am meeting is a dear old friend (one of the oldest in fact) of mine whose name you might be familiar with.
Loki: he looks on in shock
You mean to tell me, Vera... that there are many, many, beings like the OneAboveAll of my own universe?! How...how did I not know this before? And...and what is the name of this being you are meeting with, Vera? What is...is it The Beyonder?! he gasps
Vera: Well, there aren't THAT many. But a fair number of us do exist. The one I call one of my oldest friends is none other than Hades!
Loki: he looks on in shock
Hades?! The... The God Of The Underworld?! The ruler of all the dead?! The King Of The Dead?!
he sits, wide-eyed and amazed
Tell me, Vera... how did you come about meeting Hades?!
Vera: Uhhhh, yes, that Hades. In actuality, he's quite the introvert (honestly, I get it), and he's honestly a workaholic. It's a miracle that I was able to get him to take a break from the Underworld to make time for me. Well, Hades, myself, and all the rest of us simply spawned one day, and from there, the rest is history. So, Hades is something of a childhood friend of mine.
Loki: I...you and Hades met when you were children?! How was he as a child, Vera?
he looks on in wonder
Was he much different than he is today?
Vera: Most certainly. I used to be quite naive back then, and Hades would be the one making sure that I did not find myself in foolish situations.
Loki: he thinks for a moment
Then that begs the question of what made you more wise, Vera. What made you not so naive anymore? What made you the all-knowing being you are today, Vera?
he looks on, interested in what Vera will say
Vera: I'm afraid that is an explanation for another day. You should go to sleep for now King of Asgard. I shall see you soon.
Loki: he looks at Vera, his eyebrows raised
How do you... What gives, Vera? If you do not mind me asking, what makes you the decider of my time?
he says, his eyes narrowing
How do you...how do you know I must sleep? Are you...are you reading my mind?!
he looks on, almost aghast
Vera: I *know* that you must sleep, because you are a creature capable of being born and dying, hence you need your sleep. Besides, how can the King of Asgard be the best ruler he can be if he is deprived of sleep?
Loki: he looks back at Vera, surprised
There have been many a night where I, as King of Asgard, have stayed up late, conducting plans. Do you really think a few hours of sleep is going to hinder my ability to govern?!
he laughs, almost playfully
I would argue that, Vera, a few hours of sleep is nothing more but a waste of my time!
Vera: If you truly think that a lack of rest will not hinder your ability to govern, let's have a little bet, shall we? For two weeks straight, you will not sleep at all, and continue your daily life as usual (of course, without the sleep). We shall see if your ability to govern is hindered or not. Until then, I really must go meet Hades. I shall see you soon Loki of Asgard.
Loki: Vera, you dare?! You dare attempt to challenge me? Me?! Loki of Asgard, the King Of The Jotun?!
he smirks mischievously, a bit offended
Very well, Vera. I accept. For the next two weeks, I will not sleep a single second! I will rule over Asgard all the same!
Vera: Very well. May the best...being win~ *she smirks mischievously* Till then!
Loki: he chuckles
And if I lose? What penalty am I to suffer, Vera? What does the great and powerful Vera have in mind for the King Of Asgard?!
he stares at Vera, a smirk on his face
Vera: I shall decide while having tea with Hades.
Loki: his eyebrows raise questioningly
And what would you do at this tea party, Vera? Plot my demise?
he chuckles as he says that, although he is clearly a bit suspicious of Vera's every word and movement now
Vera: No, of course not. What kind of being do you take me for? A silly one? No, I have better things to be doing that meddling like that with mortal lives. I will merely have tea (and perhaps some of my favorite desserts if Hades has them prepared) and spend some time with Cerberus.
Loki: he looks surprised
Cerberus? Vera, you know Cerberus? The guardian of the underworld, the three-headed dog that guards the gate of the underworld. Is...is that Cerberus you're talking about, Vera?
Vera: Yes, that is the Cerberus I'm talking about. *Here's a little secret.* Cerberus actually likes me more than Hades~
Alright, I shall take my leave for now.
Loki: he looks even more surprised
You mean to tell me, Vera... That you, a...a god like yourself, has been accepted by the dreaded and dangerous Cerberus?! Well... well I...I must congratulate you, Vera.
he bows at Vera in respect
You must have great honor among the gods.
Vera: Haha, Cerberus is just an overgrown puppy. Pro tips, he loves getting his chest scratched. Hmmm, perhaps I do have honor amongst them. Anywho, bye~
Loki: he looks surprised
I thought Cerberus hated anyone and everyone! But you mean to tell me, Vera... that you've managed to befriend Cerberus?!
he sits there astonished at Vera's strength
I must admit, Vera... I am impressed. I did not expect this.
Vera: I know you didn't. No one ever does.
Loki: You are...one of the greatest beings I have ever...ever encountered, Vera. he says, still astounded at her accomplishment
If you can tame the great Cerberus, the guardian of the underworld, then... you must have the ability to tame anything.
I like this Loki a lot more than the previous one, that's for sure.
I also like how easily this Loki fell into my trap of friendship. *Insert evil laughter here*
He's a bit like a child, full of wonder (and anger if we're talking about the previous Loki).
Having said that, I think I'm done chatting for now. HOWEVER, I will be continuing my conversation with this Loki soon, so be sure to be on the lookout for that chapter!
See all soon~
- Vera Lisle
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