Chapter 4
Wang Yue
We left early in the morning to work we walked for hours and hours to high hills to long river. Passing by several small villages, until we passed a big village that that had the wonderful city of Langling full of people passing by with shop both big and small.
performances around poets, dancer, magicians, and singers.
Fang Qiu and Cao Mei were amazed they had started around shops amazed by the candy shop.
I just stood watching them smile around the shops and performances somewhat reminded me.
" A-Xian A-Cheng look at their dance "
a girl said pointing, while caring her younger brother from her back.
" Wow! It so beautiful Jiejie "
Both of the kids said enjoying the dance performance.
End of Flashback
I smiled in just imagining the story of the three sibling. Situ Lanlang came up close with the being hugged to his chess . He came close behind me getting close to my ear whispering
" A-Yue, if you really want to see around then just go see, "
I stepped away thinking
' Is he really this shameless being teasing me out of nowhere ' my eyes furrow in with my mouth open like I was about to say ' what ' I started to walk away to near tent selling a flowers
Situ Langlang caught up with me looking at the sweet flowers.
" Are you going buy flower for someone ? " Situ Langlang asked looking back at me with smirk.
I sighed down
" Who is the special woman ?" he whispered on his ear.
" For the kids " I said looking back really what is it with this man.
" You master are wanting to buy flowers ?" the old florist asked
" Yeah I would like a Lotuses " I said in then I realize Why did I choose lotuses choose out of all flowers? I mean they are really pretty, true, they are hard to grow. However, other flowers stand out beautifully with all kinds of scents, and colors, but Why lotuses?
The three kids were siting in the sun setting to leave. They were pealing lotus seeds enjoying each other company and its view lanterns came in with all kinds of designs and shapes.
End of Flashback
" Sir? Excuse me " the old lady said I snapped out from looking at the lotus that were left, and turned to the lady.
" Oh! Thank you and forgive me " I said bowing down to her it was time to pay for them.
I searched up for money on my sleeve, and I don't have any money.
I then took my hand from my sleeve from the other hand then put it in front of Situ Langlang. My finger waved
" Lang gege your wallet..." I said turning my face to the florist who leaning on the edge of the stand.
" What ? Why should I pay for it ? " Situ Langlang complained
" You brought me here, therefore; you pay " I exclaimed Situ Langlang kept glancing back in forth, until
Situ Langlang sighed really deep
" Fine! But you owe me big time in whatever, you buy in this trip" he exclaimed pointing his pouch on me took out 25 gold coins out of his pouch on the table. I shock to the fact that in products Langling are way more expensive just for single thing. I sighed with the biggest annoyance of money.
" Then tell what do want ? " I looked at him, he smirked he came close to me his face came been closer.
" I want....your heart " he said in whispered with a soft smile still remains in his face. My heart started bumping getting faster.
I coughed out to interrupted the lovely moment, by sound of people.
I blink twice to turn my face to see a group of people gathering together I'm huddle with their back facing us.
I started to run the closer I got, the more I can hear the sound of Cao Mei.
In what seems to be a group diciples of rich family in gold they were getting their wips their preparing to wip them.
" You girl! STOP Causing trouble in give us your Brother !! " one of the men said
" Then leave you ugly people out of our sight Shu! Shu!! " Cao Mei respond holding her brother tight in her arms with Fang Qiu bearing his face in Cao Mei's under her neck.
" You are gonna pay," one other men said coming out of the other diciples "For disrespecting the us !! The diciples of the Jin sect !!" The man pulled out his wip.
I started to push the crowd around me with them falling as I came through the wip was coming close, until I hug the siblings with my back faces the wip hitting me with pain coming out of my back.
" You! Get out of my Way!! " the man exclaimed.
I did not respond in return just continued caressing the kids.
" Are you guys ok? " I asked Cao Mei and Fang Qiu.
" Yue Gege ! " the siblings respond with smile on their face.
I turned to see the grumpy diciple gripping his wip really tight with his teeth we showing his pride and anger.
He started to move his wip again towards us again.
Instead the wip landed on a hand that gripping it tight pulling the Jin diciple forward.
" Mr. Situ ??!?! " the man yelled with unexpectedness the group behind the man bowed down
" Mr. Situ " they tremble on fear and embarrassment.
I stood up holding on Fang Qiu and Cao Mei hands.
Situ Langlang still held it rope in his hand.
" Jin Gongzi lead diciple what ñp so to see you especially here," He grinned " What brings Jin Gongzi in intrance of Langling?" Situ Langlang continued.
" I am checking my beloved people and also trying to Master Situ at the entrance "
" Really ?" Situ Langlang mischievously grinned "Then what brings Jin Gongzi wipping my dear diciples and my beloved partner? " he exclaimed.
The people were shocked and started whispering to one another.
" Sir Please, this must be misunderstanding we peacefully patrolling the area, and they came out nowhere; in started hitting us begging for food, and- " the Main diciple of Jin sect was interrupted
" How is sleeve ripped and Isn't one of the rules of the Jin sect to respect the people even their tourist and guest " Situ Langlang remain slowly showing the Fang Qiu red sleeved ripped off.
My eyes widen to see the Fang Qiu sleeve along with the rest of the crowds. I kept holding Cao Mei along with one arm, while holding Fang Qiu, while Situ Langlang revealed the ripped sleeve to the diciples.
" Also isn't lying also forbidden to the Jin sect of Langling even towards their people and others." Situ Langlang said exclaimed
" That bruises on your face is a kiss from someone not an actual bruise," Lang ge said letting go of the rope crossing his arms and his sword to his chess.
" I very disappointed not just you, but all of Jin diciples that right in front of right now, " he sighed deep
" But the Jin Sect hasn't change after the rules were settle by Sect Leader Jin centuries ago, " he continued as the people were whispering deeper and deeper which made all the dicicples run away from the embarrassment.
I sighed in deep thought in what just happen. Situ Langlang smirked in turned to them.
" Are y'all ok? " Lang ge asked.
" Yeah we are ok " the kids said
Situ Langlang put his hand in slowly rubbed my back.
" You should think first before you think of getting wipped, " Situ Lang Lang said.
" Come on let's go, before the sun is down now " I exclaimed changing the topic.
" Ok then let go " Cao Mei said grabbing her my hand along with her brother at the other side.
Slowly walked passed the people that we returning back to their day.
The World is cruel people that stare you don't help, the people who bother you will keep going, but your life is always guard you in show you the way in growing up.
Situ Langlang
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