The Casino was crowded with different types of people, from the old lady at the slot machines, the big spenders and the stupid drunks who are wasted and don't know what to do until they are kicked out, but that's not why people were here, it was all over the media that biggest gambler and the biggest cheater in all of casino history Dimitri Moore, and of course where there's a villain, there's a hero well assassin Dahlia green, she's been hunting him for as long as time, reason? He killed her mother because he mistook her someone else and he made no such condolences to her death so she wanted payback and she's gonna get it.
She burst through the door and quickly gained attention, the casino erupted in whispers and murmurs from the crowd, " It's Dahlia green". "What's she doing here". "She's so here for Dimitri". She went up to him and smiled.
"Pleasure meeting you here Dimitri". She sat down putting her Blood stained sword at her side. "You're right, and the only reason you're here is to avenge your mother". She nodded and smirked. "At least my mother loved me". He frowned and looked up her. "You have such sharp words for someone your age". "Yes I do, and people my age are the kind you chase around, cause can't find someone to actually love you for the scum bag you actually are". She spat, and his guards quickly charged only for her to pull out her katana, stabbing one guard in the stomach and quickly removed it to the slice the other's throat.
"Dimitri, you're still the same as always, sending someone to do what we could have finished years ago". She spat, taking a napkin off the table wiping her stained sword. She looked over at him and saw that he was fuming with rage, no one could treat him that way and it wasn't going to start now, "If you're looking for trouble, we should take this outside"; He said getting up, she nodded and stood up. "Finally some sensible words that came out of that good for nothing mouth of yours". She scoffed walking out, not noticing the smirk he had painted on his face. He turned to his remaining guards, "Whoever gets me her head and Katana, will be rewarded handsomely". With the guards already being paid more than enough, their greed got the best of them. "They nodded and walked after her.
She walked up to the roof to be greeted with a drizzle, it was a beautiful night but unfortunately, blood had to be shed, she sat at the edge of the building eating for the guards, they quickly burst through the door as if they own the place.
"Hey girly, get over here we need to have a talk with you. " One of them said, he had a thick, heavy accent.
"Haha, you're pretty stupid you that right?, Girly! I fought bigger, stronger and unfortunately hairier guys than you to get here, just what gives you the balls to stand up to me". I spat.
He was enraged, he quickly charged at me, thus only put a smile in my face as I stepped aside at the very last second, only for him to hurl to the ground from a 60ft building. Turned to the rest of them, seeing them shiver sighed in defeat and dropped my Katana on the ground. "I'll fight without my Katana, is that OK with you". They quickly attacked, I'll take that as a yes. One threw a punch on which I blocked and punched him square in the nose, knocking him out. They all attacked at once which made it easier for me, I quickly jumped, having them all meet heads. I came down the knowing there weren't anymore, and I quickly went in search for what I came here for.
I search high and low only to find him with a hostage and a gun to their head, in the main casino, everyone was gone, and someone had alerted the police that he would be here. "Dimitri, this is below you put the gun down, this fight is between you and me and not anyone else". He nodded pushing the hostage aside, aiming the gun at me.
He shot me, I was in total shock...I just stood there, I couldn't move I was stuck, I fell to the ground as he ran away, he would have gone outside, but the police had surrounded the whole building.
The police officers came in, rushing over to me. "Dahlia green, you're hurt, someone get the ambulance ". That was the voice of my childhood friend. Daniel Fox, he helped track and find the suspects that led me to Dmitri, but I fear... I... I won't make it alive to repay the debt.
"Daniel, I'm fine, take care of the hostage first, I'm going to do what I should have done years ago". I got up and began to walk till he grabbed my wrist, "You can't kill him, Dahlia, you'll be charged for murder". Only laughed and removed his hand away "that can't file a charge against someone who's dead... I'm joking, I'll be fine I promise and I always keep my promises. " I say running after him.
Stupidly he ran all the way to the roof, possibly for the same fate as his men. I burst through the door, only to see him standing on the edge of the building, she would let him fall, but she wanted to be the one to end his life. she walked over to him, not caring about the bullets she shot her with, she was filled with too much rage. She grabbed him by the collar throwing him to the ground.
"Your life ends here Dimitri, this is for my mother". She said raising her sword, she brought her sword down only to stop mid-second.
"It was on purpose " He spat. "What did you say". I said dropping my sword. "I killed your mother on purpose, she was just like you... A talker, she was one for justice and I was her main target, so on her way to visit you-". "Shut up". "We cornered her-". "Shut up!!". "And I stabbed her,". "I said shut up," She said punching him in the face, as her tears poured out, "Do you know how it feels, to someone you love... I had no one, my father left me, you killed my mother... I've been living with my childhood friend since when I was three, you scared my fucking childhood... You don't deserve to live". And with that she grabbed his gun shooting him in the chest before he had time to protest".
The rain began to pour heavily as she dropped to her knees, picking up the katana, laying her head on the handle of the weapon, letting her tears spill out. "Mother, I did it... I'll see you soon".
She dropped to the ground, as her eyes became heavier, she let out a chuckle "Sorry Danny... I didn't ....keep this... Promise". She said slipping into darkness. The last thing she saw was Daniel running over to her with a horrified expression, she smiled as she saw him for the last time. "Bye Daniel........ ".
"THAT'S A WRAP, PEOPLE". The director said and I got up only to have my assistant come to me with a towel, helping me wipe the human make-up off, I took off the wig and got changed... I almost forgot to introduce my self, I am Sim'il Kaapzar, the princess or heir...of well...the planet, yes the whole thing, we have no countries or states, and I how I know about those, books, you see I am the only one on the planet that dreams of travelling farther than our atmosphere , but my father doesn't allow it, which I find too stupid, he controls all the vessels and ship, that leave our border and he 's hiding it from his daughter, who will take over the family business, Anyway more about me, I'm turning 360 soon and I'm just filming the last episode of Season one "Hunter". It was fun I cried when I read the script. My Assistant and best friend Ophelia, she's really pretty but she thinks she not.
She's 24 and acts like my older sister. She runs over to me in with a smile on her face that can make any guy swoon. "Yeh Sim'il, you were great". I smiled and thanked her, I then quickly remembered, Ophelia and I had to go pick Kronus up from his photo shoot.
Kronus is a very good looking guy, I admit it but he's also arrogant, funny and so not my type and the worst thing is that he and Ophelia fight a lot but would make the perfect couple.
"Ophelia I almost forgot, we have to go and pick up Kronus". Her face quickly went sour. "Do we, he's a....a...you know what I mean". she argued as we got into the hover jet, quickly heading over to Dimension Z studios.
We got there in 15 minutes and he was still shooting, he was one of those idols who had more attention even though they just started their career and I should know I'm his teacher..well was his teacher, same with Ophelia as well, I take people with or without talent to do amazing things, Ophelia's a singer and Kronus is well you know a Model.
Another 15 minutes into the shoot and it was the summer setting and he came out shirtless...
I wasn't surprised or interested...why Kronus is a shapeshifter, so we rarely get to see him in his true form,and now I'm annoyed why, because he and Aphilia are secretly giving each other glances, it was annoying, like I'm standing right here, now I feel like a third wheel, I should go.
I sighed and left knowing she wouldn't mind, I walked out of the building to clear my head of thoughts and sighed as I took a look a look into my past. " You've come far Sim'il, you beat the odds and here you are, standing above it all, with your head held high...you have it all, amazing friends, the fame, the wealth..but something's missing...mother".
She passed away, it's really not the best thing to think about but it's reality, and the funny thing is that I don't know how she died, I was always told she died in an accident when I was a baby and when I grew older, I wanted to know more, so I dug a little into the accident and...nothing..no file, no account of it ...not even a witness . " THE BIGGEST DEAD END CASE TO EVER APPEAR IN ALL OF AkHIRI HISTORY". They called it and I don't blame them..no one could solve it ..and my poor father couldn't handle it, he had it bad, rejecting all his duties, hiding himself away in his room and drinking himself into a drunken stupor, but after the years, with a little rehabilitation, he regained his composure and ruled again, he said he had to protect the planet..me and that's just what he did, my memories from then on were amazing, riding hover bikes through the grasslands, scaring away all the chaoxan from the building and dancing with the Vlaans at the biloxol.
I entered my home pod and went to the entrance to be attended to by Andraian security, they do this often to the point it becomes a nuisance. " Tiraeh, Zuoan, how many times have I told you not to do that anymore, I'm not royalty, so what I'm your boss's daughter, you two, I consider family and didn't you two attend dinner last night...so please no more formalities". I chuckled as they looked away embarrassed and nodded as I slipped past them and entered the levitation zone and moved to my personal pod. Upon opening the door was my pitabreau puma, which I had adopted months prior, I walked over to her and gently picked her up, sitting on the ledge, looking out the window.
"Puma, have you ever wondered what's out there, passed the shield, passed the border, passed it all, to feel the other side of the window, to feel what it was like. I mean you already know about my dream of being on the Arkiri patrol squad, to be out there would be a dream, being one of them". I sighed as she looked at me with a soft look on her face.
"Child..sweet Child, you know your father would never approve of this, he, himself was and is the sole reason you were denied entry into the squad, he refused your training, wouldn't let anyone sell you the equipment you need, he basically put you a blacklist for the patrol squad...but although all of that may be irrational, I really think you should talk to him about that, if it's something that you really want to do , you should talk to him ,you know, father, daughter time...it's been a while since those happened". She chuckled and placed a paw on my hand and I nodded.
" It's a little funny and scary how you know me so well, it's honestly like we were destined to meet". I said as she chuckled. "I think the same thing quite often, a young one to the po-
We were interrupted by the levitation zone opening up, which only indicated someone was there but who, the only people who have access to my pod is my father, Ophelia, Kronus, Puma ..that should be it.
"SIM'IL!!!!!!!!!!!, I've got something to report to you and it's is of immediate importance, like...right now...so important, like super urgent, like a top secret ".
Right, Alkaen, I nearly forgot about him..but honestly how could I ever, we grew up together and didn't spend a day apart, were as close as two Akhirians are to an orb of Zukan light, his family was very close to mine and unfortunately his parents passed away during a riot between two parties and being the righteous and just people they were wanted to stop it and....they did...but at the cost of their own life
"Alkaen, what is it that you just barge into my pod, screaming out my name". I said with a smile, walking up to him with Puma in my arms. "Your father requests to meet with you in the garden". He said taking Puma away from me, holding her close to him as his life depended on it. " Wait do you happen to mean the Ethernal garden, that place has been sealed off, as a memorial for my mother...why there?".
I made my way into the levitation pod and straight to the garden, the scent of flowers growing stronger as I reached the entrance.. and the view was absolutely breathtaking, everywhere you look, flowers, herbs and of all shapes, sizes, colours and scents. I paced around, feeling, touching, taking in every wonderful I scent I found ... I would be here forever if I could.
I began taking note on the flowers as I moved through the garden. ( faint whisper) . " Huh, who goes there". I swiftly around and notice it ...it's a flower, I hadn't seen this yet..for some reason, it emitted a glow from it an aura I can't pinpoint..but it drew me closer and closer to it, I want to touch it ...why... I don't care.
Upon placing my finger against the petal, a huge gust of wind or what felt like a punch hurled me back, losing my balance as I tumbled hitting my back against the wall, I looked up and the once gleaming room, went dark, the flower ultimately disappeared and I was left in the dark, I quickly regained my posture and stood up, feeling for anything and bumped into a body and nearly feel again, only to be held up.
A light brightened the room as I looked up at the face of my father with boiling rage but my look quickly softened when he gave me a stupid, yet apologetic look on his face.
"Father you scared me, have you no remorse !!!". I said in anger but laughed right after, "You could have at least told me you were there ". I whine only for him to laugh and places his heavy hand on my head."Then what would be the fun in that, my dear to see my lovely daughter scared to the bone, is always a sight to see ". He lets out a loud laughter and I groan knowing what he was referring to. "Father, that virtual Alterian monster you left in my room was not funny, I cried remember". He nods his head and lets out another chuckle. "Father I have a question to ask of you if you don't mind". I said as I walked through the darkened garden with him as he tried to find the light orb "Of course, my dear, please do ask away, don't hold back". He smiled and activated the light orb. "What did my mother look like, I don't have any memories of her, but the ones from when I was born, they are foggy and unclear".
He sighed and turned to you and nodded. " You are right my dear, I have been selfish with those memories and I apologize and it's about time you know where you get your looks from". He wiggles his eyebrows which lets a soft chuckle leave my lips. We exit the office an straight to his to his office, I enter and immediately felt the cold stares of the painting of past relatives. " Didn't GrandElder tell you to bring those things down, they scare everyone who enters the room".
"Calm thy self, young what the GrandElder doesn't know won't hurt her and besides you're not the only who is frightened upon stepping foot in here ". I laughed and followed him to his desk as he sat down, grabbing a remote off his desk pointing it to the shelf of books, he pressed a button and the shelf split in two, the first thing I saw was a portrait of a very beautiful woman.
Hmm... that's a definite goddess, we really don't look alike as much as he said, but yes she is my mother, I couldn't be any happier, like wow I just wished you stay a little longer, we would have made amazing memories.
"That's my queen, only if she where here now, she would have loved to see you grow up into the woman you are today ". He said staring at the picture with such overwhelming love in his eyes. He then sighed and gave me the most pleading look ever, "I have a favour to ask of you, my dear". I chuckled fully aware of what was to leave his mouth, it was 100% a job he was supposed to but he either forgot or just didn't want to. "OK then, what is it this time ". I chuckled and sat down. "It's the GrandElder, she told me to drop by, but I have so much work and treaties to sign so I was wondering if you didn't mind paying your dear Grandlder a visit ". I laughed and nodded. "I'll go, but this is the last time, she misses her son ". I smile and wave him goodbye walk back to the levitation pod and went downwards, moving past floors till iI reached the last level the aquatic area, The GrandElder was of Aquatic Species and being related by blood, I had the ability to breathe underwater and come to see her.
I broke through the ice barrier and made it to the other side, it was definitely cold, but also very dark, like come on has no one heard of light orbs these days. I took a careful swim around and began calling out her name. " GrandElder, it's your favourite granddaughter, she's come to see you, could you please show yourself".
"Where is that useless son of mine, not even visiting his own mother, I really should give him a scolding now and then" I jumped and turned around face to face with GrandElder. " Oh goodness, you really scared me there". She smiled and apologized with a chuckle. "Sorry, he postponed your meeting due to his utter fear of you". I weakly laughed and looked at her only to let out a hardy laugh, resembling my dad's...wow how can two different species, be so similar. "Hahaha, I knew I still had it in me somewhere, I guess it was just cooped up down here for a while". She smiled but quickly focused on me with a serious gaze in her eye. "You didn't talk to him about it did you". I sigh and shook my head. " I couldn't get the chance ". I said with a distraught look, GrandElder also knows about my wish to be one of the patrol squad and she condones but then again my father has continuously refused me near a ship. " I honestly don't know what why he won't let me ". I said as she placed her hand on my cheek.
"My sweet, dear child, I may not know the full answer but I think it's because he doesn't want to lose you like he did your mother". She sighed and I nodded. " Yeah maybe you're rig- Wait, GrandElder what do you mean lose me like he did my mother, didn't she die in an accident, what does the patrol squad have to do with my mother's death". She looked at me with a confused look in her eye. " Has he not told you the truth..my dear, that stupid boy has a lot to learn...my sweet I will only tell you if you're willing to listen". I took a deep and looked at her " I'm ready".
"It's not necessarily the patrol squad..but space itself. It happened when your mother was pregnant with you, your presence itself was a great globe wide joy and they wanted to celebrate it well, so your mother decided to take a ship to explore beyond what you call the Field and all was well, they saw many thing dos today wouldn't imagine seeing today ..but you see during all the festivities , no one was informed about the sudden meteor shower and .. your parents were caught in it" She said and looked away to compose herself as she was brought to tears
" It was unimaginable, they manage to escape but landing safely was impossible, they prayed and hoped...but not enough it seemed, there were causalities, your father was bruised and broken..but your mother had it worst of it, she came out unrecognizable, like she had been mauled by a gorian bear ..she was immediately rushed in for attention but...the doctor only gave your father two options....either save you and your mother dies ...or save your mother and they would lose you."
That was simply all I could take in before I swam back to the levitation pod, before GrandElder to grab onto me or stop me. I headed straight to my father's office, I quickly made my way in and e was having guests but I simply made eye contact with them and they nodded leaving the room. " I assume she told". He said and gently stacking his papers. I nearly burst into tears as I blow my top off. " It was bad enough that you prevented me from doing something I really loved... BUT HOW CAN YOU AS A FATHER, KEEP THE TRUE DEATH OF MY MOTHER A SECRET FROM ME, AND ON TOP OF THAT, BE SO SELFISH AS TO KEEP ALL MEMORIES OF HER AWAY FROM ME". He said nothing but saw his fist getting clenched. " I didn't want you to think, it was your fault". He said and stood up, walking to the window. I just stood there baffled at his excuse. " Another excuse, So tell huh in what possible way would I have thought it was my fau- ". " BECAUSE IF NOT FOR YOU, SHE WOULD STILL BE HERE!".
I looked at him with clouded eyes as I ran into the pod as he screamed for me, I went straight for the hanger and into a ship and slowly began to cry. " W-Why would he say something like that to...it's not like I asked to be born..if he doesn't want me ..I'll just leave ". I said and made up my mind. looking around and went to the deck, taking a seat and started it up, strapped myself in as the ship began hovering about the ground and swiftly left the hanger unnoticed and straight towards the field. " I'm out, they definitely won't miss me". I looked down and widened my eyes.
"I really hate saying goodbyes since I can't bear the emotion, so I'll see you soon Betune". I turned away and went full thrust ahead, leaving behind the only home I knew.
I was absolutely amazed at everything I saw, I couldn't help myself everything was beautiful, I can't believe my father kept this all from me, everything about it, I loved so much. As I It was amazing to see things for myself without, listening to the stories I wanna stay here forever. As I explore a little more, I receive a call..from home, I wonder who it is as I answer the call. " Child, are you out of Akhirian mind, how could you run off like that, your father already had a search warrant out for you and it hasn't been two minutes." I sighed and I rolled in my chair. " Puma if you were there, you would've have done the same thing...ok maybe I over exaggerated a bit". I chuckled but quickly stopped as I heard constant beeping as the all the lights in the ship had turned red. " SIM'IL!! WHAT IS THAT NOISE". Puma said with a lot of worry in her. " A meteor shower". I gasped as the ship was being pummeled with meteors. "Sim'Il..can you hear me". Puma's voice got more scratched until I lost connection. I took control of the ship and tried to steer away storm but the ship was hit by a meteor the twice it's size and went tumbling. ' Mother Board, where is the nearest planet we need to land now". I said to the supercomputer. "Calculating miles and lightyears, the closest planet is earth, setting co-ordinates to land now". I sighed and strapped myself to set, taking all the emergency step "I'm so sorry mother, although we never met when we walked the lands of Betune, I promise we will once I Ascend the stars as you did". I smiled and held on tight. " 5 seconds till impact". The supercomputer said as I closed my eyes and prepared for impact.
The Impact came hard as I was tossed around in my seat, sparks exploding as pieces of the ship was literally being ripped off its side, till it finally slowed down. I gently undid my belt and got out of the chair. " SuperComputer, analysis on location and status on the atmosphere". I said and found the emergency switches. "Location, Planet Earth, Status... Oxygen". Oxygen, that's weird let's take a look. I walked to the hatch and gently opened it but popped off its lid due to pressure, I lifted my head and quickly made eye contact with a disgusting creature. It looks Terrified.
"Are you the Cheesecake Goddess". It said as I was confused, what language is this... I wanna go back home, like now.
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