Remember the portal into Paradise that I lead Joey and Daniel through? That portal... It was only another dimention. That's where the others had gone. It wasn't Paradise...
I had learned so much about what truly was Paradise...
That wasn't the true end of the world, either. There was three endings of the world that needed to happen before the final, third ending. That's the true end... That's where the true Paradise portal is...
You see, I had learned that the others did not die. They were only sent to that other dimention. My pack hadn't died, nope, I was still alive.
Crystal, Blackout, and all of the others were very much alive...
But in another dimention.
I couldn't die, either.
I was immortal.
That wasn't my last mission, but it was my purpose. To bring my pack to Paradise was my purpose and my promise.
I wasn't going to break that promise.
...I had thought that, that was my last mission, but I had forgotten...
My pack, the others... Joey and Team Wolf were not the last ones to be brought to Paradise...
Remember I said that I had a new mission?
Well, yeah.
I do.
...And it starts now.
I awakened...
I awoke in this snowy forest... Snowflakes touched my nose and made my senses alert. This snow had something calming to it... Soothing...
But it also had this coldness to it...
Like I was supposed to just lay in this snow my whole life... It was like I was meant to be placed in the snow...
Maybe I would be frozen in time as I would watch the years pass before my eyes... Maybe I would wait for something that would never come...
I just felt drawn to the snow...
I felt at one to the snow...
I mean, one of my elements was snow...
My birthday was in the winter, winter was my favorite season...
Snow just had such deep emotion to it...
I could feel the weight of the snow that was sitting on top of me.
If anyone walked by, they would just see me as a pile of snow... Or maybe an artic wolf? I knew that my grey markings were not showing because of the snow...
My eyes were closed as I took in the deep, cold air. I breathed in and out...
For some reason, I knew another adventure was starting... I could sense it.
I knew this one calming moment, it would be the last one I would have for a long time. I had to savor it before my anxiety got the best of me.
Everything was calm and still...
There was nothing but silence...
Everything was tranquil. I liked it this way... Basking in the quiet was what I did best... For I was the master at being the quiet the longest...
I heard gunshots, I heard loud explosions, I heard the screams of the innocent... There was chaos lurking in the streets again.
For I knew, everything was reset...
This was just like before...
This is where my adventure would start.
...I would take the same path, but there would be different people...
I heard quiet footsteps come nearer toward my body.
The question held sturdy in my mind: 'Do I run, or do I let it be? Do I pretend that I'm nothing?'
"Do you think she's awake?" A soft, male voice spoke. He peered down at my body. I slowly began to breathe, but I knew that it hardly mattered.
I felt like I knew this voice...
I felt like I had known who this was...
Who could this be?
"Yeah, she's breathing." Another deep voice replied to the first one. They had a quiet voice, but they sounded logical.
"Poor thing!" A soft, emotional voice had said. This voice had a more cheery-tone to it.
Okay, I definitely recognized all three of their voices. These were the sweetest people you would ever meet... So kind, and accepting...
I opened my icy blue right eye, as I saw who was in front of me. The trio, the three best friends, one of my favorite YouTuber, they were all right there.
They definitely deserved Paradise...
Thomas Sanders, Talyn and Joan.
I just wanted to give them all hugs right now, but I couldn't exactly do that because I was in my wolf form.
I had noticed that my wound was also gone. There was no blood.
It must've healed.
"Oh! She opened her eyes!" Thomas cheered. He bent down and he took a look at me. I felt like Logic (From the Sander Sides...) was examining me.
My Lapis Lazuli necklace began lighting up under the snow, and all of a sudden I bloomed up from under the snow and I was now placed on the ground, sitting. The snow had vanished, and now you could properly see all of my features.
Thomas' eyes widened as he was right next to me when all of this happened. He was starstruck...
"Woah! Magic!" Tayln had excitedly said. She looked at me, and she beamed.
"That is... Amazing." Joan gasped.
I had bloomed out from the snow, because I was indeed, the Paradise flower. I would lead everyone to Paradise. I was their ticket to get into Paradise... For I was the Lunar Flower....
My Lapis necklace fell back to drifting on my chest. I looked at the others and I had a wolfish smile.
Thomas extended his hand slowly...
He was trying to pet me.
I looked at Thomas in the eyes, but I looked back down into the snow.
I let him place his hand on my head, but I didn't face him. I thought of what was to come... What was ahead of us...
All of the memories came flooding back...
I remembered the deaths, the fights, the suffering...
This world is cruel, but it is also beautiful. We cannot lose that beauty.
"H-Hello, t-there..." Thomas calmly said to me..
"Greetings, I am Shadow."
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