Lost Times
In many, there were knives... There was blood, there was suffering.
...But these friends of mine, they kept up the fight. Even through pain! I had to do the same! For them!
I clenched my fists. I had this knew energy within me... Seeing my friends suffer... It made me turn into a whole different person.
I growled lowly beneath my breath.
I would do anything for the ones I loved... This was no different.
I slowly turned around to see that smiling, evil person before me. I gripped my right fist tightly, and with no other thoughts, I punched him.
No blood, no effect.
He was still there. He was still hurting my friends.
"YOU MUTT!" He had blood thirst in his eyes. He aimed all of the flying knives and sent them flying - There had to be at least one hundred of those knives!
I had instincts, I had my heart, I had my soul, and I had my mind. I would use all of those at once to make this very precise decision.
I swiftly transformed, and with a single flap of my wings, I sent myself flying into the air. The knives below me went straight past me.
I looked down to my friends, and I knew that I was the only one who could possibly get us out of here...
"GET HER!" Danny pointed and comanded the others. They nodded, and they all took to the sky.
I dove straight at them, using all the force I could. I used my claws as talons, and once I had them in my grasp, I would send them flying into the air or to the ground.
Whichever I preferred.
"You do not hurt my friends!" I charged at the other people who were in the group, and I sent them spiraling to the ground like a comet.
When they hit the ground, they had such force that it broke the ground into tiny little pieces.
Left and right, one by one, they all disappeared... Except for one...
He caused this.
My friends were released, but they were so weak that they had blacked out...
My eyes narrowed to him and only him. The rest of the world darkened, and I had my target centered. He didn't back down, of course not. He thought he was better than everyone else... He thought he was the strongest...
He thought he could take Paradise.
I growled and with everything I had learned, everything I had, every emotion I could possibly have, I flew at him. My wings were like the wind itself.
My claws sharpened, my teeth sharped, and I was moments away from reaching him.
I had grasped into sight that he was right there, and I went for it. We then simply touched, and it was like in slow motion.
He disappeared, and I began flying in mid air... Without control.
I crashed into the ground.
....I used everything I had, and so, I had nothing. I blacked out...
I remember waking up.
What I had realized when I blacked out was that it was time... It was time for me to lead them to Paradise. What was stopping me? That's right, nothing.
Talyn had healed me.
She healed everyone else, as well.
When she woke up, she was the least damaged, and she remembered what I taught her about healing and she did it!
I was so proud.
I was still in my wolf form when I had woken up, so I didn't really know what to do... Everyone looked well, definitely better than before.
"Shadow, you're awake!" Talyn and the others came over to me. They were all beaming... They were all so happy... I was glad...
They gave me some bacon that they had cooked, and I got my energy back.
I knew it was time...
They explained what had happened when I was blacked out. They said that they had set up the base, faught some zombies, and they just acted like the quirky family that we were.
All because of what I had taught them.
"You saved our lives!" Thomas beamed. Nate and Thomas both hugged me at the same time...
I felt so at home, but I also knew I had a pack to return to...
When everything gets too good, it usually has to end for me...
"I-I'm glad to hear t-that." Tears streamed down my face. It was time. I knew it. Why couldn't I leave them, though?
"W-What's wrong? D-Don't cry..."Nate comforted. I sighed..
"You don't get it, do you? Remember Paradise?" I asked them. They nodded, as they were still listening.
"You're the second Team Wolf. I have to lead you to Paradise... Our time ends now. We have to go." I told them, sadly.
Their eyes widened.
"W-Wait, right now? It can't end now." Joan said.
"Yeah, we want to stay here!" Thomas replied.
"N-No you don't. Please... I made a promise... I'm not going to break it." I looked at them, sadness in my eyes.
Nate sighed, "We have to do this for Shadow."
"Yep, we must do this for her." Matpat replied.
"Okay then, we're doing this for Shadow. One last adventure together. Go Team Wolf!" They all said.
The tears turned from sadness to happiness.
One last adventure, huh?
Sounds like a plan to me.
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