Chapter 30: A Protective Sister
Luna and Suhou watched as they were separated from the Cloaked man by a wall of fire. Luna could hear the Cloaked man shouting for them while Suhou froze, his eyes wide with fear, staring right at the burning wall of death in front of them.
Something shook the ground. A loud growl. Luna nearly fell off her feet when a dragon stomped its foot down. The dragon, the young one, was right behind her and Suhou.
Luna looked back and gasped in horror as the dragon opened its mouth to spew fire yet again. Acting solely on instinct, Luna grabbed Suhou and flew out of there!
~Hours Before~
Suhou sniffed as he hugged Luna tightly. His ears flattened against his head as he heard three individual growls come from outside. He hugged Luna tighter, even wrapping his tail around her waist and burying his face in her chest again.
Luna hugged Suhou back, whispering more reassuring things to him. She was trying her best to calm the boy down but it hardly did anything! He was just too scared!
The smell of cookies reached her nose. She looked up and saw a hand holding a cookie. "What's this?" Luna took the cookie in her hand, confusion written all over her face.
"It's a cookie. Give it to Suhou." The Cloaked man replied. The young Number jumped at his voice. She thought he was asleep thus whole entire time! When did he wake up!?
Without a question, Luna shook Suhou. When he didn't respond she waved the cookie near his head so the smell of it would reach his nose. It didn't smell it though probably because he face was in her chest.
When Suhou still didn't reach for the cookie, Luna rolled her eyes and just decided to just tell him about it. "Suhou, Master wants you to have this cookie." Suhou finally looked up and saw the cookie. He immediately took it and chomped down on it, devouring the whole thing in a matter of seconds.
Eating the cookie seemed to calm the young boy some. He sniffed again then turned his back to face the Cloaked man. "Da-daddy, when are we going home...?"
The Cloaked man sighed. "Hopefully soon, Suhou." He brought out another cookie and gave it to Suhou, who ate the cookie as fast as he could.
They spent about an hour in the cave when the growls and snarls and smashing stopped.
Suhou and Luna were all but excited to finally leave, but the Cloaked man would not have it so they waited once more much to the complaints of the two younger Numbers with him. After being locked up for a day in there, all they wanted to do was get out!
They waited for about an hour or two before the Cloaked man slowly removed the boulder. The reason he moved the boulder so slowly was because he wanted to make sure that the dragons were no longer around and so he and the two kids could adjust their eyes to the daylight from outside. Luna whined, paced around, even smacked her head on the wall of the cave as this process took forever!
The boulder was finally removed and Luna ran out of there! She spread and stretched her wings as far as she could. It felt so good to finally be out of that cramped cave! Fresh air filled her lungs, bird tweets surrounded her, and the warm sun cascaded down on her skin, heating the cold Number up.
Luna giggled, "Finally! We're finally out of-" her mouth was quickly covered by the Cloaked man's hand. She scowled and glared at the man, demanding an explanation with her eyes.
Said man rolled his eyes at the young girl. "Be quiet or you'll attract attention and bring the dragons back!" Luna huffed but complied nonetheless. She knew the Cloaked man was right but she wasn't going to admit that!
Luna and Suhou walked in front of the Cloaked man while they idly chit chat about trivial things.
"Hey, Suhou, why do you call Master 'Daddy'?"
Suhou smiled, "Because he saved me!"
"Saved you? Saved you from what?" Suhou's ears flattened against his head, a frown etched on his face. Luna noted that his tail even dropped to the floor when she asked her question.
A pang of guilt hit Luna, "Oh, I'm sorry... You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."
"I-it's okay..." Luna pursed her lips together into a hard line. She felt bad for making Suhou sad!
Said Number looked back to the Cloaked man for something to make Suhou feel better. He caught her look then beckoned her to walk over.
The Cloaked man brought out a container of cookies from his cloak and gave it to Luna. He then pointed to a nice, small patch of grass hidden from view by the trees. It was hard to see at first but Luna found it!
She looked to her Master with a confused look. "Go over there and stay with Suhou. I'll be walking around some more to make sure the dragons aren't here so you, Suhou, and I can go home."
"Why can't I go with you?"
"Knowing you, Luna, you'd just hold me back and cause me trouble."
Luna huffed, angered that her pride was damaged by little words. Hey, she's a Dark Number and they have giant egos! "Nuh-uh I wouldn't!" she defended.
"Yuh-huh you would." The Cloaked man countered nonchalantly, "Besides, this is the perfect opportunity for you and Suhou to get along and bond. Now, go on." he turned her around and gently pushed her towards the patch of grass.
Luna huffed but went nonetheless. As she walked she heard a conversation going on between her Master and Suhou. It sounded like Suhou didn't want to leave the Cloaked man butt no matter what he said, the Cloaked man insisted on Suhou going with Luna.
He must've succeeded for soon Suhou was right behind Luna.
The Cloaked man smiled as he watched the two walk off together. They were finally going to bond! Awww, that's so adorable!
Just as the Cloaked man turned his back the ear began to shake. A roar perked Suhou's ears up and he hugged Luna in fear, knowing very well what that roar belonged to.
"Shit! Luna, Suhou, Ru-!" just then a fireball came out of nowhere! The Cloaked man dodged in the heck of time before a wall of fire burst forth from the other direction the fireball came fron.
Luna's eyes widened and her jaw slacked. "The dragons!"
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Sup! :3 Sup? Suuuuuup!!! ^0^ I'm bored! Bored! Booooooooooored!!!!!
Why did I have to skip school? -_-
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