Chapter 14: Dreams and a Brother
Luna kneeled down next to Free and rubbed his back reassurringly. Free stopped rummaging through the pile of junk and sighed.
"Free, are you sure your dad left to build his dream dragon sanctuary?"
"Yes, I'm sure! Father... Father would never abandon me..." Free said.
He seemed to be upset, which made Luna sad. She didn't want to see him like this. Though Luna did not know him for long, Free seemed the type to be optimistic and happy.
Out of the corner of her eye, Luna spotted a strange-looking machine; it was a record player. She walked to the record player and poked it curiously. Nothing happened. When Luna noticed that a box of records stood by the record player, she picked one up and examined it.
What the heck is this...? She looked through the hole in the record and realized that it must have something to do with the strange machine before her. She looked at the record player, then at the record, then at the player.
She realized then the record goes on the record player! Luna smiled at her discoverey and did just that. She sat and waited for something to happen, nothing did. She began to think What the heck does this thing do?
Luna saw a crank, then a needle. "What if I..." She trailed off, placing the needle on the record, then turning the crank.
She stopped turning the crank. As soon as she did, music came from the horn or pavillion as it was called. It was an old song. Both Free and Luna jumped from the sudden noise.
You ain't nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time; you ain't nothing but a hound dog, crying all the time!
You ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine!
When they said you was high classed, well, that was just a lie!
When they said you was high classed, well, that was just a lie!
You ain't never caught a rabbit and you ain't no friend of mine!
Luna covered her ears "What the heck is this?!"
Free laughed, back to his old self "It's an old song by a human named Elvis. The song is called 'Hound dog' "
He got up from his spot and picked the needle off the record. The music immediately stopped.
Free looked out the window, then stretched. "Luna, let's get out of here. It's a new day and we should go sight seeing!"
Luna complied. She liked this place, despite the mess and the smell, but she wanted to go out and see what secrets the forest held! She'd never been this far from the cave and the wonders of well, everything, was calling her!
Free picked Luna up and flew down from the tree house. When the reached the ground, Luna jumped out of Free's arms and looked around, excited. Free saw that Luna had the biggest smile on her face since he met her. He laughed and took Luna's hand, guiding her through the forest.
Luna and Free ran through the forest, stopping every now and then when Luna had a question about a plant or rock or anything in the forest that brought questions to her mind.
After a while, they stopped at a river and sat down under the shade of a tree. Luna was skipping rocks when Free suddenly asked "Luna, do you have a dream?"
Luna stopped to turn to Free. By dream did he mean the one that occured when a person was alseep? If so, she did not have many. Her first dream, actually, was the one with the black figure and her having that strange conversation. After a while and some thought, Luna shook her head.
Free chuckled "Luna, do you even know what a dream is?"
Luna shook her head and replied with a simple no.
"Well, a dream is a wish that your heart makes." Free stated flatly. Apprently he thought that that simple sentence would explain what a dream was.
Luna planted her hands on her hips "That doesn't make sense, Free. Care to elaborate?"
"Well, a dream is something that you want to achieve in life. For example, my dad. His dream is to make a dragon sanctuary where dragons of all kinds will be safe and free to do whatever they want."
"Okay, but why is a dream a wish your heart makes?"
Free shrugged "It's hard to explain. It's like something that can't be explained through words, but feelings."
Luna was still confused as to what a dream was, but she didn't want to talk about it anymore. She simply nodded and went back to skipping rocks.
Free watched Luna throw the rocks. He watched as the ripples in the water widened after the rock hit it, then skipped onward. He was transfixed by this, thinking about what Nightmare said and about his father.
He then stood up and strecthed. "Luna, let's go explore some more!" Free smiled and ran off without Luna.
Luna dropped the rock currently held in her hand and ran after Free. She called for him to wait up, but Free only ran faster and faster with each word she said.
Luna tried to keep up with Free, but she wasn't the fast type. She had much more stamina, though, which eventually came out handy for soon Free tired himself out and slowed his pace.
Finally, she caught up with him. The two kids kept a steady pace, jogging alongside each other.
Abruptly, Free stopped dead in his tracks. He looked whipped his head around here and there; he was looking for something.
Luna realizd that Free wasn't running with her anymore. She stopped and turned to see Free looking every which way.
Free made a shushing sound and gestured for Luna to come over. She came and whispered to Free "What?"
"I hear something... Like a low rumbling sound..." Free whispered
Luna was confused at first, but when she took the time to listen to her surroundings, she finally heard it. About a few feet away came a low, rumbling sound. They both became alert and followed the sounds.
Step, rumble, step, rumble, step, rumble, step. Slowly and very quietly, they came up behind a large bush and hid themselves behind it. Free cleared some of the leaves out of the way.
What he saw nearly made him scream! Right before, literally right before him, like right in his face, was the tail of a dragon! It was swishing back and forth on the ground.
Luna looked through the hole and held her breath in. She looked past the dragon's tail. Her eyes went up along the dragon's body until they reached the dragon's head. The dragon was curled into a ball, facing them. Its eyes were closed and it seemed that it was sleeping.
"Luna, do you see that?" Free whispered
She numbly nodded. Just then the dragon opened its eyes. Luna and Free ducked under the bush and concealed themselves.
They laid there, waiting for something to happen. They heard the dragons yawn as it stretched, then it got up on its four legs and yawned some more.
"Come out. I know you're hiding there."
They froze underneath the bush, afraid to move. Scenarios started running through Luna's mind. After a moment of time, Free stood up and stared directly at the dragon. He was shaking, but tried to hide it, which he failed "W-we aren't afraid of you!"
The dragon's mouth twitched into a smile. He laughed at Free. Seeing him afraid and shaking amused him, but it only angered Free.
"Kekoa! What's going on here?" came the voice of a young boy. Luna's eyes widened. She knew this voice!
Kekoa turned to face to boy, who was hidden from sight because of the dragon's large body. "There is a pair of children hiding in those bushes over there."
"Kids, huh?" the boy came into view. It was Solaris. He wearing his cape and an apron, his hair tied in a high ponytail and a fake wooden sword was starpped to his side. "Come out!"
Luna huffed. Great. It's the Mama's boy
She got up and faced Solaris. Solaris gasped when he saw Luna, then his surprise turned anger "You! Where the hell have you been? Mom and Kaimana has been looking for you everywhere!"
Confused, Free looked from Luna to Solaris. "Do you guys know each other???"
Brother and sister rolled their eyes and nodded. "Who the heck are you, boy?" Solaris asked
"I'm Free!" he said proudly "I'm Luna's friend!"
Solaris scoffed, then gestured for them to come over. Reluctantly, they walked over to Solaris, Free staring at Kekoa the whole time, his mouth agape. Solaris then took them to the shack. It looked empty and no one was in there.
"Where's Mom?" Luna asked
Solaris gripped his fake sword and whacked the side of Luna's head with it. "Looking for your dumb ass. Because of you, Mom and Kaimana worked their butts off day in and day out looking for you. They got hurt real bad from searching while you were hanging out with your buddy over here."
Luna felt bad that Lana and Kaimana went through all that trouble for her. She growled in response to Solaris's whack on the head and glared at her brother. "What the heck was that for, cape boy?!"
"Nothing. I just felt like hitting you." Solaris smirked. He laid the sword down and made a mocking gesture for Luna to come. Luna fell for it and ran towards her brother.
Solaris raised his hands up, faking a battle position. At the last second, Solaris stepped aside and stuck out his leg, tripping Luna. Luna fell over and landed on her face.
She got up, frustration etched all over her face. Luna lunged at Solaris and managed to tackle him down. She then raised her fist and sent a volley of punches to Solaris's face. He merely dodged her punches, moving his head aside whenever Luna would deliver a punch.
"Stop fighting, you guys!" Free cried. He didn't like seeing people fighting, especially family. Why were they fighting?!
Kekoa, who was silent until now, gave off a warning growl. Luna and Solaris seemed to get the message, stopped, and kept some distance from one another.
Free sighed in relief Glad that's over...
"So, you gonna answer my question or are you going to be a bitch and ignore me? Solaris rudely asked as he picked up his wooden sword from the ground .
Luna scoffed and pointed at Free "I was hanging with him, cape boy."
Solaris rolled his eyes, then entered the shack. Kekoa nudged Luna and Free, gesturing for them to go inside.
They went inside and sat down at a new table. Solaris was standing in front of an old stove, mixing something inside a pot.
Luna and Free smelled the air. The smell was amazing! Neither of them had smelled something like this before.
Both their stomach growled, which Solaris heard. He looked at them, then gestured to a couple of bowls near the far end of the table. "Set the table up."
And they did. Luna didn't know how to set a table up, so Free helped her. He guided her and told her where to put the bowls, plates, utensils and other things. Once they were done, Free and Luna sat once again. They watched Solaris cook, who was chopping and mincing up some vegetables.
"Hey, where did you learn how to cook?" Free randomly asked Solaris
"I learned from my mom. She taught me everything I know about cooking." Solaris said, still chopping and mincing.
"Where's your mom?"
"Looking for Luna." Solaris began to feel a bit annoyed by Free. He liked that the boy was nice and could keep a conversation, but he was cooking right now! He needed to concentrate!
"But Luna is right here." Free stated, poking Luna's face with a straight face.
"Well, Mom doesn't know that."
Luna could tell that Solaris was getting annoyed, so she banged Free's head on the side. Free yelped in surprised and before he could ask Luna why she did that, she gave him a warning look that told him to shut up.
Free got the message and did just that, though he didn't like the silence. The air felt awkward and he wanted to talk some!
From outside, came a low growl from Kekoa; it sounded like he was greeting someone.
And that's the end my friends! :3 I hope you all enjoyed it very much!
Mahalos nui loa for reading, commenting, voting and all that what not! Have an awesome today!
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