Part 34 Lost
Aphmaus pov
I am sick of this boring base nothing has happened except me slapping Garroth which I enjoy!! I walked outside and...its snowing!!! I love walking in the snow. So that's exactly what I'm going to do. I walked for an hour and I didn't realise the wind picking up. Before I knew it, it was a full on blizzerd. I ran to a cave that I managed to see through the blistering winds. I went in and felt like I would pass out. I remember falling.
Garroths pov
Where is Aph?!? She left an hour ago in this blizzerd! I can't go out because there is no way in finding her. I wanted to go but the others held me back.
"We have to find her!"
"Garroth, listen we know you love her but there's no way we will find her in this weather" Laurence tried to calm me
"Its not fair! She thought I was dead and didn't even get to spend a day with me before she lost her memory!"
"We know just sit tight you know just as well as I do that she's too stubbern to die"
Aphmaus pov
Where am I? Last place I remember I was, was in that cave now I'm in this weird...place. the houses look strange and there are these weird moving things on the road instead of carriages. Theres a large building on a hill so I went there first. I knocked on the door and a preteen boy answered.
"I'm not your mother"
"You look exactly like my mom!"
"Levin whose at the door?" A man who looked exactly like Garroth came up to the door. Did he say this boys name was Levin?
"Aph? I thought you were in your office and...what're you wearing?"
"Who are you and how do you know my name?"
"Stay here." He turned and walked up the stairs soon returning with a woman who looks like me but is dressed stranged. "Do you know this lady?" The man asked the woman
"No...what's your name?"
"That's...my name" she invited me in and I explined how the last thing I remembered was passing out.
"Well welcome to Phoenix Drop my name is Garroth" he said with a hand out. I shook it and realised I must be in some alternite universe.
"I think I know what's going on...there's this man I know also named Garroth who looks exactly like you and sounds like you a little younger though. I think I'm in an alternate universe"
"That explains a lot...tell me...is there a little girl there named Hope?"
"Angel come here!" Garroth called. A little girl ran down with bleach blonde hair and cyan coloured eyes.
"Yes daddy?" She said and I couldnt help but smile. She was adorable. I'm guessing aphmau and garroth are married...that sounds disgusting even in my mind
"Aphmau this is our daughter Hope, Hope this is Aphmau"
"You look like mommy! But...you're dressed kinda weird!"
I laughed at her adorable confused face.
"Well where I come from you would be in a cute little dress and maybe have flowers in your hair I dress weird because of my job"
She giggled and poked Garroths face.
"Daddy can I play with the doggies?"
"Sure angel"
Hope ran off with a huge grin.
"She's adorable"
"Thank you, so, Aphmau, are you dating Garroth in your universe?" Aphmau asked
"No. He kissed me but I don't know why"
"So you said you lost your memory and you can't remember Garroth but everything else you can recall?"
"Exactly a man named Zane gave me a potion and Zoey says there is a purple liquid that makes the blood in my brain change how I'm thinking or something like that"
"Well how will you get back? To your universe I mean"
"I'm not sure"
"Well you are free to stay here until you get back."
"Thank you. Um if I dissapear don't worry its probably just me leaving I kind of just appeared here"
Garroths POV
The blizzered is calming slightly but still to bad to look for Aph. In my opinion I should just go but Laurence says all I'll do is die and leave Aph heartbroken. I just hope she's alright.
??? POV (Oooooh)
This blizzered is pretty bad! Good thing I'm used to the cold. Oh look a cave!
I entered the cave and there was a young woman passed out. Probably from the cold. I made a fire to try and warm her up...maybe she has wounds? Should I search her? Her face and arms look ok so I won't search. If she doesn't wake up then I will but for now she needs heat. Her hands and face are ice cold! Now to wait for her to wake up.
Aphmaus POV
I was sleeping when I felt someone bouncing on my bed. I open my eyes to see Hope.
"Wakey wakey eggs and bakey" she giggled. I sat up and tickled her because she woke me up.
"Why are you waking me up?"
"Breakfast time!" She pulled my finger (haha) and guided me down the stairs. In the kitchen Aphmau was cooking and Garroth wasnt even there. Also there were two preteens sitting and eating.
"Good morning Aphmau! These are my boys Levin and Malachi" Aphmau introduced us "boys this is Aphmau"
"I have a son named Levin also"
"Does anyone else feel cold?"
Then there was smoke and I was no longer in that universe.
I woke up in a cave and glance outside to see the blizzered still going full speed.
"You're awake!"
I hear a male voice say. I snap my head to see a young man looking happily at me.
"Uh...who are you?"
A/N Who is it? Do you know? Hahahahaha its not really a cliff hanger in ma opinion but whatever love you all❤
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