Part 24 The Escape
Aphmaus POV
I couldn't sleep because Zane had his arm on my waist and I was to busy cringing at him. Then a guard bursted in waking him up but I pretended to sleep.
"Sir there's a man downstairs we need all the guards its...him"
Zane gasped and ran downstairs. Who's...him? Whatever. I ran to Garroth's room and everyone was there.
"Ready?" He asked I nodded and we went out the window. We bolted to base luckily Garroth knew the way from O'Khasis. We got there and we all ran in. Logan told Donna and Zoey and they grabbed the babies while the rest of us got our stuff that was most important. We followed Garroth to a place about six miles away from the original. We got to the top of a waterfall and he pushed a boulder away and it revealed a staircase.
"Move!" He said and we went down the stairs. It opened to an underground place...it was...huge!
"I ran here when I escaped from marrying Nicole" he sighed
"Garroth this place is huge!" I gasped
"My great great grandfather raised his family here it was big I lived here until I was four"
"Was that because of the huge war that lasted generations?" I asked
"Yup we can stay here" we all got our own rooms and I had a room that had an extra for a baby and I used it for Levin. There was a knock at my door and there was Garroth.
"Hey! Thanks for this place its great! And not outdated!"I said. He laughed as he entered my room
"its no problem Zane doesn't know about this place because it was before he was born"
"So what do you need?"
Garroths pov
Now we're on the run from Zane how will we give money? How will we get food? What will happen? I started to tear up and when I sat on the bed Aph got worried. I placed my elbows on my knees and rested my head in my hands.
"Garroth whats wrong?" She asked placing a hand on my shoulder
"Its my fault you're in this mess"
"Don't blame yourself its-"
"My fault! I ran away, I fell for you, I left, I came back, and now its my fault we will always be in the run from Zane!"
"Garroth look at me" she said
"I can't look at you"
"Garroth" she said taking her hand to move my head. We were now looking into eachothers eyes and I was crying "you're looking at the negative, look at the positive! You found love, you're healthy, you might've ran away but so did Nicole so it means neither of you were willing to marry the other."
"Aph how can I look at the positive when we're all living in fear?"
"Who said we were scared? I'm not scared of some high priest who tried to marry me"
"I just feel so horrible"
"He hasn't met Laurence and Zenix Zoey or Donna so they can go into town, if needed I would put on a disgise. We won't go to anymore balls because they'll be held in O'Khasis or ScalesWind. If they're held in Phoenix Drop then that's great we'll go. Garroth we will always find a way and I'll always have faith." I gave out a sigh
"You make me so happy" I said
"Why were Laurence and Zenix so weird on the way here?"
"They were poisened and are now delerious"
Aphmaus POV
Great just what we needed two delirious morons!
"Wanna go check on them?" Garroth asked holding out his hand
"Sure" I said taking his hand. We walked to the new room for Zoey and knocked
"Oh! Aphmau Garroth come in" she answered
(Amnesia 5SOS) "I couldn't run from Zane so I hid under a rock, I have all of my friends and Aphmau should be dating Garroth. Sometimes I like to watch the ceiling turn colours, it hurts to know there's no pony's in the arctic circle" the rest was just mumbling from laurence. Geez he can at least sing good
"Aphmau is....and Garroth...because holding....wheres Donna?" I stared at Zenix he doesn't make any sense
"Zoey what's wrong with them?" I asked walking to Zenix
"HELP I need somebody HELP not just anybody HELP heeeeelp heeeeelp" (its by the beatles) I sighed at Laurence being stupid
"Um...they should be better in a couple days the poison was different then the one they shot Garroth with. The poison that they have makes them act like this for a week or two they should be fine by next week" she explained
"Garroth you were shot?" I asked looking at him
"Yea..." He said scratching the back of his neck
"Zoey I want you to check him please?" I asked and She nodded. I pulled Garroth to a bed
"Aph I'm fine"
"I want you to be checked if you really are fine if not then you can thank me later" I said he sighed and layed down and Zoey started right away. I sat in the chair between Zenix and Garroth. I sighed as Zoey gave him some medicine to make him sleep. His eyelids got heavy and he was looking at me as he fell asleep. Once he softly started snoring I turned to Zenix. He was asleep too but Zoey didn't give him medicine. Laurence was humming to himself I turned back to Garroth and placed a hand on his cheek. I smiled weakly and watched his chest move up and down in a slow steady pattern. Zoey had left so I was the only one awake and not delirious. I got up and leaned over Garroth. I placed my lips on his softly and pulled away.
"I still love you" I whispered as I pulled away. I walked out of the room and slowly went to my new one.
Garroths POV
I was standing in a room. It was bright yet dark at the same time. I walked through the only door there. I walked through and there was a purple and green room. I sat on the couch and there was a screen like thing on the wall. I looked at it and it started playing...memories?
"A man who doesn't talk is an unhonourable one!" Aph and I were fighting. Next it played me seeing a lady shooting arrows. It was Aph when I met her without her uniform for the first time. Then it showed me something I've never seen before. There was a huge area of ashes and Aph went with the other guys to look around. Dale and Zenix left but Laurence and Aph stayed. They searched for an hour or two and Laurence found my sword. He called Aph over and she started to cry...for five days she didn't move she only cried. On the sixth day she went to the blossom tree. She watched as a blossom turned fully pink. That's when I came up and we started hugging and kissing. The screen continued to play memories of Aph and I. It was nice seeing them all and remembering every little detail. I kept hearing someone whisper "I love you"
I opened my eyelids...so that was...a dream? I could feel though! I felt hurt, happy, sad, in love...woah Zoey is right
There doing medical treatment on my neck where I was shot.
"Oh Garroth you're awake!" She said and smiled "good news is you're completely fine the bad news is..." She trailed off
"What's the bad news?"
"Zenix fell asleep without medicine. You were asleep for a day or two but that was meant to happen but Zenix...should've woken up by now and I'm worried" she said in barley a whisper. My eyes widened and I ran over to Zenix. He was breathing and everything seemed normal he just wasn't waking up...he's in a coma!
A/N HEYO wassup?And I have a question how was your day? I want to know I really am interested to see how all my readers are doing and if anyone wants to talk about anything I want you guys to know that I'm always here and you can private message me if you ever wanna talk I won't turn away because I love you all❤❤❤❤❤
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