Elrond, Elladan, and Elrohir ran through the woods.. The Orcs were large and so was their trail. They were easily led along, but soon the trail split. A large group headed south and a smaller group headed north. The three tried to figure out which way they should go.
"I'll take Elrohir and we will go south," Elrond decided. "Elladan, you follow the smaller group. If they have Legolas, you'll be able to defeat them easily. If Elrohir and I find him, you will be able to quickly reach us by yourself."
"How will we alert each other?" Elladan asked.
"Contact me through our bond, or I will contact you."
"Go, now. We do not want to let them cause him harm," Elrond urged.
"Vanya sulie {Fair winds}!" Elladan called as he rushed down the trail.
"Vanya sulie {Fair winds}!" Elrohir and Elrond called back as they headed down their trail.
Elladan rushed down his path and came upon a cave. It was nearly dark, and he hurried to investigate. However, as soon and he poked his head into the cave, about ten Orcs spotted him and he was captured.
Adar {Father}! I need your help! Elladan called through the bond. I know not if Legolas is here, but the Orcs are. And they have me! They're in a cave.
Hold on, ion-nin {my son}! Elrond replied. We are on our way!
The Orcs threw Elladan into a cell - really a crevice in the rock they'd fashioned a door for - and locked the door. He saw nothing but blackness, and was utterly alone.
A/N I know, I know. Short chapter. It gets better next week, I promise.
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