Elladan was ready to strangle the Elf in front of him. He loved Erestor dearly, but he hated trying to plan things with his father's advisor. With Erestor, everything had to be grand and perfect, especially for a royal bonding. It was too much for him to handle.
"Seriously now, Elladan," Erestor began again, "what kind of theme are you two looking for?"
"Something simple; green and silver will be just fine," Elladan said for the fifth time.
"AUGH!" Erestor cried, throwing his arms into the air. "No! It's a royal bonding ceremony, Elladan! It's got to be more than that."
"Erestor," Legolas interjected, "we want something simple. Nothing big or extravagant, please. But - don't, Elladan - if it has to be big, it will be silver and green, and it will be a small, personal reception afterward. Or, we could have a small private ceremony and a large reception with all the residents afterwards. What say you?"
Erestor frowned, "Fine. A simple wedding. Everyone will want to be at the reception. Your family is coming, right, Legolas?"
"Yes," Legolas answered, grinning from ear-to-ear.
This would be the first time he would see his family in almost a year. Erestor left Legolas' and Elladan's chambers to start the preparations for the bonding ceremony. Legolas and Elladan lay down on the sofa together. Elladan kissed the crown of Legolas head and sighed contentedly.
"I never thought it would be like this melethen {my love}," Elladan murmured.
"Nor did I," Legolas breathed, relaxing into Elladan's chest. He turned his head up and planted a small kiss to Elladan's cheek.
They both dozed off after a moment, and slept for the next hour or so. Elladan was awakened when he heard a knock at the door. He didn't want to wake Legolas by calling out or getting up, so he simply knocked on the wall, knowing that if it was anyone in his family or one of the lords, they would know to come in - quietly.
Elrohir entered, smiling, and said, "You didn't need to do that. I was calling you for lunch. You'll need to wake him up anyway."
Elladan looked down at Legolas, "No, I still don't want to wake him. It's been stressful the past week or so. We've been busy. Could you have our lunch brought up? Tell them to come in quietly and just leave the tray. Saes {Please}, Elrohir?"
Elrohir laughed lightly, "Of course."
Once their lunch had been brought up, Elladan gently woke Legolas up. It took a bit of time, but the younger Elf finally sat up.
"Mani naa ta {What it it}?" Legolas asked, rubbing sleep from his eyes.
"Lunch, meleth {love}, I had lunch brought to our room."
They ate and then hurried to a meeting with Lindir to discuss music for the ceremony and the reception. They chose a few Elvish hymns and a love song for the ceremony, leaving Lindir do do what he saw fit for music at the reception. Then they retired to their chambers to put together a final guest list.
"Do you have anyone that you want to specially invite, Legolas?" Elladan asked.
"You forgot my Naneth {Mother}."
"Sorry. Anyone else?"
"Um, how about my friends Celoril, Vund, and Lómarandil?"
"Any more?"
Elladan was a little shocked. He'd thought that his social butterfly would have more special friends that he would want to come. Elladan added his two closest friends to the list. He had more, but these two had been like brothers to him since they were elflings.
"Want me to read it back to you, Legolas?"
"Yes, please."
"Elrond, Thranduil, Elrohir, Arwen, Estel, Glorfindel, Erestor, Lindir, Gilowien, Celoril, Vund, Lómarandil, Eärithranduil, and Elraramir. Is that alright?"
Legolas smiled, "It's perfect."
They sanded the ink and left it on the desk before retiring to their bedchamber where they lay next to each other until it was time for them to go to dinner.
YYYYAAAAYYYY!!!! THE BONDING CEREMONY IS NEXT!!! *calms self and slows breathing* Okay, so I am so excited for the next chapter. I'm also excited for the little curve ball I'll throw at you all, soon. MWAHAHAHAHA! I love you guys, and I'll keep you guessing. But if you want to make guesses, please do down in the comments. I would love that. Love you all! See you next chapter!!! <3<3<3
Thank you to Dess_Basilisk for being the first to comment on the last chapter!
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