I Love You
When Legolas awoke, he was confused. He knew he was lying on a bed, but he didn't remember leaving the Orcs' cave. He began to panic. He couldn't see where he was, and he had no idea if he was in friendly company. That's when he heard a voice.
"Legolas?" the voice called softly. "Are you awake?"
"Wh-who is there?" Legolas replied.
Legolas felt the bed dip as someone laid down next to him.
"It is Elladan, you are in Rivendell," Elladan said, wrapping his arms around Legolas.
"Elladan..." Legolas whispered, and then clutched at the other Elf's tunic. "Oh, Elladan! I'm so sorry! This is all my fault! I shouldn't have let your horse out, and I shouldn't have run! I led you on a wild goose chase! I'm so, so sorry! Can you forgive me?"
Elladan's heart broke at the younger Elf's plea. He tightened his hold on Legolas, slightly though, as to not hurt the blonde's wounds.
"Legolas, it is I who should be asking forgiveness. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I shouldn't have blamed you for her death. I should've been more careful approaching the Orcs' cave. And I should have told you. I should have told you everything. But I didn't."
Legolas turned his face up, though he couldn't find Elladan's eyes, and asked, "Tell me what?"
Elladan looked down at the face of the Wood Elf in his arms. Legolas looked so helpless: his eyes unfocused and hazy, his face pale and gaunt, and his glow faded. He had to tell him.
"I - I love you, Legolas," Elladan whispered.
Legolas eyes grew wide and Elladan feared that he'd ruined his chances. But then Legolas pushed his head forward and kissed Elladan on his lips. He brought up a hand and cupped the dark-haired Elf's cheek. Elladan started, but then held Legolas closer. Legolas pulled back and rested his forehead on Elladan's chest.
"I thought I was the only one," Legolas said.
"I know. You made it pretty obvious. I was afraid I had lost you when I yelled. And I was even more afraid in the Orcs' cave. I'm sorry, Legolas."
"I forgive you. I just wish I could see you; see the love in your eyes. I'm afraid I'll never see it. I'm afraid I'll forget your face."
"Just remember Elrohir, and you'll have me, too," Elladan joked.
Legolas chuckled lightly and then relaxed into Elladan's arms. They fell asleep like that, both in need for energy; Legolas from the physical strain, and Elladan from his emotional strain. But both had pleasant dreams about each other, and slept like that for most of the day.
A/N I feel bad about the upcoming chapters. I mean, we all know there's gonna be some Legolas angst and such. Until next post! And thank you again, Elise_LOVES_Hobbits, for being the first to comment!
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