Getting Along?
Elrond went to Legolas' room the next morning to retrieve him. He hadn't shown up for breakfast and those who had arrived on time were wondering where he was – all except Elladan.
"If he doesn't want to come down for breakfast then let him be," Elladan had said.
Elrohir had promptly punched his brother in the arm.
Elrond knocked on Legolas' door. Silence. He knocked again. Nothing. He knocked a third time. No answer. Elrond finally just opened the door. Legolas was nowhere to be seen. He was not in the bed, not in the washroom, not on the balcony, and he wasn't hiding in the closet or under the bed. Elrond walked down the hall to return to the dining hall. Elladan, Elrohir, Glorfindel, Erestor, and Lindir had also gone looking for the prince. Well, Elrohir had dragged Elladan away with him. Suddenly, Elrond felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned and there was Lindir.
"Have you found him, Lindir?" Elrond asked.
"Glorfindel did, my Lord. But he sent me to find you. There is problem."
Elrond quickly followed Lindir to the library. Once they reached the door they heard shouting. Elrond quickly, but quietly, opened the door and what he saw clawed at his heart. Elladan, being restrained by Elrohir, was screaming insults at Legolas, who was clinging to Glorfindel and hiding his face in the blonde warrior's chest. Elrond quickly stepped between the two pairs. Elladan stopped screaming and stood straighter. Elrond turned around and put a hand on Legolas' back.
Legolas' head shot up and his tear-stained face met Elrond's eyes. The shock was apparent on the Elf Lord's face. Legolas buried his face back in Glorfindel's tunic. Elrond looked up at Glorfindel. Glorfindel's eyes held a mixture of sadness and anger. Elrond motioned to the doorway with his eyes and Glorfindel nodded. He tried to lead Legolas out of the room, but the prince stumbled and fell to his knees, sobbing. Glorfindel took Legolas into his arms and carried him out of the room, Lindir close behind them. Elrond turned to his sons, anger flaring in his eyes.
"What happened here?" Elrond asked in a very controlled voice.
"We saw Lord Glorfindel in here talking to someone, so we came in," Elrohir explained.
"Legolas was in here?" Elrond pressed.
"Yes," Elrohir confirmed. "He had..."
"Fallen asleep!" Elladan interrupted. "And on your desk!"
"Daro {Stop}, Elladan! It is not my desk. I use it most often, yes. But it is for whomever is in the library. Why did you see it necessary to scream at him?"
"I – I... he... um..." Elladan stuttered.
"Elladan! I do not want you finding random excuses to be rude to Legolas. It's quite obvious that he at least want to be friends. Will you at least give him a chance?"
"Yes, Adar {Father}."
Elrond left the room to attend to his duties. Elladan and Elrohir just stood there for a while. Finally Elrohir left in search of his blonde friend. He went to Legolas' room and saw the prince sobbing with his head in an elleth's {female Elf's} lap. Not just any elleth – Arwen! She had returned from Lorien that morning. He'd forgotten she was coming. Elrohir rushed over to the couch. He quickly kissed his sister on her cheek and then knelt in front of her so that he was level with Legolas. He began to stroke the Wood Elf's hair. Legolas calmed after a few minutes. Arwen bent down and kissed Legolas' head and sat him up, letting him lean on her. Elrohir took one of Legolas' hands in his own.
"Legolas, will you be alright?" Elrohir asked.
Legolas shrugged.
"If you do not mind me asking," Arwen began, "what did he say to you?"
"I don't want to repeat all of that," Legolas replied, hoarsely.
"Tell me one thing – the least offensive that he said."
Legolas thought a moment. "He said, 'Lle naa ernil e' nausalle {You are a prince in your imagination}'."
Arwen and Elrohir were taken aback. That was quite a serious thing to say to a prince. Legolas began to think of all the other thing Elladan said to him and his eyes began to tear up. He sniffed once before the dam broke and he began sobbing again. Elrohir caught Legolas as he pitched forward and Arwen stroked his hair as he cried.
Elladan had decided that he really didn't need to blow up at Legolas that way. He was really just looking for something to blame the Elf for. If this was to any sort of decent arrangement, he had to get over his prejudice and apologize. But as he made his way to Legolas' room he heard sobbing. When he peeked into the door he saw Legolas sobbing in Elrohir's arms and Arwen stroking his hair and back. He backed away, figuring that this wasn't the best time to interrupt, but a voice stopped him.
"Come in, Elladan," Arwen's voice said.
The sobbing stopped and Elladan heard a struggle. As he entered the room, he saw Legolas trying to break away from Elrohir, who was holding him tight. Elladan slowly approached and Legolas stopped struggling, falling back into Elrohir and sobbing some more. As much as he might not like Woodland Elves, it hurt him to see an Elf in such a low state; it hurt him even more to know that he caused the pain. He sat next to his brother and pulled Legolas into his arms. Legolas didn't offer any resistance. He melted into Elladan's arms as he had Elrohir's. He sobbed into Elladan's shoulder. All Legolas wanted now was comfort, no matter who it came from.
"It's okay, Legolas," Elladan murmured into the blonde's ear. "I shouldn't have yelled at you. I had no reason to. I'm sorry. Shh. It's okay."
Legolas soon calmed enough to make a full sentence, "I forgive you, Elladan."
The four Elves sat there a while. Legolas took Elladan's hand in his own while they sat. Elladan was startled by the sudden touch. But – seeing Legolas' melancholy face – he allowed it. They sat there for a while before a servant came to call them back down for breakfast. Elrohir helped Legolas stand and hugged his young friend. Arwen hugged Legolas as well - kissed his cheek - and they all turned to Elladan.
"I'm not a hugger," Elladan said. "I apologized for my behavior earlier. But do not expect any more affection from me.
And with that, Elladan turned on his heel and left to go down to breakfast. Legolas felt his heart drop back into his stomach. Would Elladan hate him forever?
"Do not worry, Legolas," Arwen said, placing her hand on her friends shoulder. "He'll come around. We just need to give him some time."
Legolas nodded, but he wondered if Elladan and he would ever get along. If not, this bonding would never work. They would both live in misery to the end of their immortal days.
A/N Well, we all know what immortal means. Okay, so the picture sort of illustrates -- for me -- how Elladan feels towards Wood Elves, even though the picture is of Thranduil. Comment and vote for an update. Sorry it took so long this last time.
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