A Begetting Day
Legolas woke up when he felt the sun touch his face. His eyes came into focus and he blinked. He rolled over and looked at the twin bed next to his. Elladan was still asleep. Elrond had made this arrangement a month ago. If Legolas and Elladan would be sharing a bed in a few months, they should at least get used to sharing a room. Legolas rose from his bed and changed into day clothes. He quietly went into the washroom and washed his face. When he came out, Elladan was sitting up in his bed. Legolas sat on the opposite side of the bed and leaned so his back touched Elladan's.
"'Quel amrun, heruamin {Good morning, my lord (informal)}," Legolas said.
"'Quel amrun, ernilin {Good morning, my prince}," Elladan replied, getting up off the bed, letting Legolas flop backwards onto the mattress.
"Are you feeling well, heruamin {my lord (informal)} Legolas asked, not moving from where he'd been dropped. "Your mood seems a little dark this morning. Have you awoken on the wrong side of your bed?"
Elladan turned and shot a glare at Legolas, which the blonde Elf didn't see because he was busy staring up at the ceiling. Elladan sighed, "No. I am fine. I am just tired."
Legolas sat up, "But Elves to not tire. Are you well?"
Elladan spun on his heel and looked angrily at Legolas, which frightened the blonde a bit.
"I am only half-Elven, ernilin {my prince}," Elladan said through clenched teeth. "I am susceptible to some human conditions. While I do not tire easily, I can still feel groggy in the mornings. It has been a month. Have you not noticed?"
"No," Legolas answered truthfully. "You are always up and gone before I even wake up. Why the change? Is it because you came to bed late last night? What kept you?"
"Enough questions!" Elladan snapped, making Legolas flinch. Elladan sighed, "I'm sorry, Legolas. I didn't mean to snap at you. I was up late talking with my brother, father, and the other lords. That is why I am so tired."
Legolas nodded and lowered his head, "I am sorry, Elladan. I did not mean to upset you."
Elladan sighed, approached the bed, and sat next to Legolas, who didn't look up. Elladan placed his hand under Legolas chin and gently raised the blonde's head. He pressed his lips to the prince's forehead and then made eye contact with him.
"You need not apologize Legolas. It's in your nature to ask questions. I should not get so upset with you. It will be difficult being forced to be bonded, but it will be worse if I keep getting angry at you so easily."
"It's alright Elladan. It is in your nature to become easily annoyed with me," Legolas replied, teasingly.
Elladan laughed quietly and proceeded to dress. When Elladan was ready, both Elves went down to breakfast. When they arrived, they saw that the table was lavishly set with all sorts of lovely breakfast cakes and fruits. Sweet strawberry wine was poured into the glasses, and there was also red wine should anyone want anything a bit stronger. Elrond, Elrohir, and Arwen were already in the room with Lords Glorfindel, Lindir, and Erestor. Legolas stared with wide eyes, and his mouth hanging open slightly.
"Wh- what is this?" Legolas stammered.
"This, ernilin {my prince}, is a breakfast in honour of your begetting day," Elrond said, leading Legolas to his seat. "You turn your majority today."
That hit both Legolas and Elladan like a slap in the face. They realized that their bonding ceremony could be planned any day now. They would we bonded soon. Elladan looked at Legolas. The blonde was frozen, staring at his plate. Elrohir walked over and placed his hand on Legolas' shoulder. The blonde jumped a little in his seat at the contact.
"Are you alright, mellon nin {my friend}?" Elrohir asked.
"I am fine," Legolas answered. "I'm merely thinking over what the next few months could hold for me."
Elladan stared at the prince. What could the next few months hold for them? Wedding plans, busy days, late evenings, gifts of all sorts from all sorts of people that they may or may not know, fittings, meetings with planners, and plenty of arguments between the two – he was sure. He sat next to his betrothed and they all began to eat. Legolas was unusually quiet during the meal, and so was everyone else. When they were all finished eating, the twins and Arwen took Legolas out into the forest and they played in the trees all day, having brought their lunch with them.
That evening, when they returned after cleaning up, they saw that the Hall of Fire was grandly decorated and filled with Elves. Legolas breath caught in his throat. He couldn't believe that they would do this for his begetting day. It was wonderful. Everyone ate and drank to their hearts desire. Finally, the musicians – led by Lindir – began to play. The four friends watched everyone dance for a while before Elrohir pulled Legolas onto the dance floor and they danced together. Glorfindel then danced with Legolas, and then Erestor. Finally, Legolas had to rest his feet. He sat with Arwen and talked with her for a while. Elladan finally walked over to his sister and his betrothed. He took Legolas' hand.
"Would you like to dance?" Elladan asked.
Legolas smiled and stood. He and Elladan danced together for a good while before Legolas had to stop. The song that was playing was very romantic and Legolas felt himself looking at Elladan in a way he never thought he would before. The raven-haired ellon {male elf} looked absolutely beautiful in the firelight. His brown eyes looked black in the evening light, and Legolas thought they looked amazing when the fire was reflected in them. He suddenly became aware of the blush creeping up his cheeks and told Elladan that he was tired and wished to stop dancing. They went to sit with Arwen and Elrohir. They sat and talked for another hour before Elrohir noticed that Legolas was beginning to look tired – fatigued, even. He voiced his concern and Elladan decided to take Legolas up to their room, teasing him about Elves not getting tired, to which Legolas replied that he'd had a stressing day, and when an Elf's mind was stressed and tired their body would be as well.
Legolas really was quite tired, though, and wobbled down the hallways. Elladan put an arm around Legolas' waist to support him. When they reached their room, Legolas was half asleep. Elladan laid the blonde down on the bed and kissed his cheek as a farewell. Legolas felt his face flush, and was glad that it was dark and Elladan couldn't see him. He heard Elladan leave, but instead of immediately getting to sleep he began to think. Why was he suddenly feeling this way toward Elladan? Was it because they'd spent so much time together? Was it because of the way he looked in the dim light just then? So it was a spur-of-the-moment reaction?
Legolas couldn't answer any of these questions. But he was determined to find out what was wrong with him. He would probably end up broken-hearted if he confessed. Elladan had made it quite clear that he wouldn't ever love the prince. This thought made Legolas' stomach churn as he fell into an uneasy sleep.
A/N Hi, guys. So, my plan was to post a new chapter every week. But because of Spring Break I'll have to post again in two weeks. It is needed, I assure you, because this next chapter will have some stuff going on that I have to figure out the best way I can write it. Also, the pic doesn't quite illustrate the story, but it's Elves partying and I thought it was funny. Tell me what you think of it in the comments. LOVE YOU GUYS THANK YOU FOR READING!!
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