Chapter 3
You bit your tongue to keep yourself from screaming, forcing yourself to look away and press against the tree trunk. Your heart hammered against your chest, threatening to break out. Was Chara shot? Thankfully, it didn't seem like it as the noise of scuffling grew louder, along with yells, slashes of the knives and grunts of pain. "We need to help that idiot and get out of here!" You hissed, and you were given nods in agreement before emerging from your cover.
You gathered up as much power as you could, readying it to be used. You immediately made an shield which took a portion of the limit you can gather oh so quickly, shielding yourself and the sans from the oncoming bullets. You found Chara fighting with a couple soldiers, and bones punctured into their legs, wounding them and pinning them down but not killing them. You immediately grabbed Chara with your magic and dragged him behind your shield quickly before the other soldiers took advantage of his sudden pause. "What in the world were you thinking?!" You yelled at him, clearly mad. You grunted as a rocket was shot at you, the impact of it hitting your shield sent you flying back, your shield faded away into little sparks that faded away as your concentration broke by the pain. You looked down at the hand you used to bring up the shield, it had a bruise, but nothing more; it seems the shield took most of the impact.
You glanced up, and saw a figure in the dust that was kicked up by the impact of the rocket, and another figure appeared beside it. The general and another guy his age appeared from the dust. The teen who shoot the rocket had an arrogant smirk plastered on his facial expression, while the general was stoic. You got onto your feet, glancing over at the sans and Chara who were a bit far from you. "Y/N! WATCH OUT!" Yelled Neko, and you turned around to see the general running towards you, an sword in his hands. He leapt at you, and you gasped, hastily concentrating power into your bruised right hand. Your eyes widened as he was closer to you, everything felt like it was going slow for you. You were gonna die, you thought, panicking. 'I won't form it in time!-' Your thoughts were caught off as you noticed an flurry of blue quickly passing by you, barreling into the general. Who was that?..
Third person POV back at the cabin...
"WE NEED TO FOLLOW AFTER THEM!" Roared Fell sans, as he was held back by Fresh sans and Underswap sans, who glanced over at the other sans for an opinion, but they all turned to original sans. Original sans was still at the door, his right hand still raised, black overshadowing his eyes sockets. "Hey look! They're there already!.." Someone yelled, and everyone turned to the Tv, mutters of horror broke out. Apparently the news people were hiding to get their "juicy content" for their viewers, but they didn't care about that. There was Y/N, on the ground, completely vulnerable. Genos, Neko And Chara were too far away to get to her.
The dust was clearing up, and they saw two figures appear. One of them, the general, unsheathed a sword, and ran towards Y/N, and leapt at her, raising his sword. The sans went into a frenzy. Some of them were sobbing, some of them punching the wall, and some, like the original, Fell, ink, nightmare, and error teleported away to the scene. They will not accept this!
Back to Y/N's POV
You almost expected it to be Sans. But it wasn't a skeleton.. The teenager had a sword made out of bones, his right eye glowing blue just like sans.. Just human. His silver hair glistened in the sunlight, and you watched, wide eyed as their swords clashed together. "Y/N!" You turned to see Neko sans, Geno sans, And Chara running to you, with ink sans, original sans, error sans, and nightmare sans appearing right beside them, surveying their surroundings, then their white pupils landing on you.
"Are you alright?" Genos asked, holding out his hand, you taking his hand, and helped you up. You nodded, then noticed as he was about to glance at your right hand, and immediately pulled it away, hiding it behind your back. "Y/N, what was that for?" He asked, cocking his head to the side in suspicion. "Nothing- where did he come from?.." You asked, glancing over to the human sans who was battling the general. "Not sure exactly. He must've ended up here and stayed in the forest for a while, by the looks of it. See? His hair is a bet messed up, and his jacket looks a little scruffy, sure is difficult to survive in the wild when you were just taken from your home." "Well he seems like he changed gears and adjusted pretty quickly." You muttered.
The human sans held his sword against the general's sword, then kicked the General in the abdomen harshly, making the general back away and drop his sword, grunting in pain as he clutched his abdomen. Human sans then turned and ran over to the group, "We gotta go! It's not safe to stay!" He said. "That, I cannot disagree with." You said. The sans teleported away, and human sans held out his hand. "May I?" "Of course." You smiled, and grabbed his hand, and you both teleported away to the cabin.
General Lunar's POV
"No!!" He roared as they teleported. "Darn that teenager! If he didn't get in the way, I would've gotten her!" He hissed, and whipped around as he heard footsteps from behind. "Ah, Kale.. Why the hell did you not get that teenager off my back? I haven't seen you fight ever since the dust cleared up!" He said, starting with a soft mocking tone, and the next a roar. The man known as Kale raised his hands as if to say "calm down buddy" yet a grin was still in his face. Oh would he like to punch that stupid smile off that face!
"I don't do close combat, sir. Remember our deal? I do my part, and you do the rest. Killing the teenager was not apart of that deal." He said. "Anyways, why kill the girl? She could be some use to us-" "Are sparing her because of your mannerisms? Or is it that you like her, Kale?" Lunar hissed, his eye twitching in irritation. "Now now, Lunar. You know I have never seen her in my life, of course I don't like her; and no it's not out of manners. Think man!" "Address me as your general when on the battle field Kale. We may be best friends, but here, I'm the general, and you're the one of the hired tech militants." He said, brushing his fingers through his hair and sighing.
Kale blowed an piece of his purple hair (same color as shinso's, the brain wash quirk user from bnha, hair) from his pale face. "Let's get back to our temporary base."
Your POV
You and human sans appeared into the cabin, relief shown on your face. You noticed tension in the atmosphere, and glanced over at the other sans, who were staring at you and the teen beside you. You blinked, then looked at your entwined hands, then blushed and let go, jumping away from him. "Ah s-sorry!" You cried, your face flushing in embarrassment. "It's quite alright. By the way, who are these skeletons?" He asked, eyeing them warily. "Why they are you, from different universes that is.." "WHAT?!"
Alright I had to cut this a bit short since it's basically midnight for me, and I need sleep.. badly. I'll see if I have any motivation to write more tomorrow. Cya guys!
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