Chapter 1
You stepped through where the barrier used to be, the sounds of chirping appeared, and a small, soft breeze brushed against you. You listened as the other skeletons followed after cautiously, but also in a hushed manner. Gasps and mutters of Awe and wonder sounded from them, as you looked around. You could catch sight of the city that you used to live in. You all descended down the slope of the mountain, to the ground. From there, you looked up to see a seemingly large forest in front of you.
At this moment, you finally heard a buzzing in your ITEMS pocket, and got out your phone, which still seemed a bit broken on the screen from the fight, but still working. It made this pulsing sound, and when you tried logging into the phone, it said "Location found, calling for help
Help found. You looked up in surprise and horror at the realization of what this meant. You threw down the phone, and smashed it with your right foot. "We have to move quickly." You said, glancing over at the sky, and your surroundings warily. "The moment the phone detected we were on the surface, it called out to the government." The others winced, and adavanced forwards quickly to get by your side as you suddenly started moving forward, desperate to exit this area right now.
The last thing this group needs is humans. Not when the ragged group just came from a battlefield full of violence, no. After what seemed like hours, you finally stopped and plopped down onto the ground, taking deep breaths to catch your breath. "Man, its like an never ending forest, yo!" Fresh called out. We cringed at the use of grammar fresh uses, but said nothing about it. Now is not the time to be grammar police.
You listened carefully as you trekked through the undergrowth, ducking low when you started to hear an faint whirring sound that was growing louder by the minute. "Duck." You whispered to the others hurriedly but as quietly as you can, and their expressions contorted into confusion as they heard the whirring sound, but ducked anyway. You hid in the undergrowth, holding in your breath in fear, waiting until the sound grew quiet again. "They sure are fast." Sans muttered. "Must've just been a nearby patrol that was given the news." You said. But that wasn't reassuring anyway, it could mean there was other patrols out there. "Where there's one, there's more." You hissed, almost disgusted by the thought of the government, and moved forward in a crawl. "Keep to all fours, We don't want to be caught." Even though they were silent, you could notice the moment of agreement from the skeletons following after you. You all stopped and waited hoping the whirring sound would fade.....
Only, it grew. You held your breath, closing your eyes and clutching your fists tightly. 'Go away go away go away.. Please..' you thought to yourself, but nothing answered to your wishes. They heard a thump near them, and the whirring sound calming down. Your eyes shot open. This wasn't good. You dropped onto your abdomen on the floor immediately, and the sans copied, relying on your stealth instincts. You could hear your own heartbeat, you swear it was so loud, it could attract the enemies nearby. Tears formed in your eyes, but you blinked them away. "Sir." She could hear what seemed to be lower ranked soldiers addressing a higher rank. You could imagine the nodding of the higher rank, their right hand over their left hand in the back, head held high.. And to top it all of, an power stance, greed and pride glittering in the higher-up's eyes. You cringed at the image, and shook your head. "Send squadron 14 to quadrant- O-oh, General Lunar!" Another voice cried out, and you could hear the thudding of the soldiers' boots. It's either an commander or sergeant, you weren't sure, after all you didn't really know much about which military rank was higher than whichever rank.
You decided not to gawk there for any longer. If this guy was a general, then it's dangerous to linger here. "Come on." You whispered behind you, and rose to your feet. You'd rather run than crawl. The others followed, and you waited for a bit until you started jogging, making sure you didn't step on anything that will make noise. Until that is Fresh sans accidentally stepped on a twig. Oh don't forget the "Shi-noodles!" You widened your eyes. "What was that?" "Run." You commanded, glaring at fresh sans, who rose his hands in apology. No times for apologizes. You set off into a sprint, taking deep breaths in and out. "After them!" You could hear the jagged breathing of yourself and the other sans. "You guys can teleport, I can handle running to the location myself." You barked to them. "But Y/N! I am not going to leave you here!" Blue sans whimpered, and the others agreed. "Just do it! It'll be harder with a larger group. Imagine a cabin by a stream, with grass and trees surrounding it! I can look after myself. All of you are getting too exhausted to where you can't teleport more than person, including yourself." You said. "I'll stay with Y/N." You heard a familiar voice, and saw Chara sprinting over to your side to keep at pace with you. "F-fine.. Now go!" You hissed, and the sans hesitantly teleported away. Finally, you could make out the soldiers' footsteps behind the pair of you. You made an hand gesture to chara as in to say, "follow." And chara obliged. You started climbing the nearest tree and got onto a branch, shooting out your arms from your side as if you were on a balance beam, wincing as you felt like you were gonna fall. Breathing in and out, you leapt over to an nearer branch, grabbing the edge of the thick branch with your hands, and pulled yourself up. You continued on, Chara right behind you, although you stumbled and didn't gracefully move tree to tree, at least you could hinder the soldiers from behind.
After what seemed like an hour, you found the noise of footsteps of the soldiers gone, thankfully. You and chara were gulping in breaths of air, your abdomen was cramping so much, you felt like you were gonna puke. Groaning, you clutched your shirt. You looked up to see the small familiar clearing with the cabin. "A-almost there.." You wheezed out, and the both of you staggered over to the cabin. You saw Blue sans and Reaper sans running out from the cabin, towards you and chara. You could see little black dots appear in your vision. Water, you need water.. Groaning, you fell over to the side, the last thing you heard was, "Y/N!!" before you blacked out.
ahh cliffhangers, aren't they great? Haha, I don't like them but it was the only good way to end a chapter, sorry..
Hey guys!! I came back from late at night at the time I finished this up, I was tired at the time, but I decided to work on finishing up this chapter.. I was so moved at how everyone continued reading my story, and tbh.. IT MAKES ME REALLY HAPPY!! I don't know what I'd do without you guys. These past years I've been looking at the notifications in wattpad, and I always get curious and happy every time I find a comment on my story. And yes, I did decide to gain all my confidence to ask again to get wattpad.. and it worked! I hope I'm here permanently to continue writing this second book for you guys! I can't wait!!!
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