We Are Not Alone
I'm sorry to say it but after that freaking climactic power move, this story is going to be wrapping up soon.
So you know how Race is really good with kids?
Enjoy! :)
September turned into October, October turned into November. By now, Race and Spot are both sixteen.
Life's been great.
They haven't seen the Delanceys since that one night, and they hope never to see them again.
Headlines haven't been interesting, but who needs good headlines when you have good talent?
As Jack says: Headlines don't sell papes. Newsies sell papes.
What Jack wouldn't give to hear David say those words back to him again.
Little does he know that Race and Blink and Mush and David have been plotting a surprise for Jack, one that involves David and Christmas that's approaching in a month.
Race, Spot, and Jack have kept going to the meetings of the Cercle Hermaphroditos. This last one they went to, Spot spoke up. Race was so proud of him. They have things worked out: Spot gets to talk to Roland Reeves while they're there, Race gets to talk to Jennie June when they're there. Jack makes friends. These meetings energize them in plenty of similar and different ways.
They're going back again today.
Race has the whole day planned out.
First: he gets his papers. Second: sells at Sheepshead with Spot. Three: Spend a lot of time with Spot. Four: Cercle Hermaphroditos. Five: kiss Spot goodnight and return to the Manhattan newsies lodging house with Jack, so Jack stays happy with him.
He can't wait.
...Once he finds motivation to get out of his bed.
He groans when he hears the bunk above him rattle; that means that Kid Blink is coming down.
And when Blink comes down, it won't be too long before he's going to get Race up.
He sighs and sits up. Might as well just get up now.
He's feeling much better after he gets to the circulation center. Now he's ready for today.
After he gets his papers, he smiles.
Off to Brooklyn now.
Race doesn't know how or why it keeps happening, but for some reason, he and Spot always end up at the Brooklyn docks, feet dangling over the edge, watching the sun set together.
Race isn't complaining. He would never complain about something like this.
Especially how now when they sit together, there's no gap in between them at all, Race's head on Spot's shoulder, Spot's head resting on Race's, Spot's arm around Race, their hands intertwined. It's sweet.
And it's everything that Race has ever wanted.
"I'm so glad that we're here," Race tells Spot. "I'm so glad that we got to where we are now."
"Yeah, I am too."
"You ready for another meeting tonight?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."
"I really liked what you said last time. You know that?"
"Yeah. And I think that Roland liked it too."
"You think so?"
"I think your role model admires you too."
Race can tell that Spot is pleased by that. So he adds, "Hey, I only speak the truth."
"I guess so, or else your nose would've grown, wouldn't it?"
"You remembered! You remember Pinocchio!"
"Why did his nose grow when he lied again?"
Race could probably answer the question, but he's too busy focusing on how yeah, Race gave Spot the full story at some point, and Spot remembered it. Spot cares.
"I don't care about why his nose grew," Race declares. "In the end, he was able to become a real boy like he always wanted to. I think that should give us hope that things will get better."
They sit in comfortable silence for a few moments.
Until Spot speaks again. "If I said that it was Roland who inspired me to speak at the last meeting, that wouldn't be the truth."
"He helped, but he wasn't the one to inspire me to speak up."
"Then who was?"
"You. You were the one who inspired me to speak at the last meeting."
Race's heart is beating faster. He likes where this is going. "Oh?"
"Back in September ... when ... well, you remember all that went down. The way you stood your ground, and let no one intimidate you? You were awesome. In that moment, I realized that who I aspired to be was you. And what you said in front of everyone in the meeting? It just strengthened that feeling. You might not have seen it, but you had everyone interested. You had everyone interested in what you were saying, even though they were adults with many more years of experience. All this time, I've been trying to be my own role model, you know? I was the only one who could understand what I had been through. I didn't realize that I needed someone else who could understand what I've been through. I pushed down the idea of being born a girl so hard that I barely acknowledged it. You? You were haunted by it every day. You tried to escape it. Until you realized that it was a part of you. You truly came to terms of how you were born a girl and simultaneously are a boy. We struggled with the same problem all this time, but we handled it very differently. Honestly, I like the way that you handled it much better than I ever could. So that's why I spoke up. Because you were able to share your experiences, and say in front of a crowd, my identity is not a simple thing. If I could try to even do half of what you can do, then that would make me truly powerful. I hope some day you'll do what Jennie does. You got a lot to say, and many people need to hear it. No matter what you do, I know it's going to be amazing. And I want to be a part of it."
Race listened to that all in stunned silence, catching every single word, etching those words into his brain, keeping them forever. He'll never forget them. Never.
"That is honestly the best thing that anyone has ever said about me," Race tells him, heart swelling.
"It's the truth. All of it."
Race sits up from leaning on Spot. He looks Spot in the eye, then kisses him. This is something he'll never get tired of.
There's one thing that he's been meaning to say for a while now.
Right here, in this moment, right now, he realizes that he needs to say it.
After they finish the kiss, Race murmurs the three words that change everything.
"I love you."
Spot freezes. "What?"
"I love you." Saying that felt good. Race says it louder. "I love you."
He wants to stand up and shout it to the world. I LOVE YOU! But unfortunately, that would bring unwanted attention, and Race only wants the attention of one person, and that's Spot.
"I've been wanting to say that for a while," Race continues. His thoughts are moving fast. All the thoughts he has he vocalizes. "Why didn't I say it sooner? What took so long? It's true. It's so true. I love you. I knew that I loved you for a while, and liked you even longer than that. I was just scared of what would happen if I stopped saying I like you and started saying I love you because I didn't know if you would feel the same way, if you could ever feel the same way. But I can't not say it anymore. I've been wanting to say this for a very long time. So no matter how you feel ... I love you."
He's met with a couple moments of silence.
"Say...something?" Race asks Spot nervously. Just...anything?
"I've been waiting to tell you that I love you for a very, very long time," Spot says after a few moments. "I always pictured it in my head that I would say it first. That was foolish. Of course you would be the one to say it first. Because there is no first step that Racetrack Higgins won't hesitate to take."
"But I did hesitate," Race objects, but he glows at Spot's praise. "I've been meaning to say that to you ever since we first got together romantically--and can we go back to the part where you said I've been waiting to tell you that I love you for a very very long time?"
Spot laughs. "I love your mind."
Race may blush a little. "Thank you. Can we get back to that part now please?"
So Spot says what he's been wanting to say for a long time. "When I first told you I liked you, when I said I really, really like you, what I meant was, I am in love with you. But that was before I knew how you felt. I couldn't say that I loved you just yet, just in case that you didn't even like me back. I thought if I said I love you, you might pull away, that it would be too much for you. But now I can say it and know you feel the same way: I love you."
Race smiles. Then he thinks of something.
"You know we got together in August, right?"
"We waited three months to say the three words I love you."
Spot sighs. "Yep."
"I think we wasted a lot of time worrying."
"We're disasters."
"You were the disaster who had no clue that I wasn't born a boy, same as you."
Before any more banter or words can come out of Race's mouth, Spot kisses him. Race kisses back. When they finish, Race says, "you know you won't always be able to manipulate me into shutting up by kissing me, right? Some day it's going to be real old and it won't work any more."
"So I guess I'll do it now while it still works," Spot murmurs in Race's ear.
Spot kisses him again.
Maybe Race will let it work every time.
That's when Race for once realizes what time it is and pulls away hastily. He springs up. "Are we going to be late?"
Spot frowns at the interruption of them kissing. "You know it doesn't start until later, right?"
"Why do they have the meetings so late into the night again?"
"You know. Secrecy."
"Right. So we are we going to freeze next time in the bitter winter weather of December?"
"If you have a complaint, take it to Jennie. She'll listen to you."
"We should leave early."
Spot sighs and stands up. "Why can't we just enjoy the sunset?" he mutters to himself.
Race, however, has excellent hearing. "Because I'm me, and I can't stay in one place for too long, and you're stuck with me," he answers cheerfully.
He takes off running. "Catch me if you can!"
"HEY!" Spot sprints to catch up with him. "Where are you even-?!"
Race keeps going, grinning. If he paces himself just fine, and doesn't push it, he can run for a while without his chest constricting.
Finally, he's run out of adrenaline and slows down, out of breath. Spot catches up to him, breathing hard too. They don't know how long they were running.
"You okay?" Spot asks Race in between breaths, still concerned about if Race is taking care of himself properly.
Spot thinks that he's the only one who learned something from his lover. Well, Race learned something from Spot.
"Yeah." Race inhales and exhales deeply. "Better than okay."
Spot smiles. Race grins too.
And because he can, Race kisses Spot. He takes off Spot's newsie cap with one hand and runs his other hand through Spot's hair. Spot's hands go to caress Race's face.
Suddenly, a young kid runs by them, snatching Spot's cap from Race's hand as they do so.
That startles Race and Spot.
"Hey-!" they turn to look after where the kid went.
Race immediately chases after the kid. "That ain't yours! Whaddaya think you're doin'?"
Kids might be fast, but Race's name literally is Race.
The chase is cut short when the kid trips and falls down.
Race frowns. He slows down his running. "You okay, kid?"
That's when he hears sobs.
Immediately, he goes out of defense mode and sinks down to the ground next to the kid. "Hey, breathe, okay? Shhh..."
Now he takes time to examine the kid. They can't be more than twelve, if even that.
"Hey, this isn't yours," he tells the child gently as he slowly begins to take the cap away.
"I need that!" the child sobs in protest, clutching on to the cap tighter. "I need that!"
"Why?" Race asks.
"You wouldn't get it."
"Why not?"
"You wouldn't get it!"
That's when Race notices that their dark hair isn't just haphazardly cut; it's actually tucked into the back of their shirt, which is extremely baggy and wouldn't fit the form at all. There are a couple things that could mean, yes, but to Race, there is only one thing that's crystal clear.
"Hey, look at me," he tells the kid. They finally look up. Silently, he starts unbuttoning his shirt to reveal the bandages. The kid's eyes widen. "I think I get it more than you could know."
Still dazed, the kid sits there, eyes wide. Then, "you're a boy who wasn't born a boy?"
Race wants to hug the kid. Protect them from this harsh cruel world. He nods. "And you're that way too?"
Relucantly, the younger boy nods.
How Race wishes that they had words to describe who and what they are. Until then, they need clunky sentences like born in the wrong body or not a real boy and a bunch of other stuff.
"I need a cap," the boy murmurs, "to cover my long hair. I already have the clothes. I just need the cap."
"Why don't you cut your hair?" Race asks.
The boy stares off, not answering for a few moments. "I haven't been able to." He bites his lip. "I just ran away."
Race understands. He understands what it's like to first start presenting as a boy. All the terror. All the anxiety over if it's all enough.
Spot comes over to them at last. "Everyone okay?"
Race looks up directly into Spot's eyes. "I found another like us."
"Really?" Spot kneels down next to Race.
The boy sits up shyly. "Sorry I stole your cap."
"Nah, you can keep it." Spot puts the cap on the boy's head, tucking all his hair inside. "There. See? Looking more handsome already."
The boy beams, hope shining in his eyes, as if it was too good to be true. "Really?"
Race and Spot exchange glances, grinning. They know what this is.
This is the beginning of euphoria.
They watch as the boy's eyes light up at the concept of how he's handsome now.
Race wants to adopt him.
I want to be his big brother.
I want to be his brother like him who can help him with everything.
I want to be a brother to him like Jack is to me.
"Got a name?" Race asks, still smiling. "A name that you like for yourself?"
That gets the boy to smile, and to answer. "Luciano."
Race practically gasps. He starts tapping Spot's arm rapidly. "Spot-Spot-Spot-Italian-"
"Slow down, Race," Spot chuckles.
How can he slow down when this kid is Italian? This is practically Race's story. A runaway kid of Italian heritage in clothes too big for him but fit him perfectly in a difference sense while just trying to escape a life that wasn't his.
I can't decide if I want to call him my fratellino or my figlio.
Probably best not to use either in this moment.
Oh, but I will. Just you see.
"I'm Spot," Spot introduces himself. "And this-"
"This is Race," Race interjects, and then realizes how that sounded. Not like he can do anything about it now that the words are out floating around.
Race wonders how long it'll take them to float into the atmosphere and beyond.
Did he actually just think that?
Spot rolls his eyes good naturedly at what he said.
It gets Luciano to giggle.
There. Race is happy now.
"How old are you?" Spot asks Luciano curiously.
"Eleven," Luciano answers honestly. "My birthday was a month ago."
"Parli italiano?" Race bursts. He has to know.
Luciano's eyes widen, then he nods. "Sì."
Race is taking this kid home with him. No debate. Not at all.
He smiles. "Molto piacere."
Luciano smiles back. "Molto piacere."
"What's your story, kid?" Spot asks.
Luciano goes quiet for a moment. "My real parents died when I was little. I've been living with another family ever since--they don't know any Italian. They didn't like me. They wouldn't listen when I said I was a boy. I had nothing to stay for, so...I left."
"When did you leave?" Spot asks gently.
Luciano bites his lip. "Two days ago. I have no where to go."
Now, Race does hug Luciano. "We understand you, Luciano. Trust me, it gets better. And you know? You aren't alone. You got us now. We can help you. We can help you live your life as a boy in a way that no one else can. Because we know you're a boy. We'll help you show everyone else that too."
And suddenly, Luciano's emotions flood him again and he starts sobbing.
Race holds him closer. "Shh, shh, shh," he sways a little with Luciano in his arms. "I got you, fratellino. Everything is going to be okay."
He looks at Spot. He smiles.
We're not alone, he mouths.
Spot smiles. I know, he mouths back. Shouldn't you have known for a while too? We'll always have each other.
Race glows on the inside.
That's when Race realizes something.
Although he loves the Cercle Hermaphroditos...
He's found something more important than going to tonight's meeting.
"Wanna know something, Luciano?" Race murmurs in his ear.
"If you want, you can come stay with me."
Luciano pulls back, eyes wide. "Really?"
Race nods. "Mhm. But you see? I'm a newsie. You'll have to live with a bunch of other boys too. And there's even one there who is like us." He taps his chest (which now has all the buttons covering it again). "You'll be one of the youngest there, but everyone will treat you like family. And no one will care if you were born a boy or a girl."
"Can...can I come home with you?" Luciano asks shyly.
Race grins. "Of course."
"Wait, you're not coming to the meeting tonight?" Spot asks. "But you love that group like crazy."
"You're just going to have to be there for me," Race tells him. "I bet you'll speak up and be absolutely amazing."
Spot can't help but grin back. "Thanks."
Race, Luciano, and Spot stand up.
Race kisses Spot gently. "I love you."
"I love you too."
He turns back to Luciano. "Alright, bambino." Race holds out his hand to Luciano. "Ready to start your new life as a newsie?"
Luciano looks at his hand, eyes wide. Then, he takes his hand. "Yes."
Race's smile grows.
Spot watches Race gaze fondly at this kid and smiles. Race is so good with kids.
Race pictures it now: them walking hand in hand back to Manhattan, Race gesturing dramatically to the Manhattan newsies' lodging house, saying: Benvenuti a la nostra casa.
Oh yeah. That's definitely going to happen. He'll make sure it will.
First, he has to get through this moment.
"Bye, Spot," he begins his farewell. "I hope you have fun while I have a lot of explaining to do to Jack."
Spot smiles. "I bet you'll have a lot of fun."
Race grins as he and Luciano start walking off together in the direction of the kinda distant newsies' lodging house of Manhattan, with the light of the setting sun to guide them home.
I did not mean for this chapter to be this long, but I wouldn't change a thing.
Luciano is my character. Mine, I tell you.
Maybe it was more than coincidental that I was listening to Luciano Pavarotti (love that man) (I share a birthday with him! Not year though, obviously haha)(may he rest in peace) while introducing Luciano the character...
More accurately, I was listening to Luciano Pavarotti and Elton John, two very different music icons coming together to create one glorious song: Live Like Horses.
If the Italian was off, please tell me. Even if it's not capitalizing a letter or not using the right phrase. I'm learning. If you know something, help us all learn.
I love Race and little kids. It's really fun.
This whole chapter made my feel a lot of different things. I loved writing the big paragraphs of Race and Spot just being so in love.
Twice I've come up with angsty false endings that I could put in this story. But I don't need them. With the direction this story is going, the next chapter will be the last one, and we'll have a happy ending.
Spot and Race have now told each other that they love each other. My job is complete.
I HAD to have another sunset chapter I just couldn't help myself haha.
Can't wait to see you on the last chapter! :)
Please, no homophobia, profanities, hate etc in the comment section.
~Your Beloved Author (who is theorizing how to write 1000 words in half an hour)
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